Buy the Best Tea "Ffesh from the Gardeni" Developing and Printing Daily Service pirns left in before noon finished the same day. movies 111 OF THE TRIP make the fun last SLIP a Cine-Kodak Eight into the pocket of your cir and you're ready to capture the week-end's fun in movk-s you'll be proud to show. Exneni've? Not a bit. Mov tea of average news-reel length cost lest than 10c a scene to make, and it's all so simple. Just aim the camera and press the button. Stop here and see this Gnc-Kodik Eight. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqgists U Kexall Store fhoneat II ii t TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prtpired Dally Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, RC Special RARGALN Trip to SMITHERS 5 .30 nnd return . (Also bargtiln fares to intermediate points.) Good in Coaches Only Children Hair fare Going August 8 Returning August 7 CANADIAN NATIONAL Y-S 68-34 Canadian Pacific WWCE8S STF.AMFRS for Ketchikan. Wrangcll, Juneau, and 8kagway. Aufi. Oth, IJth, 23rd and Bept Ht. tor Vancouver direct Aug. 4th, 11th, 18th, 28th and Bcpt. Oth. r Vancouver via Ocean FalU and Way Port", "Princess Ade-Jaide" cyery Friday 10 p.m. For Reservations Y. U COAXES, Gen, Aei,t, Vr'nce Rupert, U-C, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED steameri leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver's ; PATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-8.8. CAHDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. W,"'T ftUnn to fort Blmpwn, Alice Ann. Anyos, Bttwsrt nd Nm Futth.. 'V Wutf, ! Whm lluprt Sunday. P-nv . 1 Whtr i information regarding Bll sailing;! and Uckelt m- FflNCj KIPUT AOENCYl Third Aunu. Mwnt M We are still buying old cold, Uulier's. Uf Ine public library will close Saturday, Aug. 4 and reopen In new building Wednesday, Aug 29. Robert Gordon, local hardware merchant, returned home on the Prince Cfcarle this morning after a pleasant ten day stay at The Dunes. Tlell. He greatly enjoyed I the sun bathing fishing, fine ! weather and other attractions and J Is feeling much better In health. E O, Aves, deputy provincial as sessor and collector returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning alter a two weeks' visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands on of-, filial biulneM, being engaged In the appraising of various Indus-. trial plants for taxation purposes. He was accompanied by his young son Mr Aves started his work on the north end of the Islands and! fUnshed on the south end. Hotel Arrivals N. Berg. I. N. Carlqulst Koyal Bork, B. Vlckstrom. and William Adam. -tty i Prince Rupert 1 Mr and Mrs. E. L. Wasson Car-cross; Francis C. McCann, Santa !Rca, Cal.; Ellis II. O. Tyner. At-iUn. Mr and Mrs. D. A. Sim, Henry j Lee and J B. Woocworth Vancouver; Mrs. E. II. Kinder. Surf Inlet: 0 WondalL CKR. ; Central P A. Sunderland and II. Nickel-sen, city. Knox 1 J P Jones and M. Monsen, Edmonton, E. M. K. Oertlng. BaiU-more; Lloyd N. Tarr; Sierra Madre, Cal ; Oeorge H. Munro, Cumsfcewa Inlet Announcements Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 Anfi II Moose Hall ItKNTAL RATES Concert - $25.00 Dances 20 00 Puollc MeeUngs 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $3 00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. TRAVEL BARGAINS to Alberta, Saskatchewan Manitoba and Stations in Ontario (Fort Arthur and West.) Auk. 18 to Auk, 28 (Inclusive) 21 Day Return Limit Children. 5 year and vnder Z, Half Fare lc per mile GOOD IS COACHES Bllghtly higher fare for tourist sleeping car travel ASK ANY TICKET AGENT V-J2-34 CANADIAN NATIONAL When, Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arranjements 'lth Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, R,C, T Greet You We meet all trains. Freight passenger service anywnere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. a.) nqw in service, on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $3.00; $U0 per head additional. No. crpwd too b'l-No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY THZ DAILY NBW8 LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a Car at Walkers as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile tt ...Viztor Johnson. Domer Johnson and Ronald Phillips, charged with assaulting Harold Way in a fracas at Oceanic cannery early Sunday morning, were brought up again before Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson in provincial police court today and further remanded for eight days. Better 01V j J C FrlzzelL well known Del-jkatla resident arrived In the city I on i the Prince Charles from the Queen Charlotte Islands to receive medical advice. He expects to be here for a couple of weeks. Miss Margaret Beattie. who has been visiting at Queen Charlotte City with her father, George H. Beattie, arrived this morning on the Prince Charles to vlsl' here with her mother. Miss Beattie attends school In Vancouver She spent the past week visiting at Sandspit. 