p .,:, November 3, 1934 fAOE FTV2 Want Ads rvYR3. windows, lumber etc. wc, 1:,-d house. Hurt. VICTOR Radio, - 10- tube. term1' Phone Dlue 514; HOUSES (or rent. Hart. WORK WANTED W.WH MITKT. DIVERSION AND t'S front WOOD, COAL GRAVEL For Sale Wood Hauling Cleneral Transfer J1JLLY .. HAGSHAW 111. - dm none isiacK I'Ji) tf FOB SALE A few old newspapers ior and 15c. a bundle. Unity Nc-' tf QEHERAL Foundation repairs and excavations, wood cement or rock ;rk. Albert Moretto, Phone 751 (255) TRANSFEK8 CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177, Blr t Jackpine. Cedar. t( PAINTERS PAINT INO ana PapetUnglnt Mutter. Phcne Red 802 u rtuts stir. Timber i;iws T.nt UI b iflfxl tor -Ar at Pob- A .PCIUII. l OOOO Ott UlC T WHJ- oaf of trnbfT. l1t, in Uv of r rt 'h DM(H ftTHur, Prior BC (be l-3nr XlTlM. toeut .it aoo l board mut. of Sprue ain Hemlock en n ara tttuawi t ttnut of Povrltoa Bay. L)U ! -jj Qu CtutftoM bland Und UU-n ?v yra 'Ut aiw! for to r- I of 'imorr ; Ald1 any cxif tinabU lo attaint r a inum In im may autuult it k lg b Ofinmi at tr hour o t m and VrrtM m ooo Md " F "vrt iwrUMMnni mr be o6Joi t- r I btef PUf;rr. VlCturta, BO, cr L ju PorraU-r. Prtnra nuprt,nc. uwn Ri:niTRV act r onifwat of Titu No. sns-l. V I it 34. Block J, QitM-fi Chsrlotte city" WHERTA8 proof of 1om ol th above f".,n'H' of TU. Imiw-4 In Ux riant of W:ir Jrrom Smith. tu Wj tt)d la 'Jii otOc. nouc tt hrthj iitro it I shall, at U uptntlon of enf Bunlh from tha daw of U ftnt pu v Ta Jwrof. utut a proruiooal Ortl- of Till In IJl of lb aald loal ow' !uu. unlM in tfca nraatimf 1 b)cUon b mad to m In writ's. Dald at thr Ind RmUItT OtHpr. t ntxrt. 8. C, thla Jlh. d)T Of mhrr. 1M4, AKOHtW T1IOUWOX. Dnputy ntlmr of TlUa TAKE KOT1CK that Nathan Murph. addrvM la'AUln. BO. will ajiplv ;u-rnr to take and um 300 of l-r out of Canoti rtft wliirh noA aoulto eaalrrlT attd s into OTnnl nirer, about four m botthe "Bth4 M Drnrhlw 1 wa'er will b diverted from the reant at a point about four mile fc' vc the EtheJ U Uench tae and be umi for kUllctnf In orom bone f ', e upon th the mine dcrlbed. t al M Orare- U and Jlulde Too. ' y notice aa putl on the ; . d Dn Uie 14m day of AprU. 1934 A 'T of thU notloe and an appllen-r lurauant thereto and to the "Wa-An 1914." will tw rued In the of-' : the Water Recorder at Atltn. D '"'!)eciona to U applloatlon may be wi'h the aald Woter Recorder or 5 lie Comptroller of Water RUhta. ment Il'Uldlnfi. victoria, lie ".n thirty day after the firat ap-u-e of this nolle' in local rw- NATHAN MCWHY. Applicant By X1ELV1N BECKMAN, Aient T :t t;,te of the flmt publication of thla r- U October 17. 1934 NEW ROYAL HOTEL , " " J ZarellL PoprUtor MA I10MR AWAY FROM IIOMK" Ratea fl.M up M Rooms, Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, D C. Pbone28r P.O. Box 195 NEWS OF THE MINES 'MjlYAlufiiltf Worf in Mining Hut Roads Also ftecded-Eeho of McCorincII Creek Alining Fiasco Engineer in Interior Thd whole north country owes much to the enterprise of air service companies and the courage of splendid air pilots in connection with minintr fjWInnmpnr in rh nnin. f"or 8ALE-compiete household ion of A. M. Manson, M. L. A. for Omineca. Prospectors furniture. JWtfn Phone dy. Dlue ii3 aju! mininen, gay8 Mr. Manson, have ' penetrated by ' $lh. Ave. East. Easy 255 innA inf v, t I.: r.v"..:, . FOR KENT (on. '.' v " Ui tuc iJ neretoiore i practically j in- accessible. They have -! new deposits of wealth, the planes days recently, making a report on .having .carried them to points that the mining country tributary to the wt ol " ltK"an nao Canadian National Railways, heretofore trodden. "But. while airplanes have discovered." declares Mr. Manson, "roads must follow to enable supplies and equipment to be taken In. Last year the planes of the Consolidated Mining tt Smelting Co. carried In hay for their horses at the Slate Creek camp and, doubtless, they could continue to do so. They are doing more wonderful things each day but roads are essential. The terrain down the Omineca River Is excel lent for road building. The con- COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 Hum .iji.jj it- w OUR BARGAINS Still On $350 Chesterfield SIO.OO Suite, a snap XAO 1934 Radio, 8 tubes $7C.flO Northern Electric " , We have the latest designs In Linoleum and Congoleum So here's your opportunity to make a change and get an allownnce for D.ELI0 Green 121 tne oia one Furniture Exchange Auctioneer U'c Utiy Gold District News TERRACE Mr and Mrs. O, T Sundal have returned to Terrace after visiting friends