pla And with me like a cat ptayt with a mmioe " He had pursued her iu' of the car once when she had iht freedom from hta "pell." Mr Brawnlee the girl described t being nlwaya 'very nice to me " Mls MarMIIUn Mid she had rxrr made any demands of the Tremler for money URGES CARE WITH AUTOS rreilrnt Itoosevelt Impresses Con-tern Over Ufe and Property Toll In Accidents , WA8H1NOTON. DC. June 26: Pnsldcnt Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a letter read at the opening of the American Automobile Association annual convention, said he wm deeply concerned over the toll of life and property in highway accidents in this country. Writing to Thomas I' Henry ot Detroit, president of the association, the president said that those who used the highways must realize the responsibility they assume when they take the wheel. Wheat Prices Winnipeg July. .70' s. October, .78Vs. December, .80. Chicago July. .DOtj. September, .01 'V December, .02Vi. LTHOI'LAN WHEAT (KOr A WAV I0VN THIS YKAU - HOME. Italy. June 26:-Thc Internatlonalflnstltute of Ag- rlculture estimates that the drought will cause the Euro- pean wheat harvest this year to fall short of 1033 by 200.- 000,000 bushels. Vancouver Alexandria, .04. Bayvlew, .01 ft. B. c: Nickel. .85. Big Missouri, .28; . Bratorne, 14-80. n n. Con- .23. B. R. X.. 1.00. Butte I. X. U 18. Cariboo Gold, 1.35. Dun well, .21. Oeorgla River. .01. Oolconda. .40 (ftskl. Hercule Con., .05ft. Indian. .02. Mlnto. 28. Meridian. .13. Morning Star, .23 ft. Native Son, .03. National Silver. .03 ft. NoWc Five. .08V. Pend Oreille, "0. Porter Idaho. .08ft. Reward. .07. premier. 1.18. Reno. SO. M Sliver Crest. .02. Salmon Gold. .10. Taylor Bridge, .55. Wayside. .12. Whitewater, .04. . Waverly Tangier. .01ft. United Empire, .15. Dentonla, .53. v Toronto Inter. Nickel, 25.50. Dome, 4325. Tcck Hughes, 6.70. , Little Long Lie, 5.. C. P. R-. 14 ft. Bell. 18 ft. Braill, 88. H. Walkers. 36. e Canadian Cement, 8. Central Patricia. , .72. Chlbougamau, ,14?J. Lcc Gold, .11. Granada. 59. ' Macassa. 2.45. Noranda. 42.75. ' Shcrrltt Gordon, ,97. Slsco Gold, 2.35. , Thompson Cadillac, .46. Ventures. .86. Lake Maron, .08. Budbury Basin, LCO. . Columarlo, .20. Smelter Gold. 7 ft. Canadian Malartlc, .56. Maple Lenf, .32. Stndacona, ,42ft. Pickle Crow. 1.53. Manitoba & Eastern, .23. Long lM Lngoon,- .35. Bngumac. .12. New York U, 8. Steel. 38ft. General Motors; 30ft. American Can. Dfl3. Allied Chemicals. 136ft. U. S, Smelting, 125 ft. She vintfiMTOK' .Inru. 2(: (CPi Miss Vivian MacMillan. . - i - l.Jtyi'ivti wif ... i i year old stenographer, lor neany mree nours yesier- dav told of her relations with Premier J. h. isrownlee ot Alberta before Mr. Justice W. C. Ives and a jury of six in the Supreme Court of Alberta in her suit against the Premier for unstated damage? for seduction. Mr. Hrownlee lia.s made a counter-claim of con- fplracy Miss MacMUUn told a story of intimate relations with the Premier :n l at home, at hU olfke and In a ' rge government ear which h parked on rural roads She told of effort she had made to break away from her unhappy relations but al-uav he had pleaded with her or tot Into a terrific rage. Many Umea r contested hta love for hr. He 1 ad described hU home life as un- htt wife bccmeprennl a$&ln. It twuld mean her death, he had said. I seemed to be under hta spell." f - ..... . .... j . k-. thrAtltl tesllIHfl lie seemea w oc, Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides High . 0:42 ajn. 22.5 ft. Prince Rupert High log, light 13:49 p.m. 19.3 ft. southeast wind; barometer. 30.10; Low 7:33 ajn. 0.5 ft. I temperature. 50; sea smooth. 19:35 p.m. 6.7 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 1 1 Vol. XXIV.. No. 148, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS In BROWNm CASE NOW BEING HEARD m FIRE DESTROYS PACIFIC RAILWAY STATION ON MONDAY Alberta Girl Tells of Her Alleged Relations With Alberta Premier Claims She Was "Under "Spell" Supreme Court Hears Details in Damage Trial Tried to 'Break it up But Could Not, She Says Today's Stocks ( Court.. J B O. Johnuo , C.) Spent Long Winter Marooned in Canadian Northland Shown here are ti:c Mounx... er par:? of aer al pleasure-;ee!:ers and explorers from Chicago, who spent the winter ramped on tiie upper Halfway river i.n noi hern British Columbia. 