U'ednwday. January 1M Ormes Ltd. Prone cr Drqt?ists die ItrsaU.'Stor FOR SALE FOR RENT VERNON ApartmenU housekeeping rooms, newly renovated, 141 j lad Avenue Phone Red 4M. HAIRDRESSER PrlKMANKNT WAV1NC.1 Cluiter Curl; Utest Style NELSON'S BFAUTY SHOPPE RID J . Tua.sfer TRNSFER$ PAINTERS TYPEWRITERS For Sale -or Rent Unsc, Cowan &. Latta Phone 231 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating thrta Dry Dsrki TUI caMelly tl,IH BhlabntlCen ao flhlp tUyalrcM 'r Bteel an woo easiU Iron am Brus CmMlag lftrte an Aeetytene WaKlRf -Ub Derrick forllMvy Wfk twtntU and Mining Machinery alre an OvtrbaaUa Pbonra: HI u tt Mi 31 Antiseptic Mi' 31 Shaving Cream Mi 31 Tooth Paste Large These 3 at a special, 82c Koll-Up Utile With Lavender Shaving Cream Special at 63c For Your Dog Ask for Noma Worm Capsules. Cet a Descriptive Booklet If You Are Taking Yeast Try the Brewer's Yeast Flakes In 40c or 75c Sizes f, dclilttrrlrcd and non-fattening form of jrnl tonic) Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c The New Vitamin liar Classified Ads 1X)ST oi..i l.b5JT Oold and black brooch! tarried, on SnC -or Phone Ited 707. Reward. 27 FOUND POUND Keys ln case. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad vertlsement. imMirsT nyion apt I NOtlCE l hiby firm tht on h l';t Dty f kUrch iit ih -unrtrr- Itiu-d im.iHlii o apply t'i the Uquwr : cuttrU nm Ir Uww In wjot ot prrmu ortnt part ot lb buudirt iiiwn m Urmn Hotl. JUit X Ibr jmw ol nrai ml oolmW Btrwu, ' Villas ot Strworl ipoi ht UiKtt dr- -i Kl mX.H Nu IS. Won No lO.XUp Itim IV 1'rtiioe Ttisjwn lrid H-ln- COl-VMBIA IN ADUlNISTRaTION Atl Ktxl In the mattth or the estate or JACOn ADAM KUCKEK. DBCEASED TAKE NOTICE that y orflT of JIM Honor. W . Ihr. tl ih day of Jammry. IS.1IM, 1 appolntert Ad-lmrtrtflr S the rirte 'f 3rob AdMii Kliekrr tcwl. nnd Prlit h-I tni Ulm tminr th ld wiH r 'iwrrby roquirrd lo JurnUh n. pro-Inrrtf vrrlftrd. to me on or brforr Uir vi tin n.v i miawi " - - ptnie ndbtrd to ttw eUt ure rrqurt.-.! t. y vnouni ot thrir tndrbtli to '?rtTnH;,. OVnCIAU AnMtNISTllATOn. rrii fluprri. B C Ial the 8and rtuvrf Jwumry. ATJ. 1PS4 Steamship Siblings for Vancouvei TuesdayCatata 1130 p.m. Thurs. -ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.nt 8s, Cardcna midnight from Vancouver Bundriy-s. Catata P Wed, ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Trln, Adelaide .. p.m Ss. Cardena Pm l-'nr Anvox and Ktrwart 8undAy-s. Catata P- Wcd,ss. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m From Anyox and Stewart Catala 11:30 ajt Thurs.-ss, Tr Rupert 8 p.m for Naas Itlver ann fort imron-. Sunday--ss. Catala 8 TramTJaas Klvrr & Port Simpson Tuesday-. Catala ... 11:30 aan rTor Ocran Falls Tuesday-ss, Catala, i:au P-m. Thurs. -ss, Pr Ruiert 10:15 p.m. Friday- -ss. Trln, Adelaide 10 p.m Prom Ocean Fall Ve'd;-ss. rr. Rupert 10 With a orwl.tlnv'. lUt nf tuwn. due to the lady superintendent. Miss Jean Harrfeon RH. The annual general meeting of the members of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was held last evening In the dty council Cham been .TBI DAILY IIWI LOCAL NEWS NOTES W. A. ol Can. Legion reg. meeting Thurs.. Feb. 1, Legion Rooms, 8 p.m. We buy anything In cold. Premium prior. Alas llellhnmer. Reld McLennan, who has 1een A vote I thanks was tenderM in a trip to Varrccnwrr on Tjus:-the press by resolution at the an-neas. returned to the dty on the mial venemJ meeting of the Prince Prince Rupert this morning. Rupert General ll&pltal Association at night lor Its