YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can cet satisfactory glasses from (JEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach Hihlns. Hunting, lUJnilnti.n, riciiks. Mt-rnlr Drltrn, Mitwt-Ing In the hniMiii. Kriil a fully furiiMird cottage at angan Kitrr. Tor lull particular! apply MRS. DUNN Massett, B.C. GET A REAL REST And Change of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Ilirnie's Camp Lake Kathlyn NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pioprietor "A HOMK AWAY FROM nOME" Rt H.IM ft i fiO Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Print Rupert, B.C. Pbont 281 P.O. Box lfl GET YOUR The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 261 Dominion Day 'Requirements at McRAE BROS. Picnic Supplies Wax Paper Paper Napkins Paper Plates Sand Pails Bats Balls Sail Boats Kodaks and Film Cine Kodaks Kodak Attachments Bring your films to us for expert finishing Rent a Good Book From our Rental Library. Many new books added for summer reading. New Slazenger Tennis Balls and Supplies Beautiful Tlell O Fly Fishing Sea Bathing Hunting Tennis Badminton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics Sandy Beaches Modern Conveniences Milk from Government T.B. Tested Cows No Flies No Mosquitoes. $17.50 Per Week; Children Under 12, Half Hate MADAME KAJAUT THE DUNES Tlell, ((uecn Charlotte Islands Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. "TILLIE THE TOILER" SOMEONE'S GO THE COMOIUATIO TO THE VFE VUHtoc JE tC6EF Owr, rr i AT V HI WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Reports continue to be received here telling of a good run of sock- eye salmon on the Skecna River with the cill-netters makine eood catches. High boat for Sunnyside cannery on Friday had 106 fish. Following Is the scale of salmon prices which have been set by the packers for the 1934 season In Prince Rupert district waters: Queen Charlotte Islands (except Massett Inlet and Nadcn Harbor) Sockeyes, 40c: cohocs, 15c; pinks.1 3c: chums and white springs, 4c; red springs, 50c. Massett Inlet and Nadcn Harbor Pinks, 2 lie; chums, 4c. Naas, Skeena, Lowe Inlet Sock-eyes, 50c; cohoes, to August 17, 15c. i later. 20c: chums and white springs, i 4c; red springs. 50c; pinks, 3V;c. Butedale, Klemtu, Namu. Bella: VAJfe'vE rv-rr ' 1 VP TVWHJ Of Y MODEL." rix VAJT' r- S TEX DAH.T KEWB. Tuwdir, June n.mmijji.i i -iiuu-i ; OPENING UP NEWSTORE Hudson Bay Co. Fur Department Takes Over Premises in Smith Illock Here With a view to openlne ud a local retail store therein, the fur department of the Hudson Bay Co. has taken a lease on the easterly half of the ground floor of the Smith Block on Third Avenue near Fifth Street. The company will take possession on August 1 and. meantime, certain alterations are to be made to the premises. The store has 23 feet frontage on Third Avenue and extends 100 feet to the lane. Gardening In Prince Rupert Coola. Klmsquit Sockeyes. 40c: cohoes. to August 17. 15c: later, 25c; ne of the brightest little places chums and white springs, 4c; pinks. ln tne city Is that of J. Gibson. 133 2C winuu ivcuutr 1U51 OH MC 11 -J II.- . . nuujiu me cunipany s cenerai rl ' service boat Florida B.. Charles 0,1 either &lde of a wcl1 kcPt lawn Thomas manapincr rfirprtnr nf fh Thero are other flowers but the B. C. Packers, was a visitor to the I PPPies predominate and make a Skeena and Naas Rivers at the end ! wontferul showing, o. A. Johnson.1 of the week in the course of an In- lncxt door has a well-kept little 1 spection trip to company salmon place adaln8 to the appearance of ( plants along the coast. Mr. Thomas j thc adjoining place. Visitors sme-1 rcbutiira Njiun wunout caning in i uw:un Prince Rupert this trip. Norman Allen and Rupert Ross arrived ln the city yesterday in a new trolling boat which Frank Allen had built for them ln Vancouver. They were nine days on the trip. The boat Is now tied up at the Lipsett wharf where the lads are overhauling it preparatory to leav ing for the trolling grounds for the summer's fishing. Abaord a 28-foot raised deck model cruiser Mavourncen, equipped with 35 h.p. gas engine. Mr. and Mrs. 6. R. Keeney; who were recently married An Seattle, were here at thfr end ot the week enroute to Alaska oh a honeymoon cruise. Arriving Saturday afternoon from the south, they tied up at the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club and left earlv Hnnriav morning for Ketchikan enroute to Juneau. UNCLE SAM TO JOIN UP OENEVA, June 26:-Harold But ler, director of the labor office of the League of Nations, has Informed an International Labor Office conference that the