May 25, W Enjoy the Thrill of Fine Quality ALADA TEA ''Fresh from trie Garden" NOW IS - - - Ormes Ltd. "Jfi Pioneer Druqcjists thr Kriall Start Phones; SI U 81 in Kodak Time hV Eye $1.75 Bi o nic Cameras, No. G20 ' $3.00 En , nic Cameras, No. GIG $3.75 t Pocket Kodak $5.00 m Kodak, Doublet lens ... .$16.00 fijo Jiffy Kodak $8.00 m Jiffy Kodak $ $9.00 t,3 Kodak 6.3 lens $17.50 tile Kodak 6.3 lens :. $20.00 M "' 1 20 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 M:::. l 2o Kodascope for above $45.00 ( nc Kodak 1G m.m. with carrying case . .llrns $75.00 -ue I) Kodascope for alwve $76.00 Developing & Printing 1 Kodak work, Daily Service MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE lorn. ,nnivi:ksakv sale . Kelt Mattresses 3-ft. JWn. and li 6-in. sizes; Sale price )-in. Bed Complete See our mdow ; Sale nrice $7.25 $18.00 Phone 775 327 Third .We. Prince Rupert, H.C FULTON CASH & CARRY s Avenue West Mr. and Mrs. L. Amadio GKOCKKIKS. VEGETABLES, IMPORTED ITALIAN MACCAHONI, CHKESK, KTC. fo: Jones Tent and Awning Co.. Vancouver B.a All sires V - ,.nd Mountaineer Sleeping Robes. Every descripUon of Prospector and nsnermens uru.t . R qul.s!tes Tents all stzes Best quality Lowest prices, i J) and inspect Prompt attention to country orders. Phone 7f)G I'-O- 1J()X :Kfi 1 ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Scratch Pads baling Wax Seccotine Second Sheets Serpentine snelf Paper s"ippiiiK Tags s'H)v Card Hoard s'iov Card Colors sl'onge Bowls Twines Sponges . Stamp Pads Stamp Pad Ink Staplers and Staples Stick Files String Tags Thumb Tacks Time Hooks Tissue Paper Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mmr Im rrlnr mipfrt tor vnopTr 'S. ( ATAI.A EVtltV TUESDAY, 1:30 I'M j Ot - pail nd wrp"int. nrrlritHt Vno.ifr Tmu II Ml T aiirrmmn. TsS. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver. Monday AM. ... j W""S Mllruja to Tort 8tm,pa.)P Allc Ann Anrox. Htwri td JJM nif,hri- information regarding all sailings and tickets at- i.... .. aat . rlTP. Hi rr.HT AdT.NCY! Thlrit Atfnnf. ' city early this morning, was taken to the Prince Rupert General Hospital where .she underwent an operation today for acute YOUR HIDDEN TROUBLE InrnmplrU tliimuu.ia if body uW niiti U (u frrtr n U-nl thaa n grnrrmUy rr&lit-H. Lr DHipU aim tin nt riulr hatnti oftra 'iflr Ihjironditi in Infnmplrtarliiataa-lia ia bjr y.Hi ultra irl waak and orut. or ufftr ataaarbra and HKi.f r.ti'. The lor. to Kwt tail .MtditMKi it to (allow tt-a Asdrxt Hulc. II -aJtb Eat RMaimtety. Gt a:tfh kp. Uh air. aad nmtn U lidy jr. it iy-iy aad. owa or laira nth t tak a brannf, narkaaf flaaa cl Am-dr. LiTff fall Andrraa Um Ml will kp ytt ia lh pink (if mwiiMoa by Mpiac KaUira U kwp yotir yti m ia tanrovta vork-int nir V.r draiiiat 1U Aadr.lo but t and Mt and tU mrm. laraa bo(l. lit Ma Altntl: Juho A. UuUa Co.. Ltd., Tutoeto. 1 ; Mrs. W. H. Kergln sailed last muht on the Prince George lor a visit to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Charles Bucking, president and mining director of the Granny Go. and his secretary, Al White, fol lowing a visit of Inspection to the operations of the company at An vox. arrived in the city yesterday on tne company service Doav Granby from the smelter town, and sailed last night on the ss. Prince George for Vancouver. Hotel Arrivals Royal C. L Cauthers. Teirace; F. Cas (llllon, Stewart; W. Sim, R. Mom gomcry and. Louis Gregg, city; V Hanson and J. Benson. Vancouver Prince Rupert C. Gillespie. Oceanic; A. G- Hop , kins. P H. Dawson. D. J. Mutr and ! A. C. Knight. Vancouver; C. Sii Iter. Haysport; Mrs. F. Frankf Wuodcock; Horace Sykes. Seattle J. Costello and Mr. and Mrs. Mav Kay. Winnipeg; Mrs. W. A. Clemen Brantford. Ont.; A. Watt. C N. R.: )M. Martin. Smlthers; Ingar Tehnci . Eumonion; Mr. ana Rirs. a. itoocu-son. Massett. Central Walter Strrett. Hazelton; D. W. McConnell. R. L. Grey, A. W. HoJ- loway and D. B. Smith, Edmonton: H. Robinson. Kclowna; Mr. and Mrs Oregory, Winnipeg: A. Chap-pell and Phil Phleffer. VegrevUle; L. Froggatt. city; H. W. Mason, Jasper; W. Franz, C. N. R. Knox W. Kupplngcn and Mrs. A. Ol&cn. city: E. R. Pearce and J. Rowlands Oceanic Cannery; A. R. Meyer., North Battlefield, Sask.; Clayton L Hunt, Saskatoon; J. Johnson, O. 01-seen. L. Russell. D. Innes and M 1 . Strickland, Edmonton: J. Emble-ton, Prince .Albert; T. Godf.