May J. IM4 1 ? .jffW: 61 rrriTrrriTS i L i SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 Write for copy of our NEW PREMIUM CATALOGUE KIllXV DOUOLAS Si CO. LTD. Vancouver Calgai? or Winnipeg SPECIAL To Introduce For This Week PURETEST BREWERS YEAST 75c Size For 50c i I hly concentrated form of Brewers Yenst, the richest natural source of Vitamins B 2 (F) and B 2 (G) Debitterized and Exceptionally Palatable W.U not ferment, nor cause flatulence, nor deteriorate with age. A great digestive, acting on starch and sugar Ormes Ltd. "Jit Pioneer Drut&ists Th Ittull Store Phones: 81 i R ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Typewriter Paper Typewriters Typewriter Ribbons Typing 'Pads Wax Paper Writing Pads Account Books Account Paper Account Fasteners Adding Machine Rolls Letter and Paper Clips Shannon Cases Blotting Pads Blotting Paper Shannon Files Bill Books Carbon Paper Cash Register Rolls letter Baskets Waste Baskets Bull Dog Clips Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal JJJfJ Minehcnd Lump Coal Jj--.; lMna Egg Coal Mtove Coal 1L50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamers leave Print Rupert tor Vancouver TSS. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M V Ocean rail and Waypolnt. arriving Vancouver Tnursasy afternoon, T.S. CAItDENA EVERY FRIDAY MllSIOHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday A M. N4M aaUlngs to Port 8Uihwp. Alio Ann. Anyoi. BUwart FWher information regarding all sailings and Ucmu n HUM'S KI'tr.KT aOENCYi Third Anut. Wednesday, May 2 at 8 pm. Hotel Arrivals Royal ervice 101 Miss Ursula Malkln, Vancouver from Stewart to Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) 'and her son. WllHam Stone, who hare been on a week's business j trip to Anyox, returned to the city I from the Smelter Town on the Catala this morning. He Oustaf Harald Levin or Jack Levine. born in Sweden 1887. came to Canada 1907 and was at Powell River 1917. Relatives are enquiring about him, please report any Information to Swedish Vice Consulate. 315-3rd Ave., Prince Rupert. 101 Chief and Mrs. M. O. McKay left their home at Kitselas last week for Carlisle Cannery where they will be employed during the summer Others of the Kitselas people will be coming down the river before the sockeye season opens on June 20. Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here Lave been informed that Ous Paul and Paul- ette Quaw. Vanderhoof Indians. have each been fined $20 and costs with option of one month's Im prisonment, for setting traps on another man's trapllne. Paullette Quaw paid the fine. A. Christiansen, city: A. M.Klpp. Port Essington. Prince Rupert W y. Mitchell. Oceanic Central Hedman Anderson, city; John Barseth and L. O. Mude, city; H Oralland. Vancouver. Knox Olllls Royer. Joseph DesMulles, B E Bailey. C. E. Barnwell. Jack Finn, O. P. Connolly C. F. Bog art. A Greenwood. Trevor Williams, O. C Young. W. E. Steffensoud. W. Lamble. George Llnklater and Hans Christen. Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting S Prices reasonable. All branches including children's work. Phone: Blue 837 INSURED TAXI When you ride In Slaggard's Taxi You arc fully insured. BE SAFE, Ride in an Insured taxi. Phone 653 Ideal Cleaners OPEN In New Premises Cor. McBride & Fifth CLEANING, REPAIRING, DYEING, ETC. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black Uf (JEO. J. DAWES THE DAILY NEWS PA08 THnrc We buy anything In gold. Pre- New SUk Swagger Suits, Demers. mlum price. Max Hellbroner. I 101 Women's Canadian Club annual Jteg. meeting of W. A. or Can. general meeting lor election of of- j fleers will be held In City Hall on Legion Thursday, 8 pjn. in rooms. We are still bylng old gold, Bulger's. (tfi pianist, in the course of a concert j Otto C. Young of the mechanical tour of the north coast, was a pas-1 engineering department of the senger aboard the Catala today ; Prince Rupert Fisheries Expert- going through Ocean Falls. mental Station was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club. Past President T. W. Brown was In the chair in the absence from the city of President W. H. Tobey. Miss Kolosoff Becomes Bride Former Resident of Frinre Rupert g Married Recently In Northern Ontario A quiet wedding of interest to many people