r iw4 iristmas It ft 1 l;- Uras Better Cards Better Values New Designs All Marie Fn Canada honld come and look them over. Prices from 5c to $llf)() each Also assortments in Ixixes of our Christmas-Stationery has arrival. This ya .cool! time to pick out your gift Voting on Boys' and Girls' Prize Contest is Now on Ormes Ltd. "Jit Pioneer Druqrjiats rbf Ktsall Store rbonet: 81 & IX Christmas 0LL CONTEST at Demers THREE BABY BUBBLES ? raided to the three children who secure most votes. Enter Names Early SUPROX BATTERIES hr weeping popularity ia attested by their coun- k - aie mat has almost proven 10 ue uvyuuu our factory capacity. JAMES MARTIN C r.O. Box 17, Prince Uupert, B.C. UNION' STKAMS111PS LIMITED I Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- KvEKV TUIUSOAY, 1:30 r.M ITwj;,ALA giving Vancouver Thursday "Wttai Vancouver, Monday AM. I' Ui:iff. in t atMhUM All. Arm AftTOl. BtWrt M)d NM "tr "formation regarding all sailings and tickets at "ITERT. Adr.NCTr Ttilrd ATton. CANAniAN PACIFIC 1 A A JkA 1 I 'E5tss NOItAII" for Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juntwu and wgway Nov nth ,!, nr. isth aoth. U VANCOUVKK direct. Nov. 2nd, 15th, 29th, Dec. 20th. ' niM't-c-o K'NCi:ss AI)i:laidi:" for . Vancouver via Ocean Falls and iv. y rorls. every Friday 10 P.M. I'OUNd Tmp,on Fares to Vancouver Tickets on sale Nov 1st, 1934 to Feb. 28th, 1035, Flhnl Mliim limit irrh Ust. 1033. to For tickets and reservations i COATES,. General' Agent, Frlne nupert, B.C, general Wednesday. Chirks Oraham, Inspector of mini's, left on last evening's train for a trip to Telkwa on official duties. Ben Dalgamo' Is mattif good progress In the Prince- Rupert Gen eral Hospital following a recent PoHce announce, that, after Jarv- uary I, all revolvers, whether In private homes or otherwise, must be registered. There Is no regis tration fee. Women's Canadian Club "Ram couver Island, where he will pay a visit with James Sturgeon, former ly of this city. W. L. Coates, general agent here for the Canadian Pacific Railway, sailed last night on the 'Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver on business. He exppecU to.be back on the same boat next Friday. Thor Henrlcksen, who arrived In the city Thursday afternoon on the Princess Norah from Ketchikan, left on last evening's train for Edmonton to receive medical treatment. He may also visit Williamsburg. Ont. Miss Jean Harrison. R.N.. lady superintendent, reported to the hos-oltal board at Its meeting last night that the Prince Rupert Gen--eneral Hospital had been fairly j busr during the past month. A! number or exceptionally sick pat lents had necessitated extra help, Announcements L. O. B. A. bazaar. Nov. 22. 3 to 6. Dance 8 pm. Adm. free. Drawing for prizes. "The Girl Who Forgot," United Church, Nov. 22 and 23. Anglican Bazaar, Nov 29. United Church. Bazaar December 6. Oddfellows' Scotch Dance, December 31. Hogmanay MOOSE ITALL TONIGHT Scotch dance starts 9 pjn. sharp. Tuesday Bridge drive, good prizes. Friday Basketball dance; Friday Nov: 30th. 8t. Andrew's Night Scotch: dAice; ELDERLY LADY ' CAN NOW READ- WITH COMFORT Sometimes glasses are worn too long without a change or lenses and eyestrain develops. Such was the case of a Prince Rupert lady who had worn the sume glasses for nine years. She was astonished at the improvement when we fitted her with new lenses as she had been hardly conscious how bad her old ones-were. Glad to show you. - CiEVVtLLtll Lthc siore vmn The ciocn rar oJLT newt PAOE THRBl LOGAL. NEWS NOTES We are back to our good tax! Phone 32 day and' night. tC Canadian Legion BISJSX. monttt Cash waiting for old'goldteeth, Im, ehain watche-, ete? (U) ly meetings. Executive Monday, l Olot Hanson, M.P. lor Skcent. 