-ej Haysport; C. McKewcr and E. II Pruner, Edson. Savoy B. Llndstrom, Usk; W Harrison, Port Esslngton: Rev and Mrs, J. S. iBrayfleld. Victoria Beach, Man. Mide from $1,000 thz dailt ntb PAGE thr; 3 LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are attill buying; old gold, Bulger's, (tf) You can rent a Car at Walker's as Jow tuL$l' plus 7c. ': 'n . a mile. tf Cut flowers, marriage bouquets. pot plants, wreaths and sprays. OLENNIE'S. We pay a premium for gold coins and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. '.(tf) Mrs. E. Davidson and daughter, Dorothy, are sailing tonight on the Princess Adelaide for "the south. They will spend the next three months at Vancouver and Olbsons Landing. Miss Ruby Krikevsky was taken 8pecial meeting West C. C. P. Club Friday, May 25, 8 p.m. Important. (120) Boy Scouts meeting Friday, at 8:30 p.m. OtTik'it. Rooms, Second Avenue. Address by W. Solway, Scout Commissioner for B. C. Open to all. (1211 Request numbers, for Prince Rupert and Port Simpson listeners were played last evening by radio broadcasting station K O B U of Ketchikan. FAREWELL PUBLIC DINNER to Col. 8. P. McMordie. DJS.O., In the Commodore Cafe at 6:30 Tuesday Evening. Please obtain tickets on or before Monday. A. Brooksbank, 315 3rd Ave. E. N. Boulter gathering. Valentine and Thomas returned to the city on suddenly til yesterday while on the I the Prince Oeorge last night after excursion to Port Simpson and, I making the round trip to Anyox Immediately upon returning to the to attend a Royal Arch Mason's William Orosnevor and Patrick m Sims of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve returned to the city on the Prince George on Wednesday frcm Esquimau where they spent f!ve weeks taking training at naval barracks. A. E. Warren, vice-president hi narge of western lines. Canadian National Railways. Winnipeg: B.T 'happell. general superintendent for British Columbia, Vancouver and G. AMsNkholl. general pas- :iger agent. Vancouver, wer? nassengers aboard the Prince "sorge last evening returning to Vancouver after making the round rip north to Anyox and Stewart -n the steamer. On his way back to Dawson vhere he Intends to return to the placer mining game after hav ng spent the past seventeen year Arming first on the prairies an 'or the past eleven years at Fran cols Lake. Ed. Henslcy. who ar rived In the city at the first of the week from the Interior, sailed verterday on the Princess Norah for thf Yukon, accompanied Mrs. Henslcy and son. William Before coming out of the north o take up farming. Mr. Hensley "as for many years located In 're Atlln and Yukon districts as -veil as Alaska, having been for xme time In the' service of the American smelting and Refining Co. iULCERS.BAD LEGSi OLD WOUNDS a MirrtlkMal; I .SORES j UmUk. Announcements j Valhalla Bridge and dance June 1 Anglican tea, Mrs. Rorlc's June ai. Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L. icnlc, June 24, Dlgby Island. MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings . 15 00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. Rev. Robert Tomlinson, who has been paying a visit to the city and the Interior, sailed by the Princess! Norah yesterday on his return to J Ketchikan. Norman L. Freeman,, local repre sentative of the International Fisheries Commission, sailed o tne Prmcess Koran, yesterday lot a trip to Ketchikan on official Merely routine business was taken up Tuesday night at a regular meeting of the Women of Mooseheart Legion. Mrs. D. C. Bchubert, senior regent, was in the cnair. j Game Warden Ed. Martin sailed yesterday on the Princess Norar. for Skagway acting as escort for a shipment of government liquor for delivery to Atlln. On the way south he will stop off to make game patrols In the Taku and Sti- kine Plver districts and expects to be back here about the middle of June. IN MEMOKIAM TORONTO, Ontario In lovln memory of ray dearly beloved Un- le. Ellas Emld, pioneer confecti" ner, who passed away In the far : ' xlls of Prince Rupert. May ZS'.:..; 1933. Life Is but a golden chain. Death rles to part but all In vain. Oui ! houghts drift to scenes long past Though I do not know you unclr dear, but love, devotion ana mem- iries, still cling treasurely in le'. ers of the past. Sadly missed by a loving niece. EVA. BUILDING OPENED (Continued from Page V program were Mrs. II. N. Brocklesby. K. E. James and J. A. Tcng. with vocal solos, and G. Foarty -with mystifying card tricks. Community singing of the wartime songi under :. S. Wilson were remintscciu of France. Mr. Wilson also thanked he artists for tneir help and the speakers for their encouraging and complimentary remarks. A buffet supper was served and liter a dance was carried on to a rite hour. Al Small, with William Reid nd William Bacon, provided tplendid music for the dance. Mrs. J. S. Black was accompanist ' for soloists. In the course of Uie dance a -lc gram was read from Col. S. D. Johnston with the message Well don; Legion" and expressing regret;, a his ability to be present. Valuable Connection For The Right Man An opportunity of earning a substantial income is offered to a local man of high standing who will represent a prominent Toronto Financial House In this territory. Please give experience and references In answering. Write to "Financial Advertiser" co A. McKim Limited, 320 Bay St., Toronto 2, Ont. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Reach Fishing, Bathing. Badminton. Picnics, Scenic Drives. Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Massett, BC. When Coming lo Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains Freight & passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat H. A. S. now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY Running Shoes L Men's and Boys' -up from Saturday Phone 62 $1.69 For Men, Women and Children Guaranteed all new stock bought of all leading makers in Canada. Wc sell 35 less than anywhere in the city. We carry the largest stock and give you the lowest prices. COME IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK Women's Tennis Shoes up from. Men's Runners up from 1 J I aaaMfc mM I A 95c Misses' and Children's Tennis Shoes fiOp up from 99c Boys' and Youths' Runners RQc up from Wc accept city scrip and relief orders Shoes We have just received a large ship ment of Sport Shoes for men, wo men' boys' misses and, children In 'smartJTwo-Tone effect with leather and I'anro soles Women's. Misses' C'hildren'o up irum gJQ Cut Rate Shoe Store Specials Phone 63 SWIFTS COMET SWIFTS Picnic HAMS BUTTER Cottage Rolls lb. 18c 3 lbs. 70c lb 22c STEER BEEF LAMB . RUMP ROAST 20c SHOULgER TRIMMED 20c ror roast- 12c ,1,KAST 12c lb. H. to stew arnrow TO FRY veal 10c iMYflil J0BK CII0PS 22c BEEF 10c -MdWEW VEAL CHOI'S j8c lb. 1 V ' b- . ... .. STERLING ALBERTA 1 lb. BLLF n t LIM.R ,vr., . t;rPC htilib LARD t, lb. IUCON Both 25c 2 lbs 25c Doz 20c TRY OUR WHIPPING CREAM afa y Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 .if n 11