: ran- ANNETTES October Qock Sale Wednesday, October 3, from 2 to 4 DRESSES! DRESSES!! Only Dresses 1n printed and flat J crepes sizes 14 to 20, Values to $9.1)5 ....,f)cr Clock CO Afi 2 15 (inly Dresses, suitable for after- g noon. Sunday nite, sport and street wtar. n crepes, lace, figured and f ,,xi -ml mitterns. flannel, "krinkle 2 f rrcne and satin, sizes from M to 18; Rep aiue to $19.50 Cff A A U L-ber Hock Sale 9MW g AinRniy concentrated lorm oi urcwura lvh, behest natural source of Vitamins Bl and B2. UNION ; STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 1.8 s rA1!0"1"" leave (Prince Rupert f or .vancouver- AWviS "VtRT TUESDAY, TM tSs r 78 Vancouver Thursday Mvta DfNA KVEUV WUA WHNiOIlT m!L Vnco. Monday -AM. rormtlon regarding all sailings and tickets at- SHOES 100 Pairs in black, brown, fawn, white ; g straps, pumps and oxfords, in flat, 'Cu- ban & high heels; val. to (SO A tZ 5 5.05; October Clock Sale J DAIMPAATC I 7 Only Raincoats, sizes 14 to -20; Reg. value to $6.50 A A October Clock Sale VdVU Jitterized and exceptionally palatable. Brewers east Flakes ... tends . to the promotion . of good t health ana the development of a clear complexion. Special, 6-oz. tin, 50 cents Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Dru42p tats The Itexall Stow rbonta: 1 W Canadian Pacific 'RSSS Weameks for Ketchikan, Wmngetl, Juneau and B"way. Sept. 10th, 20th, Oct. Ut. For vntouver direct Sept. 6th, Hth.,24h.!Oct. 5th. UuL'nt0uw 'ia Oceah Falls and Way Torts, "Prtnctss Ade-e every Friday 10 pm. v' L. COATES,.(Jen. Agent, "Prince ltupert, B-C, SILK HOSE Pure Thread Silk Hose in all "wanted shades, sizes 8h ' to 10; October Clock ftiS,ecia' Si.oo I fit I Annette Ladies' Wear Co. I THE STORK OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS pn iMfri.m:?B tmwrn tn :n n tarn i m ?m-M aaarya tnimimmmmmvu.m gia; PURETEST BREWERS' YEAST FLAKES Mrs. George Rorie ana Miss W.nfu nnrlf returned In the cltV lrn7 H on Prt""" Louk yesterday MKT from a trip to Victoria. VITA-FULL A New Delicious Chocolate Beverage e tea.spoonful of Vita-Full Powder makes one j. w of rich, health giving beverage. Rich in Vita- J mins A, B, C and D. j One-pound tin, 50 cents j Oce half the price and equal in quality to any pre- j juration of its kind on tne nwKci wway. ; Major W. H. Watts, field of the Canadian Tnitltute for the Blind, from .Vancouver, and Mrs'. D. P. llarmer, after having spent ten dayt here, sailed on the Catala Sunday evening for Anyox and 8tewart. M. S. WhitUer, assistant collector of customs at Juneau, and W. D. Helsel. customs officer there, were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesteroay returning to the, Alaska Capital after a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the outh. Announcements Cambral Splhiters' Spree October 5. S. O. N. Dance, October 5th. United Church Thanksgiving AUpper October '8. 'Presbyterian Missionary Tea. Manse, October 4. ' Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and 11. Canadian Lcalon Women's .Aux iliary -Bazaar October 18. Anglican Tea Mrs. V. -J. kelson's October 24. Hill 60 Young Folks' Hallowe'en:, Dance October 26 St. Petcr'a Fall-Baaaar.OctobVras Prince Rupert Tennis JCliib -an nual dance, Friday, November 2. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Novem ber-8. Daughters of Noway ,Dancc No Vrmbcr 9. Anglican Fall Baaaar Nov. 20. Moose Hall Moose .Pet-Show, Cnm'lval nnd -Dance November 15 and 16 4 THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS Ahnte' Clock Sale Wednesday 2 to 4. Cash waiting for old gold 'teeth, ' colm, chains, watches, etc, Bulger's, (tf) Personal xmas cards Exclusive designs. Also business and professional. Best -values In Canada. Helibroner's. Of) INFORMATION WANTED Concerning the whereabouts of a sitter of JAMBS ERASER, born In Ireland or Edinburgh, Scotland, about 1852, has nephew In India, sister known to have resided In Prince "Rupert years ago. Address Donald .L. Demuth 23 Haven Avettu Sew York City, U.S.A. 'A great opportunity to get high class dresses for next to toothing at Annette's Clock Sale tomorrow. ; 2 to-H. 