MEN!!! FOR FEET'S SAKE! WEAR GOOD SHOES If you are not wear; ing "Hartt Shoes" you are not having the comforts you should have . . . and could. DAILY EDITION They fit . . . and the (act that they are made by "Hartt" is your guarantee (if QUALITY . . ..moderately priced too! Every pair solid leather, made to our own rigid requirements . . . full combination lasts to suit alL The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. rUNCE BCPEBT - 8KIT1SU COLUMBIA Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations Fbone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edltct SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yeariy period paid In advance r. I i j , . . , . rut icaacr perioas, paw m aavance, per weer by maU to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and umiea mates, paid in advance, per year , By mall to all other countries, per year Contract rales on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone , Editor and Reporters Telephone r 98 86 $3.00 .10 3.00 9.00 Saiuwiay. -August 41934 RESULTS OF WAR In every country the lesson is being learned that nobody gains by War, neither winner or loser. With unceasing regularity there is a procession from Prince Rupert and district to Shaughnessy Military Hospital. Men go there f or treatment, surgica or medical, and some of them never return. It is the terrible aftermath of the Great War which ended nearly sixteen years ago. It is one of the losses. It Is twenty years since the war commenced and some of the mea marched away from here soon afterwards encouraged by the beating of drums, the skirl of the pipes and the tearful cheering of their friends. Some did not return and others, have ever since that time suffered for their patriotism. War is indeed a terrible thing useless, foolish, a relic of savagery, TWENTY YEARS AGO It is just twenty years ago since the Great War in which Canada took part commenced. Prince Rupert men took a prominent part in that war, All honor to them. Some of them lost their lives and others are still suffering from injuries' received overseas. They are in a better position than any others to realize the futility of war. And yet if the" ; war drums sounded today there would be thousands who 'would hurry to offer their services to the country or the empire. Here on the Pacific Coast with the Oriental countries ou$ next door neighbors it is more than ever impor-fta'n,t f,hat the ports on the coast be defended. Prince Rupert is today without defence of any kind and any raider could slip in and blow the place to pieces. drum I tm xa lb i n auurjicKiimi ' JUNIOR ELKS BEAT SENIORS j Score of Si to Five Last Night In ! Softball League FUturr Late Bid For Victory Fails i Junior Elks strengthened their (claim to honors in the second halt of the City Softball League last , evening by defeating their elder brethren of the Antlered Herd by ja score of 6 to 5 In a tightly contes-j ted fixture. ; The Junior Elks took an. early Jead. by scoring three runs In the second inning and another In the 1 third. The Seniors opened their ! scoring with one run In the third I ; and another In the fourth and there j was nothing more until the seventh , whn the Juniors speared another. In their half of the seventh stanza. I the Senior Elks made a brave bid for victory but their scoring stopped at two runs. Either side scored a run In the ninth. The teams were as follows: Junior Elks Cross lb.. Smith ss., Steffensrud 3b., Macfle If.. Lindsay p.. Morgan cf.. Naylor rf., Campbell c, Coraadlna 2b. Senior Elks Johnson ss., Joy 3b., Lambie cf., Ogg lb., Budlnlch c. Brown p., Mitchell 3b.. Pierce If, Edgar rf. Standing to Date The standing of teams to date Is as follows: W. L. C. N. R. A. 3 I Orotto - 3 1 Junior Elks 3 2 Elks ... I 3 Moose 0 3 Baseball Scores National League NewYork.2, Philadelphia 0. Cincinnati 4, Chicago 5. Pittsburg 3, St. Louis 9. American League Chicago 0, Detroit 14. St. .Louis 4, Cleveland 6. Philadelphia 1, New York 5. Pet. .730 .750 .600 .250 .000 Steamships Sailings For Vanconvet Monday ss. Pr. Rupert .... 3 p.m. Tuesday-Catala 1:30 pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. Ss. Cardena midnight Saturday ss. Prln. Louise pjn. Ss. Prince George 8 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala pjn. Monday ss. Prln. Charlotte a.m. Wed-ss. Pr. George 10 am, Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 ajn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 p.m, Ss. Cardena pjn, For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 ajn. From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Catala. ..11:30 ajn, Saturday ss. Pr. Oeorge ...A p.m. for Naas River ana fort Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River Be fort Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 ajn, For Ocean Falls-Monday s. Pr. Rupert 3 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. Saturday ss. Pr. Oeorge ... a p.m. MUTUAL IIFE AwJBMMOF CANADA IbBM ESTABLISHED 1869 HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONTARIO Over $56,000,000 has been paid to Mutual Life policyholders in DIVIDENDS since 1869. , ' - J. J. T. COLLART, Representative PRINCE RUPERT I N5SI SAFETY SPEED COMFORT SERVICE T ' i ' -t , ; . t Miss Edna Ollker ..U.N. of the I nursing staff of the prince Rupert General Hospital Is sailing this af ternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver enroute to Kaslo on Kootenay Lake where she will spend a holiday visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ollker, formerly oi tins city. Mrs. Lydia Hindley and two daughters of Aberdeen, SasJc.. where Mr. Hindley is