continued so-op-! Mn. Jack Wooas Annette 8tne erallon wnd awistanee V the not-t etvmed to the dty on the Prince Vital. J Rupert this morning from one of ber perWllcal business itips to Oeorle Tlorle tt Co. received re-; Vanoouver. appointment as hospital auditors ' Tot the year 1934 at the ame re- Mrs. T. W. Allen, who ha Tseen; -nnneratton as last year, $160, at: a buslnen visitor to Anyox, wm be the annual nwtlrrg or the Prinoe I returning t the -city from the! Pttrjert General Hospital Acia-i melter town -on the Prince Rupert tlon last night. j tomorrow evening, William Dann, following a brief, tjuslness visit to the dty. is sailing by the Prince Ktrpert ths after-, iwm on his return to Stewart. Mr. Dann is manager of the United Empire wine and has "been here In connection with the purchase of equipment .for the property. CUR. steamer Prince John.Cap-iln Edward Matrts. was dueln port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, bringing passengers, mall and freight. The vessel will remain here until 10 o'clock Friday night when she will return south over the same route. paying Ocean Tails on the Prince Rupert last night and ' will be reluming here later:" Mrs. F. W. Dafoe. wife of the, partor of First Baptist Church, is reported to be seriously ill at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where she has bren a patient since late last week, r rvn fAm.r Prinrp Tin. ! Hartley. hlet steward oi Capt H. E. "Neddcn, arrived In portlthe sleanwr Mnct wtilen 10:30 this from undergoing repairs at the locai on time at morning ; f Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. dry dock, arrived in the -dty on the Prince Rupert this, morning from Vancouver. District headquarters of the pr-vindal police hereave been as- ot ning--of M.rgared nPnortin tor the .rounds com-i. " .vnri!!irr VJrittrai TL V Vvo n-. ber. The attendant was bwrL evenmg.g Toronto than usual, those present being: I he w,u matrled Hl3 rranx diwj presiaenx. wno wa, bllde Is coming out from tae CKq ine Cliair, AjJiy vAimiiiiTMuiirx . J. Alder. C. V. Evltt. Lawrence D. Macdorald, W. H.I TheMartatoP0RT S1MPS0N llltJlUdlKclb rmiPi f. marry Retail prices current here are as follows: Vegetable Potatoes, Ashcrott, 9 3bv . Sack ,.. ... Potatoes, TJpriver, 10 tb.: Sack, $240 to Carrots, B.C., bunch 10 lbs Leeks, bunch Garlic, Imported, per lb. ... Cabbage, B.C., lb. on. C. H. Elkins. C. G. R. Ander-ih . nir . nrnm, - .,1 Hatter 53 250 J25 2.40, M 25 Sweet Potatoes, lb. - .10 Spinach, Imported, 1b 14 Brussells Sprouts. BC, 2b, Brussells Sprouts, Cal.. lb. Onions, 8 lbs .... . .14 .18 25 A3 3S .06 Cal. Head Lettuce, 8c to . 12 Mn. George Eckerman, wlw hasj Caullftow' J8- Imported, . . a At. a visit to Tacomai a, ac lo - where relatives reside. retiimwfl the city Irom the .south on the Prince Rupert this morning T. W. Hall, Inspector of schools here, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, came north as far a Vegetable Marrows, lb, -35 .01 Spanish Onions, lb. 10 Beets, bulk. B lbs 25 Parsley, bunch .77 Turnips, 8 lbs. .25 Parsnips upriver washed, Gibs. .25 Celery, Cal, head .. .20 Apples Wagner, 4 lbs. .25 Cox . . 1.75 Spitzenberg. bulk, 4 lbs. .25 Box 1.85 Rome Beauty, fancy bulk. 4 lbs. 25 "Box 125 Delicious "C" wrapped, -3 lbs. 25 Box 2.60 Fancy wrapped, 3dbs. Box 2.75 Bulk, 3 lbs. J25 Box 2.25 Yellow Newtons C" grade, 3 lbs 25 Box 2.60 Fancy, box 2JW Wmcsaps, tancy -wrapped 3 lbs. 25 Box 220 Fruit Cal Navel Oranges, doz. "20c to Lemons, Cal., doz. 25c to mglart night o! the Prince Ttupert,: ' - Grapefruit. CaL 5c to .Oeneral Hospital. W. M. Brown ! stated that the grounds hat been kept hi -jood hpe -dwrrrrg the past year with a minimum -ot expendl- Much Tor liTw.