PASS BXX r B.C. CLOTHIERS Ltd. Very Special for Week-End Ladies' Brown Rubbers to dear Ladies' Brown and Black Overshoes Reg: $1.75; now, ..... 100 Pair Rumps and Ties to clear Ladies' Kid Oxfords--"' Reg. $4J)5; hour Black Fine Suede Pumps Spike heels, per pair . Brown uede Pumps and Oxfords Cuban and spike heels, per pair For the High School Girl in Black and Brown, solid leather; per pair Children's Shoes per pair Misses Patent Straps Sizes 11 to 2,, per pair v Misses' High Boots Slsman's make Reg; $3.25; 'now-. - ., Children's, and Misses' 'Classic Shoes Hamok Welts, al lsolid leather t0 95 (j2 25 $2 Boys' Heavy Shoes Hydro and Greb makes; an sizes 10 $2.50 $2.95 a vaaa Boys' All. Wpol Tweed .Trpusers-per pair ....... . Phone Black 321, 59c $1.39 $1.95 $2.95 $3.50 $3.75 $3.95 $1.35 $1.75 $1.95 $1.95 Boys' Blue Lumber Jacks-priced at Boys' Towers Slicker Coats-all sizes Children's Knee Gum Boots-Dominion make Misses' Knee Rubbers.' per pair :..... Ladies' Knee Rubbers per pair When Winter Gomes Let. us condition your car for carefree winter motoring. Proper lubricants as recommended by the manufacturers, batteries checked up, radiator and -all connections checked, and a high grade anti- freeze installed will lessen your transportation worries this wiriteivAsk about our improved accessories of car heaters, windshield defrosters and auto radios, etc. "yerwish.also to announce that Mr. Walter Wright has taken- charge of pur mechanical department and your service problems however large or small , will be efficiently attended to. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet - Pontiac Oldsmobilc - Buick Dealers Phont 52 BILLM0R SHINGLES Manufactured, by a local mill, by local labor, from 1'gcal produce.jSold at prices lower than ever before 1 """offered in' Prince TCupert. i 11 ut . 1 rt i ni t Ail NO; 1 tedar Mingles 3-X, per thousand ... $3.00 w o'j, jilt tuousanu $-i.uu HILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 WANTED .100 Permanent ;Waves at $3.00 Nelson's Beauty Shop a. Phone . . 855 ... .. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction, Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley, Prince Hupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 $2.25 $3.25 Men's AH Wool Dress Sox Assorted QQp to O 7 1 patterns, clear, All Wool Heavy Sox-per pair' Stanfield's Combinations from Fleece Lined Underwear per garment 14 Men's Gabardines to clear from Men's Blue Melton Overcoats-Latest' styles, all sizes 20c $2.25 10 $2.75 75c S7.50 10 $12.50 $15.00 10 Only Men's Overcoats, fine patterns, at very low prices $1.85 $2.15 $2.65 Hundreds of pairs ot Men's Rubber Hoots to pick from Next door to Frizzell's Meat Market SEE HERE! We have wonderful values at our confectionery. See our windows. tet your gifts from our shop. We have just completed our stock of BOX CHOCOLATES, CHOCOLATE BARS, MIXED CANDIES BATOER'S FAMOUS ALLSORTS per lb 4-lb. box MIXED CANDIES per lb. .' CHOCOLATE BUDS & WAFERS, per lb. SCOTCH MINTS per lb. BOX CHOCOLATES I5c ud to CHOCOLATE BARS All varieties, 6 for DONT MISS THIS Open Till Midnight LICORICE 27c $1.00 25c 27c 33c $4.50 25c MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 515 Phone 18 COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineer. Ira and Uraea Canting. KJeetrle and Aeetylena Welding. la on Sawmill mm4 Mining Machinery. ill Trpea Caa F.nBlne Repaired and Overhauled. TKB OASjT NJBWB WATERFRONT WHIFFS Embla Closed 1U3I Season With Hectic Trip New Engine Installations lleinjr Made Individual Records of American Fleet The closing days of the 1931 fishing season brought another hectic episode for the already checkered career of the Prince Rupert halibut boat Embla and it was only through good fortune that the vessel and Capt. Alfred Anderson and her crew escaped most serious consequences in a series of incidents which followed the vessel losing her ruaaer on ncr iuiai inp oi uic sca- son. It .was on October 11 that the Embla, while hauling gear In a half westerly gale off Cape Omancy, Alaska, lost steerage way after having dropped her rudder. As the wind freshened, a jury rudder was devised, the wind having Increased to a heavy westerly gale by the time the Job was finished. Difficulty was experienced in steering