Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mmm n Prince Rupert Clear, light High 9:36 ain. 16.7 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 30.12; 22:44 p.m. 16.6 ft. temperature. 45; sea smooth. Lcrjv 3:23 a.m. lU ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER 16:15 pjn. 6.9 ft. Vul XXIV , No. 71. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS VIRGliM HAS BAD FIRE CA TASTROPHE B. C. GOVERNMENT TO CONSIDER INDUSTRY CODIFICATION Haven For Homeless at Vicksburg Wiped Out; Fourteen Lives Lost Eijlity White Men and Negroes Injured, Many Seriously; When Federal Transient Bureau Burns Before Dawn LYNCHBURG, Va., March 24; (CP)-Fourteen were burned to death and at least eighty were in .fared, a number seriously, in a fire which swept the federal transient bureau before dawn this morning. The maiding, which housed two hundred homeless white and negro men, was completely destroyed. PIONEER TO PROBE IS DEAD FISHERIES William CuttU Sampson, Retired j Accountant of Victoria. ratra Alt of i:i(ht)''I'our VICTORIA. March 24: CP w ".mm emit Sanipj4fj. 84rea'ri uUifri chartered accountant ime to Victoria In 1900, died ''fOujr CALGARY IN PUCK LEAD fnlrie Team Defeats 'Vancouver 1 lo 2 In NortliMtttent Series VANCOUVER. March 24: CP-C irv 'ook a two to one lead In n'- with Vancouver for the ! -A' -tern professional hockey' 1 ! championship by winning -Uf by a score of 3 to 2. Vandals of Anyox Win Hoop Game Over Locals at Smelter Town To Go One Up in North B.C. Series The Vandals of Anyox defeated Canadian National Re-J-reaUon Association of Prince Rupert by a score of JJ8 to J at Anyox last night to go one game up in the series for the Northern British Columbia basketball championship. Although down two to one on the game count to date, the " , -Hocals are still ahead on total scar- Pi T i HuniAif jlng 110 to 97. If Anyox wins the se- V n A I VI K 1 1 1 IM MARKSMAN Annthtr r Won by William nr of This Clly-Kddle Smith Also Winner of Award Word has been received In the t,f the winning by William ' , .,of Prince Rupert of another "wawe award In a silver medallion "blrmatic of the individual cham-th. P 'or 0,1 Canada .last year of 5n Dore Hlrle Association on so and loo yard outdoor target. trri i I ' have n'wibeen announ-Si,?r,n tlMr: Brass and 5S, m.lthoflh,s cllyllcd for the Jjlffon03a.33 in British Colum-" tor Indoor shooting. N( HSU AHUIVALS (NoboaU being n with .catches, luJl Mo 8ale of hlUlbut n w "h exchange this morning. Senate Committee to Investigate Operation of Pacific Halibut, Scaling and Salmon Treaties OTTAWA. March" 24- (CpT The flshlnr Industry of Brltiih Columbia will be investijatcd by i select rommiltee of the Senate which was named yesterday as a result of a motion by Senator J, 0. Taylor of New. Westminster which asked for a study of exist Ing treaties between Canada and the United States which include the sealing halibut and sockeye salmon parts, the latter of which has not yet been ratified by the I'nlted States. The committee Is composed ol Seantors A. I). McUac. J. II. King, J. .McCormlck. K. S. Little, C. E. Tanner, U Moraud, J. K-Sinclair, W. I". Poster. P. J. Itourque, II. II. Ilorley and J. I). Taylor. !cond Bame tonight. It will have cap turcd the honors for the series re gardless of aggregate score. If I Prince Rupert should win to tie up the game count, then the locals would take the series by virtue of having the highest point score It is understood that the winners of the Anyox-Prlnce Rupert series will have to face the challenge of the Y. P. E. A. team of Port Simp son before Uie Northern British Columbia championship Is deter mined. Strange Floor Handicap The Prince Rupert players were unaccustomed to the strange floor at Anyox last night and had difficulty In getting started. Nevertheless, the game was fast and close until ten minutes before full time when Anyox pulled away. The half time score was 20 to 18 for Anyox. Sonny Stiles of Prince Rupert was banished from the floor for personals. The Caldcrone brothers were the stars for Anyox. Overhaul Work On Prince Rupert Is Started Already i Start has been made at the local dry dock on the annual overhaul of the steamer Prince Rupert although the vessel has not yet been docked. It Is expected the Prince Rupert will bi recommlssloned In service ibout May. Members of the crew rill probably be going south next week. , I Today's Stocks (Couruwr 8. O. Joiuuon Oo.) Vancouver Alexandria, .Ofl'i.' Bayview, .02. B..C. Nickel. .67. Big Missouri, 3&. Bralorne. 12.80. B. R. Cons. .36. 