268 and' Mrs. Hanson, returned- to the elty on- the Cardena this morning Irom a- two weeks trip to Vaneou. vtT and Victoria. O: E. Gtillck, local manager of the Swift Canadian Co:, returned 1 to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouer. Rev: A: O. Aasert of Vancouver who Is supplying In the pulpit of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, returned to the city on the Princes s Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a brief' trip to Vancouver. J, C. Mxfiro, chief inspector of bles Alon the Coast Range." A the Canadian Ban of commerce lantern letture by Dr. Ni Carter on 0"" Vaneourer, Is: a visitor here Tuesday. Nor. 20, at :3fl p.m. In. on orncrai business, having ar- Booth School, Silver collection. inea irom. trie souui on. tne prm- i cess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Peter Will sailed last night on' the Prii-wess Adelaide for Campbell; On recommendation of the fin- River enroute to Fanny Bay, Van- ance committee, the hospital board, at its regular monthly meeting last nlfht, voted the usual $50 to pro vide comforts for patients In the hospital during the coming Yule- tide season; Christmas Cards, 5c, 10c, 15c up; special 10 for35c; Christmas Calen dars, 25c to $1.00: tags, seals and wrapping: personal Christmas cards printed in our own plant on short notice. Rose. Cowan St Latta Ltd.. Besner Block, Third Street JONES' Family Market t Rump Roast or Be-r per lb. Round Steak 2' Hf Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. &z 2 lbs. Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. it I bunch Carrots Prime Rib Roll, 4. lbs. & 1 Cauliflower . Leg of Veal 6 lbs. Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. ti 1 tin Peas Lamb Stew, 3 lbs. & I bunch. Carrots Leg of Lamb per lb. Lamb Chops 2 lbs. Veal Chops 2 lbs Phone 957 12C 35c! 25c 75c 75c 75c 25c 20c 35c 35c Phone 957 Milady Beauty Shoppc November Special Permanent Waves Finger Waves 50c First Class Work Guaranteed Phone 655 Van's Bakery Quality Breads Made with Milk, White and Whole Wheat Wrapped 2 for 15c Unwrapped 1 for 25c Health Bread, per loaf 10c KYYKAK I Syrup) 1-lb, If. 10c Rye PumpernyckeU 3 for 25c At All Grocers Our bread: Is all labelled on bottom as a guarantee of Its quality. Phone 190' Mrs. Homer Clay and son, Frank, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide lor Vancouver wHeretrtey Intend to-take np residence. Oscar 8mlth of the local Customs House staff Is expected" Home aoout the end o; next week from a vacation trip, south. From VanH "over he has been making a trip to San Frants by motor bus. WATTS' MONEYSAVERS For Monday & Tuesday BUTTER Fine Alberta, per lb. 24t EGGS Preserved Large, doz: .32c CORN FLAKES per pkg '. ,8c TOMATO JUICE Libby's Qp per No. 1 tin RED ARROW SODAS per pkg . 19c SOCK EYE SALMON 1-lb. tin 33c TUNA FISH per -lb. tin 21c BIRD S CUSTARD POWDER flp M JELLY POWDBRS Empress All flavors, Xpkgs. 9c PEANUT BUTTER per 1-lb. tin 15c DEMONSTRATION OF i CARNATION MILK in our store Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Ross will demonstrate the adr Urantage of using this rich milk. In your cooking. CARNATION MILK Talis, per case per doz. $L15 per tin 10c Baby, per doz. 58c per tin JSc ORANGE MARMALADE 9Qf Empress, per 32oz. Jar CHICKEN C &B; per 7-oz. tin 27c BRAID'S COFFHE-per lb. 38 BRAIDS TEA Blue Label 4 Op dl' 1-lb. pkg. PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars M SALAD DRESSING 25C Nal,ey,S' f1" ii'oz- Jar 14c 19c 25C 7;- 19C 25c FAIRY LIGHT CAKE Off t WfntTP rvo- nVcr eUU EMPRESS JAM Strawby, Blackcnt. Apricot, per 32-oz. Jar. 3Io SWEET POTATOES 2 lbs. 13o SPINACH 2 lbs. 13c. EMPEROR GRAPES per lb. 15e GOOD COOKINO A APPLES, per 40-lb. box ' Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS" Here's Way Science Now Relieves Pairr hr Minutes