PAGE FOUR FISHERMEN! S. R. S. lune in lopics HIGH LIGHTS TUESDAY 6:30 Ed Wynn, KOMO. 7 -.00 Seth Parker. KOMO. 8:15 Memory Lane, KOMO. 9:30 Hodge-Podge Lodge, KOIN. ' WEDNESDAY 7:00 Hon. Archie and Frank, KNX. 7:30 Radio Forum, KOMO. 8:30 California on Parade. KPO. 9:00 Stars of the West, KOMO. THURSDAY 0:00 Studio Chatter. KOMO. 7:00 Camel Program, KOIN.' 7:30 Paul Whlteman Orch., KOMO. 8:15 Standard Symphpny, KOMO. FRIDAY 6:15 Oentleman Jim, Songs, Patter, Etc., CFCN, CRCV. 6:30 Melodic Strings, CFCN, CRCV. 7:00 June Merdith's First Nlghters. KOMO. 7:30 One Man's Family. KOMO. 8:00 Don Pedro's Gypsies, CFCN. 8:15 Gllmore Circus, KOMO. and Ilemembe r We offer you a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD OKratlnf three Dry Docks ToUl cclty Ua i Rhlpbnllders and Bhlp Repairer for Steel and Wool Vetstli Iran and Bran Cutlni Clertrlo and Acetylene Welting ll-toa Derrick for Heavy LHU Iswmlll and MlnlncMschlnf rj Beialred an4 Ortrhanle "WHAT 13 HfiMB men like to be able to step Into the garden and get their vegetables fresh. Anyone can grow carrots, peas and beans and by careful Compare Our Prices We Save You Money We have bought in advance a large .quantity of Men's, Hoys,' Women's, Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Beach Sandals, in fact everything in Spring and Summer Footwear for the entire family. All at SPECIAL CUT KATE PRICES. COMPARE OUR PRICES. LET US SAVE YOU. MONEY. Hip Rubber Roots, Reg. $6.50, up from $4.49 Everything in Rubbers that you need at prices cut to cost. We handle Goodrich and Miner Rubbers, Fishermen's Black Diamond Rubber Suits & Coats. See us before buying. We sell for less. Don't say you have an expensive loot. We now pQK jjy DOCK WORKER have Shoes in A WIDTH in Smart Attractive specials for the dry dock worker. Solid leather Black Kid 1-Strap and Dress fiQ Work Boots Q Qr Oxfords; Reg. $5.95; Special up from $&UO Misses' and Children's Patent 1 -Strap QQp Special on Leckle's oil tan chrome solid leather UU Shoes. Reg. $155; Special y0ik Boot, built to wear (go Qj? Reg. $4.95 VOUO Snappy Styles for the Snappy Miss. Smart Pumps : and T-Straps In fine kid and QO 4? Sturdy School Boots for boys and C0 00 patent leather; Reg. $3.95; Special youths, up from Infants Shoes for the little toddler dQp Women's Shoes Q-f QC Reg. 95c; Special Reg. $3.50; Up from ?XUO Samples bought of Lcckie selling at prices never before heard of in Prince Rupert See Our Windows. . We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE "WITHOUT A EN? There has of late been some un- study and attention most vegetables seasonable growth of early plants can be raised, in local gardens. Pretty soon frosts not a,ready don raspberries mav Pvn,tH thnt m in. . . . should be moved now. From bushes some oi tnese ana sometimes these moyed ,n , ,t h not wUe t0 spring frosts are fatal. The bulbs expect much crop this year but I are pretty safe but roses are aptjtothe second season they should bear be Injured If growth commences, well. No berry Is as prolific In Spring frosts do much more damage , Prince RuperJ as the raspberry. than winter or fall frosts. GROW OWN VEGETABLES There may or may not be profit in growing vegetables but most wo- wC A 10 X 10 VEGETAe,U CiMM VIU 5UPPLV AWlE.ffAUH CIVIMG fOQO tOit voutt BABIES BALL HELD LAST NIGHT Annual Affair of Two Masonic Lodges Was as Usual OuUtand. Ing Social Success The annual ball of Tslmpsean and Tyee Lodges. A. F. & A. M., held last night in the Masonic Temple, was, as usual, one of the outstanding affairs of the local social season, a crowd of some 230 persons be ing In attendance. The hall was attractively