United States Is favorably disposed towards Joining the International Labor Office of the League. the street would be If every PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK and CREAM Whipping Cream l2 pint Whipping Cream 1 pint VNBUU , HEQE'S ONE MOOEU TM6V VAJOMIT C56T - t'VE KEPT IT HID 5 r ' 4 j, i v wir- 20c 35c Dominion Dairy GOOO THAT '. THE "ST lot were kept like these two. Almost across from the Johnson lot Is that of W. D. Chrlstlson. In a few days this garden will be beautiful with splrea and other flowers. It is only one of a number of pretty places on that street. People of Prince Rupert are beginning to realize that no lawn can look well unless It is mown at least once a week. If the mower cuts well thc lawn looks well. If the era 1 Just beaten off, the ragged edges spoil the appearance. A lawn that Is fertilized and In good condition shonld be mown twice a week for best results. No garden 1 complete without a lawn, it may not be a large patch of grass but It should be large enough to act as a setting forthe flowers and shrubs that surround It. The fire department had a call at 11:45 Saturday night to theicor- ner of Seventh Avenue and Fuitnn Street It was a false nlarm MAC j 4 M ri U Dt -I i-OoSE C'MOM, rfS i n pin' ,j I z r 4-i.r 1 rr.L' JUG0-SLAVS ORGANIZED Itranrh of Canadian Society Formed Here to Educate Members in Citizenship MARMALADE, 31-oz. LOCAL RHUBARB? 5 lbs I CAULIFLOWER-All sizes. Mich . , BERMUDA ONIONS per lb. BANANAS Real Oood 2 lbs. An Advance Showing but WE860N.OIL-Fr cooking and Salads it Mb. tin i. 1...? 1Ai Is On Saturday evening a branch ot the Jugo-Slav Canadian Assocla- ion was formed in the city and the ollowing officers were elected: President, John Gurvlch. Secretary. Sam Bill. Treasurer. Treasurer. L. L. Pustak. Pustak. counteract insidious oronaaanda. This il"5 It ,fc is understood unacrsiooa the new or- i nriw ti i , ... j tmnnlpS V""Cl. ornnon anr " Jization plan, to do Are You Getting Your Share Of These Hanrains? If not, why not? Start today! PANTRY SHELF SODAS Der tin luU I OLD DUTCH ( CLEANSER, per tin FRY'S COCOA- 4-lb. tin AYLMER IORK & BEANS Tails. 3 tins 10c 22c 23c SLAWSdN'8 CHEESE-Creamy and bpready cn a-lb. pki. XOU AYLMER ORANOB 00 14c 10c 8c 25c MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 'Where Dollars aTe More Cents' 317-319 Third Avtnue West P. (). Box 575 Phone 18 Scandinavian Couple Wedded .MKs Astrid Selfjord Hera me Ilride Of Jacob Strand at Ceremony Saturday Evening The marriage took place quietly at the United Church Parsonage on l Saturday evening. Rev. C. D. Clarke omciating, of Miss Astrld Selfjord and Jacob Strand, a well known local Scandinavian couple. Only re latives " and immediate friends "v u nf h. "1 i 7. t.,., f .h Jthe wple n attendance at mpl- Mr and Mn unite all the Juxo-slavs of the! Strand country ln one big society In order' IZZ , Wl" haVe lhe , rQ i k -in,hearty congratulations of many l0Cal fflends- fens of the country, to educate ana iu government ana lo neio GREAT "SCOTT : the t?.e TJ7 ME . THAT'S A BEAOTIfVjU ORB 5 - iD VOO 3ET IT, AT PTAJT5l CHI A. Ylnopm rtiim4 tu. hem to become useful members of c ? on S1"" afternoon from he he community community. j a trip to Winnipeg He went tha It Is realized that In a new coun-ry and In difficult times there Is a '.endency for men to be led awnv bv smooth tongued orators and others uid It Is very desirable that a uro gram of education be carried on to far wtUi Mrs. Hewers who irn ceedeel to Montreal to spend vacation visiting there NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a 8mlle Call and see us AcroM from the Power Co, Thlid Avrnue FKKSn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 McLEOD'S Shoe Store New I nation Ilrd Ave., op? Besuef Ilk. Phone: Hluc 909 I . T. a m , . tT 1 i enhs to.mgiit WILL KOGEKS n "Mr. Skitch Showing at 7 50 and 9 Renins Tomorrow SCREEN & stage SHOW nmiiT now . . . , outstanding surer ( New York n'.v.-- The glory of the grr -production of the , mirrored in a mc worthy its noble v- MEN WHITE They were the w -surjtDiis . jr ' . not save the w -loved! A gripping stnry . r the iplentior r a ; pathos of a gt , t hospital. KLIZAniCTH AU. N CLARK (,UU MYRNA LOY Nightly at 7 ir, ; .. ON Ol'R ST A(,K Twlrr tiK JOVCK CAWTIIOKM Arrtibjllc l)ncrr JOVtr; .MOIM.V Ituprrfa Tlnirt lullft Dntfr Ill.TTV. CLARA 1 l.llll.N The "ItUrk k Whltr Tip lUnreri I'Uplls f M! T Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on thc coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 By Weslover huh . I vet T I 4 "He Who Gets Slapped" 1 yj-TAKg that; v"" w ' 71 1-