5 B. R. X. Oold. .76. Butte I. X. L.. 21. Cariboo Gold Quartz, 2.25 Dentonla, 1.00. Dunwell, .30. Hercules Cons .05. Oeorgla River. .03?. Oolconda, .45. ;Jridlinu2Vi.- - . . MliuV. J9. Meridian. .19. Morning Star, .434. NaUve Son, .06. NaUonal Sliver. .04 ?i. Noble Five. 13fc. Pend Oreille, 1.12. Porter Idaho, A2. Premier, 1.46. Reeves McDonald. .17. Reward, .10. Reno, 1.13. Silver Crest, .02 i. Salmon Oold, ,23'i. Taylor Bridge, .76. Wayside. .39. United Empire. .17. Whitewater. .07. Waverly Tangier, .02 U, Toronto Chlbouuamau, .10. Central Patricia, .63. Oranada, .77. Int. Nickel. 26.90. Canadian Malatric. .57. Lake Maron, .13 i. Lee Oold, .19. Little Long Lac. 3.20. Macassa, 2.38. Noranda, 38.50. 8herritt Oordon. 1.12. 81sco Oold, 2.22. Sudbury Basin 1.65. Smelters Oold, .36. Teck Hughes, 6.80. Thompson Cadillac, .53. Ventures, .96. Columarlo, .89. Outside Halibut Prices Uniform Some 240.000 pounds of halibut was sold In Seattle yesterday, west cm fish bringing 6c and ,4e and lo cal 7c and 5c. A few small catches were sold In Ketchikan at 6c and 4c yesterday. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point-- Clear, light northwest wind; barometer, 30.08; temperature. 46; sea choppy. Langara Island Clear, calm; sea moderate. Triple Island Clear, light northwest wind: Sea choppy. TerraceClear, calm, 36. Anyox Clear, calm, 32. 8tewart Clear, calm, 30. Hazelton Clear, calm, 30. Smlthcrs Clear, calm frosty. , Duma Lake Clear, calm, 20a. Soviet To Erect Thi ;-ent;a exeunt ve onunifxs h, GSSJl has lust accepted thus pUn for u Pauo af t Soviets he design of which was drawn by a gi up of ar -hitc ts in connection with other such gromp The cxu '. purpose to whita uhe structure will be put has nut been aiuiounceti but u is Known that i will be a monument to Lmln. father of the Soviet government, and a rlUteP.bimJjeeoSfirpropQrtkma. will -standat Uh plravacle,''-reachlng 3,000 or more feet into the upper atmosphere. Softball Played By Boys Today Pals Lost by Score of 18 to 10 to Renegades In a softball game played this morning on the Canadian NaUonal Recreation Association grounds, the Renegades defeated the Pals by a score of 18 to 10. The game was close throughout, the score being 5 to 4. In the Pals' favor until the; sixth inning when the latter blew up and allowed six runs to cross the plate. In the next four innings, th; Renegades were able to increase their lead by eight runs while the Pals made five. I Batteries for the game were: Pals Hlrano and Vlcreck. Renegades Veltch and Oay. The umpire was Etolo Antonelll. Teams: Pals Hlrano. Vlereck, Miller. Ed- gar. K. Nakamoto, F. Montesano, I. Johnson. Macphee and Dybhavn. Renegades Oay. Veltch, Dominate M. Montesano, Postulo, T. Nakamoto, Morgan, Jones and Nelson. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE l int Division Arsenal 3, Wolverhampton Wanderers 2. Birmingham 3. Portsmouth 1. Blackburn Rovers 3, Leicester 0. Derby I, Chelsea 0. ' Everton 4. Sheffield United 0. Leeds 5. Liverpool 1. Manchester City 4. Stoke 2. Middlesbrough 1. Aston Villa 2. NewcasUe 1. Tottenham 3. Sheffield Wednesday 1. Hudders - West Bromwlch Albion 6, Sunderland 5. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Aberdeen 4, Clyde 0. Alrdrleonlans 3, Motherwell 6. Celtic 0. Ayr 3. Dundee 3, St. Mlrren 0. Hamilton 2, Falkirk 1. Hibernians 0. Partlck Thistle 2. Kllmarnock-Queen's park unstayed. Queen of South 3, Hearts 1. Rangers 3, St. Johnstone 0. Third Lanark 3, Cowdenbeath 1. Tallest Building RECITAL IS DELIGHTFUL Prince Rupert Philharmonic Soclftj Gives Good Account of Itself Balanced Program Combination With Junior Syni-Is ' phony Orchestra Happily Made Giving effective Interpretation of nicely balanced program which was skilfully attuned to the talents of the personnel, the Prince. Ruprt Philharmonic Society, with the assistance of the Junior Symphony Orchestra, presented a delightful recital last night In Flrs Presby- terlan Church. There was an aud- ience which nearly filled the church and much pleasure was derived by all from the entertainment which was not heavy enough to be cumbersome nor yet so light as to be Ineffectual. The choir exhibited In marked degree the effects of a winter season of assiduous practice under the capable conductor. H. N. Brock-lcsby. In the past year or so. a good many rough spots have been smoothed off by this body of representative local vocalists and great Improvements are to be noted in the way of tonal effect, precision of action and control. True there are certain spots where a few more good voices might be employed to advantage but anv lack - there may be might truthfully be ld to 1 more