KNOX HOTEL imh:k m:w mavmikment SI riwiu all )tli Hut and fold Water, Nhonrr llatln KXCMXKKT lINIM IIOOM Vou UI I'e llieKiui. IU(f: 7V. tl. American or European Plan PA 1 1. AKMOItt Proprietor Tomorrow's Tides mmm High 11:40 tun. 17.7 ft. 23:32 pm 21.0 ft. Low 5.29 aJn. 4.5 ft. 17:22 pjn. 7.4 ft: NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vc; XXIV No. 121. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTr TEN MILLION DOLLAR LOAN IS MADE TWO POUCEMEN BELIEVED MURDERED IN NICOLA VALLEY Confirmation Is .Received at Victoria of B.C. Premier's Success NEW MARK IN FLIGHT Joan lUllen Lower Amy John-tan' Record For England-Australia Trip rOKT DARWIN. Aust- May 55: IIT Mis Joan Batten, 21-yri'T Id New Zealand avtatrlx, reach-rd lirre on Wednesday afternoon W set a new women' record for the England -Australia nolo Punt. She beat by (our and a hair day lh nlneleen-dar record for tlie diUnre established hr Mr. Amy JohnMin MollUon In 1930. Today's Stocks to C urot y H O JotutMft Oa.l Vancouver A xantlrla. M atki. . bavview. I i N. kel. 1.03. I Motourt. .28. is u'.rnr. 1235. :. Hirer Oho.. .32. U B X.. SH. 11;.". I X. I, .18. Ubon Quartz, 1.61. :.;uiwrll. .28. monla. .76. rsu River. .02. ' n onda, 29. Indian. .02. t Minm. .49. ' Mi rtrtlan, .15. Mornlns StAC, 32. K uve Son. .03 H. N,-nnal Sliver. .03 Vk. Noble Five. .09. rr,m Odellle, X3. P rter Idaho. .00. Prnmler. 155. R-'vca McDonald. .12fe. Reward. .07 W lb ;in. .68. E; ver Crest. .03. B.. mon Oold. .21. Tjlor Bridge, .75. Wjvside. 351,. Whitewater, .05. W vcrly Tangier (new), ,02V. t'mtcd Empire, .10. Toronto Cn.iral Patricia, .61. C hibougamau, .11. Lc" Oold. .15. Granada. .GO. li ter Nickel. 2055. Marassa. 2.46, . Miranda, 42.80. Blicrrltt Oordon. 1.05. Blsco 215. Thompson Cadillac. .47. Ventures, .86. Lake Maron, .08Vi. Teck Hughes. 6.05. Budbury Basin, 1.C8. Columarlo. .31. Smelter Oold, .27. f m Malartlc. .61. Little Long Lac. 4.35. Bauamac, .11. Maple Leaf. 39. Pickle Crow, .72. Lung Lac Lugoon, 30. Manitoba & Eastern, .18Vi. Van couver Wheal VANCOUVER, 25 ,po, May 'w ' vVhcat vhcat ,n. , flos: r,n ,0"J exchanne on Wcdriesday iumpinj to 710 today, In Raising Financial Backing Province Will Thus be Enabled to Meet Maturing Financial Obligations and Implement Projected Recovery Program VICTORIA, May 25: (CP) Premier T. D. Pattullo late Wednesday announced that he had secured a $10,000,000 loan from the Dominion government Confirmation of the loan came from Ottawa following: the Premier's return from his successful financial mission to the federal capital. The loan will enable the provincial government to meet its maturing financial obligations and to finance a projected recover' program. Prwnief Pattullo stated that he" had reached an agreement with Premier Bennett for loans to meet certain financial needs of the province as follows: one million to cover the deficit for the past fiscal yer; $7504)00 to meet old relief ac counts; $3,000,000 to cover present jrejltf 0OU; IIJOOOXKW for advances aid cnmldpaHUefl; $2,100,000 to cover the current budget deficit, and $2,000,000 to pick up bonds maturing its August. In addition, the Dominion gov-' emmet has agreed to make a direct per diem contribution to the cost of provincial road work. While the interest rate has not been definitely specified. Premier Pattatto said It would probably be five percent. EXCURSION TO SIMPSON Four Hundred Persons Made Victoria Day Trip Aboard Steamer Prince Rupert About four hundreu local persons made the Victoria Day excursion to Port Stmpeon yesterday aboard the Prince RuDert. The wea- ther was Just right and an excellent program of sports and games had been arranged by the Port Simpson people so the ouUng proved an cn-lovable one for all. The steamer left at 9 o'clock - in the . morning with ,Oapt. Neil McLean in commana inu returned to port aDom I o'clock this morning. In softball games. Port Simpson defeated Prince Rupert 6 to 4 and also triumphed over Mctlakatla 7 to 6. Port Simpson defeated Metla-katla 8 to 2 in baseball. In addition to a full program of track and field sporta. there was a list of aquatic ) would always remember his corn-events, the feature of which was an 1 rades here. Three cheers followed Indian war canoe race. i The Port Simpson band met the i steamer on arrival at the dock and! throughout the day played sclec-' tlons to enliven the proceedings ' There was a dance last evening. Abandonment Of r lJCl 1 UOIQ ijtanUai Q hy Dental Profession Urged by American Visitor Before Cana- hi Association - TORONTO. May 25: Dr. R. C. Wlllett of ePorla. 