mbcr 1. 1934 THE DAILY OTSWB f AOS TTIR2I Better Cards Better Values Voting on Boys' and Girls' Prize Contest is Now on Ormes Ltd. Jft Pioneer Druqtfiats tlir Keiall SUiN For Christmas H;m! - Colorrd Cant- and Plwrtn- .aendwr. 8mwt-v ', rw of Prince Ru-. .if a and Untrained few. of the -Strange .Sea Mnte,r ow-nn ae Wrathalls 32 RETURN SPECIFY rboDf: 81 tc 11 Milady Reality Shoppc Kotember Specials Permanent Waves g gQ .Finger Waves 50c First Class Work Guaranteed Phone 655 Bulkley Valley Coal and Ret The Satisfactory Coal Ha your deaW send the mine- representative to and see it burn. r home for a demonstration To VANCOUVER Mnlt nd Berth lnciuaea s. s. PRINCE GEORGE rSU THURSDAY JmSm Thenf- e e tie to Fbnury 28 Uriurn limit, Mifth 01 'A AIM AN AATIOyAI. STA31SHirS : lm mm ririfiiiiii, . ; Ci New Designs AllIade in '.Canada You should cometnnd llook them over. PricesJfrom 5c,lo'$;i.00,eaqh AlsouwHor.tnu'nls'in Imxcs n; i'f our GhristmnftfStationery has arrived. This a .good ttime ito .pick qut yoimj,'if t UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamns .leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver's CATALA EVERY TUKSUAY, 1:30 lM Arriving Vancouver Thursday .titiMIllT T-S.S. CARUKNA EVKR1' ,F,RHU MIDMC.UT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. N HM, MuFaj. to Port 8lmp-on. All" LU' inver poinu. Uv rr nee all "P;",,f"7"TAd callings and tickets tiCKets at av- further Information regarding SV CIA1, ROIJND.TItlP FAUIvS TO VANCOUVER 32.00 lurn limit March 31st rhoB. Mii W PRINCr. It 11 PR KT Af.NCTI Third Aunue. CANADIAN PACIFIC Wrangell, Juneau and SS. "ntlNCESS NOltAll" for Ketchikan. 25th, Dec. iqth, 30th. Skagway, Nov 11th, I OR VANCOUVER direct. Nov. 2nd, 15th. 20 th, Dec 20th. SS. "princess Ain:i,All)E" for Vancouver via Ocean Falls ana Way ports, every Friday 10 0M. con a A JVInter Excursion Fares to Vancouver Sop.OU UOUNDTRIP T 1934 to Feb. 28th 1035. Tickets on sale Nov. 1st limit March 3lst, Final return ... . . . i .,f 4 Inns For tickets nnu r"cl1,""b;.11.rt nc. W. Iw COATES, r.e.neral Agent, . Prince, Rupert, ilocal mm 1 : . , H1 it Fresh flat fish. I'lione 18. Delivery Be yrrn in 32 Taxi it costs .the .sanie. At J'reMi Flounders aboard 'Un-otne. Cow Hay. tl Dainty gift, nicely boxed, rrtade in Canada. 50c. to $1.00.' at the Dollar Store. tf to the -Something -crow -about Undies at the Dollar Store. Combi nations, nighties, pyjamas an' everything for $1.00. Mi.ss T. Rice of the Commodore Cafe staff left on last evening's train for a trip to her homeln Pi luce George TO END PA I N . . rub In Mia.raV Chk cukU. ukmsv Itta.llr. En4t ikm fckamkn. At arutiU in tt(ulr and new Urge ttuoomy tun. . Hi IM A, K. Geary sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Royal M. Shepard. well known, Juneau and Prince Rupert mining nun. sailed Jast night on the prln-tc-ss Adelaide for a business trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Mllutln Miloikovlch, who ar rived in the city this week from Stewart, .eft on last evening's train for Halifax .where he will embark December 8 aboard the steamer Alaunia for his home in Belgrade. Mrs. Peter Lakle and Mrs. G. H. Arnold were In charge of the regular ntulilc tnrv hntir for children tlul morning. The former t&d the story of The Wolf and the Oosiings" ana the latter three "Brer Rabbit" tales. There were also singing games, the program opening with "O Canada ' and closing with 'Ood Save the King " Sixty-nine children were in attendance REGAL SHOP You are cordially Invited to call in and look over our Christmas stock which Is now complete We