inlne wy of quan tlty than quality. The combination of the talents of the Philharmonic Society ajyJjJie Junior Symphony Orchestra, the Continued on Paire 2 Union steamer Cardena. Capt. James o vt.t, Flndlay. arrived in tJZ port at .:hr,nS u7r,r VT reduction plants , T and V sal- 7 south and sailed at 12 midnight oi: i her return to Vancouver and way points. Southbound this morning j the vessel was to call at Surf Inlet I on the West Coast of Princess Roynl' Island with passengers and freight for the mine there Capital Will Remain I - But Must Be Used to Help PeoplePattullo Economic Council Bill Advances Premier Urges C. C. F. To Support Its Own Policies Insurgent Member For " Burrard Says He Would be Premier VICTORIA, March 24: (CP) Codification of industry in British Columbia will be considered by the government ht, if it is implemented, it will be throutrh a board of in dustrial relations rather than en, won. ueorge b. rearson, minister of mines and labur, told the Legislature yesterday when the bill creating the economic council was in 'tt Earlier in the debate Premier! Pattullo declared: "As I have' said before here and will say again, we are in the process of a change lead- Ing to what I call "socialized capi talism.' You will always have capital. It cannot be avoided. But it must be used for the good of the people at large to promote. Individual Initiative and, cultural development, y JtcplTin4afccpenirhret;-Comv monwealth' Federation criticisms, the Premier said: "In their criticisms of this measure my Opposi tion friends are attacking the very thing which they are advocating themselves. Surely they can see thr underlying principles of the dif crent bills which the government has placed before the House not inly this one but many others. Why do you think we brought In the Special Powers Act? Dont you see we must have power to deal with a system which is In process of change- every day?" The economic council bill later received third reading. Pattullo or McXJeer? O. O. McGeer K.C. Liberal. Van- couver-Burrard. again raised ob- Jectlon to the Special Powers Act. -Ninety percent of the people of the province are behind the Special Powers Act and. if we had an elec tion tomorrow, the honorable member from Vancouver-Burrard would not be here." said the Premier. "No. he would probably be Prime Minister." retorted the redoubtable Mr. McGeer. Licence Fee on Canneries Used 1 Only as Camps to be Dropped; t Other Changes in Regulation! VICTORIA, March 21: (CP)-When the fisheries coni- iiiuiee 01 me legislature met yesterday, jt was announced that Clause Two of the Act making provision for a licence fee of $1500 to apply to non-onerative rjinnprfp ni f. inakmg, servicing or storage of gillnets or as boarding houses for fishermen would be deleted. 7 Clause Ten, placlnc resnonsibll- lty upon fish buyers for seeing that any tax imposea upon iisnermen is paid, will also be deleted. A new provision In the Act will regulate foreign floating refrigera-: waters. Second reading was given In the Timid le nlnkl t "T ... lu mon dry salterles under Its control requiring that production records be sent direct to the government. Tonight's train, due from the Sast at 10 o'clock, was reported this morning to bi on tunc the proposed economic couii- Donations : For Books Mrs. Geo. Rorie. Miss N. K. Rorte O. L. Rorie. John Dybhavn, A. Brooksbank. F..M. Da vies. P. Lor- erae-rHceofgebf&ISvnrTR: T. V: Rose. C. Y. Saunders. Wm. Oilpe, A Friend. N. A. McLeod, Corp. Clarke. Miss Scroggins. Angus MacVicar. D. Crerar, Alex McRae, Geo. Munro, f. S. Nelson. Geo. HilJ. F. Hardy, C. II. Elkins. Geo. Johnstone, W. Ranee: Miss L. M. Lowe, N. McLeod, Miss A. McLeod. Miss Jean Camer on, Mrs. J. W. Watson, Margaret Johnson, Agnes Underdahl. Anna Jensen. Chris Jensen, A. Bernard-son. Armour Salvage, J. Gcorgeii. sen. H. Gulbrnndson, B. Husoy. II. ; Pedersen, J. Eldsvlck, P. Johanscn. L. Tuskvick, John Eyolfson, F. : Malse. A. Hedstrom. H. Scott, J. E. i Wickett. J. M. McCawley, J. C. . iiuiion, ur. j. t. Man- ay. tinar Jensen. C. Johnson, n. """""r":"' : ,f. T A. "0WT I r r, 'Marfh if n"' $?t!- v uui. , SILVER afapS NEW YORK, March 24: ICP)S? Bar silver closed at 45Bc on tfie Ixal metal market today. I ti GOVERNMENT WANTS TO ASSIST MINING . 4 VICTORIA, March 24: (CP) f Premier T. D. Pattullo stated In the Legislature last night that the government desired to $ go the limit In aiding the mm- 4 ing Industry and, If the legls- f lators would clothe the gov-crnment with the necessary 4 authority. It would be In a f. better position to assist pros- 4 pedtors. jj 4 4 4 4 4 4