June 28, 1934 WEEK-END SPECIALS 1 Pair Heavy Duty Insulated Hardened Steel Pliers and 50c size Langlois Lavender Men-( liolated Shaving Cream both for OyC BE ECONOMICAL And still look your best with Jonteel Superfine Face Powder, ahudes natural and Rachel and Jonteel Liquid Brilllnntine CC. both for O DC CANDY SPECIAL BITTER ROLLS-Made with fresh 0ft0 dairy butter, H'.r lb wvt Ormes Ltd. "Jit Pioneer Drw&iats The Kesall Start Phones: II & 81 ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Scratch Pads Scaling Wax &eeotine Second Sheeta Serpentine shelf Paper dipping Tags S- av Card Board jw Card Colors Sponge Bowls Twines Sponges Stamp Pads . Stamp Pad Ink Staplers and Staples Stick Files String Tags Thumb Tacks Time Books Tissue Paper Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 SATIN-GLO SATIN FINISH VARNISH ENAMEL 'ai finishes for all Interior surfaces, Including walls, furnl-" 3dworlt, floor and linoleum, These are B. C Products have proved their worth through widespread use THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Tblrd.Avenue ft buv nnvflitW nml fll everything In house- noui goods at IHE BON Phone Green 698 ktween 5 and 10 p.m. Phone: 101 Van's Bakery Opposite notion Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All firorers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver 1sf- CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 lM Amvlng Vancouver Thursday 8. CAIIDENA EVERY FRIDAY SlIDNIOHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AW. ""My iftlunf. to Port Simpson, Alice Arm. -Anyoi, Stewart nd Nui Kmi. nj,"r pmnt. Leave Prince Bupm Bundsy, 8 pm. "finer Information regarding all sailings and tickets at 'HINTF. HDI'r.HT AtlENCTl Third Avenue, rhent MS for Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet IUr Intra Red Rays Massage All at 1) C. rr.ui A SPIN ALL . D.C. . uuupracwrj yrnu rhonei orsealil m "CDao Block The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping St Oeneral rumlturt Repairs List your goods with ms rbone Black 1X1 OEO. J. DAWES the Princess Charlotte yesterday. Hot meats are now being served at the Palm Cafe every day. Capable man eook. We are glad to serve you and we aim to' please. 151 T Kaye, well known Union Oil Co official, who has been here for the past two months superintending the reconstruction of the com pany's doek at Claxton, sailed by me pnnce Rupert yesterday after noon on his return to Vancouver. ! J. K. Nesbitt of the editorial staff of the Victoria- Dally Times, was a visitor in the city yesterday. He arrived on the Prince Rupert in the morning from a trio to Skarwav and left by train In the evening for Jasper Park enroute home. The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards free of charge. f Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner C V. Evttt, who has been spending a few days at Terrace, returned' to the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mrs. Evitt is remaining at Terrace for a while longer as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. O. P. Tinker was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prlnc Rupert Oyro Club In the Boston Cafe today, describing Interestingly a recent trip to Honolulu. Past President William Crulckshank occupied the chair In the absence from the city of President W. ir. Tobey. Notice City of Prince Hupert All persons are-notified that the City of Prince Rupert has acquired Utle to all that unsubdtvlded por- tion of the townsite lying between Mount Oldfleld and the lane south of Ninth Avenue, and to the west of McClymont Park: and that the erection of shacks or the cutting of green timber on the above described area Is strictly forbidden. 8lgned: W. J. ALDER, Commissioner. June 21. 1934. Announcements Eastern Star tea June 28. Catholic Ladles' Tea at Home of Mrs. Ward, AtUn Avenue, Thurs day, June 23. Eagles' picnic, Grassy Bay, July 22. MOOSE HALL Wclle's Orchestra DANCE Friday Night 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Admission 25c THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREE. LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still buying- old told, Bulger's. (tfj . W. A. Can. Leg. Strawberry teal 1 28th, In rooms. 