?A0. El 1 v 71 THE DA1L? HET7S Wednesday. July 4. 1834 The Family Third Avenue LIMITED Penman's Full-Fashioned THE DAILY NEWS. rRLNCE RUPERT - BKiTI&B COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. r. PULLEN Managing. Editor City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance aayaDce ts 00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week f By mail to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire aid' United States, paid In advance, per year . , - By mall to all other countries, per year . ' "" s ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Transient display advertising, per lncn, per Insertion Contract rates on 'application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone tutor and Reporters' Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations STRONGER THAN EVER It is quite probable that Adolph Hitler is stronger than ever m Germany today. The ruthless quelling of the rebellion there will probably have the effect of preventing any other similar coup, at least for several years to come and, in the meantime, doubtless the chancellor will take steps to strengthen his position. If he escape assassination he will probably rule Germany for the next decade or until he has had time to introduce the reforms which he is said to have planned. WHY NOT Today the express companies brought in parcels for local people' from the east but no mail arrived. We have to wait from Monday afternoon to Fridav mornine for our Iptfers as thpv arrive so late on Thursday night that thev are useless that day. If the Tuesday train brines expresV matter, there should also be mail matter available and the lone wait between Monday and Fridav be broken by making letters available Wednesday mornings. The present condition is a scandal. PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK and CREAM Whipping Cream 20c pint . Whipping Cream 35c 1 pint Dominion Dairy Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Early Ad. Copy Shoe Store Phone 357 Silk Hose We carry the newest color trend in Hosiery Tones for all occasions. .Pine Silk, Picpt Tops. Cradle Sole, Reinforced Heel and Toes, Semi-Service or Chiffon Priced at $1.00 .2i JOt L Sa-tS Wednesday, July 4, 1934 MAIL? Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 is appreciated SPORT CHAT The fight fans of Prince Rupert will be pleased to learn that within two weeks there will be staged by Tommy Morgan what he says will be one of the best fighting cards ever attempted in this city. Jack McEvoy Is to have a chance of really showing what he can do as Morgan is bringing up to meet hlra Gordon Wallace of Vancouver, a clever welterweight, who has to his credit irl his last fourteen fights nine wins and five draws. McEvoy. since making Prince Rupert his home town. I has never had a chance of showing the fans what he really can do, Morgan says. His opponents, air though good boys, were not in his class and he has, by his gentlemanly manners and dean spans-( manshlp, made himself a host of fj-iends. He is out to show these friends that their confidence In him Is not misplaced., ghquld McEyoj jwin this fight, Morgan's plans for :ne coming season are very ambitious. The still unbeaten Grotto nine rallied for three runs in the sixth inning of the Dominion Day Cup Softball final Monday and a 6 to 3 victory over the pyu, Lambie. for the Lodgemen. started the scoring and hitting Jn the opening stanza Dy siammlng out a hard two-bagger to centrefleld and stretched It into a home run when the cenfrefieldsr had trouble In throwing It In. A single next by Budlnlch and a double 'by 'Ogg tallied Johnson who had reached first on Ratchlord's fumble. Npthlng more happened unut tne fourth when the Elks' left-'ielder. Pierce, dropped Gurvich's ong looper with two Orottolst iboard. The Tobacconists found it ;asy to score on the fumble, thus ylng the score. But the Lodgemen1 ook the lead again In the follow-ng Inning when an error on the ilrst Sack, rounlerl with . RiMlnUti'a r- mm. i two-bagger, scored