111., speaking at a D.nirnl session Of Ut uanaaian i,A.rvntal Association here, urged ab -ndon--nf ''i the "in sianaaro the denUl profession BUILDING IS OPENED, Speeches, Music and Dancing at Legion Function Wednesday Evening Greetings Brought Veterans Pay Farewell Tribute to Lieut. CoL McMordie The official opening ceremony oi the new building of the Canadian Legion British Empire Service League. Wednesday evening was w very successful and impressive function. The meeting opened with the us-al remembrance silence and, af-er the singing of "O Canada,"' the 'resident, J. H. Preece. welcomed visitors and members. He spoke o; he work of the Legion in the past nd the special effort of the past lew years that enabled the completion of the building. The speakers joined in extending felicitations. City Commissioner W J. Alder spoke of the pride men took in their buildings. The appear ance reflected the owner and th( Canadian Legion was to be corn- j pllmented on the completed buiM lng. Ex-Mayor C. H. Orme. in his usual happy manner, referred to the Le glon's accomplishments. On behalf .of the branch, he presented past- president's badges to Wllllnra Wil son and J. H. Preece. Lieut. Col. 8. P. McMordie D.S.O. a long-standing member, regretted that his Impending departure would prevent his enjoying the building-as much as he would have liked. He inc Lionel s remarics ana tne sing- Ins of "He's a Jolly Oood Fellow." Dr.. J, H. Carson. In the absence Col. 6. D. Johnston, who had been called out of town, conveyed the compliments of the Regiment to the Legion. Reference to the post-war condition of the returned men In Austria was a feature of his talk. Lleut' Walter Hume brouaht I greetings from the Royal Canadian 'Naval Volunteer Reserve, S. D. Macdonald. for l he Prince .Rupert Trades and Labor Council, , added his congratulations. The en- I terprlse and courage of the branch In undertaking such a program at the present was Indeed a splendid vuumiuiiuy service. JY' rp '. wi1 i.uimnucsi on page vnree' Lightship Survivors Reach Safety krv 7?3iivMifc ' 1 aLLLLB LlS HHHflK:' -MA. i aLLLLLLV aEatvPffaaaVKfc i "aaVafe I bh HSaaalaaaiaaBa jaaaaaalr liiHiiiB HHaBLMH9Ha lLsHaav. mmHWJ9v awa"v!iQaaFP aLaLK ! : m. i Capt. George Braithwjjtc 'orro 1 of tlie Ushluouse Nantucket., sunk by he Olympic it-, a collision in a fog. rear lie he aaer in a lifeboat with otter -urvnors and tli bou.v in ue loit'sround oi one of the victims HOLT IS WITNESS Head of Royal Bank of Canada Refuses to Disclose income Would Reduce Number Of Banks MONTREAL, May 25: Sir Herbert Holt, president of the Roal Rank of Canada, told a subcommittee of the banking and currency committee or the House of Commons that twenty-eight companies of which he wax an officer or director owed the Royal Rank of Canada S2.29053. Only six of the twenty-eight companies were borrowers, the others having on deposit $28,000,000. Sir Herbert refused to disclose his income from companies with which lie is associated on the grounds that no other witness I had been asked that question and also that it was "bad principle." j Sir Herbert recommended a reduction in the number rf Canadian hanks from ten to three and urged a quota upon newsprint in Canada. I Gave Arsenic To I ! Cure Cancer And Ric Pnhpnf PhPfi 15 1 CU1C111 aVICU HUMBOLDT. Sask.. May 25: Dr. H. R. Hone, veterinary surgeon is awaiting trial on a charge of manslaughter following the Heath of Mrs. Mary Dscteh allegedly from arsenic paste administered to cure cancer. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MONTREAL May 25: (CP- The Cnn art'"" Ml' toil, I Hi High Wages In Tire Factory President of Goodyear Rubber Co. Heard by Stevens Committee OTTAWA. May 25: C. H. lisle, president of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada, told the Stevens price spread and mass buy ing committee on Wednesday that wages in Canadian tire factories of the Canada Rubber Association were among the highest in the country Edmonton Mining Party in City On Way to Liard River Led by M. L. Strickland, a party of eight Edmonton mining men sailed from here aboard the steam-er Prince Norah yesterday mornlne for Telecranh Creek enroute to the Liard River mining country to en 'gage In mineral exploration work Ion extensive gol dholdlngs. F. Don- caster, having bought equipment 'and supplies In the south for the expedlUon. arrived Wednesday morning by the Prince George from Vancouver and proceeded by j train this afternoon fcn Edmonton. remainder of the party rame m Tuesday ntRht from the Alberta ; Capital by train. Halibut Arrivals American Majestic. 