3 to 6. You low can rent a Car at Walker's! Unemployed picnic, Grassey Bay as as $l a day plus 7c. a mile tf Miss Wllla Dyer, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the rit on Sunday. July l. welcome. Family 25c. All Hotel Arrivals 148 Unjoy all the comforts of tome with the freedom of a hotel. Rates roost reasonaoie. The Knox Hotel "i Mrs. W. B. McCallum and littlp! daughter sailed yesterdav 9ft pr. noon on the Prince Rupert for a I vacation trip to Vancouver. Mn. P. LeRo.se of Pacific Is I paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the lnWiar on yesterday afternoon's train. Eastern Star tea and ca1 nf home cooking at Mrs. J. M. Mc-i uawjeys 4 in Ave West, on Thurs-, day. June 23, 3 to fl. All cordWly uwuea. j William Henry, superintendent of ! the Canadian NaUonal hotel at Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday returning south after making the round trip to Skagway. A. L. Ford of Prince Oeorge, who ' has been relieving for the past few 1 weeks on the staff dian Telegraphs here, sailed yes-yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mrs. F. A. Harrison of Toronto, Ontario, who has property interests in the city, is a buslneu L visitor here. She arrived from Ihe tsasx via Vancouver aboard th I Princess Charlotte yesterday and; .lit i i ... witl oe nere ior tne next few days, j B. T. Chappell, general superin-j iienawt of the Canadian NaUonal Railways for British Columbia, and! I Mrs. Chappell were passengers on I ooara the Prince Runert vesterrfno returning to Vancouver after hav ing maae me round trip to Savoy A. Stonrilccity: H. Deerin. Tveer C. Kruslck, Hot Springs: C. F. oiand, Smlmers; V. R. Causton, Arrandale; George Oliver. Cassiar. Marj Jones. Inverness. Royal G. W. G. McConachle and D. M Gray, Edmonton: Roy Labo. C. N. C. L. Dodge. Vanderhoof: H Hlckenbotham and Mr. and Mrs Duncan A. 81m, Vancouver; F. Sebnes and R. Foramo. BishoD Bay; Mrs. Ronnlng and daughter. Mrs. E. Olsen ana Mrs. A. Hammer, Ketchikan. R. C. Cheater. CNJt. Prince Kupert George Kerr. J. F. Morris A. Farrow, M. Cooper. A. C. Knleht. T. Kaye. J. F. Collins, F. J. Cross-land and C. Petersen, Vancouver: C. L. Dodge Vanderhoof: G. H Tycho. Smlthers; Jean Forsyth ana Mrs. and Master T. Young, Arrandale Cannery: M. Hellyer, Hull, England: H. W. Brooker. Ed monton; S. R. Donaldson. Port Es- slngton: Mrs. F. A. Harrison, To ronto; C. R. Caraven, Vancouver; J. Fleming, Dease Lake; R. W. Sinclair. Inverness; R. W. Mathe-son, Prince George; C. Gillespie, Oceanic. Central P. J. Ralls. C.N.R.; J. H. Oulmet, Vancouver; Albert Sandren, city; W. Franz and R. Harris, C.N.R.; W. Brown, city. Knox C. E. Strange, Prince Oeorge; Rod McLood, city; George McMul-lan, Portland, Oregon; Frank McDonald, city. When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight & passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (II. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the luke, one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No Job too small. riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY We Accept City Scrip Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Singer Sewing Machine cheap good gun. Phone 358. 148 FOR SALE Piano, splendid instrument, $75.00 cash. Apply 240 Eighth Ave. West. 153 FOR SALE On account of moving, furnished house and shack with three lots In the waterfront; 1 boat-shop; 2 boat-sheds; blacksmlthshop. smoke-house, steam-bath, woodshed, tool-house, float for two boats, nets and net-lines, trolllng-gears. etc. Walter Nieml, Box 3. Port Es-sington. B.C. 159 FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 644 Taylor Street. Best view in city. 148 . i y t r-r ggiLjm Big Shipment of LECKIE'S We have also just received a big shipment of sample runners and tennis shoes which we can pass on to local people at very low prices. This- is an opportune time to buy as we purchased them right and can sell right. PLE SHOES Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sample Runners & Tennis Shoes I f Men's Oxfords SALESMAN WANTED SELL Nursery Stock on commission. Good prospect for reliable men. Write for particulars. Hi M. EDDIE & SONS. Ltd., Sardis, B.C. HALBDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Ouster Curl; Latest- Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE IAWY ACT These were purchased at a big discount enabling us to tell them at less than wholesale. The shoes are particularly high quality for sample shoes are always made of the very best material and workmanship. FINE SHOES FOR LADIES We lead in giving highest quality for lowest prices. Call and see our stock. It is a pleasure to show you. Work Boots For heavy duty we recommend purchase of Leckie's work boots. They stand the test of experience and customers return for them again and again. Men's Work Shoes CUT RATE SHOE STORE FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 644 Taylor Street. Best view in city. 149 SMALL modern three-roomed furnished apartment with electric washer. Phone Blue 195. 