i m i mt PAGE BiaHT " i in i ii i 1 1 i 1 1 1 i miii ,, , -j ' , i ii ia i u&mm mymmmi mi Personal Christmas Cards A beautiful selection to choose from Special Discounts Also a special selection of twelve richly colored cards with envelopes In Gift Box For 50c Join our Christmas - for Toiletware Beautiful designs in Sterling Silver. Finest workmanship and quality. Also a fine selection in PEARL-TONE and PYRALIN made by the best Canadian manufacturers. All grades', colors and prices. Our Schick Dry Shaver is going over big. Seeing is believing. Come in and let us demonstrate to you. Our Basement Store is loaded with China and Glassware for your inspection. Our values for grade and quality is equal to any store in Canada. MAX HEILBKONER - Diamond Specialist "ClohTrottr"llaJIa A ara mad enly by VICTOR A A VICTORRADIO On. aft h. IfGI.U Trotter" mxl.l. from wtilrW you may, Male ure your home enjoy this ChrutraM with genuine Victor "CM Trotter." A mll weeUy payment until Christmas girei you Jclivery on Christmas Ere . . . with an easy payment plan for the lialance. A alight additional deposit assures immediate delivery. Come in today and select your "Glol Trotter" ... and learn all the iptcial club privileges that will Le yours on the payment of $1.00 for membership in our "Glob Trotter" Christmas Club. SUPROX BATTERIES Theirsweeping popularity is attested by their country-wide sale that has almost proven to be beyond " " " ' ' our factory capacity. JAMES MARTIN Massctt, B.C. P.O. Itox 77. I'rltu n .. n f ------ lHIVI k J. V MONEY SAVING PRICES On Dinnerware and Kitchen Crockery 52-Picce English Dinner Set, a beautiful service for six 21-Plcce English Tea Sets, from cups ana saucers. 3 .for 25c; each 10c, and 3 for 50c cngusn I'uaainif uowls, from Pyrex1 Casseroles, from $15.00 $3.75 15ii $1.23 GORDON'S HARDWARE KS,!' NEW CHIEF 0FP0LICE Serjeant 11. Greenwood Taking Charge of City Detachment Here Serge mt O. H. Greenwood of Grand Forks has been amraintrd chief of the city detachment of the provincial police here, it was announced today. He succeed Pom Robert Gibson who returns to his former duties as district clerk after naving served for the past month r so with acknowledged satisfaction, as city chief: Constable n w Taylor, now district clerk, goes back to city detachment. The changes ire effective forthwith. Sergeant Greenwood has been lth the provincial police for 24 'ears and formerly was in the Peace liver country as wcll.as at Ashcroft md -at Williams Lake. He' served vith distinction as a lieutcnant- mmander in charge of a submarine during the war. He Is marled with a family. Buy At rHESE PRICES Save More .Money at the Economy Store ASHCROFT CATSUP Oin per qt. ulX, 3WANSDOWN CAKE 91 n FLOUR: ner nkir. OIL .'INK SALMON-l's, tall OOn 2 tins 4oC UNO OSCAR SARDINES O C 3 tins OOL JICONOMV COFFEE-Frcsh ground at our store, try ft onn 3 lbs OUC HAPPYVALE PICKLES - Sweet. Sour. Sweet Mustard or Q Q n Chow, per 32-oz. bottle . uL 3 bottles ne HELMET CORNED BEEF QCn 3 tins Dt APRICOTS Fancy quality C(in Dry, 3 lbs DUL LUX-Largc ' cq 3 pkgs. Wit AOMAN MEAL T-f rt 3 Dkes 01. UU MAYONNAISE Best Foods QQ 16-oz. Jar OaJl SCHOOL SCRIBBLERS BUV them nnu'l. nor Ant CAULIFLOWER Large each 45c 20c MUSSALLElW'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" " r.-O.'Bb'x 575 Phone 18 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Announcement of Interest Regarding New Medicine New Halibut Fishing Regulations Expected To be Announced Soon As nnnnnnrnd p.