Johnson. Then Jie urottoist staged their four-hit, -hree-run rally, when Ratchford, 3ury, Nelson and Stalker each jruised the Elks' chucker with a oingle, putting themselves In the lead by a two run margin which Qiey further strepgthened in the lext frame by one more run. In the 3rst of the seventh the Orotto learly threw the game away when .hree successive Infield errors put U many Elks on bases. But this langerous uprising was luckily luelled when Joy's valiant but vain lttempt for a game-winning hit failed to materialize, his weak f rounder being used by Nelson to "orce Pierce out at home plate. The iext two Elks flied out much to the Tobacconists relief. Scott, the Elks' jitcher. was nicked for nine hits vhile the winning pitcher. Yager, illowed seven bingles. Score by Innings R H E Slks . 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-3 7 8 3rotto .0 0 0 2 0 3 1 0 08 9 5 Batteries Scott and Budinlch; Yager and Qurvlch. The line-ups for this game were as follows: Orotto Fone 2b Ratchford rf.. Bury 3b.. Nelson ss.. Ourvich c. Hill cf.. Stalker If., Yager p., Antoneltl lb. Elks Johnson ss 'Lambie rf Joy rf.,Budlnkh c Ogg 3b.. To bey 2b.. Scott p.. Stone lb., Pierce If. In the City League game Monday night a fast band of Elks defeated a not so fast herd of Moose by a score of 8 to 1. The winners had the game all their own way from the 'play ball" cry to the last Inning. The Moose managed to save their defeat from being a shut-out by gaining a lone' tally In the sixth when Mtnzle hit Bob Armstrong home. Both pitchers allowed seven hits but the Moose collected several more errors than their opjonents which might have been one reason for their defeat. If anyone wanted a reason. Batteries Elks, stonp ami Rnrf.l injeh; Moose, Morrison and Arm-! strong. Line-ups: Moose Armstrong c. R. Morrison p.. C Lemon lb.. Bremner 2b.. B. Armstrong ss, Menzie Sb., Pcstulo cf ., Edgar If.. Morrison rf. Elks Johnson ss.. Lambie cf.. Joy rf.. Budinlch e.. .Ogg 3b., Scott 2b Stone p.. Comadlna If Lindsay lb. In the Ladles' Softball Laene game Monday evening the Annette Tigerettes vanquished the hitherto unaeieated Orotto Olrls bv a score of 10 to 8. Both teams played very gooo soitDan and It was anybody's game all through. With the score LEGION IS VICTORIOUS Full Value Fur 4 to 1 Victory Over Merchants in Stuart Shield Football Game Canadian Legion defeated Merchants 4 to 1 last evening in a well contested Stuart Benefit Shield .ootball game which proved Interesting to a good sized crowd of fans. Quality of play was considerably better than that displayed by the same two teams in the Dominion Day Cup final on Monday. The Legion was full value for its win. Goal scorers were: Doug Chris-tison twa, McGrelsh and Baptie for the Lesion and Sonny Stiles on a penalty in the second half for the Merchants. j Alex Harvev was refpre and n IP. Lyons and M. M. Lamb were, I linesmen. I IN FINALS OF TENNIS Frrd Perry aud Jack Crawford to Meet For AM England Tcnni Championship WIMBLEDON, Eng.. July 4. CP Fred Perry of England and Jack Crawford of Australia wU! meet in the final of the All England tennis chamjjionships. the former eliminating SSidnev Wood of New York and the latter Frank Shields of' United States in the semi-finals to day. SOFTBALL STANDINGS Ladies' League W. L. Pet, Orotto j i .750 Annette's l i .500 Moose 0 j 00 60 ITU ALL STANDING Men's League W. L-0 Pet. Orotto 6 1.000 Elks & .71 Junior Elks 3 300 C. N. R. A JU..2 .400 Moose 2 .250 R. C. N. V. R J enjoyable Dance Friday Night at Moose Hall Thirty-five couoles erp in at, tendance at the dance stagi-d In the Mnncp Hall Isct Mt k.. t.. .micouver stock broker, was a oassen .M.M WW. . ,UaJ ... (.life rfH- " . lius Welle's orchestra, the affair be- frU d3y? -ta city on of(l(al ing very enjoyable for all present bttslnm rallfd by K Prtnee Dancing was In progress fiom e-30;Rupert 8aturda)r evening on his pjn. untU 1:30 ajn. Oillls Rmrr w!,tr'turn 10 Vancouver. master of rrrfmnnlM on n t I M, 0 Bacon presided at the