with the Jury rudder which finally was broken In the heavy seas. Another was rigged up and, after four In all had been rigged by the crew which worked feverishly day and night, Port Alexander was at last reached on October 12 in the evening. It being found impossible to cet tem porary repairs made at Port Alex October 14. Temporary repairs be ing effected at Petersburg the Em bla proceeded back to the CaDe Omaney grounds with a view to getting a load of black cod. She re mained there until October 24 when she began to leak so badly from the damaje sustained when the Magnolia had crashed into her that it was decided to run for port. Prince Rupert was reached October 27. the crew having had to Dumn almost continuously during the three days sne was running in. On arrival at Prince Rupert, the Embla went Into dry dock for repairs which are now being completed. There was Insurance coverage for the damage. Following the close of the 1934 fishing season, the Prince Rupert halibut boats Balsac. CaDt. John Orvik, Aiken, Capt. Andrew Hanson, and Southend, Cwt. Jcntof Ellcrt- son, are all at present In Vancouver. Each vessel Is to have a new engine Installed. 'Getting New Engines The Prince Rupert trolling boats Active. Capt. Harold Jacobscn, and May II, Capt. Julius Pcderscn, are each having new 16 h.p. Regal gas engines installed this fall. An old gas engine Is being taken out of the Active while a dlesel motor is being removed from the May II. After having spent n month at Vancouver undergoing overhaul, the big halibut boat Melville. Cant. John Ivarson, returned to Prince Rupert on Tuesday morning and has tied lip at the dry dock for the winter. Capt. ivarson landed his final trip of the 1934 season at Vancouver. On his return to Prince Rupert, he was accompanied by his wife who had been, for several weeks at Edmonton receiving medical treatment and whose health Is now much Improved. The run north from Vancouver was made In the snappy time of fifty-four hours. The Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage Ltd. has only half a million pounds of fish left in its plant at Prince Rupert now. Shipments arc being made steadily out of the plant which has a' capacity of 2,-500,000 pounds. Try a Dally News classified ad. The -halibut boat Pair of Jack, Capt. Axel Pcderscn, which has been fishing black cod this fall for the Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co., landed a catch of 8,000 pounds at Prince Rupert on Wednesday of this week and has now tied up for the winter. The Prince Rupert halibut boat Sea Maid, Capt. Henry Dolron. after having been on n salmon Dack- lng charter In Vancouver Island waters this fall, returned to Prince Rupert on Thursday afternoon and has tied up at the dry dock for the winter. After having loaded concentrates .t.. n . r. i . . . uuiii uic our. romi mine at ior- anacr. arrangements were maae lo rhr evi, if...i have the American halibutter Rap freighter Northholm, Capt. Henry .c wiuu i i inisuuHj mm , porrltt. arrived in port at 8:30 last departure was made from Port Al- evening and proceeded to the Tucks exander early on the morning of.miet reduction Dlant to load fuh October 13. Outside a heavv south caster was found to be blowing and, about half way between Port Alex- ander and Port Conclusion, the lowllne became entangled In the to come to her assistance because she could nqt clear her own propeller. The Embla dropped her an chor but this would not hold and still she continued to drift into the breakers. Fortunately enough, the Alaskan salmon packer Magnolia hove Into sight about this time and came to the assistance. As the Magnolia was trying to get hold of me Embla's towlinc. she was caueht by a heavy sea which swung her stern against the Embla's bow. breaking the stem of the latter vessel and loosenlne nlanka M the forepeak. Finally, a line was got aboard and the Magnolia towed the Embla to Petersburg, rcachinc there oil. The vessel sailed at 2:30 Uils morning lor Vancouver. Halibut Earnlnri As usual, figures ln jrgard to propeller of the Rap m and had earnings of halibut fishermen are 7,.VJ. M1,u l"cu 10 subject to challengt. sonfc are ln-drlft before .u the wind toward the cllncd to believe that the figure of breakers, breakers, the