-irlinr tli5 u'ppk ;i rnmti'inr nf people has become interested in a plan to establish a plant , . . . . . ..4. T. t- .i e ii. i. at x rjnce uupon lor ine manuiaciure oi tnaiattol, a newly discovered vitamin-containing medicinal product, made from the oils of halibut, greyfish and pilchard livers, which has been found to be equal, if not superior, in quality o the best cod liver oil. it can be produced commercially at a comnaratlve cost from livers of fishes which In the past have not been considered to be worth treating. Chemical and bio-chemical departments of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station have developed two new processes for the extraction of the vitamin-containing oils from these fishes. The sequel to these discoveries has been the Interesting of the Prince Rupert group in the possibilities of commercial manufacture. Tnaiattol" is the new name that has been chosen for this new medicinal product which was at first dpsiirn.itrrt j "marinol," it being subsequently found, however, that this name is already in use. Tests made last year among Prince Rupert- school children of thalattol" established Its (medicinal properties and value. These tests are being followed up again this year. Thalattol" Is but one of two newly announced discoveries of Importance which have Just recently been made as a result of research i work at the Prince Rupert Fisheries (Experimental StaUon. The other j discovery is that of a new and more economical process for the glazing of fish. This new glaze can be applied to the Ice cold fUh without having to dip the fish In warm water .is has been done In the past. The process produces an attractive translucent effect and also acts as a chemical preservative of the fish. The, proqess has been adopted by the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. which has received favorable reports upon It from the trade. The provincial government has Issued a herring reduction plant licence to Nelson Bros Fisheries Limited of Vancouver for the rc-ductloniplant at Tucks Inlet. Prince Rupert,; which. It is expected, will be operated a?aln early next year after having been closed down for 'several months. Halibut fishing Interests at Prlnr- Rupert arc awaiting with Interest the announcement of new regula tions governing the fishery for the year 1935 which It Li cxneeter! will be made In the near future. At a recent conference In Seattle with proposed new regulations were dls cussed by the Internationa) Fisheries Commission. It is exnected there may be some rather important changes next year. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skcrnn nnri A. J. Prudhomme returned home at i a.m. today from a tour of the Queen Charlotte Islands. TJiey got back on the Massett Canners cannery tender Jedway, Capt. Johnny Hartlln, which went over early this week to meet them and take them from Skldegatc Inlet to Moresby Island logging camps, Mr. Hanson received a cordial welcome at all points visited and discussed many matters with his Island constituents. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Oeorgeson, arrived In port at 10:30 last night from the south and sailed at 12 midnieht nn hr to Vancouver and waypoints. snap m& CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Wtshbutna, Windowi, and Mirror. Cannot scratch. Moto ID Truck Motors Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up TiirlUfe Truck" & Car Parts J630 W. 1st. Ave., Vancouver Cadborosaurus? B-l-a-a-h! PROLOGUE Oh where, oh where lias my old 'Caddy' gone? Oh why. oh why did he not stay? With his head like a horse and his tall so long. Sporting around Cadboro Bay." a To Henry Island. ix hundred miles north, A weary sea-monster paddled one day; From the placid waters he wriggled forth: He had come to die and decay. "Oh why did I roam from my Northern sea To that terrible Southern buy. Where they laughed, scoffed and sneered at me As my mamma warned was Victoria's way? "The shock was great. It lias weakened me so; But now I am happy to lay down my head Close to Prince Ilmxrt uut people. I know. Would believe In me living or honor me dead. To you of the North who find me here I pray wllh the lut gasp from my me to Prince Rupert, keep mc there; 8ivc mc from Uat terrible place In the south r a a m i.o cue "Oh where, oh where did my old 'Caddy' roam? Oh why did he not stay?" n 1 a a h Bl a a hf He wn a wise old thing-he found his way home. RunosnurusJ Rupy! Rupy! Rah! Rah I JOSEPH T. MANDY various branches of the Industry. . ChSrrt aU- The Dlly Nei can be pur- Post Office News Stand. 