still have a very food selection of cards Announcements Elks' Christmas Cheer Smoker, December 4. G. United Qhurch Bazaar December Junior Elks' Dance December 7. "Voice of The Swamp," .Cathedral Hall. Dec. ,17 and ,18, Amateur Players' Guild. Canadian Legion Xmas-Trec De cember 22. Oddfellows' Scotch Hogmanay Dance, ,Deccmber 31. Moose Hall FRIDAY, -J)EC. -7th Balloon D.ance Lots of novelties. Re-serve this date and come with the crowd. FRESH 'MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 Cash waiting for old gold teetji, coins, chains, -watches, etc. Bul- xer'. Ui .Youxan-rent-a-car at Walker' as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. mile. ,B,R.lce.salled . last .night on the Princess .Adelaide for .a brief trip to Vancouver. R. Whiting, Vancouver auditor,- I .who has .been, here on business for; the, past .week,, sailed last night oh the rPrince&s Adelaide for Ocean; rails. Ladles' Overshoe Special Two-' button clasp Cuban and low heels from $159. We -have .the most com-' plete stock of rubber footwear in town. New shipment of children's, misses' and .ladies' Storm King gum boots from $3.45, $3.79 and 43.99. Rupert Trading Co. 279) Onc'Htindred Attend Labor League Dance About one hundred persons were P in attendance at the dance of the 1 5 Women's Labor League In the Ca nadian Labor Defence League Hall Thursday night. Music was by Carl Smith's Orchestra and T. White was master of ceremonies. Refreshments took the form of hot dogs.dlspensed by Mrs. T. White and Mrs. A. Gomez. F. Ward presided at the door. C. N. IL -TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pm From the East-Tuesdays, -Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m. tn rata (ji cii ii i2i '.m ? i !X Boxed or Individual Priced From Fine Handkerchiefs Are Always Acceptable pieces 5c to $1.50 Beautiful Handkerchiefs are Invariably safe gifts. No one cart have too many. A fine lace hanky can.be Included In your Christmas .letter. We have a pleasing selection. WALLACE'S umm una un msm :m m rarata Why Buy Fur s? Ladles buy furs because they represent he.ac,me o.f .comfort and they look rich and. stylish. The vqry latest .thlpgs In furs are tqr sale .at 0LDBL00M'S The prices are so low that it seems .like giving Ute goods away. WANTED 100 Permanent Waves at $3,00 Nelson's Rcauty Shop Phone 855 dry wood. FOR SALE j.juj-- - ... .. M Unbeatable Prices i at CUT RATE SHOE STORE Our tock .must .move out .with rapidity. So In order toet more-action, we are putting .prices deeper than ever! Our prices have always been the lowest in Prince Rupert but now the uost skeptical .. .. T . , p.i'v .vmv AVI i SAVE! have lo admit the savings are iremenaous. Slippers in Endless Varieties at .Lowest Prices Men's. Ladles.' Bovs' and Children's Best Imported EngllshF;elt Slippers, or Colored Plaids, and Fawn' Camel's Hair in all styles and sizes; also Ladies Coseys ln.ll.shades. Ladles', selling at 95C per pair, up irum Men's selling at up from Misses' and Children's up from, per pair 95 c & 81.10 55c, 65c, 85c Ladles' Pretty Dorsay Slippers in black, blue, red, green and brown kid with Cuban heels.Q-i .QQ all sizes: .ree. $2.00: values now. pair Ladies' Patent Bedroom Slippers, with chrome soles; rose lining and pom poms all sizes; now, per pair Women's Patent Boudoir Slippers now. per pair Women's Boudoir Slippers in .broken lines, all colors: while they last,, pair Want Ads PIANO, radio, washing maenme and several other household goods for sale. Hyde Transfer, tf FOR RENT HOUSES for rent. Hart. TRANSFERS PAINTERS tf. CLAPP Block modem four-roomed apartments with range. Reduced to $1259. $15.00. $1730. Helgerson Limited. 