Friday. May 25, 1034 Classified Ads FOK SALE FOK BALE Chev car at bargain prjce. Dally Newt. tl FOR SALE Dining room suite, cheap for cash, phone Blue tZl. ' ' 825 OILLNETTINO Boat fpr sale.Cheap (or cash. Apply Seal Cove Post Office. 121 MODEItN heated apartment, tor rent, rjewly decorateii. 223 Second Avenue. 128 192d DODQK sedan In A-l conation, Owner leaving lown, mutt sell lor $100. Box 20fl Dally New. FOH PALE Ma so ri Si Rlscb mahogany piano, like new. Walnut bedroom set. year old: late model -'reeo grid cabinet radio And house 16x32 one year old; Packer or work boat 38Vi ft. 27 HP. heavy duty Atlas; 36 It. cnilvr Vera 8. Fry". PJle driver lead with 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2-inch shafting, pulleys and hangers. 5 HP. 8Uty gas engine. Fairbanks-Morse. Bargains for Cash M 11 Stephens, v St FOK RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. Not Ire nt Intention ta apply l I rat Mud In Prtncw Rupert Lai.d Recordlnf Dwuvt.of Iflnee Rupert, BX3, and alt. iat in QUwdreet Bay located tl the N.W end cf Blephena laland. Range I. Com DtMrVt Tilt Dotuw that John CUuaen ot rTinr Rupert, PC. occupation run Packer, intend to apply for ! of tie rollwinc rWortbl forratwre: ih S. w nv of ftmHJ uund about a ohalna B. E of Amy ItUnd Mtrnct a.W l Oruta. tbo Wrtrlr tbftiwi; Uor NJC. cluJM mow or 1m to bUh wur mart on lb N.E point of Um Ulaod: tbnt 8. t. djr-tlon rhalna niort t 1 fooln ugh Mrr mark to point ot foramrw lutnl JOHN CUkUSKJf. tad A?"i is. int. snnrr; or ArniruioN ok rru. tmicaik or iMriunr.Mi.NTi UaU rl'f rrtrtlonftl. Illnrral OalM. Rl4 flirt No. S Mlral CUIra. Mirxarrt Mlnrral rialm. flllf IraOloiul Mlnril ruim. auuftt in tbt Portland Canal D(uton. . Vitt locll -on lb aid tA of Brar BUr about Uir bUlea from tut, PC Laaful oitr- WUIUm Dann. Itumhrr of tb Jjoldara tr ftlnr eniificair-TTTJO-P. TAKE fHOTlCE tbt William Pann tui XMr Ctrtlfjcau No. 7T72H 10 ti4. u lb nd of aliir .f'..'i.0,n5 to dau brrf lo ipplr U th MlnlM Raoordar tar a tMral of Improva. rtn tor the purpoae of obtalnun CroKit Oraat of tb abova rlalnu. AND FUKTliKK TARE NOTICE thai action, undtr 0iton M of ttia Uin-rril Act" muat b comniiwd balou tht luauance ot aucb rrUflo4U of Im prorrvirnta. nATr.n ihu .ir ! ot Mareb. I3f. Wtl.T.IAM PANS I S l-HOIIAlb IN Tll SUPIIKME COUIlT Or mtlTISH COLUMBIA W THE WATTE It Or THE "ADUINtfl' TllAllON ACT" and IX THE MT"' tllr' WTATK J iuchaex t OKEtxy. DacjeAsrq, TaIcENOTICE that ,b)r ordr of i Honor W E Klbr. Ui ln " aay,i AJJ. J83V a ppcinld AdraJiUatM-toe ot tU .atate of Michael T. OKfl-l. who dtd' on Uw 3th WT of v croxr AU 1B3J. aid all iwrbM hat" iug riainvi aga-ian tbt aald ut brrby rrqulrl to furnWi nam, pto-pMlr vartfid, to ra ou W baftw tw lln da of Jut. A.P. 1934, and w partly lndbl4 to tha mUU- i 2uirvt to pay the amount of Vhrir in btfdnaaa to forthwith. NORMAN A, WATT. Official AdmlnWcator, Prlnca Bupart. 11.0. ry th 4th da ot Matr. A T . I.AM ACT Not ire- pf iBtnii i aPP'r 10 iMii Ijinrt In Vrltwt ltuprrt Ind ncorUn DWrlct of Princt Rupert, B O, Knd alt-uat U Ulawdnpf Uaf located at In W ttvl at HUtyl) Wiaiia. uw Taka noUca that John Olauwn ot fnnc riiiptj-t, DC. oocupatlon nan Haokar, Intenda to .pply tot lea W tht following daoiriotd IajxUi , daniiuattUui at, a pa planted t th n ui mnu, rr 'a aiiuill Inland About 8 chalna 9- K. U Avtry WD.d thenca N.E., thnc wmterly, aouUitrly Mid aaattrty, followlnn hlKh water marx to .poiut of rwnncontK hd c' tainihi; 1 aorna mora or tea, and in fiuflltm Uia tnttra are of tht aald U lD4. JOHN OLACBKlf, 0nl4 kftU It, 4 HA1HDKESSUU fKKMANKNT WAVLNOJ Cluster Carl; Latest Style NELSON'S BEAUTY 8HOPPB PAJNTEUS PAINTING nrl Panrhanptn ' Moller. Phone Red 802. TKANSPKKS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf MINERAL ACT tKTiiii'ATr. r iMi-itow.Mr.vT NO IKK River I Yb - kjial Mineral Claim, alt- mte Id the AM In MlnltMt DUJaJon of other household furniture Phone ! o.ttir D-ti Oreen 5C2. 