door. reading 8 to 7 for the Orotto, the Annette aggregation rallied In the sixth inning and scored three runs to irlve them a twn.nm uhi.). their opponents failed to Overcome ! m meir last time at bat. Chea - Nlshikare. crack Qrottnit ahnrt. stop, played her usual good brand of ball while Oreen, Annette left-fielder, turned in an unusually good game in her position. .Batteries Grotto, Sunberg and Budinlch; Annettes, SkatteboJ and Basso-Bert. Orotto Nlshikaze ss Bury lb.. Sunberg p.. Cook rf.. Ouilck 2bl Budinlch Smith cf, Beale If, Ratchford 2b. Armett( I Johnson, Welle, Yager, Boddle. Blain. Skattebol j Bert, Oreen, Turgedn. The Prince Rupert Football Association, especially 1U energetic president. Bert Morgan, and Its no less active secretary, George Dawes. Is to be congratulated on the success of the Dominion Day celebration In Prince Rupert. It was a fitting observance of Canadi hirw- day and gratification should be felt wai wie rooioail Association displayed the enterprise to keen It alive. Startlnz with the noon under the direction of George Johnstone. Frank Derry and Jack Preece, It was a busy day wht with me msinouuon ot candy aud ' pea " nuts, children's 7; n,' Day cup softbaU game. Dominion j Day Cud football nmi fi. e"-t uaasui football match and other attractions. Bringing the day' pr.ccea-Ings to a Jolly close was the dance In the evening at the Moose Hall from 0 pjn. until 2 ajn, ct yhlch the music was provided oy Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra with nmii Rover as maaUr 7, "72 LOCAL NEWS C. C Mills returned to 'he rlty on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. s. p. Ayres sailed on the Catala lunday evening for Arrandale on the Naas River where he will spend the summer. in , i Little Miss Helen Doctor sailed on the Catala yesterday afternoon for Namu where she will speprt, jKe summer hollaays. - Henry Deeth of Anyox was a passenger aboard the Calais Sendiy a!?ht returning to the smelter town after a trip to Vancouver J. 0. Johns of Stewart U, Mob-ley sailed on the Catala Sunday evening for a brief businew trip to Mill Bay and other Naas River points. Mrs. A. Ivarson and son, Harold, called Saturday evening on the ss. Prince Rupert for Seattle where thv wni spend a two-month va--ation. , - Mrs. 'Wilfrid Oratton and ;tle granddaugber Claire Araehfau, returned to the city on the Catala Sunday evening from a ujp to i Vancouver ' Provincial CorvstaHe and Mrs.1 t PfittertOB pt .Hmftwf rr I passensers aboaro the Catala Sun-! day night returning north after a' brief trip to Vancouver. Provincial Constable Olsen of Stewart Is paring a fcrief vlilthere on official duties, having arrived from the north on the Catala yes terday afternoon. 1 John Hoyland. well known Portland Canal mining man, was a passenger aboard the Catala Sun day evening returning to Stewart after a trip to Vancouver. Mss Alice Crulckshank returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon after having made the round trip over the Dominion Day holiday to Anyox and Stewart. R. C. Burdlek. well known Van Iger aboard tfie Catala yerterday jernoon leaving on his return to J, a,tw brtff Cit. Caraven, Inspector for Dunn it Br&streets After xnMiHIn Mrs. Morehouse, wlff of H. y. Morehouse, manager of Namti can-nery. came north on the Catala at the end of the week from Vancouver to join her husbmo at the cannery for the season. Mrs. J. D. Thurber and dauch. iters Arfelia vii, - j a- MIOU a, JJJ aaa the city on the Prince Buwrf ;hit morning from Vancouver and will pend the summer vacation fat thplr home here. Mr. and Mrs. Copley Bennett returned to the city on the Catala Sunday evening " tram a holiday trip to Vancouver and, Vanfouter Island. Mr. Benpett Is m the Rail- w ocrnce nere, Funeral of Mrs. Nelson i$ Jfcld Interment In Fainriew Cemetery Follows Bervlee in B. C. Undertaker Chapel The funeral of the late Mi a w Nelson, wliose death occurred at the end of the week at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospifal, took place tWs afternoon from the chr pel of the B, C. Undertaker to rairvt.. Ccri . 