paqe four YOU CANT BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Kegls-tered Optometrist, who, for the past lx years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Victor Model 122 Stttih nor' I89-" CmmpUlt wilh lubrt i ' r .i I mWM 1 The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 261 CROSS OCEANS icith a turn of Us SINGLE DIAL! W - VJHY, TILUE 7 Victor .Mmlrl 221 Srlttlitt H on Si 2 Ctolplrlt ttiih tabti Learn the joys of cruising Ihe trorW by radio, with these new seltclire-uate Victor models., Here, at a remarkable price, is a receiver that really males European and North American short-wave daylipht reception a regular pari of your home entertainment ... a receiver that covers nil broadcast programs, whether, short or long wave. Easy terms. Leonard Cripps, son of Mr. and for Ocean Balls where he will Mrs. G. W. Cripps, sailed on the join the service of the Pacific Prince Rupert Saturday evening Mills "TILLIE THE TOILER" HAT SETTLES T f vJ E GOTTA JrnV S I i II lil' ,TH1M3 l I W 1 WW mm i . WHIrrLtTS ! From the Waterfront I" 1 nookpd In full months pilot aboard the company's passenger liner Catala, is being re- i Ueved on that vessel by Capt. Er- nest Sheppard. After discharging twelve With ...... the boats uvau understood uuuciiiooa to 10 be DC ! v vupuvtvj niut iaos j sengers, the, large majority of whom were round trip tourists, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and rvrnn sviiu Having been placed in service during the salmon canning season, tex DAH.T mrwa. Wednesday, juy catches totalling 36,000 pounds at 5.2c and 5c to 5.7c and 5c. Port Simpson these fishing days is a very busy place, being the port for all the salmon packers as the fishing grounds are right in front of the'vlllage. Port Simpson people find it hard to understand why this village has never been considered as a cannery site. It is in the centre of the fishing grounds for gill-netting, trolling and seining, much closer than the Skeena and Naas Rivers. The Slmuson fisherman and sailed at 1 o'clock this after- i have evefy prospect this year of a noon ior SKacwav and other Alaska points. The vessel is due back here next Monday southbound. LOCAL NEWS union steamship Co.'s freiglrter, Chilliwack. Capt. W. W. Mounce, i ,Iarry M. Selfe of Anyox was a ' was in the Skeena River last night Passi3er aboard the Catala yes-southbound, after having made calls terday afternoon going through I at Wales Island and Big Bay. She for a tr,P to Vancouver. had no business to bring her Into Prince Rupert this voyage. Capt. G" c- Arneau returned to the Mounce, who has been for several y on me Llaia yesterday aft- 4i . n a . ... I PrnfVn frvtv t W. . 1 i i 1 Hum a i;u3UiiLS3 Lrm in Anyox and Stewart. Corp. E. H. Clarke R. C. M. P. returned to the citv on the Catala tvesterriav nftrrvn t i j H.vtllwtl tiUWt a UilCl loads of herring oil from Alaska for p A"yox on 0llKm auUcs-delivery over the Canadian National rTT. . Railways to the United States, the 1COrRe P" MeCn of Por' Alaska Steamship Co.'s combination B1 .T5?" ? pay,nR a brlef buslnw freight and passenger steamer La-: ciYv Z 17m jkina will be moving from the Sf-rSSSn "r,won- lumber assembly dock to the ocean (dock to take on stores before sail-. ivTTTn nPV n ve r Port c. : Ing on her return to Alaska Th, mi ' . ?' slmP ' v on the Ca is ;: .,n being pumned from tank, n . . A,mZ ' tne evn!? train to Sunnysidr Durnose ThP I ?2SS??ni th , ver points on innmnin. ' ine i un"i 'Church ecclesiastical duUes Miss JYHce Pillsbury sailed Saturday ' evening o on the . Prince hum; Rup- tvujJ' I "hunflViAil'i 4 11 . ... frt fnr Virmnvnp nrV .n.. . I ii i uunmcu wgciuer, ncavy naitout . -. . nMUlc e wui landings are expected Uf be made procecd Portly on a trip to Tokyo here within the course of the next JaPan- where she will spend a week or so. Landings were excep- ycar vkHinB with her slater. Mrs tionally light yesterday in spite of L-, K"11- e has re- the fact that there had been no sale iT0 " ot Ben since Saturday. Only one American rcCt f01 Sk""1? ith 28.000 pounds Miss Mary Sweeney, who teach- which sold for.Sc and 5c whUe but school at Colleymount. arrived In ,three Canadian boaU disposed of the city from the interior on Sat Hot on the Trail urday afternoon's train and spent the week-end here as the guest of Miss Margerct McCaffcry, sailing Monday attcrnoon on the Prince George for her home in Vancouver to spend the summer vacation. WE WANT TO SAVE YOU MONEY ComMmtly we give everyone a square deal, prompt and courteous service. Give us a trial I.B.C. DINGER SNAPS XUl 1 ftp per lb A YLMER TOMATOES 1 Qp 2 Vs. per tin .. XOl ISLAND GEM PEAS AOL 9Qp Slie 5. 