ll FREE TROUSERS!! FREE TROUSERS!! ; For everybody who orders a suit from the House of Hobberlin Up to today. 'f ANT STYLE - .7. : BIG SELECTION FIT GUARANTEED , Prices from $25.00 to $39.00 I ' f Order today! Measurements taken by LING, THE TAILOR Second Avenue. Corner across from Post Office KITCHEN SPECIALS! Copper Pot Cleaning Balls, a real special at, each .5c Banana it Pineapple Upside Down Cake Tins with recipe, each 20c Non-Scald Aluminium Tea Kettles, fill through the spout, ea. 95c Steel Dutch Ovens with removable handle for use in oven as small roaster, each 65c 4, Cup Earthenware Tea Pots, only, each jtOc GORDON'S HARDWARE Sail on Prince Charles for Port Clements NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Bervlce with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue Kaliim Lake Lodge Npw under new management Kates S2J0 per day Bpecial prices by the week Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars write to R. W. IlILEY, TERRACE. B.C. If You Have Used Furniture TO SELL i Oet ln touch with D.EIio 3rd. Ave , opposite Moose Hall He buys and sells everything GOAL! COAL! Cur Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give,, satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Vahey. Wr sdjb wll Timothy Hay. Wheat pats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co II rhtaes Is Phone 311 McBride St : r'm n.BTBia ra Fairs tmtw tm r THE DUNES For a Real Vacation Visit Tlell - And Enjoy Fishing - Tennis - Bathing I All the Comforis.of Home Meals to Tempt Your -Appetite Special Catering to- Children Milk to ... . Drink Whenever You Wish Make aFoursome at Tennis and Take Advantage of ; Special Rates For Parties of Four or More Write or Wire For Reservations mAdame rajaut, Tlell, Q.C.I. Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 ! Portuguese man-o'-war are off the west coast of the'SS' ; Queen Charlotte Islands no international incident is held Thursday afternoon on the I threatened, however, and the spirit of Vasco da Gama beach beyond oaiioway Rapids i need not worry that his descendants are stirring up peril, Mde and proved to be a very ; in far waters. Canadian naval officers won't confer with !b " d them off the coast as did Captain George Vancouver with ln u1ltPh wag takn, iiitf opamsn uapuun iuaara. ror-. I tuguese man-o'-war are harbingers ! of prosperity not, in fact, rnen-o'-I war at all, but tropical Jellyfish, iPhysalia Arethusa, zooids of the Siphonophora family, tentacled air g I sacs with a sail-like crest, brilliant ' colors and the property of stinging human beings. To the fishermen they promise a good season. The last really big fishing season was in 1931 when the visitors frpnnpntprf these coasts in such vast quantlUes jj that in places on the Queen Char-g lotte Islands they lay piled six and M; seven feet deep. Now the floating B colors are back again, acres and I acres of them, bobbing along in mysterious fashion, sometimes sailing gallanUy to windward, sometimes with the current. It Is "TILLIE THE TOILER" Aboard Dr. Large's power cruiser Nelrls. Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Large, Dr. and Mrs. Neal Carter and J. O. Wtl-llamson left last evening for a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. .They will visit Massett Inlet and FOUS -TUIl (W Tutr CLOSEST COUTCST THt Tl I r IT r ... . DGC1DE lt'3 MAiZtioWEO IXAJM TO fLUC TOMES, A eEAOTIFU- FC)(2 TilMPf in AMD MAMOirSEUUE TTirytT, a BLCMOB &OPBBB DlMWEti JieWT to THE DAILT Jxl!VH WATERFRONT WHIFFS Portuguese Men-o'-War Apain Hottlc Message Found Pink Hun Late on Isands rink Run Is Late The awaited run of pink salmon on the Queen Charlotte Islands is believed they come when the sum-, not as yet showed up but mer ocean currents ln these lati tudes are warmer than usual. They die on reaching cold water, and that Is the reason they pile up ln such quantiUes on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Portuguese man-o'-war Is composed mostly of water and color. A fisherman attempted to take some to Vancouver, but when he arrived they had perished and he had nothing but a faint blue smear. The Portuguese men-o'-war move ln great numbers on the surface of the ocean, sometimes extending out to sea for miles as far as the eye can see. They are dark purple in color and about two or three Inches long. Is expected to gain volume ln the near future. Some of this variety of fish should put in an appearance ln Massett Inlet soon, later showing In the vicinity of Skidegate and Cumshewa Inlets. A large run is expected this year, this being the reason why three canneries are in operation on the Islands. A good run of coho and spring salmon Is also continuing on the North and I Frederick Island. Shag Rock and Seven Mile Point trolling grounds where the fishermen are doing better than ln many years. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. Oray. arrived ln port at 5:15 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and waypolntft The vessel brought back a number of local passengers who had been on a special two weeks' excursion to Vancouver. Naden Harbor and may also go to """ j Tlell for a brief stay. It is their in-1 Delayed by having had heavy tenUon to return home about next freights to handle at cannery Wednesday. points along the coast, Union ' steamer Cardena. Capt. Ernest ' A bottle with a message ln It was Georgeson, arrived ln port at 6 o'-found recently on the west coast of , cloclc 11115 morning from the south Graham Island by Capt. George ! and sailed an hour later on her re- Leary of Skidegate. The message was written ln Japanese and asked the finder to return it to the Japanese government at Tokyo, mentioning where it was found and the date. The message purported to have been thrown into the ocean fifteen miles off the Japanese coast on August 22, 1932. . C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, which arrived turn to Vancouver and waypolnts. Ad rertlse tn tn Dallv New FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Orange Ladies' Picnic Enjoyed Delichtful Outint Held Thursday Afternoon On Beach Beyond Galloway llapids Bridce and refreshments and Mrs. Wide. were served in ln port at 10 o'clock yesterday abundance. morning from Vancouver. Powell I Prize winners in the races were River and Ocean Falls with over , Norma Geddes, Betty Wide. Thom-one hundred passengers on board, 'asina Krause. Patsy Ouyan David sailing at 3 o'clock ln the afternoon Murray. Peter Hunter. Jean Krause. for Anyox and Stewart, is due back Dorreen Croxford. Irene Durran herepils evening southbound. In- Ella Krause. Sylvia Croxford, Ella ciuaea among me ueorges pas- Mae ueu, ioa Moorenouse Mrs sengers were twenty-one persons on a special excursion who will transfer to the steamer Prince Charles here tonight after making the trip to Anyox and Stewart and return south via the Queen Charlotte Islands. John Murray. Mra. W. Gedde The committee ln charge consisted of Mrs. Vic Menkes, convener. Mrs. J. R. Murray. Mrs. W Geddea, Mrs. wide and Mrs. S. V Cox. Dr. C. H. Hanklneon left on last evening's train for Smlthers where he will spend the week-end. Dr.H.O.JOHNSEN'S OFFICE Will Reopen on Monday, August 6 Get the Habit! Buy at MUSSALLEM'S ; DELICATESSEN & Confectionery We have a new shipment of Kiiy's Chocolates arriving weekly bulk and in packages Sandwiches for jour picnics Make the wife happy and brinj home a quart of ice cream We alwj serve coffee and tea, cake and cookies Fruits and Fresh Milk and Creaai Tobacco and Cigarettes MUSSALLEM'S Here Comes the "Bribe" IB "LITTLE MAN WHAT NOW Saturday AttfattJ IMCHTS N 1 Confidence than when you bouahl your last set Bring bark ' " N to your radio with new tubes till 1a- i fSKBBBI I Is the Name and Chief Characteristic of Our Nr Automatic Tule Tester One hand red and forty-six dtlJerent types of p in. make can be accurately letted See for yourself, la plain English whether your R . "Oond." "Bad" or "Should be KepUrr Bring tn all your tubea and act posture proof of th know whether you are netting full time reception : TuIk; Testing on our New Confidence Automatic i FRKE. No obligation. If roar radio la over one rear okl vour tubes hu, . be '" l and weak or worn out tubes reoiaced Tube nrirr r -1 A. B or C U0 -u A CJ -3a A i?m W -4T $5 -80 fliO .71 A tjI Hare New Tubes Tested and Bated eMcuMvs.M -By Westovei SHBbOV TO TAKE A J n PlTVMlT T(2(CKS AT ?LM IT'u jflr 'Iho 1 ' p , On Guard! in Vr VV Mav J TT" cwcvbm O'CLOCK " --v-, IQIVQ r tTv. b iMm am i i , w mm m HI '! If n tMH I PIWAU-Jl I - l VA ( -S"1 I A .E&v "JC'i ITfWMBsmif 1' III Yl2Ji i - - 1 ' i l yssssssi ""faniMMh, wtTM-fcjj'w1- ,