1 . . . . ?fna P"- U.. pathy ' and respect. ; Rev. Dr F w udiup. nnirAf rv xth waw n-i.. r m m arr MJmU eU 1 . a .. . r uuurcn, oinciated and Miss M. A Way presided t the organ to aC-cpmpany the hymm whlci were "Abide Witlj Me- and "Nearer My Ood to Thee.-Pallbearers were oiliu n., m 8. K. Brewer , . and n Ainii nv,.,-.!,.. T. - -. w,uttU(E. .(. - Dickens Diekpn. 7Zt A vw""u"'"' woiirprrsennnj the I . Moose . Lodge, . and and George Dawes were! J. H. Preece J. s. Wilson and Frlta responsible for the success of thejskjellum. the Wntdto uji "net' ' j Thw wert nafly Xltral tfibus. MUTUAL IIFE IVIbHMOF CANADA HHHl ESTABLISHED Mutuality means All the Earnings of this Company tor Participating Policyholders Munulity t applied to life insurance has proved its worth by actual results. An example is the following result under Policy No. 11,313 : In W84 at agt 26, ibt auund tk nut $1,000 Lift policy ttquiring 20 payments tf $J).6o (Jmu j a "20 Pay Lift'' foiicy). Total Premiums ....... Dividends during premium P7BS pr'd 237.7S DW!4a4( piid tait Lit pofcy kwc.oi paid up $1081.70 Ht paymnU by folirjuoldtf . S2ia.Sg POLICY, blcb U stJII in lre, U worth la actual cash at tha pratant tlma $2409.00 Tb lowest "ooo-cartkipaitog"fU(ia ISS4 Loowo 10 ua u 164. for ihU polk, bkix would hc maJc llc Dtt COM II2S7 u cpropared itb 1218.) uaitt dtf Mutual Lift "ParuofKi-iogo-ptofiu" pUn. It it to YOUR advtnuat tQ ioturt k1j thu 1001 -paov. Mail tb coupoo (o tunfirt ioAMouiioa ft-udin ib Mutual Lfr aod ui polidt. THEO COLLART - District Agent MELODRAMA ON SCREEN Robert Montgomery and Madge Kvaiit Lead Caat in "I'ucilive j Lover" at Capitol I Highly melodramatic In "Fugitive Lovers." starring Robert Mont gum- fry and Madge Evans, whjeh is the mid-week feature picture on the , screen of the Capitol Theatre here Nat Pendleton. C Henry Gordon and Ted Healy have Important role.. In the supporting cast The action of the exciting picture takes place almost entirely aboard a transcon tinental bus speeding from New York to Los Angeles. Robert Montgomery has the prr of an escaped convict who leads a prison break Just as the bus u passing a penitentiary. He climb?! onto the luggage rack, helps himself to clothing from an unlocked bag and enters the bus as a pas-' senger at the next stop. Madge Evans Is a lovely chorine who Is escaping via the bus to Hollywood. She and Montgomery are thrown together and the picture nutfies through to a tremendous climax wjth a final smashing sequence. Science Lecturer f Heard Oai Monday The room of the local Christian Science Society In the Besner Block were filled on Monday morning for j the lecture by Judge Frederick C Hill of Los Angeles, member of the board of lectureship of the Mother . Church, First Church of Christ Scientist. In Boston. Judge Hill's message was received with keen Interest by all present. Accompanied by hi$ wife and daughter. Judge Hill passed through the dtv on the Prinr Louise Mondav morntm enrnni . Alaska. Ketchikan. Junpati an. other southeastern Alaska points art to be visited and tht. trm Plans On also tOnt as far nn.lh Anchorage and Fairbanks If You Have Used Furniture TO SELL Oet In touch with D. Elio 3rd. Ave., opposite Moose Hall He buys and sells everything Sit 12.00 S12tl.4l Mail this MUTUAL Un Coupon Amniu Of CANADA VumIoo, Oauri Km AJJ- toiiavs wuvniiiit Ternsee Clear, calm. M. Alyanah dear, calm. fiO Anyex Clear, calm. M Stewart--Part cloudy, calm, si. Haseltoti -Clear, ralm, 77 Smlther -Clear calm. warm. Burns Lake- -Cleur calm warm Yon' II say BETTER FLAVOURED or tie 'U gm yon Your Motiey Back Quaker Corn Flakes "YmlnalU Cutxut i titty Paths ft" NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surrounding and 'Service with a Bmlle Call and nee us Across from the Power Co Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A UOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Kates II.M ay M Room, Hot it Cold Watar Prince Rupert, d.C, Phone 211 P.O. Boa M,