32a Oranvllle St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson Prince George B.C. R W Rllry. Terrace. H.C General Store Anjox Hmlthers Dm Store. Smith- r. B.C PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD ShlpbuIMtrf and Engineer. Iraa anal ftraa Catting. Rtri ami ArrtjUna SpHalUta nn Sawmill ! Mining Marhlnory. All Typa c., E,nw. KTlrrd anal O. erhau. CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. . SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC FINE FILMS ARE BOOKED Maiuicr Borland Has Eiceptloually Com! Llue-up For Coming Month at Capitol An exceptionally good list of feature attractions has been secured for the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this month by Manager Dave Borland. Due to the tremendous popularity in other places and Its exceptional merit "One Night of Love," starring the famous Grace Moore of Metropoll tan Opera fame, Is being, given an extended engagement in Prince Ru pert and will show for three days next week. "Now and Forever, with Shirley Temple, will also be given a three-day showing next week. The full list of bookings for the ensuing month Is as follows: Dec. 1 "The Cat's Paw." with Harold Lloyd. Dec. 3, 4, 5 "One Night of Love with Grace Moore. Dec. 6, 7. 8 "Now and Forever with Shirley Temple, Gary Cooper. Carole Lombard. Dec. 10. ll-"Thlne is My Heart with Richard Tauber from musical show "Blossom Time"). Dec. 12. lJ-"Bellc of the 90s. with Mae West. Dec. 14. 1 Treanure Island, with Wallace Beery. Jackie Cooper Dee. 17. l&-Doublc bill, -You Can't Buy Everything." with May Robaon. Jean Parker: and Ro mance In the Rain, with Roger Pryor and Heather Angel. Dec. 19, 20 -Girl From Missouri," with Jean Harlow and Franchot Tone. Dec. 21. 22 Double bill. "Dragon Murder Case," with Warren Wll llama; and "Kansas city Princess,'' with Joan Blondell and Olenda Farrell. De. 24. 2S The White Parade with Lorette Young and John Boles. Dee. 2J. 27 "Baby Take a Bow. ' with Shirley Temple, James Dunn Claire Trevor. Dee. 28, 20 -"Java Head." with Anna May Wong and Elizabeth Al len. Dec. 31. Jan. l-"01rl of the Urn bcrlost," with Marian Marsh. Ralph Morgan. Mr. and Mrs Duncan Kennedy aalled last night on the Prlncew Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver The Mark Of A Particular Man A judicious choice of personal Jewelry marks the man of discerning taste. A little thing like a scarf pin or a ring or the style of his watch can speak volumes for his good taite. That's why particular men make a habit of coming here. And our prices are moderate. 9 I, (Jewellers Tilt STORE Willi THE CLOCK Van s Bakery Quality Breads Made with Milk, White and Whole Wheat Wrapped 2 for 15c Unwrapped 1 for 25c Health Bread, per loaf 10c ItYYKAK (Syrup) Mb, If. 10c Rye Pumpcmyckcl, 3 for 25c At All Grocers Our bread Is all labelled on bottom as a guarantee of Its quality. IMione 190 Saturday Dr E!3 TOM,.,,,. "AltOU, LI.0VI, "rhe tor StartiiiK Moruav Ca4l'r r . ."Mafc,.,!- ir arVMuatatl" 'CaW SvaaiM I arai fctriDi J iWtS Ml" . "I Hfl :l, M f ill LI I ' HAVE BOIU.ANH SAYS: Wherever this pii iun iw &Jiown. theatre atti-ii.ne record have been siii ik'H and audiences have , claimed It a the most charming and intelligent musical picture to come out of Hollywood with Ourc Mooro voifo pi' n ' ItKOINS .MOMAV COFFEE De Luxe Served nt All Time.- of Day or Nik'Iit Always fresh- Using the S method -Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthrul and Invigorating Commodore Caje Try u Dally New - :u. ;Uil.U iu