- iif- w e troifas . nd female. 4 aim so pair. r . 3rd Avenue. tal .and nurses' home arounds r0Unds wa was p any auianre. vv. .1 Block. ltouoii.; n. G. V. Wilkinson, Peter De- D,n, J Fancy cartoned, lb 33 D. :-la.y.tr"TL?: k Joni P. W. Wesrh, A. R. Phllllpv . . . . , , ..Ha. i ::n- j. 'ot ui - i - .... .. , your Dascmein oi om ( tr b ,rt tJt cmnumpwoa Tnomas MCMeexm, Managing oec ou 'iu lor lc doz Uiimerons i he oMin . or rlrhr , r-,-rv M W lllrch. Miss Jean Har- .uvjmXuUi UN. and MLss Phyllis Moo- trr flow 1 Murrt tumid. UtnAKvr. ' Apftltcmtrt PAINTING and Paperhanglng, in the sutoeme roimT op nnrrisH .... r ... .nt & TlIK mix MATTER t iTTTT) nr OF ttf THE Moller. Phone Rea B02 Iney R. Hotel Arrivals Prince 11 u pert Henry C. Glegerlch. Klmbcrlcy. Central A. Mitchell, city. Announcements i Prince Ruiiert Badminton Club nance. Elks' Home, Friday, February 2. C. N. R. A. bridge. Eagles' Hall February 6, Annual St. Valentine dance Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E, Feb. 14 Elks' Jlarilo danoc Fob. 23. Pioneer's Banquet March 0. Si. Patrick's Supper and Concert March 17. MOOSE HALL Mon., Feb. 8th- Two wrestling matches and lour exhibition boxing bouU followed by a (lance. Everybody welcome, Fri.. Vb. "Dth- -MiHise LeRlon JJovelty Dance. Wed.. Feb. 14th- -St. Valentine Dance. Scotch Dance every Saturday night Basketball Thursday. Feb. 1st 7 p.m. Admn. 25c and 10c disorderly house. lva. Mahood. charged with theft bat Seal Gull at the Cow Bj eight layj on appearing before Magistrate McClyrnorrt Jn dty police court this morning. Jtev. Alfred Abraham, Anglican Church rector .at Anyox. wno ar rived ln the city yesterday from trie jsmcltcr town, proceecec on country. C. N. R. Trains Vir the 1'jst Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pin. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 p.m. i3H 33 Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Fresh Side Pork per lb : Shoulder of Pork ' 4 lbs. ...... Pork Chops 2 lbs V Sirloin Steak 2 lbs. ...... Lamb Chops 2 lbs. moa. Round. Steak 4 per lb. -r Hnmberaer Steak 3 lbs. Pot Roast Of Beef per lb Boiling Beef's lbs -... Fresh Killed Chicken per lb. Lamb Blew per lb -.T.. Tomato Sausage per lb Pork Sausage-2 lbs. T'BirSf't'ii(,f',B 50c1 35cj Jamaica Grapefruit, each Cc to Florida Qrapefrutt, each 12c to lard Pure, lb. 17c to V Meats .751 25 .10 .14 .15 tr . I l j . .t Rhubarb, hothouse; lb. .15 Bananas, lb J5 t' Emperor Grapes 20 cranDemes, jd. Flour Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat .... 15 Second Patent 1.70 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c to 0 Aust. Pastry Flour,. 10 lbs. .35 Uney Kxtracted Jloney, per Jar 0c to 20 Comb Honey 25 &ugar White. 100 lbs. 7.75 Yellow. 100 lbs 7.2V; Wll.on-Murray. Robert Gordon. G, B.C. Fresh xUas. cartoned V linker James b. Thom,on., p llnce Ru, t XoCla ygjf' Jamlne.Wl. Brown .Oeorge; where he I J Z Rorle. Douglas Frizzell, R. E. T3en-. . .,. i Preserved .Extras, doz. 24 .42: 20 1KU TV I V lS4t. UI ilUIIll VUUtM - , . , No. ..... 1 Crfamery, 3 lbs M M. 20 Turkeys. No. J, Alberta, lb .25 j Fowl No. 1. lb. . 