2's, 2 tins SINOAPORE PINEAPPLE Qn 2's. per tin RIDOWAYS 5 O'CLOCK TEA-1-lb. i70 Vs-lb. on pkg. DURFORD PEARS-2 sqt per tin QUAKER CORN-3'8 per tin PUFFED WHEAT Vlb. pkg KELLOGG S RICE KRISPIES, 2 pkas. DAKING SODA-Cow Urand per pkg. 13c 12c 12c 23c 8 c We carry a full supply of FrrMi Fruit and Vegetable at rrdurrd prices Out-of-town order receive prompt and careful attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Hollari Have More OnU P. (). Ho 575 Thone IR 317-319 Third Avenue West j 'iUlET, I l-2MM' o j I I ( Po.gfcV AMb- e eiia, LCT S 1! - RW. . J - l i r. . r r .c- ...n Just a Total Loss . . . . ; Yi r s"s B a c n ' n. IJTOvJ TIED ; J IV THE ATUAMTK sjan city CCKQ ,AJE.VJB GOT TO QBT i i , ' THOSE MCOELS BacVc L9 ?ui , ' 7 fmmmmU A Rare Jewel cMfefeRS ulJ-fvife. db-f A c; 1 K.uaPfl,5H - IT'S wot as bad (CAWTAAJO EA.My 1 VMQB.SE J VyMVAT'S THIS A-LL. THE (SCVM rCic THE r-? 5TWE SHOW AS V. -vi- , I i iHtiUa y.Aafe, UttsT-r Gardening In Prince Rupert While this is between seasons In I a good many gardens, in others; there is no break between what might be known as the season of! spring bulbs, the season of peren nials and the season of the annuals. Those who have plenty of peonies and pinks and pansies will not lack color and fragrance In their garden Just now. Many gardeners also .lave annuals blooming freely bu; it will be another week before mpny ;f this year's seedlings are showing up well. The honeysuckle are In bloom, ind. with the pinks, add to the d-' Ights of the gardens, particularly n the evening. One of the Untertj nd finest honeysuckles I have everi een Is blooming now In O. W. Nic-' arson's garden. It covers the hoI outh side of the beautiful bunga ,ow and is a mass of bloom. The Nlckerson home has a b-a u i tiful setting in the midst of a for-est ' of second growth native trees The garden has alt the cluim of an old English rambling place in miniature with the modernity that gos with the Spanish bungalow It Is, full of surprises, not the leant being ( a little walk that leads to the hljh-est point from which a wonderful view Is obtained. The artistically nr- j ranged shrubbery t the leattire of this garden. Roses seems to be in bloom everywhere. There has been Just enougft moisture and sunshine to bring them along well. Unfortunately! many will find It difficult to delay! the blooms long enough to enable! . them to enter the roe show on the j eighteenth. The late Importations should be Just about right for that event. Of course nobody ki.owi, whether they will have roses at any particular date. Some people are bound to be dltappolntfd. j Frank Dibb has a fine showlnc of i pinks in hU garden Just now. Th! place Is a picture of bloom and the begonias are adding their color to' the charm of the garden II F P AdvertUe In the Dally News By! stover OCT 'BM. I i "boMt-fWUeSJi ! r i GCCOr3S'J?i yiiXL .L ' '.-.VPO'EElril WvCJ ,tVs.a-X X TONlOIITaml Tlli:u,si,U Shows at 7 and 8 p hoiu:kt Montgomery In - 'Fugitive Lovers' Two fellow-passengers overland bus who dx-v, a lot of new bumps t , road to happincs ' with -MAIMit: KVAXS Till) IIILU.KV .n'at pi:.M)LirroN At 7:30 is 0 33i Added Treat -HUITISII Cl'IA.W COLOKMl Ml'SICAL -J,II.HIIU)S IN PAItADIsc ( Comlnc? fornlnc' (omlnt -ESKIMO- CAMP SUPPLIES Tfiitp, from .jjs Pack Sacks . 9 , Stovcs ,. $3.75 75c Flashlights 65c 1 Axes , 75c ! Water Cans, ra' $1.75 j KIS!!lif(; TACKLK Iiines, fron 5C ! IIs.. , 95c Heels ' 25c Kaien Hardware Phone 3 De Luxe Served nt All Time, of Day or Night Always fresh Using . r fx method Doing away !: r with metal taste sa!i! f'av r Healthful and Invis n' Commodore Cafe HOLIDAYS tor Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Heach IMilrif, Ikilliinf. lU.litilnlnn, rknlr, Nrnlr lrlr, hm4 J"C III Hi Si-awn. '"t fully rnrnMirrf tMtaf I Maiifitn Hhrr Tor fuli pM-icuIars r MHH. DVUS Maiwtt. ftC GET A REAL REST And Chance of Climate HJIlNiailED CABINS Also Room and Hoard Mm. Hlrnlc'H Camp Lake Kathtyn McLEOD'S Shoe Store New Location 3rd Avu., Tp. Ihawr Bk. HirAIKINO Phone: IJIuc 009