1 mjmM 22 MONEYSAVERS For the Wcck-End Kellogg's AH Bran, per pkg. 21c B & K Pastry Flour, 10-lb. sack Jc Singapore Pineapple, 2 Una . I7c VICTORY COFFEE, per lb J3f Fine Alberta Butter, per lb, ... 21c SPICES. All Kinds, per tin Ik Fig Bars. Fresh Stock, lb. 15f SODAS. 10-doz. box. per box 2?e Greengage plums. No. J's. 2 Una 15c Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. ...... 57c Umtt 20 lbs.) Glace Cherries, per lb. 35e Pesslcated Cocoanut. per lb. 13r Nabob Baking Powder. 12-oz. tin 19c Brooms, 5 String, each ..... 3le Bulkley Valley Eggs, Grade "Ay Medium, per doz. !8c Lynn Valley Pears, per tin . 12c Nabob Chicken, 7-oz. tin .... . 26e Derby Potted Meats, per tin .. 6c Nabob Pilchards, per tall Un . 10e Dirk's Chopped Clams, 10-oz. tin 15c SALAD A TEA, per lb 52c Fels Naptha Soap, 2 bars 13c Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third. Avt -CARRY AND SAVE"; Mall Orders Have Oaf Prompt AttenUon ir2jijynisiBsjj!jyjJjrjr2 Invitation To Smithers The Smithers Distrjpt Chamber of Commea'ce invites the Citizens of Prince Rupert to take advantage of the cheap ' t excursion to visit' tjie beautiful Bulkley Valley on August the 4th and 5th. Cqme and enjoy our Golf, Fishing, Swimming nnd many other attractions. FRESn MILK AND CREAM, DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 ' A Men's Heavy Polo Shirts with Qf zippers; Reg. $1.50; Special uu I Boys Heavy Polo Shirts with GQr Pan- 1 if!- Snprinl -' v 2 Men's Fine Union Combination 7Qp Underwear: Reg. $1.50; Spe. u Men's English AlMVool Combinations, made in England S2.50 ttV Reg. $4.50; Special Great assortment of Fishermen's and Workmen's Heavy Wool Rib- hod Underwear -at "very reduced prices. I Men's Cariboo Overalls SI 1 Q U RPfr. S1.65: Special J-t Men's Caps Reg. $1.25; Special up from Men's Wool Socks Special Men's Dress Shirts Reg. $1.25: Special Fishermen: Miners: Loggers: Railwaymen: hem over. If You Have Used Furniture TO SELL Get In touch with D.Elio 3rd. Ave., opposite Moose Hall He buys wid sells everytlUng JiiL U.i.r. C-l J -f 69c 15c 69c Men's Sample Hats, all shades and sizes Regular $3.50 to $4.50 J95 v Special Men's Black Dress Boots 6 to 9J;reg. $3,95; Special $2.95 Work Socks Reg. 25c; Special Mens White Handkerchiefs 6 for PAOB THHBB 5 j j Rupert Trading c ompany Opposite Little's N?ws Stand, Next to Old Theatre ; Complete Stock Merchandise of Mens and Women's Ready-to-Wear ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR 15c 25c A big assortment of Heavy Rubber Goods for fishermen, An invitation is extended to the people of" Prince Rupert and surrounding dis- J trict to visit-this new store, Wq have a large stock and-we propose: to sell at such y prices a will open the. eyes of. the people .and prevent them sending out of town l for their needs, We have a wide range of men's a.nd woinen's veqr and shoes, 1 trunks and. vanses, . . Compare Our Prices Men's Rayon Silk Combinations, just right for this hot weather 7 Q tf Reg. $1.25; Special 4 ov H Men's Rayon Silk Polo Shirts 7 Op Roys' Strong School Roots, 1 Q tj Ret 82.05! Sneclal Vwtl I ZT ' ' . Misses' and Children's Bedroom Slip-A nice assortment of Men's, Ladies,' pers at Greatly Reduced Prices- Men's and Roys' Suspenders, and Belts at half regular prices. Ladies' Sample Dresses, reg. Q C $10 & un : Special un from T V V Knitted Blousettes Reg. $1.25; Special . . . , HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Reach rbhlng, lUt hint, lUdmlnlun. rirnlr, Sorplr Drives. Shuot. Ins In tie fwn. Rtnt fully turaWhrd rottsgf at anfan Rlvrr. Tor 'full particulars pply MRS. DUNN Mrssett, B.C. 69c Ladies' French Felt Sport Hats QJp samples; Reg. 75c; Special Ladies' Handkerchiefs Reg. 15c; Special. 6 for Y 1? lanies Black and leather soles Reg. $2.49; Special 25c White Slippers' $1.39 Children's Runners, 6 to 101 Reg. 89c; Special , . . 59c Ladies' Straps and Pumps Q4 Q mile they last ?1.ZU Misses' Patent Leather Strap Qp Slippers, Reg. $1,50; Special Ue,v' We want to see you when you come in. Make this your headquarters for purchases. Come in and see us and let us talk over your needs nnd the , prices you need to pay. We specialize in Leckie's logging boots and in clothes suited f or your work and also for your holidays. You can't beat the prices we are quoting you. Space does not permit us to enumerate all our Special Bargains, Come and look WE ACCEIT CITY SCRIP nr" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZarellL Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Bates w to Rooms. Hoi ft Cold Water Prince Rupert, HQ. Phonf2 P.OtBoxl9 MsnMMpMHHM Daily News Want Ads, Bring Quick Returns