decorated for th occasion and dancing was In full swing from 9:30 pjn. until 2 ajn, with music by C. P. Balagno's orchestra. The Orand March was led by the "TILLIE THE TOILER" VAJS.UI.. IT LOOK ll KE TMDWB (SOT voua coy I ifclCNU I ft SPOT- TUB UlTTVC masters of the two lodges, R. E. Benson and Dr. R. O. Large, and their wives. O. H. Munro was master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refreshments were served. The committee In charge cohsls-td of A. R. Nichols, W. M. Watts, W. R. McAfee, G. E. Phillipson, W. Brett and A. S. Nickerson. Special guests were a number of Masonic guests from Ketchikan. 'OOi' 'tS MKS "TO FO(25ET t'M A. LAOY AND KNOCK VOUtt 7Z JTBS DAILY roWB Haven't you notired that your happieit houri occur on dtyt when you feel your bttlf Have more of tbeie hippy day. Yon and all your family. Guard health whiU yon hare iu Kaep on lL aunny aide of life. The irealeit enemy of health ia common ronitipation. It may rauie Ion of appetite and energy. Certainly it killa enthuiiatml Yet it ran be banithed by eating a delicioui cereal. Laboratory trait ihow Kellon'a AlL-BatN auppliei "bulk" and vitamin B to relieve common ronitipation. Alio iron for the blood. The "bulk" in All-Bum Ii much like that in leafy vegetable!. How much pleaianter to eat thil dell eiona ready-to-eat rerral than to take patent medicinei. Two table-poonfnla daily are niually iu(B- i I i nn i ki cient. Chronie caiei, with earh meaL If not relieved thil way, re yogr doctor. Made by Kellogg in London, OnU APPEALS ON ASSESSMENT List of Those Having Cases at Civic Court of Revision The list of appellants at this. year's civic court of revision was as j follows: Canadian National Rail-; ways, James A. Curtis, R. B. Skinner. A. J. Prudhomme, Henry Lc-veque, John B. Kay. Falrlle & Grant, Mrs. E. A. Falrlle. L. and A. Crerar. Emery Lewis. D. Glbb. Wilfrid Orat- ton, J. O. Eastman. Mary Cameron, Oiler Besner. Thomas J. Boulter, O. ind, Salvation Army. Perclval ! Jenns, Dr. W. T. Kergln. D. C. Dcm-1 We rey. Mrs. Boulter, Independent Or der of Oddfellows. John Dybhavn, Dybhavn ii Hanson, Arthur Brooks-bank, Stewart & Finnic J. O. Johns, E. A. Miller. S. J. Ja'bour, W. M. Wright. II. L. Constable, Lois A. Mc- Rae. Loyal Order of Moose. Joe Brown, F. M. and B. E. Webster. S. P. McMordle, O. P. Tinker Co., Young and Eggert. Don Brown, A. Jarvls. D. M. Kean, H. C. Meyers, John Llndseth, Mrs. R. Zarelll. J. and J. Lindsay. Hattie Lindsay, Alexander Oooch, II. F. Pullen, James Hampton, A. R. Hunter, Fred Clark, II. Leaper. J. Currle, George Chrls-toff, M. Y. Alvazoff. Prince Rupert Amusement Co.. Mrs. E. L. Flnnl-gan, W. J. Turner, Rogers Investment Limited, Joe Garon, R. E. Moore. B: "Andreason, Thomas Beat- tie. Clementine Collart, J. Theo Collart, A. Quln. S. Momovlch. J. E. Collart, J. O. Williams, A. R. Markle, Emerson and Hyde. C. M. Slnnot, Prince Rupert Building and Investment Co.. Oibbons Estate. F. Collart, McCaffery & Gibbons. Harry Long. H. McCaffery. G. Tyson, Rose E, Orme. C. II. Orme, Yorkshire Canadian Co.. Alex Mcpherson. J. Iver-son, Mabel Thompson, Intercontinental Petroleum Land and Trading Co., Mrs. R. Pedersen, Robert Hamlin, V. Reda estate. Frank Dcrry, James Hcgarty, R. O. Hul-bert, Minnie Sullivan and Peter R. White. The court has been adjourned until February 21 when City Com missioner W. J. Alder will announce his decisions. i Advertise In th Dally News iHIS DEATH 1 REGRETTED J. R. Cameron, Former Railway; .Manager, Well Known Here Ine Transportation Career Many local friends learned with regret on reading the Dally News on Saturday of the death of Joseph Robert Cameron, former as sistant general manager or thc( Canadian National iu'.ways fori British Columbia, at the age of slxty-rlne years. Mr. Cameron wait well known In Prince Rupert through frequent visits here dur-the many years he wa. Identified with the railway compmy prior lo his retirement a few years ago. Born at Truro. Nova Scotia. November 5. 