in Nova Scotia. Their return homo was marked by a wide detour by which they passed structlon of a first class highway l0"01 lhe Panama Canal, stop-from Fort 8t. James to Flnlay Forks !pmg 0,1 enrout at San Francisco m c,0Uln"n Brwisn Columbia, would undoubtedly Involve a con-lana slderable exoenditure but it uid!Tney reported a very Interesting pay. Not only would there be work'and eniQVbIe Journey. for those on road construction but Uie payrolls In the northern camps would b doubled and trebled In a very short time. The yield to the crown In gas tax. two percent min eral tax and Income tax would mount' from year to year. Unemployment would be replaced by aalnful occupation. The whole pro vince would profit In a most mib- tantlal way. Let us get behind the mining Industry. Let us encourage It in every wav and mining will do more to rehabilitate this province In me next few years than any other 'Ingle thing can do." There was an echo of the McCon- nel Creek mining fiasco In County Court at Smithers recenUy when M, f .BisaT on? jjLthepriDcipaU In the McConnel! Creektexcltement. appeared before Judge W. E. Fisher on a charge of contempt In falling to obey an order of the court for the payment of wages due Mike Miller and was given a term of forty days In Jail. On the expiry of the term, he will stlil have the order to pay to contend with. Dr. Forrest A. Kerr of the Dominion Geological Survey has been In the Vanderhoof district for a few Two special constables were on duty here on Hallowe'en night to dampen the ardor of those youthful enthusiasts who not only celebrate the occasion but often do real damage to property. There have been several teas In honor of Mrs. W. H. Burnett who Is expecting to leave Terrace shortly to reside at Jasper, at which place Mr. Burnett has purchased a "TILLIE THE TOILER" Mr. Siegfried shot a moose the other day. Both moose and deer are becoming more plenUful In this district Steamships Sailings For VancoBTfi Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thura. &s. P. George 10:30 p.m Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pjn. Sa. Cardena midnight .Nov. 2, 15, 29--ss. P. Norah 5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 ajn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm. Ss. Cardena pjn Nov. 11. 25 ss. Prin. Norah ajn. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday sa. Catala .. 8 p.m Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pm. From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 a.m Thursday- ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pjn. -or Naa Hirer ind Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Prom Naas River & Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 9 and 23ss. P. John 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 7 and 21 ss. P. John 4 p.m. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Frum Ocean Falls Wed. sa. Pr. George 10 ajn. e The Dally News can be pur- chased at 4 Pan Office News Stand, 323 e Oranvllle SU Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince Oeorge, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. Qeneral Store, Anyox. Smithers Drug Store. Smith- rs. B.C Whist Drive And Dance by Worn Indian f 9 ens Labor League m& An enjoyable whist drive and dance was held last nisht by the Women's Labor League at the Ca-. nadlan Labor Defence League Hall. There were six tables of cards and prize-winners were: Jadles' first, Miss Ailce Gomez; second,! Mrs. A. Gome?; .men's first. H. ' Rountree; second, R. Wagner, After cards, refreshment were served and dancing followed with music by Carl Smith's Orchestra and O. White acting as master of ceremonies. Dancing continued un-tU 1:30 ajn. I The committee in charge consisted of. Mrs. A. Gomez. Mrs. W.' Montgomery. Mrs. O. White and Mrs. J. Field. Thomas Preece Is Laid at Rest At Smithers Tuesday Jack Preece returned to the city on last right's train from Smithers where he went to attend the funeral on Tuesday afternoon of his brother. Thomas Preece. well known rancher and ex-service man of the Glentanna district, who passed iway at Smithers last week after having suffered, for a long time with war disabilities. The funeral U)ok place undr .auspices -of the Canadian Legion from the Anglican Church at Smithers with Rev, L; J.. Hales officiating, there being a large attendance. The "Last' Post" was sounded at the graveside by ' W. 11. Doodson. Pallbearers were W. : Tinnegan. W. Grant, Jack Turner,' A. L. Evitt Cliff Warner and A. Newlns. . PIONEER rjiAS PASSEDj