yJL MUKXAY 9k -i CHIPPEWA RAINETTIi Are You Prepared for Wet Weather? Cold; Rainy Days Mean Rubbers Protect jour health by keep-in; your feet' dry and snuff-no matter the weather. Our. stock is complete. "Every pair made to wear." Just quality goods only. THE FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and $5.0! - .11 United States, paid in advance, per year 3.0( By mail to all other countries, per year 9.0t ADVERTISING RATES . Local readers, per insertion; per line flt. ,,, .2; Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .OS Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion . 1.4( Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Saturday, November 17, 1934 OUTPUT OF SILVER As a result -of the rise in the price of silventhe Output i? increasing- slightly in Canada but" in Mexico the increase is nearly twenty-three percent. The increase followed the order of the United States Treasury nationalizing silver when it commenced, paying sixty-four and a half cents an ounce. POSITION OF CANADA Roger Babson, the statistician, says: "Canada has her problems. Some of them are serious but they are the problems of growth and development, not the problems of age and decay. Her vigorous healthy condition is being proved by her remarkable come-back in recovery. Her banking system, that was such a bulwark during depression, came through with flying colors and all the world turns to it with admiration." The same authority suggests that Canada will benefit by what is of value in the Roosevelt New Deal while avoiding that which is worthless. The United States is makinj? the huge costly experiments from which Canada will benefit. GERRY WOULD BE HANGED Ludwig Lewisohn has iust returned to the TTnifpd Rf atp from Europe and he mentions the freedom enjoyed on this continent. compared with what thev have.nn the nrW rMa of Atlantic; A writer in the Victoria TimeK commenting on 1x. Lewi?6hWs-statements in-regard to people criticizing the government, says: What no one here realizes is that in Europe they wouldn't be allowed to speak like this at all. If thev did, they would be locked un. If vou were tn hrpath in Riirnno the sentiments which you daily utter about the Bennett government, lor example, you would find yourself on a diet of bread and water. Mr. Woodsworth nrobablv would be assassinated. The local branch of the C. C. F. would be liquidated. The leaders of the vouth movement would die. appear. Mr. Gerrv McGeer would he h nnrrprl T unnlrl fn an Interesting appendage to a lamp post. You couldn't say a word about the Pattullo Government. Think twice before ymrinrow tnese: priceless privileges away." CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher-Rev. V. I). Grant Hollingworlh, IJJl. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smiih 11" A.M., Sermon Subject: "A LAND OF HILLS AND VALLEYS" 12:15, Sunday School 12:30. Westview School 7:30 P.M, Sermon Subject: "A OREAT GULF FIXED" A powerful drama In two acts Act 1. The exterior of the palatlal'home of a prosperous Eastern merchant. Act 2. Hades. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. P, Thompson and Mrs. P. Johnson, salleo this morning on the Cardena lor a trip to Victoria. Mrs. M. E. Parr, who has been a visitor in the city for the past week, sailed by the Cardena' thl3 morning on her return to her home in Vancouver. The hospital board, at its regu-1 lar monthly meeting last night.' authorized the expenditure by ths grounds committee of $5 on per-' ennial plants for the Nurses' Home ; garden. Frank Dibb, chairman of the grounds committee, stressed) rhe Importance of the grounds of-! public buildings being kept in as; good a shape as possible- and sta- ted that additional garden approp- Royal O. Day and A. Leak, Vancouver; J. E. Vennes, Rainy River; J. Knight, Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hadden, ;ity; A, Wllejto, Pacific. Savoy O. Arneson, Vancouver; W. Bickle, J 3rassy Plains. NORWEGIANS LEAD WHIST . Sons.oonj-ay assumed exclusive leadership in the standing of the "raternal Whist League last night 1 m 1 1 If You Eat Si a re he Moats, Sweets Read Tim They're All Secrtsnry FootU fail All Acid . Forming. Hem Most of Va Half" Acid Stomach" At Times. Easy .Voir to Kelin r. Doctors say that much of the so-called "indigestion,"' from which so many of us suffer, is rcully uciJ indigestion . . . brought almut by two many arid-forming loud in our modern diet. Amtftjiat tliorc is n a way-to relieve' this . . . olten in minutes! Simply take Phillips' Milk of Magnesia after meals. Almost immediately this acts to nrulralizt the prlations would probably be sought ' stoma' acidity-that brinjjs on yi.un later from