1855. Mr. Cameron was educated In that city and went Into railway service at Wt-nlpeg in 1832 with the Canadian Pacific Ralway. Three years later he went ovr to the Northern Pacific Railway, first at Winnipeg and later at Orand Forks. North Dakota In 1901 he Joined the Canadian Northern Railway as general superin tendent at Winnipeg, being promoted to the position of assistant general manager at Winnipeg ten years later. From Winnipeg hcwai transferred to Vancouver In a similar capacity and had since been l located on this coast until r.e In 1885 Mr. Cameron, married Miss Mary Falconer of Streetsvllle. Ontario. They had three aoru and two daughters. Mr. Cameron was a Presbyterian and motoring was his principal recreation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grlmble and son Fred, sailed Sunday night on the Cardena for Stewart where Mr. Grlmble will relieve for the next few weeks as customs officer I SEE OUR WINDOWS Always Have Bargain. Come In and Look Around. PURITY QUICK OATS- Chlna, per pkg. PURITY QUICK OATS- Plain, per pkg. . COWANS COCOA 1-lb. tin ECONOMY BRAND TEA per lb. ." WALNUTS To clear, 2 lbs CARROTS 10 lbs M Worth Repeating 26c 17c 25c Coupon In each tin worth 5c redeemable at our store. 39c 25c 25c CAL-SPA MINERAL WATER For better health per bottle S2.25 SUNKI8T ORAPEFRUIT- 4 for , TOMATO JUICE 3 tins SPINACH 2 Vi'S yT i per tin LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES 2'2's, per tin LAYER FIGS per lb. 25c 25c 23c 23c 16c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More; Outs' M7-19 Third ttenue Wl P.O. Box S7S Phone MONDAY and TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9:15 AdniMilon 13c Si SOc lir-.i . A DRAMA OF Till: UNDERWORLD "ONE suv... 'l AITERNooy. - ..-'' "MIDNIGHT MARY!:,,. LOR LOR ETTA ETTA YOUNG. YOUNG, RICARDO RICARDO CORTEZ. CORTEZ. A A M-IJ M.n .. .. i, . " "3! .Men Mm I'nnlil Could Not Nnl ItrsUt Resist iim the Sncll Kni-ll of nr llrr II.. i. it,, .... ..J" 1 "r" ,lf'lV With Alil,.l I'rutnr, ... . - . II t, . .. Mystery, Comedy, Thrills in "(IIRL MISSlNf ru! With GLENDA I'ARRELL, BEN LYON. A Warner firm pi MURESC0 For beautiful, durable, economical decoration of walls and ceilings. Murcsco Is supreme. It can be applied over almost any surface. Including mast wallpapers. Material to Muresco the average room may be purchased for $1 50 or less, It comes In eighteen popular tints. GORDON'S HARDWARE in CHARTS 99 - i rimiif sii Mcllridf St Fishermen: Get Your Charts Now! Vc have a complete stock of all charts used in Ihu vicinity. Dominion Government British Admiralty U. S. Hydrographic U. S. Dept. of Commerce TIDK TAHLHS North Pacific Count ami IV Kupert Harbor, Free. DIVIDKKS, I'AKALLKL KULKS, KTC. VS. Ml Coal Prices Miiii'lieail Kgjr Coal $12J Minehcnd Lump Coal $12 Pembina Kgg Coal 12-00 Stove Coal , $11.51) Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE f Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That (Jives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 50 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAV FROM HOME" Kales 11.00 op Rooms. Hot tt Cold Vi Prince Runcrt, H-C Phone 281 SOOE taEPJ V4VVD TRCW I I ( 3CT3M ! tf' -iflA'n I I "SV, VOU I VEliANOV-Or-H 1 TVATi TMEB.E'S A NCTB a MOTS OM h VT fe3 ALfVtAUOM MCB k'! P.O. rtit 191 -By Westovcr.