150 flying miles f.-om the nearest av;.zation. while they rc'au; liieir F.irchiiQ plane which cracked up In a forced landug on August Jl last. Left to Right. aj hey arrived at the Edmonton airport, are shown: John "Bonn" BonneU. pl.ot; Ernie Kundson. old-time trapper of Dawson Creek, nicknamed "8llver Tip," and known to the Indians as "Keewatin," the North Wind, who drove three of the party to Edmonton In his car. Mrs. Betty Rossback. "mother" to the whole party; Captain Carl A. Simmons, leauer of the expedition; Alton "Pete" Seamans; Herman "Hap" Hatfield, chief mechanic, and 17-year-old Paul Rnssbach. Below at Left is seen Captain Carl Simmons as he arrived In Edmonton. Lower Right shows plane as It lay after it cracked up in wilds of British Columbia. combine to for his MAKE PEACE : Great Britain and United States Can do This. Club Official Tells Convention TORONTO. June 26: Capt. Arthur Cundy. secretary of the Civilian International Club, declared at the club's annual convention in the Royal York Hotel here that Great Britain and America can combine to ensure the peace of the world. AGED NEGRO WOMAN DIES "Auntie" Dcveaux of St. Catherines Was 103 Years Old and Was Once Slave ST. CATHERINES. Ont.. June 26: Mrs, Katherlne t "Auntie") De- vcaux. who would have celebrated her 103rd. birthday on August 24 and was at one time a slave, having escaped from the United States to this country, was burned to death HAS BEEN GATHERING BEUKIES TWO WEEKS CABINET Frank Hoeft. corner Of Ninth . Hrrnan and F.uler Mar Enter Pro- Avenue and Conrad Street. 1 vincial Field who has one of the most at- 1 tracUve uUUty gardens in the ' OTTAWA. June 26: CP Pre- city, states that he has been 1 mler-elect Hepburn Is seeking ap gathering strawberries from inroval from Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac nis own vines for the past two kenzle King, federal Liberal leader. weeks. Already fifteen pints ' for the appointment of Hon. Peter have been canned and more Heenan as minister of labor in his are coming. All Tenants To ! Pay For Water Recent Decision The rental agencies of the city have decided to Institute a uniform cabinet and, subject to Hon. W. D. Euler's acceptance, his appointment ;asa one-man Ontario hydro com mission. Mining Plane To Whitehorse Biff Fokker Ship Here at Week-End Hound From Burns Lake to Northern B.C. The big Fokker seaplane of the policy in connection with water Two Brothers Gold Mining Co rates. In the nast some of the land- .which arrived here on Saturday nt lords have mid the rati and. in n tcrnoon from Burns Lake, hopped good many cases, the tenants have " at 11 'clock Sunday morning done so. It has been deeldpd In lr wnnenorsc. ine piane nan u In a fire which destroyed her home J futurp all tenants will have to nay heftVy loari ot tniht which It was here early yesterday morning. Price Trend Low Monday in Stocks Sufar and Parking Company Issues Alone Resisted Downward Movement In New York NEW YOHK, June 26: Sugar and packing company stocks alone resisted a generally lower pilce trend 'ln extremely dull trading yesterday. their water rates. Tills Is considered tkln5 Into mining ground In Nor equitable, the agents state, because thern Brltlsh Columbia. C. L. Dodge. the tenants are the ones who con- a minmK 8inp"- Jinea ne Piane sumc the water and. therefore, they hcre nnd went north wlth lt- hav' should pay for lt. m8 nrvea aaiuraay auernoon It Is announced that adjustments rrom Vanderhoof. O. W. O. Mc- Conachle of Edmonton was pilot of wlll be made as soon as possible to brine all tenants in the eltv nnrior the Plane and D. M. Gray, air en- thc same nencral svstem. -Rlneer. The machine Is expected BAR SILVER dhck nere in aooui a wcck s time enroute back to Burns Lake. CANADIAN GOLD PKICE NEW YOHK. June 26: CP -liar MONTREAL. June 