25: Roasting Chicken, lb 2& Ham, sliced, first grade .40 Ham, picnic, Ilrst grade, lb 18 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade' .40 Pork, shoulder, lb 16 Pork, loin, lb .25 Pork, leg, lb 22 Pork, dry salt, lb .20 Veal, loin, lb .20 Veal, shoulder, lb J2H Beef, pot roast, lb 12 Beef, boiling, lb. 8c to 10 Beef, roast, prime rib, lb. .18 Beef, steak, lb. 20c to 25 Lamb, shoulder, lb. Lamb, leb, lb. . Phone D57Lamb Chops. 25c to 1 Fish 1 0f'6m0Krd Kippers, lb. OCn Lemon and wrange Peel " Citron pe?l 1 I Prunes, "30-40. lb - 'Prunes. 40-60, lb. Cp! Prunes. 60-70, lb. !Ralslns, Australian seedless, lb. On ' Ra,sms-Cal- seedless, lb AW., j cuirants, lb at!, Apricots, in. aoc to 25c, 10c 25c ttsjrjij .18 .25 .Mist Evelyn White Became Bride .30! .13 VV,u,.n fr.cH IS "911 kj.iiw.a, ..iMa, aw, ..w Halibut. 2 lbs 25 Smoked Halibut, lb .15 Dried rrults White Figs. lb. .HV'j OSn i Black Cooking Figs, lb 10 I Dates, bulk, lb., 8c to .15 .23 .32 .15 .13 .11 .14 .15 .13 22 I Apples, dried 14c- to J? ! Peaches, peeled. 14c to .! Cbees 4i ' Ontario solids, ew. lb. ..22c & 25 IvCjOntarlo, mature, lb. 85 Stilton, lb 2S Edam, lb. - .45 Roauefort. lb. tO Iflorgonzola, lb. . Feed What, Albtrta 1.95 Of Cecil Ross at Ceremony Here Last Evening REGAL SHOP Stocktaking Sale Wed., Thurs. & Fri. MONARCH YARNS t The marriage was solemnized at Dove and Butterfly 8 o'clock last -evening in the. Par- i "7 for ... sonaee of First United Church. Rev. : Ywera ana airy C D. Clarke otfldathig, of Miss Evelyn Janet White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James White ol Port Simpson, to Cecil Thomas Ross, on I of the late Fred Ross and Mrs.! ' Maude Ross, also of Port Simpson, W finest es eff the ceremoiry. which was a quiet one, were Miss Joyce; Cooper and Ernest Dudoward. Following the ceremony, a wed-; ding breakfast was enjoyed at the 1 Commodore Cale, some twenty, 1 friends sitting down with the bride and groom to celebrate the occa sion. Mr. and Mrs. Ross will reside in Port Simpson where they are a we' known And popular young couple. ; Bran 1.50 Middlings 120 ' Shortl - 1.55 Oats - 1.75 Fine Oat Chops 2.00 Crushed Oats 2.00 Barley 120 ', Laying Mash 2.50 fOyster Shell 1.65 Nuts 1 Almonds, Tarragrana. lb 2i Almonds, shelled Valenclas .. . .50 California soft shelled Walnuts 20 Walnuts, shelled halves, lb 45 Walnuts, broken shelled 25 4 for Andalosicm Sllvertwlst 4 lor Down 4 for 81.00 90c 85c $1.00 20 DISCOUNT On the Dollar Off Stationer?, Novelties, t tamped Goods, Etc. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. W also sell Timothy Hay", Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 5S rbonea S5I Magazine Stands - 75c. SPECIAL SALE of - - - - Unpainted Furniture We have a limited quantity of useful articles for the home that is being cleared out at sacrifice prices. See our window and take advantage of some real bargains in unpainted furniture. Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal $12.50 Minehead Lump Coal $12.50 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Strtmrri lve Prince Rupert tor Vancouver TJS.S. CATALA EVERV TUESDAY, 1:30 PJ1. Vl Oorpn FWIs and Warpotnts. arrtrtng Vancourer Thursday afternoon. T.B.R. TKNTUUE EVERY FRIDAY, MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. Weeklr Jalllnta to Port Stmpeon. Alice Arm. Anyox, Stewart a ad NaJ Biter polnu. Leare Prince Rupert Bund ay. p m. SrcaAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCE RUPERT ffO VANCOUVER, $32. (Meals and Berth Included.) On Sale Nov. 10 to Feb, 28, return limit March 31. 1934. further lnftirma.tlon mtardlni alt Mllug ni tckeU at IftlNCK Hl'I'KBT AOENCVi Third Avenue. Phone MS Daily News Want Ads Bring Results