28? CAMERON Transfer. Phone 177 for PAINTING ana Paperhangiog Moller, Phone Red 802. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay i We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Instltue. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government jod. Free Booklet. The M.C.CLta, Winnipeg. RELIABLE'man to take care store route. Distribute and collect. New product. Protected territory. Earn excellent weekly Income. Berland Nut .Co.. St. Paul. Minn. lit THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITJH COLUMBIA v . -! .,! fv- PUftlllTK IN THE MATTER OF 'THE "ADMIN19- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP -MATT VIDECK. Deceased, mteatate. TAKE NOTICE that 6y order of IIU Honour Judge FWRer. uom juagr iu Supreme vourc m ; made this 37th day ot November 1934. I wna appotwed AttmuMsuawr i ( tate of the above-named idecwed. All persona having claims againat the sajd Estate are required to furnish them to mdfiv4 nn or before th: I Slat day of December 1934 otherwise d Is pool t ton ol tne aaia V ... Alt j tkuwn nflr made noaui njuu "" - - indebted to tne aawj j.v hereby required to pay the amount Of Uielr tndeWedneaa to m Towlth. Official Administrator, prince Rupert. B.C. tinted thl 37th dT of NOTember 1934. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH CULUMUIA IN VKOIIATE IN THE MATTER OF THE TRATION ACT "ADMINI3 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ESTHER SQUCtE, DECEASED. INTE3-TATE TAKE' NOTICE that by order . tt r vuh.r jt h. M thdft V Of NQ- . .,k.. a n I was apmlntecl Admlnistrtor' of the eMate of ttVcirt . . -a An all VU IV ISA SOUCie.. oecera. ' . ... V.i.i-.. .in.t tha uild eatatn )IV1UK "'..- i axe hereby requirea imur". properly ve-nned. , r'ITt irtht to the tr re .required to pay Ui amoimt ofWetT Indebtedness w '" nnMI A. WATT. nrfiMii Administrator Prince 'Rupert. B.C. Dated tb 39th (Jay of November. ii S1.25 99c 69 c Cut Rate Shoe Store We Accept Relief Tickets 623 Third Avenue QUALITY RUBBERS We mean Goodrich, Dominion and Miner. We carry .only the best. Ladies, selling at 69 C per pair, up from Misses' and Children's, selling atg5(J&75C per pair, up iiuiu Men's Rubbers, selling .at .per. pair, up from Men's Knee Gum -.poofs, while they last, up from, per pair Boys' Knee Gum Boots, selling at $2 and Boys' Storm King Thjgh Height Gum Boots, oer Dair Ladies,' Misses' ,and Children's Thigh Height or 3,4 Qum Boots, all sizes, at lowest prices. Children's Rubber Boots, in all sizes 79C selling at up jtym, per pan Misses' Rubber Boots, In all sizes selling at. per pair, up from 79c $2.75 2.59 83,99 v MACKENZIE FURNITURE Bedroom Suites Five Paef.es Bedstqad, Vanity, Chiffonier, Dresser, Stool Phone 775 99c 1 AECKIES' WATERPROOF SHOES AT LOWEST PRICES Boys; Youths' and Little Gents' School Boots, made by Leckle. with heavy double soles and waterproof bellows tongue in all sizes Q IJU W . (Mil. uy lUI Men's Leckle Work Shoes now per pair, up from S3.45 $94.50 327 Third Ave. BILLM0R SHINGLES Manufactured Jbv r local mill, by local labor, from local produce. Sold .at prices lower than ever before offered in Prince Rupert. All No. 1 Cedar Shingles 3-X, 'per 4hous,and $3.00 ,5-X, Py thousand . . . ,$4.00 , PHILPOTT, EVJ-TT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 Piano For Sale Left Over Storage Also Radio ,nnd Victor EleQtroJa Combination HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand,, SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. 3 s "t a Ss 4 i 1 s 9