Candy Specials ( iiiir Rich Creamy Toffee jM I' JMlUMil kjif i 'lair Licorice Nougat per pnund Ibt Kexall Ur Ff Your Health Chiropractic Violet Bin a . nra Kd Rays Massage W t Reasonable Prices C-ASPINALL D.C. 0r,.B Urunl , oP'Mtor) l'hoo, Or.,. Mi aicuaact Week 40c 40c Jasmine Specials Ja.-nune Pace Lotion and Skin Freshener and Jar-mine Shaving Cream PPn Mh for DOC Toii inti ffftPA PnUflflV lur-rra Clival ntwl T. race Cream Ci AA Mh for OA.UU Ormes ltd. Vim Piontcr Druqfits I J.-i-i'ar'B;rmiJ-rBiB..:'tanaCriitiT,rBs? B-H ENGLISH PAINT , r:3 . :; good paint One (ui,.m of II II Enguih Paint u-Ul g , x.fuatfiv twice oj muib surfare at cheap paint anci 5 tr.-r pn-lecuoi. Good pain: -ut your paint bills Sj u r be " putn vaiue sound doyii: consult ft GORDON'S HARDWARE "s I When in Need of lumber and Shingles Phone 618 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Slock of Spruce and Cedar TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PKINCK RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 1 ' 8 11 BUaniers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Arr!v,JA!lA EVt,tY TUESDAY, 1:30 IM nrnving Vancouver Thursday f f A,"RNA KVEKY FltlDAY MIDNIOIIT JSTa5f Vancouver' Mny AM, hi. " 10 Port '""". AIU- Ami. Anyox, Btwrt and Nm Furtlir-1. . llnU- lv itum Huprt Buniy. 8 pj. Mr information regarding all sailings nnd tickets at --IE KlrfKT atlENCTl Third Afno. fhin Ml The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating-Wrapping & Oeneral rurnlture Hepalri List your goods with me Pbons Black 129 ' GEO. J.DAWES LOCAL NEWS NOTES We arc still buvlnr uld n.M Hultrr. (M, j rbytrten picnic postponed. I lb4 j Monthly meeitn Canadian Le-, gion Auxllary tomorrow 8 p.m. ( 1M We pay a premium on gold coin land old gold, teiAh, chains, watch- . etc. rnone Black 324 n n Clothiers Limited. tr. Miss E 8murthwalte of Premier was a pacngr aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. Norman A Watt left on Mondav v.Miings tra4n for his lummer Reliev ed.' la hot ntlw. itQBJftcli diurW( ad udifcatiuo occur mora (-qiirnUr Alw children msy play loo UnL Mr.. Mary Muc, S3 Atl.otie fit-, Iltiifti, Ki., Myi, "Wbeo tha thU4m art orrrtirtd sad rrUn is warm ctli 1 sirs Omb hby't Own Tablets U. furs miruig and in to moniicg tory are Lsppy, contented rbil-drn" rr (or tl tioit baby tLMwvllnUtUblUrfJ. titeijr rrbr coU, wmtm oid- puuai Mopi irr oii u nuoor Of W.llumi' spend the summer vacation in the MJUth j Dr and Mrs D. R. Learoyd and family of Anyox arrived In the city cm the Catala yeaterrJajr afternoon from the smelter town and nro- ceeded by train far a holiday vMt' to Kltaumkalum and Laketa Lakes J C Studdy. Oovernment Teie-irraphs agent at Alice Arm. was a paMenger aboard the Catala Sun day evening returning north after! having spent a Ut-months' vacation in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island. Misses Ball. Wilson. Arthurs and Downey, members of the SiaKhers srlKJol teachtng staff arrived In the city by train Saturday after noon and sailed the same evening on the Prince Rupert for their homes In the south to spend the tummer vacation. Miss Phyllis Lamb, formerly ol the local school teaching staff and now teaching at Alert Bay. arrived In the dty on the Catala Sunday evening from the Vancouver Island point, being on her way to Caaalar cannery to spend the summer vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Lamb. , The late Mrs. William Brand, whose death occurred here a few days ago. la survived by seven Ohlldren three sons. O r y 1 1 1 e Springsteen, Salem. Oregon: Del-bert Springsteen, Dallas. Oregon, and Charles Springsteen, Port Oamble, Washington, and four daughters, Mrs. boydston pf Salem, Oregon; Mrs. Erickaon of Dallas. Oregon; Mrs. Thomas Haryey of Prince Rupertr and Miss Minerva Brand of prince Rupert There aro also two brothers. Steve Walker of Seattle and Richard Walker of St Helen's. Oregon, at well as six grano-clilkiren, Announcements O irl Guides tea, July 7. Eagles' picnic, Qrassy Day. July 22, MOOSEJIALL RENTAL KATES Concerts $25.00 Dances - 20.00 Public Meetings 18.