26: CPiThe silver closed at 45Vie per outve on Canadian uold price was up 3c to-tho local metal market today. day ut $31.41. Interior Divisional Point Is Visited By Rather Serious Blaze Flames Started in Kitchen of Lunch Counter and Wiped Out Entire Structure No Other Buildings Affected The Canadian National Railways station building at Pacific, first divisional point on the line out of Prince Rupert, was completely destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. It was a two-storey frame structure and was one of the larger type of country station buildings. In addition to the usual station facilities, it contained a lunch counter an dlt was In the living quarters of ARRESTED IN VIENNA Detroit Killing oi ivan I'oaerjay ana Aine. auzanne Ferrand may be connected with an Mile. Ferrand declared. DETROIT. Mich.. June 26: Fingerprints of Eugene Leroy, sought since 1920 for the trunk murder of his wife, have been sent to Vienna for comparison with prints ot a man giving the name of Ivan Poderjay because of marked resemblance In pictures. Reward in Hold-up Case is Offered Insurance Company Offers $500 For Information Leading to Identity Of Payroll Bandits HAMILTON. June 26: The Can ada Accident and Fire Insurance Co. has posted a reward of $500 to any person or persons who can supply InformaUon leading to the arrest of one or more men who robbed a payroll messenger of the Tuckett Tobacco Co. of $3705 here last Friday. Students of Ayr j School on Strike this that the fire originated, it Is reported. On account of the fire, the Canadian National Telegraph line was down for a time yesterday afternoon and last nigh. W. H. Tobey. divisional superln- Mystery in Connection With Couple ! tendent. and F. S. ''Walton, road- Taken in Custody Man Checked 1 master, called out on account of the Ub in Connection With mo i lire, left for Pacific 'on last eve- ning's train. The fire was confined to the VTENNAi June 26: The myster-1 station building, there being no ions disappearance Importance in C. Tufverson and other strange the immediate vicinity, happenings involved in the arrest j AH contents were lost. MERGER IS POSTPONED Proposal to Join C. X. and C. P. Wire and Express Services Dropped For Year R. OTTAWA. June 26: CP The plane to merge the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Rail way express and telegraph services as recommended by Hon. C. P. Ful- flerton and E. W. Beatty K.C., chair men of the two respective boards, has been dropped for this year, it Is announced. The government will not proceed with the two bills designed to enable the Canadian National and the Canadian Pacific Railways to amalgamate their telegraph and express businesses, Hon. Dr. R. J. Manlon, minister of railways, told the House of Commons yesterday. Declares Slot Machines Legal Those Which Give Candies and Gum as Well as Slugs Not Contrary to Law Allege That Principal Ignored Exam 1 LONDON, Ont.. June 26:-Deputy Marks and Showed Prejudice Magistrate W. S. Henderson ruled Against Athletes 1 yesterday In his third verdict In London's antl-gambllng drive that AYR. Ont.. June 26: Ten third s101 machines, when they vend gum form students In continuation and candles as well as slugs, are school here continued their strike "esal. against the alleged action of Prln- clpal Carruthers In disregarding TJrtx HncfpAire examination marks and showing " uvouujo bias against those taking part in TT 1 D1 1 athletics and the dispute has been 1 fieeWatin' DlOCK submitted to the Ontario Depart-, ment of Education. Halibut Arrivals Business Structure In Western Ontario Town Rated With Loss of $30,000 KEEWATIN, Ont., June 26: The American , Parkes Block here was destroyed by Celtic. 40,000, to Seattle. I tire yesterday with a loss estimated Majestic 10,500, Atlln, 7c and Sc.jat $50,000. The origin of the con-Visitor, 7,500 n oval Be and 5c. flaratlon'has not as yet been ac-Canadlan c-rtalned. It was brought under Belief 17,500. Cold Storage, 5.2c "nntrol by the Keuora fire 5c. ment. 4 4, III fll Srf -is 1 H i i I! 1 t m ' I1 41 -if