of Northern British Columbia took place Thursday. Ap ril 17 at Kapuskasing in Northern Ontario when Miss Olga Kolosoff of Anyox, and formerly of Prince Rupert, became the bride of Arthur E. Carlson, plant pathologist, at the Dominion Experimental farm at Kapuskasing. The ceremony was performed In the United Church. Miss Kolosoff was for several years stenographer at the experi mental farm at Beaver Lodge In the Peace River and Mr. Carlson was at that time a member of the staff at that point " Mr. and Mrs. Carlson will reside at Kapuskasing. Nanaimo Youth Drowned Sunday Fred Buttress, Aced 19, Loses life After Clinging to Overturned Canoe For Two Hours NANAIMO. May 1 (Canadian Press t Fred Buttress, aged. 19. was drowned on Sunday after having clung to an overturned canoe off Stephenson's Point for two hours. A companion was saved. Announcements Ridley Home Bataar, May 3. Children's Exhibition of Dancing. OddfeUowf Hall, May 4. Junior Elks Orand opening dance May 4. Dr. Johns Recital May 7. "Chinese Knowledge" tea May 10 United Church. Anglican Tea May IS at Mrs 3rme'. Catholic Spring Sale May 16. Presbyterian tea May 17. May 17th, celebration, dance social, refreshments. Moose Hall Hudson's Bay Centenary Cele bration, Port Simpson, May 24 Sports, ball games, track events, canoe race. Trophies. Entries re ceived to May 21 by secretary. Loyal Order of Moose Memorial Services Prince Rupert Lodge and Chapter 2 P.M. Sunday May 6th NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZareUL Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM nOME" Rates ll.M t 00 Rooms, Hot 1 Cold Water Prlncn Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Boi 10. Special Spring Shoe Bargains Leckies Hard Wearing Solid Leather Work Boots It Boys School Boots from 82.95 Men's Light Work" Boots, Panco Soles QQ Off up from Boys' School Boots, Pan- co Soles reg. $2.75 1.95 Why Pay More? Auction Sale - of Household Furniture en THURSDAY, MAY 3, at the Residence 241 Fifth Ave. West, commenting at 2:15 sharp On instructions received from the owner I will sell by public Auction the entire contents of tne residence consisting of: llotpotnt Electric Range with roal annex; Mission Oak Dining Room Suite with China Cabinet and Buffet; white enamel sheet metal Ice Box; porcelain top Baking Cabinet; Easy electric Washing Machine; Good Cheer Circulating Heater; 2 Axmlnster Carpets; 4 Wicker Chairs; 2 oak library Ta-bin; 2 large oak Arm Chairs: Premier Vacuum Cleaner; 2 single Beds, complete with Oster-more Mattresses; full-site Bed; solid oak Dresser and Vanity; ak Chiffoneer; Smoking Stand; Dresses; Table Lamp; Hall Mirror; 2 Linoleum Rugs; Chlff- robe; Dishes; Pots and Pans; Kit of Carpenters Tools and other articles. MUST BE SOLD. G. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Phone Black 126 For Your Health Chiropractic Cltra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.a (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 54$ Exchange Block SHORT WAVE Where and when to look IS metre band from 6:00 ajn. till noon. (1 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 pjn. (15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 pjn. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC PHONE: BLUE 320 Second Avenue Si Third Street 'AdriftlJi in tm Dally Ncti SEE OUR WONDERFUL LINE OF Women's Smart Suede uede SHOES Mens Footwear dm I IN PUMPS, TIES, DRESS AND SPORT OXFORDS, SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SPRING. SEE OUR WINDOWS. CITY SCRIP ACCEPTED. Leckies Men's Highest Orade Dress Boots and Oxfords, Kid and Calf Leathers. See Our Special Arch Master Shoes in the finest kid, built In steel arches for comfort and wear. Men's Smart Oxfords in black and CO ns brown, up V2I & CUT RATE SHOE STORE Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR RALE Chevrolet Car In good condition. Price $200. Daily News. tf FOR SALE Very late Model T. Ford Truck, excellent condition, -good tires, cab, Atwater Kent Ignition, $150.00. E. DIX, Terrace. B.C. tf I OR SALE, Rent or Lease, Kltsum- gallum Lake Lodge with Dance Pavlllion, and Annex. Lots of Fruit and Berries. The price Is right. E. DIX. Terrace, B.C. tf FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 ft., 7 ft., 6 In. beam, 12 hp. Vivian engine (medium duty); boat and engine like new. a Snap at $450. E. DIX, Terrace, BJC. tf I FOR RENT HOUSES to rent Hart. FOR REST Store with living quarters, reasonable rent. Phone Red 720. tf FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms, 835 Second Av enue West. . a30 EXCHANGE OR SELL EXCHANOE or sell motorcycle for small marine gas engine. P. O. 639. Phone Red 182. 