Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Cloudy, fresh High 1:36 ajn. 21.5 It. muthcast wind; barometer, 2021; 13:31 pjn. 23.1 It. temperature, 48; sea choppy. Low 7:35 am. 4.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL URITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 20:05 p.m. 0.9 It. -Si V XXIV No. 37. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., UESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, im PRICE: FIVE CENTS NINE BLOODY Socialists Appeared To Have Upper Hand; Authorities Sieged From 500 to 2,000 Estimated Dead Following Sanguine Conflict in Capital and Other Important Cities of Austria Women and Children Suffer Terrible Carnage in Capital Working Class District VIENNA, Feb. UI: An unofficial estimate tonight placed the number of dead at 500 in the civil war while rumors with some basis of plausibility placed the toll as high as 2,000. A large majority of the deaths were in the Vienna working class district. It is feared that many women and children were killed when artillery shelled the Karl Marx apartment. MINNA, Feb. 13: With the death list estimated to be numing over..UicJJQ& eas one hundred bejng ,in Vienna and hundreds suffering injuries, many probably fa'al, bloody warfare continued in the streets of Vienna and other cities of Austria throughout the night. While J r police and troops were holding the most of the public i bulldlhgs. the Socialist aVpeartd STRIKE IS ; I CONCLUDED IMftrcnt View on Effectiveness; lour Hundred Arrests Made; ' Pari quiet WHS, Feb. 13: With the Na-llonal Federation of Labor claiming that llir dcmonstatlon had been a complete success while the (omnmtnt authorities expressed the opinion Hut it had not been s fully effective as had been hoped, (he ll-lxiur general strike of workers In Paris and the pro. ibices called hi a gesture of protest asalnit the attempt to set up TimM dictatorship" In France tame to an end at midnight last night with the city quiet follow a day of more or less sporadic dhnnlrr. i Four hundred arrests were reported to have been made during he day. Many services, businesses and Industries were tied up but nrmy linrcr manned the utilities nd kept these running. Wheat Prices j VANCOUVER Frh. 13 (CD Wheat was quoted at 0$c on the lo-1 market yesterday us compared Mill 65;,c on Saturday and 05ifec n Friday. VANCOUVER, Feb. 13- Wheat J Quoted here today at OITaC a biuiel. "i'ii: sum AKMY AMI NAVY ItY JAPAN PARLIAMENT 4 TOKYO, Feb. 13:-A budget 4 HM.vmmg ior $012,000,000 was P:-sed by the Jfiniineso Par- (lament here today. Fnrtv. foiii- llPrrrnf ii... - " mi- money np- t t opriatcd goes to the army ana navy. .. . K WARFARE CONTINUES IN VIENNA DURING NIGHT City of Austria Especially in at Karl Marx Apartment to have the upper hand in the open fighting and on three sectors, centering about the city's power plant, the municipal building and the largest apartment block of Vienna had taken possession of the artillery of the authorities and driven them to shelter. Roar of guns continued In the city throughout the night and an emergency curfew de-icree was Issued, requiring all persons to be off the streets after 8 pjn. on pain of being shot down on sight. The ministry of Chancellor Dol-fUM was In executive session aU through the night. Another of Its acts was a decree ordering the dissolution of all Socialist organizations. Ilnwiliers Used The civil war conUnucd in many centres of Austria today and In Vienna fighting was particularly vicious as soldiers again resorted to use of howitzers' in an attempt to overcome resistance. The famous Karl Marx apartments, housing two thousand Socialist families, was the target for the hevvy guns when workers fired upon soldiers attempting to enter the building. The third and fourth floors were wrecked, causing the middle arch to collapse, and It Is not known how ,many were killed, A Urge municipal flat In another section was" ' also the target for guns In an effort to dislodge snipers. Fighting also continued nt other points. MAKE PROBE INTO WAGES Provincial (internment Starts In vesication Into Pay In