39.000, and Prosperity, 2.000. Cold Storage, 6c and 4c. Tuscan. 23.000. Royal. 6c and 4c. Canadian Alton tanno. nooth. 5c and 4.5c. ! Thrasher. 5,500. Cold Storage,i5c' an,i i f .hha mi ibOW 'Win a.Sr u.ifi 4, Four Indians Arrest As Result of Suspected Foul Play Provincial Constable Percy Carr and Dominion Constable p rank Gisborne of Merritt Are Feared to Have Been Done to Death Wrecked and Blood Covered Car is Found MERRITT, May 25: (CP) ford Reservation were arrested oday in connection with the Police Constable Percy Carr stable rrank H. uisborne whom the police believe have been murdered. The two officers left Merritt Wednesday NEW LOAN FLOATED Canada is Raising SoQ.&OO.OttO In London With .New Recent Record For Cheap Financing 5MfrGm: OTTAWA, May 23: (CP) .Marking a new record for cheap financing in recent years, announcement was made last night J of a S50.000.OO0 Canadian loan being floated in London. i Hon. -Edgar N. Rhodes, minister ! of finance, said the loan would ! be for twenty-one years, bearing a coupon rate of 3'4 and would !in be offered to the public at 96' ; to yield approximately 3.18 at maturity. IS PLEASED WITH FIELD Pilot Frank Dorbrandt Speak: Highly of Airplane Landing Facilities at Smithers SMITH ERS, May 25: Pilot Frank Dorbrandt. veteran northern commercial flyer, who spent Tues day nlsht here enroute from Ssat- tle to Fairbanks with a large trl- motored Junkers airplane of thfc Ptarmlean Airways, having on board ten passengers and five tonr af freight, was loud in his praise." it the excellent landing field at thf 'ocal airport. The big ship droppeo lown here at dusk Tuesday from Prince George, a big crowd of Smithers townspeople being on hand to watch Dorbrandt make i peifect 'anding. Early Wednesday morning the machine hopped off for Tele graph Creek In continuation of Its northward flight. Pope Pius Goes Outside Vatican Papal Seclusion Broken for Second Time in Sixty Years With Visit to Alban Hills VATICAN CITr. May 25: It be Ins the second time in sixty years that a Pontiff iias left Papal seclu sion. In the Vatican, Pope Pius XIII left Rome on Wednesday and paid R three-hour visit to a summer re jsidence in the Alban Hills. t n sn.vrit , NKW YO?t$. Mav 25: (CP-Bar ' cioref" t 4tic per ounce on tin- If -h ' mt't'M Tnni-krt w(a r Under Four Indians of the Can- by British Columbia police disappearance of Provincial and Indian Department Con iugnt ror tne reserve to investigate I the reported stabbing of an Indian I woman and interviewed a number j of Indians. Their automobile was ; found yesterday smashed against a tree off the road about five hun-i dred feet from the entrance of the I reserve with all evidence of a des perate struggle, the car being covered with blood. Inspector John Shlrass said that Strin Of flattened crass extended rGmOKeifecar;IOTf' river's edge, possibly indicating that the bodies of the missing men had. been dragged tck'tb river ?and hurled la.. , Provincial Constable Carr was formerly stationed in this division. at one time at McBrldc and also once at Burns Lake. He was known Prince Rupert through visits here. Archbishop Still In Critical Shape Toronto Cleric Regains Conscious ness But is by no Means Out of Danger TORONTO. May 25: Most Rev. Archbishop Nell MacNelll regained consciousness on Wednesday but this is not interpreted as an improvement because of the continued gravity of his general condition. Water Policy Of Roosevelt Rivers and Harbors, Flood Control And St Lawrence to Be Included WASHINGTON, D.O. May 23:-- .resldent Franklin D. Roosevelt jlans a broad policy cn water use covering rivers and harboi, flood ontrol, etc. and such major pro-jcts as St. Lawrence developments .-111 be Included. V POLITICAL MEETINGS IN RELIEF CAMPS TO BE V ALLOWED BY OTTAWA OTTAWA. May 25: It has been announced that political meetings will be permitted In federal relief camps. The an 4 nouncement .Is of particular Interest in view of the present Ontario provincial elecUon campaign and the impending 4 federal cortwt