103 PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 6H0PPE NOTirr. or ArrurATiox for cer THICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Ool4 Cltft . S fractional Mineral CUIm. Cold Cliff No. 6 Mineral Claim, Marraret Mineral Claim. rilff rrart1sal Mineral Claim. Situate la th Portland Canal Mining Dlrlaaoa. Whera located on U west aid of Bear River about threo mUea from Stewart, B.C. Lawful Owner William Dann. Number of the holdefa tree miner's frtinee-.TTT20-D TAKE NOTICE that WlUUm Dann, Free Miner's Certificate No. T7T30-D In-tfod. at the end of sixty days from tM date hrreot. to apply to tho Mlairs Recorder for a certificate of improvements for the purpose of obtaining a Crown O rant of the abort claim. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that frstloa. under BeoUon Si of lb "Mta eral Aot" must be oommenced brfor the Issusnos of such orrUflcat of im provements. Ja DATED thU 23rd dav Of March. 1934, TRANSFERS GARDEN SoU $230 a load; 35c. per sack. Cameron's Transfer. Phons 177. SMS. rXPEK CHATTEL MOHTOAOE WE HEREBY OFFER FOR SALE by tender a certain gasboat named "FirsJ Place". Lerfh 29 feet. 7 Inches, Breadth V feet. Depth 2 tm. 6 Inches, equipped wKh 6 HP. Palmer Gm Engine, which boat U now at our whart at Haysport Cannery. Haysport. British Columbia, and ns seized by our balUfl for" default In payment under our chat-Ue mortgage. Tenders will be received by us at tne office of William. Man-eon. Brown & Harrey. Prince Rupert, British Ccrumbla, until 2:30 PM. on Monday, the Ttn day of May. 1934. th highest or any tender not necessarily accepted DATED at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, this 30th day of April. 1934. THE CANADIAN FISHING COMPANT 104 LIMITED SALE CXIER CHATTEL MORTGAGE WE HEREBT OFFER FOR BALZ by tender a certain gasboat named "F.O.r. 27 ft.. 4 inches In Length, 7 ft.. 3 Inches In Beam and 4 ft. In Depth, powered with an Ansted Engineering Work engine Series CID No. 5385. which boat la cow at our wharf at Carlisle Canssry. Skeena River. British Columbia, and was seized by our bailiff far default In payment under our chat-tie mortgage. Tenders will be receive? by us at the otrtms of Will Urns. Man' son. Brown & Harvey. Prince Rupert. British Cdumbla. until 2:30 P.M. en sionaay. we (in aay oi May, ni. uw ! hUhMt at . rw tuftWr tint iwnimHle accepted. dated at prince Rupert. Brasui L.e- Uxnbla. thto 30th day of AprU. 1S34. THE CANADIAN FISHiNO COWAN I 104 LIMITED L.M ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leae Land In Prince Rupert Land RecorcUni District of Prince Rupert, BC and sit uate in Qtawdzeet By located at the N.W. end of Stephens Island, Range S. Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert. B.C occupaitton FUh Packer. Intends to apply lor a leas 01 the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post piamea as the S. W. corner of a small island about 8 ohalns 8. E. of Avery Island thence 8. w J. Chain: thence Weatafiy 6 chains: thence NX. S chain more or less to high water mark on th NX. point of the Island: thence 8. E. dlrec tlon 6 ohalns more or lew following high waiter mark to point of Dated Aprn 16, 134. JOHN CLAUSEN, UIM ACT Notlre nf IntrnlWn to apply U t.eae ljnd In Prince Rupert Land Recording DWtrlct of Prince Rupert, B.C. and ait ua'je In Qlawdreet Bay located at tht N.W. end of Stephens Island, Rang S. Const District. Take noUoe that John Clauoea ox PrkK Rupert. B.C.. occupation PUh Packer. Intends to apply for a leas of the following denrrlbed lands: Oomaienclng at a pent planted at the 8. W corner of a small Island about I chain 8. E. of Avery Island thence NX., thence westerly, southerly and eaMerly, following hlfh watermark to point of cumusrttognent. and Mat talning 3 acre more or less, and Including the entire area of (th said JOHN CLAUICT, yViLUaM DfiJiH, Datd AptU II, W. 3 5' -:1 . i;. i 1 1. n,