Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides rrlncft Rupert-Cloudy, light High 10:54 am. 21.6 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 29.76; 23:40 pjn. 19.3 It. temperature, 49; sea riv .. Low 4:36 ajn. 12 tf 17:30 pjn. 3.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ... i j XXIV . No. 268. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1934 PRICi: FIV2 CENTS FEDERkL mmETSHAKE UP MADE ALBERTA GRAIN Grote Stirling Is New Member of Ministry, It Is A nnounced Today Iktomcs Minister of National Defence in Succession to Hon. 1). M. Sutherland, Transferred R. B. Hanson Minister of Trade and Commerce OTTAWA, Nov. 17: (CP) Grote Stirling, M. P. for Yale, sworn in today as minister of national defence and acting minister of fisheries, succeeding Hon. H. H. Stevens, who recently resigned as minister of trade and commerce, is British Columbia's representative in the federal cabinet. R. B. Hanson, member for YorkSunbury 1 1 , . New Brunswick, take over the Today's Stocks I D. Vanrouvrr A'1 t mdrta. Olfc. B. view. jOI. 11. t Nlcktt, 29. 1 MtMouri, 2i. Ht.tdian, 2.12. lit .dome. 12.75. U. ft Iuiml. J07 ask. 11. R X Oold. 21 ( a Iboo Quirtt, 112. iAL fJuuwril .10. (ji jrci rtlw. .01 Mk. 0 ii ijiitla. JW'j- 1 Ir . ulr Cvlis, SX. Indun. jOI. Mlnln. 13. Mrnriian. .10. Morning BWr, .13 uk. N.'ional Silver. Noble Five, .OTA. IV, id Orrtllc. .45. r-rlcr Idaho, .45. It-cvrs MeDounald. M. Ilrward. 05 (ask). II no. 1.07. EiiTcr Crest, .01 tt. Salmon Oold, .09tj. Tjslor Bridge. 2iSi. . Waysjde. .10V'. Whitewater, .04 tt. Wuvcrly Tangier. .01. lulled Empire, .11. Glacier Creek, .05. Urangc.' 2. Toronto Central Patricia, .97. Chibougrtmau, .08. Lec Oold, .031 Granada, 21, Inttr Nickel. 22A0. MurasM, 2.30. Nuranda, 32 JO. iifrrllt Oordon, .50. Kisco, 2.C2. Ventures, 33. I-ike Maroh, .04. Tcrk Hughes, 3.91. Budbury Basin, 1.12. Columarlo. 22. Smelter Gold. .14 He. Can, Malartlc. 22. Little Long Lac. 5.00. Astoria Rouyn, .03. Stadacona. .24. Maple Leaf, .10. Nckle Crow, 130. long Lac Lagoon, .18. Man, & Eastern, .18i. Mfmbtrs of Tjee Ixulje No. 66, A. F. ta A, M. 1'lcaso attend Divine Service United Church on Sunday. November 18th, nt 7:15 p.m. Members of Tslmpscnn Lodge No' 58, nml nil sojourning Brethren arc cordially Invited to attend. ,wrtioiio of trade and commerce. succeeding Mr. Stevens. Mr. SUrling takes over the port folio of naUonal defence from Hon. ' M. Sutherland who goes to the department of pensions and na tional health from which Hon, Murray MacLaren has retired. I Old Country Soccer ..ENGLISH LEAGUE First DivMon 'Arscnal'l. Alton' Villa 2. Birmingham 3, Grimsby Town 2. Blackburn Rovers 1. Chelsea 2. Leeds United 2. Sunderland 4. Liverpool 5. Leicester City 1. Manchester City 0, Huddertfleld Town 0. Middlesbrough 2. Wolverhampton 2. Portsmouth 5. Derby County I. Sheffield Wednesday 2, Preston Nerth End 1 Stoke City 3. Everton 2. Wert Bromwich Albion 4. Tottcn nam Hotspurs 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First DlTlsion Alrdrieonlans 0. Celtic 2. Ayr United I. Hibernians 1. Clyde 1. Albion Rovers 1. Dunfermline 3, St. Mirrcn 2. Hearts 2, Kilmarnock 2. Motherwell 5. Falkirk 2. Partick Thistle 1. Dundee 4. Queen of South 4, Hamilton Aca demicals 1. Rangers 2, Aberdeen 2. St. Johnstone 0. Queen's Park 0, Stock Market Is Unsettled American Telegraph and Telephone Liquidation Starts Downward .Movement In New York NEW YORK. Nov. 17: -A deter mined movement of liquidation in American Telegraph and Telephone stock served to unsettle the New York Stock Market yesterday with many Issues falling off from frac tions to two points. Turnover was still heavy, just lopping ine one million share mark. Closing average were, as follows: Industrials, P9.39, olf .33; rails, 35.87. off .49; utilities. 17.96 off .60. and bonds. 93.72. up .04. Hie board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was In regular monthly session at the hospital last night. It was a brief session, bulncss being cnUre-ly of a routine nature; President O V. Wilkinson was In the chair. oOiers present being City Commls-stoner W. J. Alder. O. P. Tinker. 