THE WEATHER Twenty-four hours ending 5 a.m., ang MIN. TEM IN, RAIN wane «46.0 nr 091.02 a THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ey ke NEXT MAILS For souTH e Rupert...... Friday, a.m. FOR NORTH MY e's sos Monday p. m. es you. tN 184 ° NO. Menance to The Pub buked Prisoner -— Sent d to Westminster for term of two years for reckless le shooting about town, and reatening to pump a constable wh reat bd a restaurant keeper full of id, James McCull, seaman of e SS. Prince Rupert felt his sition keenly yesterday after- bon Sternly Rebuked pman heard the hed edy tri Evidence wa ail, preliminary case elected for who wi es seven in px red the r. The judg sentencing McCull to the long of id run of.even a more hear- rned him sternly ous ¢ viz., that of man- ugnter She bullet which penc- I Windsor Hotel ed Victor very Larsen “Backed Up" the trial there musing the t Grey the gentle- | MeCull Ss actual going to 1im when wert off towards Windsor | Coon was side to lor at whom been had to had MeCul! begun were WW he nd how and What Judge you | Lampman. | replied the witness. DRNWALL HIT | UNCHARTED REEF eePtain Ley and Officers of British Battleship will be Ex-| Dnerated, Vessel was Going |“ 0 Help Niobe, ( Press f 5 Despatch) That H. M.S. n uncharted shoal | o the relief of the of C anadian Goy- report pixt { the ¢ ipli ‘in | ner Petrel who wes | ' livestigate. Captain | Dk ( ihed the authorities ENNSYLVANIA at Coa ress De spatch) Pa,, Aug. 15, Burn- ‘ crisp while sur- lrenzied mob who cot from the ith Walker a negro, 1 penalty the vard Rice, a special rth Iron Mills. “rrested and = re- pital after put- through LCMmpt for ice Man ¢ Valk ved Ba bullet hos his own commit comprising usand men, women, ke inio the hospital Policeman we as on a “ : - which ck | i Was strapped, all a mile of Murder Dilip ¢} to the mob ard 2 ’ 17 cot to to the before ap- he ‘ the Orch to t] 1 pra Dod Whi: grass and $ given | had no hesitation | |Shrubsall | the 41 12 cae to Hays Port and is quite satisfied Saw Mr. Shirley's Garden | been looking out all the time for! G IM B O per hour. Questions in this con- with all he saw on his trip to “And right in your city is the|any evidence of fruit pests, but | OnGER ites ury Uver nection have been under consider- Hazelton and back. The present | best proof of all,’ said Mr. Butler,|}saw none. This will mean a great | Wage Question. ation by the railway officials for is his third visit to the district|as he told of going to see Sheriff|deal to the fruit grower, lightening | ete a considerable time and the matter which he knows pretty well. Shirley’s garden on Taylor street,|his labor and preventing his crop| (Canadian Press Despatch) will be finally settled now. Con- farmer to feed his stock on green Perfect Equipment ably How to Treat It after reading of it in the News.|from damage. | Winnipeg, Aug. 14.—A com-!¢essions granting employees an The muskeg, he said, “‘is|‘‘It is really a wonderful little] The growth of the country mittee of C. P. R. employees feders S per cent dndvedee, or sna decayed vegatation which has not | garden, and Mr. Shirley tells me|here cannot be rapid like the|ation which includes machinsits, a half cents an hour were to take es . . . ~ | ‘ . 4 a $ ‘e S ¢ ere ¢ been well drained. It has all the| that he did not treat the muskeg, | prairies, but it be will richer. You! poiler-makers, tinsmiths, steam / ‘ effect September Ist, out employees demanded that these go into effect on April Ist. BROTHER OF ARTHUR LITTLE GETS IMPORTANT POSITION said Dr. Charles S. Little Appointed to Chief Superinten- Feeble Minded.—Is Famous as an dency of New $3,000,000 Institution for the | Alienist. Two thousand acres is the space occupied by the village. There will be six institutions, and six sets of buildings. A considerable portion of farm and shop work wili be done by the inmates. It is expected that a high degree of efficiency can be found and maintained in farming, carpentry, peinting, blacksmithing, kitchen work, sewing, knitting, and basket work. A normal life so far as is possible will be followed by every one in the village. Dr, Charles S$. Little was born in New Hampshire, and had charge of the New Hamp- shire institution for the care of the He has the same genial, healthy influence on those about him as our own Prince Rupert Arthur Little, and is therefore, a insane, SUCCESS, - as far as the Portland Canal 3) | ah ths a sie sty} i! tee - edb By ad tp sy ae es