B.C. Logging Camps VICTORIA. Feb. 13: (CPi An j Investigation Into wages paid thioughout Hrltlsh Columbia's log-ffiiw Industry has been commenced by tho provincial government with, .,riirni(.r reference to a strike In three camps In the Campbell River riUlrli.) I British , 4f f ftHMvf jjtUfakMMKvllXfiMMM vtfEhfc diflfiM tiBSigCSMmURkw mm M. The Duchess of Newfoundland and her two daughters. Laay Dla a and Lady Elizabeth, got their first glimpses pt a Hollywood movie studio rrtUyHexf pe titled .visitors ate seen 4alynctcon after a morning tour. Left to right are seen Eilua Lancll. screen star: Lady Elizabeth Percy.'Lady Diana Percy, and the Duchess of Northumberland. Disturbance In Penitentiary At Walla Walla Subdued Last Night By Gunfire of Guards Convicts Took Temporary Possession in Bloody Disorders Hcforc Quiet Was Finally Restored Delivery Attempt Foiled at Gates of Institution WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb. 13: (CP) One prison guard and eight convicts were slain in a bloody outbreak late Monday at the Washington State Penitentiary here which was quelled by machine gun fire from the prison walls. Four guards and five convicts were wounded. After oilier was restored, the dead were removed to the morgue, CARRYING AIR MAIL Service to be Placed in Hands of Private Companies Again in United States. It Is Intimated "LINDY" AROUSES IKK Protest of Fanous Aviator Designed For Publicity, President's Secretary Charges WASHINGTON D.C.. FcO. 13 It was officially stated on behalf of the government last night that the Intention was to place air mall service In the United States back In the hands of private com panies as soon as possitxc. first. however, the administration will seek legislation from Congress providing for a complete reorganization of the set-up for the car rying out of the services. This, it Is expected, will be on a cost plus basis rather than on the basis of subsidies as al present. Meantime followlrg the cancellation of all private company air mall carrying contracts. Army planes will take over the servlce! next Monday and will contlnc to voumiueu uu . PRISON Royalty In Hollywood the wounded to hospital and ring leaders In the outbreak were placed in solitary confinement pending an official investigation of the disturbance. No prisoners escaped. The guard, H. L. Brlggs, was cut down and killed by a knife wielded by a convict as the prisoners rushed the gates. The dead convicts are W. R. Clark. James DeLong. Wallace Trucott. Paul Krause, Gerald Hill. Herschel Parks and Ernest DeDoer. The outbreak, which had apparently, been planned for some time , began when thirty long term prisoners, armed with butcher knives and Improvised weapons, overpowered the guards In both wings of the prison. After, capturing the guards, the convicts used them as a shield to seize the office of the chief turnkey and advance upon the gates. Here, however, the convicts wavered as the guards on the walls fired with machine guns and rifles over the heads of the captured men and Into the convicts, thus quelling the disturbance. AND COPPEK PRICKS NEW YORK, Feb. 13: (CP) Silver and copper prices were unchanged Saturday from -Friday on the local metal market, the former closing at 44lfcc per ounce and the latter at 8c per pound. The market was closed yesterday, it being Lin- coin's birthday. , l.EW -iOHK. rco. 13Sllver was quoted here today at 44c. SENSATION EXPECTED Important Disclosures. Involving Iligher-Ups, Anticipated in Bremer Investigation ST. PALL, Minn Feb. 13: Sensational disclosures which would "blow the roof off" a local kidnapping and crime ring were promised by the police yesterday in connection with the investigation of the recent kidnapping of Edward G. Bremer, wealthy banker and brewer. It was suggested that a prominent "higher-up" was actually the "king pin" In the ring which also Involves police officers. Important developments in connection with the investigation are expected hourly. Meantime Edward G. Bremer has been re-united with his family here following his release last Wednesday night in the residential district of