'Albert Farrow, steamboat In spector. sailed this -afternoon by. the Catala on his -return to Vancouver paving een here for the past ten days on official duties. &Uss V.-Boues. who has been visiting -In the city for the past ten days with her brother, ,W. Bowes, accountant for the Swift-Canadian Co.. sailed by the Gatala this after noon on her return ;to Vancou ver. Col. E. J. Ryan of Vancouver u"as a passenger' aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through tO'TCetchikan- to .visit mining property near there .-with the development of which -he is John A. "McLaughlin, well known Vancbuver mining man, was a pas senger aboard the "Princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Aalaska. Mr. McLaughlin was a superintendent for the Oranby Co. at 'Phoenbc during the boom days of the boundary district camp. nthoMum SPRAINS. BCUISES.TIRED ftT L-M MKOIMRV ACT He. Certthct of T1M Ho. S79S.1. to U 38. Bloc -2. Ourni Charlotte -ciy, Ud B34A. proot of Iom of th above OrrUffct -of Till. Umw4 In the -naihe nr w.lt.r J,nmv Smith, hat been Tiled tn 'thU office. noUce U hefeby felten that I aholL at the xnimwn ot oD month Uuffl Ute -date -of 'the nrat ;DUb- Uoation hemtf. unue'a.prOYlMonal cerll- ltoaie oi tiue in lieu h iot wuq art-Mtlmt. 'unleiw In the meantime vaMd objection 'be 'made to me -In .St-rlt- Int. CMtTea at Toe uina -wjniri vjuioe, prlace nUDert. B. C. tlito 2fltl. flat W September. 1834. Deputj RegUtrar of Title WATCH NOTICK Dltrrvlnn and I'M TAKE NOTJOE that Norman II. Terry a hne uidniu la ataseett. .'B.C.. wlU M)- t)f 'tor llcenee to take and let 15 Q rs of water out -of -Bull 'Creea. olq ktvown aa dear Creek, wnleh -nomt eaaterlr and drain Into Hecate -Stralta (Iboxit 1100 ft. hortherlT from NS. -ooc Ut IOM. Tite water Mil be diverted front we Uwun at a joint about 3600 feet W Westerly Xroin NJ. Cor. V loaa and -Ul -uaed ror -buiuhr e puruuae upon the mine deaf rlbed aa Placer No. 181, 'No ISO, No. T78, No. 179, lot 1019 nd HrfO. Thla-noUoe -ma txwted ,-bn the ground on trie 3Bth -day -of Auguat 1934. 'A onpy ttf thl -notice and an appHc. tton pvtrauam Wereto and to the '"Water -Act" wUl 1 TUed In the oxnc Of Uie Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. -ObJecUona to the application -may be filed with .the aatd Water Reobrtler or wlUi tht OonwrpUer of Water ,Rlhta, Hart lament -fiuUdln-ga. Victoria, B.'C., .thlu thifty daya after the first appearance of this notice In a local newa- Plrf NORMAN n, TERRYi Applloant, The date of the flnt publloatlon of thU soUc4 la , October 1,-131. PAGE THRE2 NOTES .. , , . . . I St 1 1 - ri ii... s Bargains m Annette sj a Clock -Sale tomorrow. 9 B You can -rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 -a day .plus 7c. a mile. tf S. O. 1. Ski 'Club Basket Social and -Dance, -Moose 'Hall, Friday Oct. 9 at 9 o'clock. Drawing -of prizes. Ladles wlth baskets 'free. Admission, -35c. (232) Watch for Annette's Clock Bale I tomorrow, -2 to .4. Mr and Mrs. .Thomas Wallace I .sailed by the Cardena last Friday Wgnt on their return to Vancouver after having jpent the summer at Sunnyslde Cannery. ! Miss Margaret Kergin JtX sailed Sunday evening on the Catala for Premier where she will pay a visit as the guest df Dr. and Mrs. W S. Kergin, her brother and Want aroRSALB Ads WRtCKlNO House, see F. W. Hart. (tf PR SALE English model bicycle kis&l Z months, $24.50. Phone Red 26. 229 SNAP-Wew trolling boat, also small gas engine. Apply Kiy Boat Builders. Cow Bay. tf FORWENT FOR ENT--.Four roomed house. ' close In. 512.00. 'Phone-Green 402.- "WORK "WANTED (tf) GENERAL concrete worker rock! excavating, foundation repairing work, contract or hy day,. Phonet Albert Moretto. 756. 254 ;" - 1 PERSONAL CAjiJAXi owning neiore Viiruk Wonderful book sent free. O. S. Meglddo Mission, Rochester, New York. (231) FOUND FOUND "Eye-glasses lnMcClymont Park. Owner may have same by calling at "Dally News and paying 'for this advertisement. NECKLACE found several months ago dn Fifth Ave. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this advertisement HAIRDRESSER rtJUlA.VE.VT WAVING! :Closter 'Ctrrl; Latest Styles NtLsoN's fcEAtrrr shoppb Them will be offered for sale at Pub- tlo Auotlon. at noon on the 37th day cf Ootober. 