121 IftURh Blrer. ci left bank of the TuU- 1 POWERS No. 6 portable motion 1 ciot A8t for Taku Mine, com-picture projector Mn pttfect wtiot n 'J tu cJnfW-5' mechanical condition, with 110 iCM ina o u; mm ate hereof volt marda lamp equipment Will applr h Mimnj nrder for CrUfi of Inprovuneuta for the ,,im.. ht nffar sacrifice, no reasonable oiler pur!rw cf obu4nhi - crown a rant ot refused. Box 207 Dally Newt. the aoore claim. - And further take notu that action ryn FOR 8ALB-1, Blip Q 9 ft It row rnv holt Mat. tSQ IJU. I tinder aectlon 84. mu lie commenced uf lwuw. u certificate 1, V II. row Boat, io, i. tu iv ;of Imprewenvnu row boat. $35; Float 24xo with DMa thio aotn day or Aprti, 1934 II. UcN ITaaer. AifHH Mail Schedule tor the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pJM from the Kast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days 10 pxn For Vancouver- Tuesday 12:3 pm Thursdays 8:15 P-m Friday U P May 9. 18 and 28 - p m Mondays and Wednesdays id.i train) 4:30 p n. From Vancouver Sunday ... P- Wednesday 10 aon Friday p Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days lb train) .. 10 p.m For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 1 P Wednesday - 3 Pm From Anyox and Stewa't Tuesday U'-30 a.ra Thursday 8 P-W For Na River and Fort Simpson-Sunday - 1 P- ITom Naas ltler and Port Slrnpson Tuesday. 11:30 ajn Frpm Alaska-May 9, 18 and 28 p m. SENIOR FOOTBALL STANI)IN Xterthants Legion., Regiment A W. D. L. F. A. P. 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 1 0 l l i n i o l 1 II Captain J. S. Wilxm Interesting Address to lUtUtf Club At it! Lunch)!! "Our Empire Her Peace. Power and Beauty" was the subject ot an Interesting address on Wednesday' afternoon at the Rotary Club lunr . cheon in which Captain J- S. Wil son poke ot the contribution of the (Empire to woria peaci; siiuj vivb 1 He showed how the Idea cf the Empire was changing and expressed (preference for 'Commcnwealth of Nations" rather than "lanpire 'and suggested that thu would be Liberty Is Keynote The great common idea in the British Empire was that of liberty. History showed how dearly won had been the liberty the Empire enjoyed. It had been secured as the re THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE; EMPIRE WAS Name Now in Firm HIS SUBJECT the basis for a luiute -commonwealth of the World." Mr. Wilson transposed his title to read The Beauty of Her Power is Peace." He mentioned the fact that tlie Empire embracte people of all religion, race and colors, tolerat ing and even encouraging them. The apparently haphazard way in which the Empire had been formed was mentioned. It was largely aj matter of chance that Canada for med part of it. Australia also came in by chance and South Africa was little different. The speaker then told cf the ridi culous situation in which men who went to war were placed. On either side men tried to kill each other who were equally valuable to the world and had no personal grudge against each other. If the? realized this at the time Jhey would hesitate about shooting. Lack of know ledge was usually at the bottom