station agent, left by last evening's train on their return east after a trjR to the coast. While here they visited wHh Mrs. Hindley' uncle, Oust Selvin, 644 Seventh Avenue East, and other friends. an Ar powder CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtub. Washbasins, Windows, .and Minors Caonot senrfch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thrupp are sailing tonight on the Prince Charles for Tlell. queen Charlotte Islands, where they will spend ten. days holidaying at "The Dunes." Rt. Rev. O. A. Rlx Bishop ot '.Caledonia, and Mrs, Rlx will sail tonight on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. The Bishop will proceed from Vancouver via Edmonton for; a trip Into the Peace River district 1 I while Mrs. Rlx visits in Vancouver! land Victoria. They will bo awny! for a month. HOLIDAYS For Adult or Children on the Famous Graham Iwland North Reach I'MiIng, lt;ithlne, llalmlnlm, rirnlcK, m'rulf HrUm, Nlioot-lug In tlif Mcumiii, Htnt a fully turiilthrd wtUiv at Hunguti Klvrr. For full particular! apply MRS, DUNN Mrttttt, B.C ''' 4! I 'BaWday, August 4, ijjj THE DAILY. KSvTS 13 ' ' I 4 1 There is No Substitute for Safety at any Price, It it ay to uke for crsnted the lafetv of railway travel eaiy, amid the esciterncot sod pleur of a holiday trip or in the commonplace run to nd from buiinesi, to be oblivious to all the cre and labour which go to make railway journeys lb laftH mesas of trawporution in the world. Yet It should receive more than i patting thought from the travelling public, for it reproenti what it perhapt the greauw schievement of railroading, T auxe the maximum of safety the hlghtit dimandi arc made on pmonnel and material. All operating employees must be inperfect phytical condition and ttrict medical examination! arc regularly made. They must further be -skilled In thcirvarioui occupations. In many patteoger train crewi will be found men who hive ipeot more than twenty years in faithful icrvice and have thereby acquired knowledge, resource, and dependability. Tb Uttoot which experience hat taught are embodied in rules with which each operating employee it familiar, sod in regard to which implicit obedience is imperative, Jkhiod all this, however, it a more important factor the railwajmea thctntclm, No system, however carefully thought out, can be better than the men wbote dot; it is to administer it. Because of this, Canadian National cmploycci are pledged, ss their first consideration io all circumstances, to the strict observance of all rules and the prompt and faithful performance of all actions which nuke for safety of life ani property. This safety of railway travel is, therefore, no casual matter. It it the result of the adoption of the most rigorous standards and the application at all tcasont and times of one principle that nothing will be tolerated in railway operation which is not safe, ... no shortcuts .... no experiments .... no tuhttuuttt, At this season Of the year when travel in all its forms is at its peak and highways arc crowded,, this matter of safety is of unusual importance, It should receive the serious consideration of the traveller, whether for long or short distances. Such consideration will show another and powerful reason for travcUiog by the CN.&. During 1915,1,1 9.4U812 fmmrtu tsrrltJ, ul a single (if uii hit on tbt CdutJian Rational Railu ajt Iraint thnugb clliiU, derailment, cr failure oj eaitifment. CANADIAN NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Walton and daughter, Ruth, will sail tonight on the Prince Oeorge for a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. P. H7 Llnwy are sailing tonight on tha Prince Oeorge lor Vancouver where they will visit with Mr. Linzey's brothers and slster-inlav, Mr., and. Mrs, R. B, Unzey. formerly of this city. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will have a resolution before the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British. Columbia , convention' on August 21 asking for I the completion of the northern trans-provlnclaj highway. Mrs. S. D. Macdonald and daughter. Miss Evelyn Macdonald. are sailing tonight on the Prince Oeorge tor a trip to Vancouver. FLY ISO BOAT CALLS On Its way from Vancouver to the Yukon, a flying boat, piloted by Robert Staples, arrived here at 4:39 yesterday afternoon from the south and. after taking fuel, continued at C p.m. on Its flight north. MailScheduh or the East Mondays, Wednesdays and rrl. days ft p.m From the East-Mondays and Saturdays 2:15 pjn, Thursdays 10:20 pm. CHURCH NOTICES CO-OPERATING CHURCH SERVICES Preacher Rev. W, I), (Jrant Holl!nworth,.llA. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH It A M.. Sermon Subject: "PEHFECT THROUOH BUFFERINO" F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7:30 P.M.. Sermon 8ubect "WHERE DO WE OO FROM HERE?" Suggested by a recent experience of long waiting for a train) Visitors Weicomt NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarellt, Pjoprlvtor "A UOMK AWAY FROM IIOMIJ" Kates Il.M ay 60 Rooms, Hot ti Cold Water Princ Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 px). Box m Summer Long-waye Reception IS NOW AT ITS POOREST So why not tfive that set ita long needed overhaul now? I'honc Rlue 320 and get the most out of your radio for this coming reason. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue. A Third Strttt Special On GARDEN SUPPLIES Rakes, rom 35c Hoes, from Bamboo Lawn Rakea 15c Gr3 Clippers ....80c C0.Ft. Garden Hose $3.55 Hose Nozzles 40c & 60c AND-Vo Btlll call for your lawn mower, sharpen it and return it to you all for $L2a Kaien Hardware Phone-3