1M4. In the office of the District Ftmnter. Prince Rupert, the Licence Xl7400 'to .cut 4 ,837,000 feet, "board tnea-1 ure. of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on an area situated on the West aide of Sedg wick Day. LyeU Island, Queen Charlotte Wanda land District. Two yeara will be allowed for removal of timber "Provided any one unable to attend the auction JrKprrnon may ubrolt ten kr to be bpcndt the hour of auction and treated -a one bid.'' Further wrtlcMlara may be obtained ftttn the Chief Poreater. Victoria. B.C., or the'Dfitrlct Foreater. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ai'irrio.s SALE TIMIltRSALEITIOI There WUl be offered for aale at Pub-Ho Auaucm. at noon 'on the alto day ot October, 191, In the bfftca of the District Forester, Prlivce Rupert, the Licence X17401 to t 4.103.000 feet, board mea- aura, of eipnk. Oetlar and iremlock on 'an area attuated on the Wet aide of 8edj. wilctc Pay. :Myell Wand, Queen Charlotte IaUhda l-and District. Two yeari will be allowed for retnoval oif timber. "Provided any one unable to attend 'the auction In peraon may aubmlt tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated aa one bid," rXuther particular! may be obtained from the Chief Poreater, VloUorta, B.C., or the DUttlc roriater. Prince Rupert, t.Q, m m m mm wi i 1 MjMf W a for Less Money Our Prices Lower Than All Sales The buyer far our Store who has been south has shipped up to us. some of the frost amazing values ever witnessed by residents of B.C. Call in and see our prices on quality merchandise. It will give you delight and satisfaction. They are better than ever! Misses' and Children's Patent Boys' School Boots that stand and Dress "Kid Strap Slippers, the test of wear and wet. Made while they last QQt by Leckle, all sizes QO QQ 0&OV per pair per pair Ladies Kid Straps with ; Cuban heels, In all sizes. MlMr They fit & wear gj WA Ladies' Beautiful Pumps, VKS Straps Si Ties, in all styles Y and sizes AU u7 $4 00 v m M 5 0 values; Special pr$2-49 $2-89 $3-39 Men's Knee Gum Boots, ,ien-s Best 'Quality Rubbers, SpecUl CO 95 Special 7Qp pair, from Vi""t7t 1 gV per up per pair, up from Men's Storm King Gum Boots, Boys' Storm King Gum Boots, thigh length OA QC thigh length CO fth Special, up from ?'V palr 0VU Men's "Work Shoes, Leckle' Boys' Knee- Gum Boots, all make. Special sizes; Special $2 59 Ladies' Best QuaUty Rubbers Child's City Boots C Oft Special fiQP Special, per pair VA "vi -" " m per pair, up from Ladies' Zippers In small sizes, -MiV SpeclaI Q'lP A. vOK Vf per pair, up from Kfv Xliflj Ladies' Brown and Black Zip- Bt-virW pers with Dome fasteners, ltjA'rAilJ Special Q1 dQ BKif per pair, up from Vi W-T Misses & Children's Rubbers tL, 65c&75c Cut Rate Shoe Store We Accept City Scrip TRANSFERS (COAL! COAL! CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone ITT. Birch. Jackplne, Cedar. tf PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paperfcanging Woller. Phbne Red B02. .ll'CTION" SALE Tl.MUtiR SILK MIIOO Our Famous Edaon, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals -arc guaranteed W give, satisfaction. Try it, ton of No, I Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Bay, Wheat data and Barley. Prince Rupert feed Co. M. T.LEE THE TAILOR has moved to the store formerly occupied by the Electric Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes Just in. Prices reasonable Cleaning and Pressing. ROOFING SUPPLIES Now is the time to make the roof secure for the winter. We can supply you with Ready Roofing suitable for a flat or sloping roof. Each roll covers one hundred square feet and Is complete with nails and cement. Tar Paper, Wall Felt, Building Paper THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Drawer 1615 NEW ROYAL HOTEL Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM EOMET Rates jl.0 np SO Rooms, Hot & CoJd Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 160 Telephone 101 Wood for Sale v- and Wood Hauling General Transfer BILLY BAGSIIAW Phone Black 495 a a 9 9 H s 9 3 S