the Ran Ran TIT III belntr being unable nn:ihli!it . . $1500 mentioned yestcrtiay as possible averace rnrnine una titit- Ung it rather hlgl and thut very few fishermen reached that mark As suggested, this wsyi but an estimate, not taking lit to account boats which only UtKs a Wall part of the season. Undoubtedly, some of the fishermen reached and exceed ed the figure mentioned yctterday. everybody Is entitled to his guc. Page the price spreads commission! Union steamer Cardena. Copt. Ernest Oeorgeson, arrived in port at 2:30 this morning from the south, sailing an hour later on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. The halibut boat Helen II. Capt. Peter Byrne. Is now eneacrd In flat. fishing out bf Prince Rupert for the ircsn run market. The Massctt Canners fish packer Delphinium, which was extensively damaged early in October when she stranded on the Dundas Islands while running In from Massctt to Prince Rupert. Is now belntr almost completely rebuilt at the McLean ways at Seal Core, Prince Rupert. By the middle of December It is ex pected the Job will be completed. ine so n.p. Trisco-Standarrt e engine with which the vessel -n equipped before the wreck Is being repiacea wun a 60 h.p. Bollndcr dlesel. A large hunting party consign of C. V. Evltt. Hubert WnrH rr v T. Kergin, C. W. Dawson. J. A. Hln- ton, Dr. it H. Carson. R. o Vanrter. sluys and Alex McRae left evening with Capt. W. P. Armour aooara tne Salvage Princess for a trip to Hartley" Bay and KilHain Arm. Return to port is expected to be made either Monday" night or Tuesday morning. William, Lcask Of MetlnknMn r. turncd this week, with his seiner af ter having spent the fishing In Vancouver Island waters. Capt. Edgar Arnott friends left on the halibutter Cape Bcalc last Saturday for a hunting trip down the- coast. They expect to return to port early next week. American Landings A slight revision has been made since last week in the figures for the halibut boat Tahoma, Capt Ben Pcttcrson, which was the heaviest lander of fish at Prince Rupert for SHAP OWDER CAMNOf the American fleet this season. The Tahoma landed eleven trips here for a total of 205,000 pounds. Num ber of trips, aggregate catch and1 trip average for the vessels of the American fleet at Prince Rupert this season were as follows, the fi gures being based on haling welghU rather than wclghed-out catches: Trips Atlas 5 Anna J 3 Arrow 5 Addlngton 2 Alkl 7 Augusta 4 Avona 1 Arcade 3 Arne 1 Arctic 2 Argo 1 Aleutian 3 Akutan 1 Baltic 3 Betty 6 Brothers 7 Bollnda ' 3 (The list will be week.) Agg. Ave. 160,000 32,000 55,000 18,333 145,000 29.000 34.000 74,000 72.000 14.000 39.500 17,000 10371 18.000 14,000 13,167 18.000 18,000 46,000 23.000 15.000 15.000 85,000 28,333 38.000 38.000 45,000 15,000 85,000 13.167 111.000 15.857 56 000 18.667 continued next Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:15, was reported this morning to be thirty minutes late a a . tan aV UST SIlOtviM-j, GKOIUiK m m i n 1 1 1 rtiiurv in "THE LAST 1 1 Mill w-i m m a 1 1 J UIIIIBKI with NA MAY OUVlU AI 7 49 & 9 45) Aclilrd Attractions MICKKY MOrsi; in -.Mifkejf' Slramrollfr j Mmtrl: ".Mjrlrrom Khi NEWS and NOVH.TY l COMINK MOND.w M Madeline Carrol l anthotlll In THE YVOKI.I) .MOVES ft "SHAKE HANDS with tho Cross Oceans with th nr VICTOR "Globe Trotter" RADIO Vlrlnr Mfl 221 f 121- Mk ihfli whole world votir rndio n tighter on a ninjrle dial. You can do it with ihfA new Victor Stletthr-W ate receivers. DNlnnce disajijvrnr . . . broadcAMs, both ihnrl and tony-irar . . . oversea nnd iNorlh Amrriran !)rrt-wave rrcrp. lion hy dayltglill .mwh Two tnoiiel . . .two prices. liasytmm. tput,Aht 6h 5 fill 111 eMaAs.Ml NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.10 up 50 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prlnc Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 SAVK MONBY And buy Used Furf.iiw . IE CLIO'S, TIHKH AM.M' We have a few lino J In your household If m not got what you wai-' get It for you. so don : rurg' to call and sec DELI0 Auctioneer Kantt Our molto Is: Sorvir" al J"11 convenience flrccn 121 we m M THE BIG FOUR Hy the products of The Sea, The tfoil, The Forest and The Mine will wc prosper. BUY Bulkley Valley Coal and net more value for your fuel dollar