the board. Frank Dibb, chairman of the exe cutive committee, informed the hospital board at Its meeting last night 1 that, owing to illness of members,, the committee had not been able as yet to get together to go into the j proposal of Miss Helen Randal R.N., 1 -egistrar of the Graduate Nurses'' Association of British Columbia! ind inspector of training schools, i that student nurses" allowances 1 here be reduced and the money thus saved used for providing the training school with better equipment. The committee hoped to have a meeting next week on the matter, VIr. Dibb stated. Hotel Arrivals 1 uuouir. lira jorECt vou iimr a stomach 1" Try this just once! Take either the familiar liquid "PHILLIPS'", or. now the convenient new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Hut he jure you get Genuine "PHILLIPS' Alw in Tablet Form i Phillips' Milk erf Mipmij TaMrts are new an ul at all liruf nmvj mrj witcrr. tiJKnitny tablet is thr rqutva-lent of .1 tratnxmful of Ctrium1 Phillips' Milk of Mipmi. Phillips' it cfllayficAtfL. MA DC N CANADA Dance at Naval Headquarters Is ! Enjoyable Event Members of the local unit of the I Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve and their lady friends had a delightful social evening at naval headquarter last night. Dancing! was the principal order of the eve-1 nlng although there were also games while an exhibition of cutlass ! swinging and a swort! dance by Mr j McLeod proved entertaining. Miss Hallberg and Pat Sims won the prize for an exhibition dance and Miss Hallberg andVM. Anderson the prize for a spot dance Miss FIndlay was the winner In a gome of musical chairs. Delicious refreshments were by defeating Grotto 7 to 2. The other and proceedings came to "MU1C "uira xor rasi evening a cIose at 2;30 ajn Chief Perlv nf between Canadian Legion and St Andrew's Society was postponed. BOWLING LEAGUE Any organization or Individual wishing to enter 4-men bowling teams in-Elks qity Bowling League, see W. McLeod of McLeod's Shoe Store at once (2S7) mm LTr Motors j w. fleer Instructor Ross was In charge. Heavy Dnty Truck Motors Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motoTs $35 up Christie Truck Si Car Parts 1630 W. 1st. Ave Vancouver QuickCs. Safest, Surest. Rest for COUGHS and COLDS By Every Test Yoa don't hare to put np witb a rough or fold for anothr r day-no, not for analhrr hour and tbat goei for turd, ilrrp-f aled coldt at well ai inripirnl onet. Buckley! goei farther roti leit heraaie St ran lie diluted vrub water without imiwiring in marrellout power to hanuh rought. roldt, 'flu and Iironrliilii in almort leni time titan it laLei to If II about it. Cet a bottle of I1UCKLE" MIXTURE TODAY. For the children, mix with equal parti honey. They'll love it, It ii (old everywbere. For your bralili'i iak refute nali.titntei. M-4 AetM Llku n Flnnli. A SInIh Sip i,ruv' It i.ii'r-MfiV.iHi-iuiHiuiHi-tTiiaMiirTTMTivi TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. Elks' Novelty V Dance Success Upwards of Seventy-Five Couples In Attendance af IMlfrhtlul Affair Last Rrenlne; A delightful novelty dance was aeld last night by the Elks' Lodge, :t being the most successful affair the lodge has held so far tltisiseason with upwards of seventy-five jouples in attendance. Bill Stone wa a genial master of ceremonies and the house committee, of which T. T. Williams is chairman, was in general charge. One of the features of the evening was a card dance" contest In which Miss Caroline Mitchell and Roger Cornish were. the winners. Music was by Charlie j Baiagnos orcnesira ana aancmg continued In full swing from 10 pjn. until Z.30 iun. At midnight refreshments were served with Oeorge Peters in charge. Special decorations, including balloons, were arranged under direction of Mike Budinlch. Hospital expenditures for the month of October totalled $4069.18, the finance committee informed the board at its regular monthly meeting last night. There was a total of 1794 hospital days at a cost per diem of $2.27. G0LDBL00M Has Large Orders For All Varieties of FURS Don't sell until you see the old reliable who always pays more than anybody else ' If Classified Ads Want Ads FOR Sale DOORS, ulndows, lumber etc. from wrecked house. Hart. tf. FOR SALE A few old newspapers at 10c. ano 15e. a bundle. Daily Hem. tf AUTO Knitters, yarn, needier, aUo machines for extra coarse soclu. Bellhouse. 1446 W. 8th Vaneou-ver. Canada. 268 POH SALE 74 hp. heavy duty Fairbanks Morse ga eni ine, fully equipped. $200 cash. Apply Bor 22 Dally News. 273 1 J25 Buys. WesUnghou.se Table Radio uses 6-201B tubes) with tubes, also Westlnghouse 100-B Cabinet loudspeaker. J. McCubbln, Pao iflc. B, C. 270 FOR SALE OR RENT MHOUSE For sale or rent, Mrs. R. dammcm, 427 Fifth Ave. East. Apply Helgerson Limited. 