AWAY ;eorte Itudge, For Quarter of Century at Port Simpsonnies In Victoria I George Rudge. for ar(x years I oroprletor of the old Nofthem Hotel , at Port Simpson and one of the very well known pioneer figures of the north, passed away this morning at the advanced age of eighty-four years In Victoria, where ,he had lived In retirement for many years, according to word received today by Dr. H. L. Alexander of this city, who was a brother-in-law. A stonecutter by trade, the late Mr. Rudge was born In New Brunswick. He located at Port Simpson In 1892 and lived there until 1917 when he moved to Victoria. He was also Interested In mining In this district. Being so well and favorably known, his passing will be regretted by numerous friends In the district. In addlUon to his widow, the late Mr. Rudge Is survived by one daughter. Miss Georgia Rudge. From Fish Boat; Believed Lost Provincial Constable Victor Bond has been dispatched to thp scene to search for Joseph Russ, Greenville Indian, reported .noising from Ihe fishing boat Mocking Bird. Russ was at the wheel while other Indians were sleeping. When they awoke. Russ was missing, and is feared to have been, , swept overboard by rough ;seas. i , il Ji. 0V jUIA 1 m.M W JH1 Appoinlmenl V 4JJ till j IT iT ll 1 11 CCATRNORCrSTftAl e BEAUTIFULTUDOR PLATE SOUP SPOONS FOR ONLY 3AYLMER SOUP LABELS AND 20CASH! . . . WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The position of the freighter, I City of Vancouver, outbound from Prince Rupert to the Orient with lumber cargo, was reported at 3 o'clock last evening as 2514 miles from Prince Rupert. j C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade-dalde, Capt S. K. Gray, arrived In port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. The Adelaide Is now making considerably better time following recent dry docking at Victoria where her hull was cleaned and wheel straightened. Returning south after a regular voyage to Skagway and other northern points, C. P. R. steamer Prini sess Norah, Capt. W. Q. Palmer, Is due In port at 4 o'clock this after- Mac's Out of the Picture noon from Alaska and will sail an hour later for Vancouver Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, south wind, 40. Aiyansh Part cloudy, calm; 42. Anyox Part cloudy, calm. 40. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 39. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 32, Smithers Cloudy, calm, frosty. Burns Lake Part ' qloudy. calm, 30. v Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe November Specials Permanent Waves OQ tZ(i from ..... V'U Finger Waves tjQc First Class Work Guaranteed Phone 635 Order three cans of AYLMER Soups .from your grocer. Send the labels with 20c Postal Order and get your first spoon, right away ... see for yourself the exquisite beauty of the graceful "Barbara" pattern ... admire .the fine quality of these spoons that regularly tell for nearly three time the price! Yonll always be proud of these spoons because they are genuine TUDOR PLATE, made by Oneida Community Limited, with full replacement guarantee. So start saving AYLMER Soup labels today youll be surprised at how quickly you can collect a set of these lovely guaranteed spoons. Send labels vith Postal Order (not cash) tot CANADIAN CANNERS (Western) LTD., VANCOUVER, B.C Canadian AYLMER Stuft art mod by W7t Caai wmti f cr- tlti (IMIIIJI. V..' prlr Iktm for Utir itticitut uaturtl ffarearf 1JSI ie the labels fttom SWIFT'S AND GROTTO WIN Two. of Three Scheduled Games In Prince Rupert Bridge League Are Played I .Swift's remained In second place In the Prince Rupert Bridge League standing as a result of a victory otfer Canadian National, liecreallbn Association by a score of 6272 flo 5532, In. a regular fixture last night. In the other game of the evening Grotto defeated Canadian Legion f6201 to 4575. The ganie of Ramblers vs.. Musketeers was postponed until thlsevening. The league standing to date Is as follows:- ;". v. , 1 s ; y . G. Total Ave; Mtrsketcers 1 7,079 7,079 jBwlffs ISu 13.673 6,837 (Ramblers .1.1 6,468 6,468 Grotto .. 2 10.653 5.327 i C. N. R. A: 2 9,311 4,652 Legion ... 2 9,163 4,582 By Westover -JCTHIS, td.USWS PATTfeKM j T'W PTTY, k -TsuST 'v ! I II OM. THAT'S MUCH CT(T j JT-a i'vji.T.. S w, V " Of CP'PI.ATMJM CLOTH S VtRy QOT "SQMETHVMtl ISECOMtS I 13 C30R3E0V: ITU MAKE OP LovJELV.) . bWAPtM Hyt'.y' ' . . rich, mm. vtAMrr-l L 'WoiuV 'v WrvatkWi. irrqT i '"-S. 1VBS THATjurr. , r.'ffl fifiiitv i LJLJ&jgMM I- 1111 IKzmWM v .. , ,.iuiiiMTr.SWime) wtaiiira ' - , r V IGH