of these conflicts. JOE F- PRICE Coincident with the announcement of moving into new modern offices at the corner of Hastings and Granville, Vancouver, Is notice of the change in name of the well known national advertising agency of Benwell-Curran-At-kins, Ltd. The name of this firm Is now to be Benwell, Price and Atkins. Ltd. Mr. Price, who has been vice-president for some time, is thus given recognition for his work which has helped materially to swell the business volume of this organization. Mr. Price had more than twenty years of newspaper and practical merchandising experience before Joining the company two years ago. TERRACE Captain J. Bowen-Colthurst has arrived at Terrace from Sooke. Be fore starting work at his apple orchards near Terrace, he has gone bear hunting in the Kalum Lake region, taking w,lth him Matt Al-lard as guide. sult of great sacrifices. The Empire j The board of trade held an In-owed much to the Pujyal Family, j terettlng meeting when J. K. Gor-whose understanding of conditions! don led alt a3Iscusslon sponsored tinvto far-lhv the. Canadian Chamber of Corn- TheMarkets Retail prices ctirrei follows; Asparagus, B,C,' lb- here arr is VegetatMra Ntw Potatoes, imparted. b. Potatoes, AshaxlL. v lbs I Back Potatoes, Vancouver, 10 lbs. Sack, $1.90 to Cucumbers, hothouse, eaih Carrots, Cal.. bunch Sweet Potatoes, lb Spinach. .. )b. .., 2'. 3 lbs 22 Box :.: IJW Panejr, 3 lbs.. 21 Box .. .3.15 - - - - - l v, wu-muw o ( VI -Vi 1 1 IfWl K on the world instead of beginning jVD for a victorious season. As aij.11' at the bottom and training the (starter they put on a dance last children. The rising tide of nation- j Friday night to raise funds to realism was a danger. place worn equipment. In concluding Mr. Wilson spoke of the object lesson In unification Mr8 aeoree neverldce will leave jof people of various nationalities.! nere tonight on a visit to Scotland. It was ours to leave a neruage 10 she take ner daughter. Helen, the next generation which would wltn her Mrs Q. T. sundal also Is bring about improved conditions. No to Etart for n vislt to eastern points, nation had a monopoly of nil the nave en several farewell attributes. We should take the best" rtles ln eli honor, from the different nations in the work of bringing about a common wealth of the world. Art rtlw in tn Dnllv Nw Prtfd rraiu White Fls.Jb '. ,12H Black Cooking Pigs, lb 10 Dates, bulk, lb., ..,.c to ,15 Lemon and trange Peel ..... .. .is tor In holding the parts of the Em-lmerce as to whether the. cost ot Citron peel plre together. Tlie King was the j eovemmenf In Canada Is too high. ' Prunes, 3-40, lb. symbol of ImperlaJ unity, rhe army, i Several members Joined in the ert- Prunes. 40-50, Ib .i. nnj wrr Iho Inciiril anlnir rllsriixxlnn and a resolution ' Prunes, 00-70, ID. Comb Honey ... Fbh Smoked Kippers, lb. Salmon, freih, lb,. txUex rresrj'Uj..X S..olced. tlaJut,4b ,..',i.1.L. Kittet ttxay, cartoned, lb. ' No, I Creamey, i llu, ..... LoUtiv Jids, new. 5b 'uxxriu. mttu.e, lb. uututi, lb, 2-25 oquetot. lb. -SO , lb. M m .17 New Beets, bunch .09 & Edam. lb. fowl, No. 1. Jo. 22 Ml .12i Australian seedlew. lb. .14 ance system. In modern times Hri- was sent to Montreal endorsing the;RsUjs. tain had show ed the way in helping chamber's point of view. This was! CaL seedless, lb, 15 to formulate peace piUrles. The I done not without an amendment . rf , ' " League " of Nations was a valiant at- from Fred Nash on the sub ect of !?",,. ... . r5. .w-... , i. ..U-u.aa am Apples, dried 14c. to .17 tempi lo.orwg auuu (rrmauciij. unreal unjuic uvuu uvuv. peace, but it was wrong In principle. It trlpH in nrvrlmrwsp something Tho hocehil! rlnh t opttlnir llnpd Peaches, peeled, l4c to J7 Yellow, 100 lbs. Stifrar .Lard Pure, lb. 15c to ten B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned 755 7.05 20 29 , Local, new laid, dpz 35 Bulkley Valley, fresh, doz. 22 FUr. Flour. 