269 VOH KENT HOUSES for rent. Hart. ,t TTHS i.K Timber Sale XHCII There wU) be offered for aal at Pub-lie Auction, at noon cm the Third car t January. 1031. In U of tlc of the tt. board nvmiiure, of 8rure. Cedar and Hemtotfc on un rra situate en MurchUsn Island. Queen CliarloUe l. lajidt Land Dtatrlct. Three yeara will be allowed for re rnoval of timber. "Provldd any one unable to attend the auction In person may tubmtt tendT to be opened at the hour of miction and treated aa one bid." Further particular may be obtained mun m tha me or DWtVlct Poreater. Prlnee Rupert. B.C.I Hie Licence x 17384, to cut B.548.000 feet, board meaaure. of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an area altuated on the South portion of Lyell Wand, ad Joining the eaat boundary of 8.TL. 1 1 6141', Queen Charlotte Inland iafid IXatrtet. , Three yea will be allowed for re. jnovti! of Umber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In peraon may aubmir ten-tier to be opened at tle hour of auction and treated aa one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief .Foreater. Victoria, 11 C., or DiAtrict Foreater, prince Rupert. B C WDec. 29. PBItSONAL PRIVATE Home Kinderjjartens pay We start you. The Canadian Klnoergarten In.ititue. WlnnlpeR HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job Free Booklet. The M.C.CLtd . Winnipeg. TRANSFERS CAMERON Transfer. Phone 177 for dry wood. I A1VTPPC PAINTINO ana Papcrhanglna Moller. Phone Red 802. IN THE 8 Cm EM E COURT OP BRITJSII COLUMBIA IV l'HOIITi: in the ukrmt or thk "ADUIN14J ' ... . itidl' rN THE MATTE II OF Tilt LSTATK- Of MICIIArX J. OCONNOa DrCEABED TT ,.TAK NOTICE that br order tA ill Honor W X rwer. tho txh dar Of No-rembw. A. D 1934. I tm apiKrintaJ 1 AdmlnUtrator of the rUt of iflchar; Jf. O'Connor. dxwd, and UV pmxUm tf. nVlni clainu aJrwt the Mid eauu 1 re hermy required w nirtuh nmr iproprrir verified, to nte on or brtorf Tne IWJi da of Decwnber. A D. 1934, nd all partle Indebted to the dotal a r requtrecl to pwy the amotint of thir liHIebtecUie), to me forthwith. HERDERT F OIJl8BEr. Offtclal AdmlnlMrator uMinrt rorrwrr, rnnr Kttprrt. u c.. 1 Atlln, Atlln, 11 he Ltctact X10771. to cut IJ23.000 Dtl th 0th day of Novtmbrr. A.D.. 1014; DC. AITTIlW HMK Tlmler Kale XITIKrt i, Tll.'Te' wnl offered for iU at Pub-lie Auotloii, at noon on lha Twenty, f rat day of December. 1034, In the of- fjnlef Porerter, Victoria, B.C., I Rupert, BO the Lknee xniwt J,ent PUtrlct roreMer. PrU nupert. BC , S.JioSoo & brdmeuof Bore AICTIDN 1.K Timber riile XliJM There will be offered for aale at Pub 11c Auction, at noon on the third day of January, 1035, In the offlo of the tetor and HemlncK on an area attualed t the head oi Powrltoo Day, Lyell la. land, queen Charlotte Wandi Und DU- tn. TVo, yeara will be allowed for the re- moal of timber. "tyoiMni any one unable to attend, tee auction in penmn may aubmit tnder to 1 opeiMd at the hour of Miction and treated m one bid." . Further pertlciuurn may be obtalnel ri the ChW Poreater, Victoria, BO. or District roreater. rtlnce Rupert. B.(3, FRESFI MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 Saturday, November 17, 1034 : 1 LEAVE YOUR w in ci SA 'kJ n r rmistura mnn Stop that cuagh or cold overnight by uklng a miming iot maturd bath with J ubleipooatful of CoinuaY firit mhti 10 thin pane. You oon txgln 10 penpirr; your ilia tiailei i j . thai'i the muuu-4 doing iu work . . . quick rub down od. straight to bed 10 tutjl tb-fima owl of yout ayiieisu Mustard' the tklagl If mot convenient, uie a pail of water 11 hi at you can bear it wid t ublrtpooaful ot Culmao'a added, and wrap younelf p mm wbilr you oak jroar feet. Keep warm ftrunii. Muiurd plttitri on the cbtti or aching nim gie quitk relief. Simple, but gW, and you have everything in the boiue for tbttaold-fathionrd bue rer-rnctie retnediei. Xm COLMAMY MUSTARO- rutt I riw tut, I r uo, CM - Q.CM Oi f "iVi ALL Pure Cut thh tJii. (r iht (krf) nj ktp it )tr n'f a Co ib 0r CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Silent Pianos Is your piano seldom heard on that Is thwe days? Why not enjoy the host music in the world in your leisure hours, with RADIO? "There Is nothing finer than a Strombcrg-Carhwn" ,,We will take your piano and " make you a liberal allowance In trade, on a radio. WALKER'S MUSIC STORE Electric STAND LAMPS Artistic Urldge Lamps, with good quality parchment shade nhd GO-w globe CO 71 Complete OO.iO Smart Table Lamp's complete $1.95 10 $6.95 Attractive Twin Light Floor Standard Lamps Ql Q iW priced from Ideal Christmas (Ufts Kaien Hardware Phone 3