BAD HEADACHES, NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS EASED ALMOST AT ONCE Rememb the pirt tires beU Iim you waat jini iilicf fronr putn. Aspirin ttim mm a bail 'hcaiiar bo-ut neuruleLjfleRin a fewniinKiebi: An AspirinAal begins "taking hold" of your pain practically as MM m yiw swaMww iit Atv .4wrrr is soft. For Aspirin dors not harm ; IH 2 SECONDS ST. STOW WATCH An Aspirin takfc starts to dnt CTrtr ami co to work. Remember thte- two points: . Aspirin Spred anit Aspirin Safety. And; h that yo Ret ASMtlX. Jj the ruttlml doctor pretrribe. It';, is made ur Canada, aud all druggists have it: Look for the name Haver in tbeffwnt of a erowi on ewyvMjww tablet. Get tin of 12 tablets or economical bottle of 21 or 1K tablets.' Why Aspirrrr Works So past tablet in a glass of water. Note that BEFORE i touches the bottwo. it- What happens in these tlxsvs happens M your stomach ASP I R I N tablets start "taking hold" of pam a lew minutes alter taking. When in Pain, Remember These Pictures ArMKIN fS MOT HARM THE HEART Asprin Is thq Trace Mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Cedar Chests, $15.50 Doll Carriages S4.95 Christmas Gifts can now be selected. They will be laid aside for you and delivered, at your desire. Phone 775 32T Third Ave. Lessen Bulb Expenses Buy them in cartons of six and save. Besides you have lamps for replacements when, you need them. Inside- Frosted 25 Watt, 40 Watt, 60 Watt 25 C eacu Per carton of six at Slippers Make Nice Gifts Men's, Ladles' and Children's Best Imported English Slippers In felt, colored plaids and fawn camel's hair, in all styles and sizes 95C Ladies' selling at up from Men's, selling at v $1.16 up from, per pair Misses' and Children's Slippers, selling at up from 55 65 85c JV- Ladles' Pretty Dorsay Slippers In black, red, blue brown and green kid with smart uurjan neeis. all styles and sizes; regular $2.00 fl Oft now aeuuiB ui., jick Leckie Waterproof Shoes nftvf find Youths Uttle Gents' strong and water nrnat school boots with, heavy double soles and bellows tongue, all styles and sizes 4PO OCT in Mln nnrt tin V $1.40 jiepsssssjissji GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride St Phone 311 Coal Prices Jasper Egg Coal -2 Jasper Lump Coal -S12.o0 Pembina. Egg Coal 12.00 Stove Coal $ll.oQ Nut Coal , - $U-00 Coal' in Dry Shed and. Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Cut Rate Shoe Store ALWAYS IN THE LEAD ' New varieties in footwear of every description arriving, daj!)vNot'W for ladles, and men but every member of the family may choose from a-large selection Here.iQur ices satisfy the rhost fasWiooVj, We accept city scrip and give twenty-live percentmore for yeurserip than.you can blain elsewherex. If you think of glvinjr.slippers for Christmas our stock Is increasing.daily and is now enormous. Come , here where, you get a Rood selecUon. If you are scndlnp Cliristmas- "gifts to your friends in the Old Landi now is the time to buy. Rubbers and Rubber Boots Rubber Footwear! We carry only the best .Miner's, Goodrich and Dominion.Rubber Co. Ltd. All styles for ladies, men and thildren. They are here at lowest! prices. We have all sizes In ladies,' misses' and children's Sionrt King Boots. These are thigh height Oura. Boots to keep you dry during the rough weathero selling at lowest prlcesl Ladles' Rubbers 69C u selling- at up from per pair ' Mlssr and Children's Rubbers gCJp 75( selllnpat- up-from per pair , Men's.Knee Gum Boots Qt ntZ St Of) QC Boys' Gum.' Boots per pale A Children's Rubber Boots 79 C up iiuiu yxr pan Misses' Rubber Boots, up1 from' per pair $2.49 2.5$ 99c CUT RATE SHOE STORE a., win u s r lit ii m IT a i t a Ml m a s s 3 3 3 s 7 t 3 a v I. ui "l 3 ! -j: '. ! : ! "I .on. -11 i'MI I :.:! -t ". ' . . M I . . . ,i ;