Rochester, Minn, by kidnappers. It was announced that the full payment of $200,000 ransom had been paid by the father. Adolph Bremer, for his son's release. Bremer Is recovering from the effects of ill-treatment accorded him. by his abductors. Gets Four Years 1 Imorisonment In Insurance Case LONDON, Feb. 13: Capt. Miles, convicted following recent sensa- tlonal Inmirnnrn fraud disclosures. was yesterday sentenced to four years' Imprisonment. OUTBREAK Dame Fortune Smiles Kindly On Itinerant Peddler; Jack Smith Heir to Huge Fortune NEW WESTMINSTER, Feb. 13: (CP)-Jack Gramercy Smith, wandering hat peddler, is cruising somewhere up the British Columbia coast all ignorant of the fact that he has fallen heir to an English estate valued at 200,000. The estate is that of his uncle, Percival Clive Smith, who died recently in London. Six months ago Smith fell heir to another estate in England of $50,000. He had also been winner of several small sweepstake prizes on recent occasions! A bachelor, Smith lives on his own gasoline-powered boat, spending his time trading up and down the coast selling hats to Indians. Young Liberals ! To Move Throne j Speech Response I -VICTORIA, February 13 Cana-dlan Press i Norman Whittaker. MXA. for Saanich. will move the address in reply to the Speech jfrom the Throne following the op ening of the session of the British Columbia Legislature on Tuesday of next week and Dr. J. Allen Har-. ris, MXA. for South Okanagta.' Mil second It. Mr. Whittaker and Dr. Harris are the youngest Lib-' cral members of the Legislature both having scored notable victories at the recent general election. ; :he former having defeated I Premier S. F. Tolniie a d the kU-l tcr vanquishing J W. Jones, former minister of finance. VOTE DOWN RESOLUTION Nationalization of Life Insurance, Proposed by Irvine, Rejected By Commons OTTAWA. Feb. 13: CP A motion by William Irvine. United Farmer member for Wetasklwln, favoring nationalization of life insurance, was defeated In the House of ; Commons yesterday by a vote of 91 to 19. j i DIVIDENDS PASSED UP C. P. K. Decides to Pay Neither on Preferred or Common Stock This Year MONTREAL. Feb. 13: (CP) Directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway decided yesterday against declaration of dividends on either preferred or common stocks for 1933. Business Picking Up in Spokane By Leaps and Bounds SPOKANE, Feb. 13: -Official sta- tlstlcs reveal a forty percent im provement hi general business and 'industry of Spokane for this January in comparison with the same month a year ago. FASCISTI IS ARMING Activities of Sir Oswald Mosleyi Followers Arouse Curiosity of. " Scotland Yard LONDON, Feb. 13: It was reported here yesterday that Scotland Yard was Investigating a rumor that the British Fascist Party, of wnlch Sir Oswald Mosley Is the reputed head, had supplied Itself with a squadron of armed motor vans. Studio Killer Is Sent to Asylum i Clarence Walters, Santa Ana Man, . Is Adjudged Insane ' J LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13: Clar- ence L. Walters, 41-yca'r old Santa ' Ana man, who ran amok with a i knife In a local radio broadcasting station last week and fatally stab- . bed Edward Wolverton, aged 20.' has been committed to Insane asyr lum following hearing in psychopa-thetlc hospital. Dates of Local Fair Approved British Columbia Association Ki; tifics August 21-31 For Hold- T ing of Local Show - NEW WESTMINSTER, February 13 Ca adian Press) At a meeting of the British Columbia Filrs Association here at the end of the week August 21 to 24 were ratified!" as dates for the Prince Rupert Exhibition this year. TARIFF WAR BETWEEN f FRANCE AND BRITAIN 4? BECOMES EFFECTIVE 4 ' LONDON, Feb. 13: The tar- iff war between Oreat Britain and France went into effect at midnight last night when Brl- tain imposed a general twenty percent ad valorum surtax on all French imports, this action having been taken by the Brl- tlsh government as a result of f Franc&'s refusal to ameliorate quotas on British imports. Fur- ther retaliatory duties by France on British goods also became effective last night.