149 FOUND FOUND "Sargent' Key on "Great West Life" ring. Dally News, tf PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglnsr Moller, Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex methodDoing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe Xttk of Intrattea t apply t Purrha Land In Prlnc Ruptrl land Rtccnling DUtriet tf Range four Coast District, and sttuat about tlvc mllM from the mouth of the Khuti River on the Eat fork. Take noUce that I, Frederick Shelly, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation mine operator. Intend to apply for permU-mlilon to purchase the following described lands: Oommeoclnff st a mrf ri).nt fo diet Doe from the wttnea post oc the Wert aide of Lot 173, thence West-ertjr 90 chains; thence Southerly 20 'chains; tbencv Easterly 60 chains; I iomce Northerly 30 chains and con- l talnlng 100 acrov more or less, i FREDERICK K. 8HELLY. Dated 10th dar of May. 1934. LAND ACT Notice f Intention lo apply to lrse J04 . In Prince Rupert Land" Recording DUtrlct of Prince Rupert. B.C. and situate In Qlawdaeet Bay located at ths N.W. end of Stephens fcaand. Range S. Coast District. Tske nntlM th.t Tnhn . - . ww.M v.MUU VI Prince Rupert. BO. occupation Fish I Packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the Mlowlng described foreshore; I Commencing at a post planted at the 3. W, corner of a small island about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Island I thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly u vusua, uirnce a cnaina more or less to high water mark on the NJS. point of the island: thence S. E. direction S chains more or lev foUowlng high water mark to nolnt of rnmnnM. tnent. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dsted Arm IS. 19St. LANII ACT Notice sf Intent Inn ts apply to Lcae Land In Prince Kupert Land Recording DMrtct of Prince Rupert. B.C. and alt-uate In Qlawdacet Bay located at the N.W. end of Stephens Island. " Range 8. Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Fish ff., ln!ends W tor s of the following described lands' Commencing at a pent planted at the S. W. corner of a small island " Chains S. B. of Avery Island thence NJ. thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark to point of commencement, and containing i acres more or less, and including the entire area of the said Is-una. .fnttw nr inavu k Dated IprU 1. lMt. in raoatTB IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" anal IN THE MATTER OK TUB ESTATE Of MICHAEL J. O 'KELLY. DECEASED. . INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE thi V,- mv. m. H,nww S- FUher. the ltth day of May, '-" was appointed Administra tor of the estfit nf uf,.h..t t ly. who died on the 39th 1t or De. oember. AX). 1933, and all parties having claims against the said estate are herebT reaulred fnmi.h nM perty verlfle. to me on or before the uv us w wune, j.u. iu34, and an parties lndebtel tn h at quired to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. WURMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Priru TIiimw n n - Datsrt the Uth dav of Mav. AX 1034 MINERAL ACT TEKTiriCATE Or IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE River Tmrti.irMLl Kf! uate In the AtUn Mining Division' of WOTYMSf . I Kit" Located on lett hank nf th. TSil. quah River. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Praser actlnz as As ant for Ttknuiiuiivinn... Limited, rree Miner's Certificate NO. 73- uoa. inxena. eu days rrom datenereoC tt apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate nf Imnmnmunt. fn. .t,A purpose of obtaining a Crown a rant of And further take notice that action, under auction us. m , t,. fwimmmM. ' . berre the hsuance of such CertUlodte of Improvements. iMvea this 36th day of AprU, 193. H. McN. Praser. Ageat1. "GOVERNMENT LIQVOR ACT" NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ACLlU- UltMt NOTICE Is hereby given on the ext piratlon of this advertisement the undersigned Praser. Social Club In tends, to pply to the liquor Control Board for a duly licence in respect of premises situate on the east aide of KlnawaT Hyder. B C. upon lands described si Lot. 40. Block . Plan 13S1. Subdivision of District Lot 4044. Cassiar District, Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said club to keep on the premises a erason-able quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises In sc. cordance with the provisions of the "Oovemmeot Liquor Act" and the regulations promiUated thereunder, DATED at Hyder, British Columbia, this 2tth day of May, 1934. PHASER SOCIAL CLUB. By A. A. Frazer, , Secretary and Uanafter COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edscn. Albert and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkier Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheal), Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, M Phenes III w i. : I 4 4 S ! s 1 x a 'a 11 i m Si i i mm I i