8, D. Macdonald, Frank Dlbb and W. m nrown. directors; H. W. Birch, managing secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, STRIKE LEADER Gangster's Trail Comes To An End Police officers of East Liverpool, Ohio, vlewmg the booy of Charles Arthur Pretty Boy Floyd, violent gangster and United State . public enemy No. 1 alter he was k lied by police officers on a farm. BRETHREN CONVENE Fisheries .Mailers Discussed at Ketchikan Convention Include Seine It oat Limit KETCHIKAN. Nov. 17: CP Cvril Zuroff of Juneau was elected lp.and prcsident of the Alaska Na- tlve Brotherhood at the annual convention here yesterday. The convention passed a number of resolutions one of which en dorsed the fifty-foot limit for Bclncrs which ruling, the convention said, was being violated by herring seiners. Another resolution urged a law requiring one year's residence In Alaska for commercial fishermen. Harold Webster Of Hamilton Canada's Greatest Athlete HAMILTON, Ont.. Nov. 17: Ilar-j old Webster, Hamilton runner, has been awarded the prize for having been Canada's outstanding athlete during the past year. The house committee. W. M. Brown, chairman, had little to report at last night's meeting of the hosDltal board. A leak which had Mount Oldfield Trail To Ski Grounds and Vill Prove Boon When Winter Arrives Here Building of the four-foot trail up Mount Oldfield to the ski cabins has been completed by the provincial public works denartmenfbut considerable more work in the way of surfacing will have to be done before it can be recom-i ' mended for general Use. When the Cold weather of winter comes, however, it will be in boon for those climbing the moun- tain to Vntov the snort of skllne. . It': - - - t " is to be supposed that further lm-! piuitmcm i w umuc inAaov... The trail Is a little less than two', til lli1' IU A.Ma u.i V"oj ; gradient. : Weather conditions have been hampering work of continuation of . tne fekeena Kiver nignway in me direction of Cloyah Bay although a ! full crew of fifty men is still at work i mere, uy next midsummer u is ex-. pected it will be possible to drive to j Cloyah Bay. I KxchangC Rates at New York-Montreal NEW YORK, Nov. 17: The Brl-; tlsh pound sterling closed at $4.99 Vi ! on the local foreign exchange mar- I ket yesterday, being unchanged from the day previous. The Cana !" aoiiar was aiso uncnangea at MONTREAL, Nov. 17: The Brl- tlsh pound sterling closed at $4.87H on the local exchange market developed recently In the skylight.102- of the operating room had not yet been located. The need of a fan for drylHB cloths in thc laundry was menUoncd; Sixty-One South African Natives in Drinking Bout Are Killed by Lightning CArKTOWN, South Africa, Nov. 17: (CP) Sixty-one natives participating in a beer drinking mrty near East London were instantly killed when ightninj; struck the hut in which thc party was be-nu held. Sixty-four natives had gathered for the party and only three survived. TARRED Completed better shape and will prove a lor . . i ! T T T -T T m W w -W ! . n punnrrrriov for PROVINCE SHOWS BIG GAIN 0ER L.ST 1E,R " , 1 ,r,,. r, u VICTORIA, Nov ":-Oold producUon In British Colum- bia Ior the nm nlne months of thls year totalled $7,750,000, lt was announced from the De- ! partment of Mines yesterday. j u greater than the whole ! gold production for aU of last j year. Today's Weather Triple Island Part cloudy, light southwest wind; barometer; 29.70; tpmn.rnture 60. ch0Unv . I uneara Island-Overcast,"' light 1 easterlv wind-sea smooth. I Triple Island-Part cloudy, iforth- east wind; sea smooth. , Terrace Cloudy, east wind'. 36. Anyox Raining, calm. 38. Stewart Slight rain, calm. 37. Hazelton Raining, calm. 34. ! "Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 30. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Nov. 17: (CD-Wheat was quoted at 77TeC on the local exchange today. BAR SILVER NEW YORK Nov. 17: (CP Bar silver closed at 544c per ounce on . Hii .vr 1vn1 .Wl. ... mntnl .... ...... mnrltct. w tnrinv. - J. . . AND FEATHERED George Palmer, Former Moscow Newspaperman, Victim of Indignity "Taken For Ride" Following Vegreville Meeting at Which He Urged Support of Strike and Charges Police With Violence; Tells His Story of Incident j VEGREVILLE, Alta., Nov. 17: (CP) A liberal. application of tar and feathers was made to the person of j George Palmer, former Moscow newspaperman, by a i group of unidentified men near Innisfrae last night, Pal-: mer's activities in connection with the' grain strike in central Alberta is blamed for the incident. He had spoken at ju meeting here earlier In the wee.k . in of the strike and ; , support scoring y-, T1I7 1 f llArvlMIVAI I alleged police violence. 0FM00SE i j ' Pet Show Last Night Interesting of Innovation Hundreds of Chil- dren and Adults Present night for hundreds of children and adults "and there wastmuch, merrl-' ment at the pet show, carnival and' dancesuged by thelifoose Lodge. Iff was a novel event which provided plenty of fun and interest for all who attended. In addition to thef net parade In which a number of splendid dogs, cats, etc.. some of which had been quite elaborately prepared for the occasion, were dls- r1avprf thpr n.PTf rnnttts ramlvnl f.,. vf , i,f able of the features were pretty 4 dancing numbers by dainty pupils of Mrs. James Watt and Miss Elean- mte. The evenmgs pme winners in-i eluded: Pets First, Kathleen Coombs; se cond, Forby Lee; third, Ruth Wat tnn- unprlals. Miss March. Miss Cor- 1 nlsh I.pstpr Orimhls. Frank Svmes. ! iSpence Huson, Terry Fortune. J.; McLean, Joyce Ratchford, Barbara! Grosvenort HetHe Green and Joyce 0ntt.fhmp Trick Dogs First, Tommy For- rest; second. Teddy Arney; third, Helen Oreen; fourth. Miss Ponder. Pie-eating Contest Bob Hale. Bob Montgomery-Paper-rolling Contest-Aj. G rims- son, Louise Knutsen. Cracker - anting Contest Ruby Gomez. Josie Murray. Whistling Contest Joyce Ratchford, Ruth Gomez, Judith OJerstad and Josie Murray. Raffles Cake. Mrs. H. Smith; ham. Buster Russell; apples, Mrs. W. B. McCallum; flower stand, Pal Smith; Kippers. Dan cromp, Door Prlzes-Nbs. 189. 245, 101. 185, The general committee consisted of W. B. McCallum, Percy Cameron, Olllls Royer. Joe Ratchford and B. J. Bacon. The sub-committees were as follows: Bingo Richard, Long. A. K. Nelson. A. MacDonald, N. S. K. Brewer and Cecil Morrison. Wheels q. R. Biggart, N. Mussal- lem and P. O. Peterson. Fish Pond W. B. McCallum and Buster Russell. Door Joe Ratchford and L. J. Blaln. Clowns Jack Cobb and Leslie Parks. Hot Dogs Mrs. D. C. Schubert and James Taylor. Music for dancing was furnished by Mrs. J. S.'Black's Orchestra. Olllls Royer. dictator of the 'Moose Lodge, was master of cere - Immilr Palmer claims that he was out for a stroll last night when, he was seized, blindfolded, loaded into a truck and "taken for a ride." Parts his clothing were removed and tar and feathers applied. Two miles from Innisfrae he whs ejected from the truck and forced to walk back. DlQeeo J D DieSSeQ lVain T. . . J aJjlOrnia , , "u. - To Extent of Million Dollars As Result LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17: Califof- uia Liu us arc comuaicu wj mit benefitted by a million dollars as a "Uik Ui a " j03111' out oi thc northern part of tat? yesterday. Stormy weather . lJVrT uw - Japanese Program At Weekly Story" Hour Here Today Seventy-three children betweenac he ages of tour and eight years ' were delighted this morning at Utf weekly story hour with a colorful and Interesting Japanese program? Mrs. Robert Cameron gave a bnet introduction after which Miss Peggx. Anderson told the "Japanese story Momotaro." Three little Japancan. yaslu and YoriKo mrano tramrtl : by Miss Hlsae Hirano, gave two izr tion songs in costume. Miss Ircne Mitchell told the story of "Travelling Musicians." Games were played to lend further to the enjoyment. BOII OLIN DEFEATS f"3 MAX1E ROSE.NBLOOM ' TO CAPTURE TITLE t'EW YORK, Nov. 17: CP-j new light heavyweight boxing. champion of the world. He took the title at Madison Square'!' Garden last night by winning- the decision over Maxie Rosen- bloom at the end of a fifteen- round bout. ROienbloom, known as the "play boy of the ring," has made $250,000 In fighting but hasn't a cent to- day. Last nlgHt's f.'ght was de- clared to be as poor a one as a I New York crowd had ever seen. . ! .