49's. No. 1 bard wheat ... LB5 . .Second Patent 1.70 Pastry Flour. JO lbs. 45c to Q Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs 21 Ilony hxtracted Honey, per Jar 20c to 20 leats itoastlng Chicken, lb. .. iS'Pork, dry salt, lb. !. .20 ; VcalloUlb 5 15c. and .20 Veal, shoulder, lb .15 ,.2eSi ureen unions, j vm gjde. sliced, best grade .. .40 unions, n o. 16 pork, shoulder, lb wks, miners - - Pork, loin, lb 2 Qarlic, imported, per lb 3i - j eg m. - .25 Cabbage B,Ci. new. )b. SA -' CaUfornia. lb. 97 : B-C- Head Lettuce, I2c to .la Cauliflower, Cfllv55c to 21 Tomatoes, hothouse, lb. 20 Parsley, bunch m .71 Turnips, pew. bunch 09 Turnips, 6 lbs. 25 ! Parsnips, fi lbs. 5 (Celery, Cal.. head, 15c and 55 j Radishes, 3 bunches 10 I Kruu CaL Navel Oranges, doz. 20c to .75 Lemons, Cal., doz, 25e to .35 OrapefruU, Cal, c to .JO Florida Grapefruit, each 12c to .18 Rhubarb, field, Hb. m Bananas, lb J5: Pears, Aust., dot. 60c to 60 1 Aust. Almeixa Grapes, lb ,25, Canteloupes, Cal- each 20c to -251 Strawberries. Wash., basket 20 Apples Wlnesaps, faucy wrapped 3 lbs. .25 Box -.-3iS; Yellow Newtons C" grade, .20 deef,"pot wast, lb, 4... .15 45 jX9t, boUtog. ibjfc tu ... .10 .15 'Pttf. roast Drni'rlb. lb. 20 fie-f neak. lb. 2 to J3tLamb, shoulder, lb. jMljUxafc. kg, Ibr . j - ' 4 Lamb Chops, 30c to J255 , Fttd J5; Wheat, Alberta Ji 29 2t Ham, sliced, first grade .40 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb 20 GORDON'S HARDWARE "TIME THE TOILER" fust "lO TILUIE .If VMS.U-, I YE?TlB, LlTEM, BUT, TtuUB- . J PiiAYOOy', voo vwe 5ott. MAC S Nvy NAME ISU1! I AJi yOUlr&. OSN RUN AtOMQ HAVS 1 vou PLAYBOY- TAVTT VOU Jf i I fVk T Na?)LiT nAMB MEANS rZ Z. SU .-Ttti.E rJ VnX &ometmiwJ w Ly j ! l VJSUU, I SUPPOSE j 1 NO. HS 5AtD I ( SO' MOVAl VAltsI ( vMEl-l-, tT'i 1 VOU A3KUD THC I NES c IHANB A NEW ! rlJ tJ Boss Pore a Joaj v t lOFFiCg Boyji -Vha-, ) A Magical Name I'M C30IWC3 R1CSHT IM AMD BRACK yoOR COOS 3fr,i ioe wis rlAVH VACK Mil Ho -HuM-youta JUT ON MXJK. EA3 T0 DOM'T WAMT VAOCK -IT MlSMTH k r v 1 A "Model" Manager rtM OPERATOP -Jlt-W YOU PLEASB PUT MB THROOgH TO THTg S-rt3K!0 -sr I vou tsiue tpwi ii VAJB'viH GOT- A SO& J YOu re, oww SftUeV Phone 311 AlcBride St PANIC PREVENTION .25 25 1.95 Bran ,. ; l.5- Middlings .T2J00 ShorU 1.70 OaU .p.-.- 2.10 Fine Oat Chops' .v 2.20 Crushed Oats, 250 Barley 1-85 Laying Mash ... 2.65 OysUr Shell . 165 Nuts Almonds, Shelled, lb 0 Walnuts, broken shelled . 23 Walnuts, shelled halves, Jb . .45 FISHING TACKLE See our selection of trout fishing tackle before going on yqur fishing trip. We carry a nice selection of rods, reels, cpoons, lines, lfadm, etc. 1$ as necessary and a vlial to every Car Owner, as it is to anyone who depends upon a storage battery to provide an unfailing and constant source of eleetriclty. SUPUOX AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES will positively prevent panic with their amazing storage capabilities. Let us give you a demonstration. Massett. B.C. JAMES MARTIN P.O. Box 77. Prince Rupert, B.a BOVRIL IS THE STRENGTH AHD COMCEMTRATED GOODHESSopBEST 1EEF By Wcstover tluL'fe-.W CH"iiCll. C CsfOiM i ' a : i tort t r f- OVUGMTKU