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $3.00, For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412, I You can rent a Car' at Walker! ! as low ai ffl u day plus 7c. a mile I St. Andrew Sundav Sshard mr. nic tomorrow (Thursday). Child run meet at Cathedral HaM at 1 pm. Enjoy all the comforts of home with the freedom of a hotel. Rat. most reasonable. The Knox Hotel Beautiful Tlell Fly Pishing Sea Bathing HunUng Tennis Badminton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics Sandy Beaches Modern Conveniences Milk from Government TB. Tested Cows No Flies No Mosquitoes. $17.50 per Week Children Under 13, Half Rate The Dunes MADAME UAJAl'T Tlrll, Quern Charlotte Islands The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room ftfr Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards free of charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 tf. Dr. and Mrs j w fbrmn or. family left on Monday afternoon's train for LakeJse Lake whare they will take up residence for the summer. W. W. C. O-Neffl, vke-prlnclpai of Borden Street School Saturday eventr on the prince w wnere nemupert for 'Vancouver where he wH; Mxd a few dayr HU family 1U attend snmme? hoT nig jut uirre later to spend the season Miaa E. Q. Lennox MX), of the local AnicUcan Japanese Mlfeion i left on Mnday afternoon'i train for Hayjport. She ii paying a brief Matt to Skeena River cannery potnU. John B. Wright, missionary from Odarvale. arrived in the dty from the interior on Saturday noon's train and sailed the samel evening on the Prince Rupert for! a trip to Vancouver. , ; William Barber of the local staff of the Canadian Bank of Com-merce sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for Osean Palla where he will be engaged in relief duty for the next few week J P Hogan, locomotive foreman Mj.v- Kate Mai Ka of the teach-: from Pacific, salted Saturday er-UiR staff af Burden Street School nin on the Prince Rupert for a saUed Saturday evening on the vacation trip to Vancouver, being mnr nupen i or Vancouver to accompanied by his daughter. Miss Dorothy Hogan of this dty. Noti ce Notiee is hereby given that any (tog found running at large without a Licence Tag within the City limit will be impounded without further notice, and destroyed. W R ROBB. Pound Keeper Look! Look! Look! We are Holding a Few Days of Genuine Bargain Giving Unsurpassed in the History of the City JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS Men's Shoes Men's Brown Elk Boots. Uskidt soles reg $4.00. A CO QC vvJ real working boot Men s Brown and Fawn Sports Oxfords up to the minute In style QQ Off reg $450 Running Shoes the Finest Makes Chile's Sizes, i to 1QV, 69c Misses; U to 2 89c Youth's 11 to 134 85c "Boys'. 1 to 6 DSc Ladies,' 3 to 8 79c Men's, to 11 ...$9c Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Easy Washing Machine. Phone 950. 156 FOR SALE Diningroom set. bedroom set. stoves, chairs, etc. 616 Sixth Ave, near Fulton. tf. SUMMER Cabin and ground at Lake Kathlyn. Good water frontage. Apply J. R. Mclntyre, Smlth-ers, B.C. 15S FOR SALE On account of moving, furnished house and shack with three lots In the waterfront; 1 boat-shop; 2 boat-sheds: black6mlthshop. smoke-house, steam-bath, woodshed, tool-house, float tor two boats, nets and net-lines, trolllng-gears. etc Walter Nleml. Box 3. Port Es- sington, B.C. 159 FOR RENT FOR RENT Comfortable cabin at Salt Lakes. Phone 440. 155 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite. Phone Red 444. 158 FOR RENT Modern 6-ioom house. 644 Taylor Street. Best view In city. 162 WANTED RELIABLE woman for housework Apply 410 Sixth Avenue West after 6 p.m. 154 WORK WANTED WOMAN wants work. Apply Bos 213. Dally News. 159 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177-Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Cools are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, Wc also sell Timothy Bay, Wheat Oat and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, I Phones 11 Dally News Want-Ads satisfy. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING I Ouster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8H0PPB PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. MINERAL ACT rr.RTinc.TE ok improvements MITIPE River FractKxal Mineral Claim, sit. uate in the Atlln Mining Dlrioion of Calar District Located cm left tnnk nf tH ti.i. quah Rlrer. take NOTICE that H. McH, fraser actlnir ma Aoelt for TaVn ifin. rw,i acting as Aeent for Taku Mines Company ..luuuru. rir-c iuacri Leruiloate WO. 73- uoo. mtena, oo days rrom date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Immrnwiwut. n w purptwe of obtaining a Crown Grant of And further take-notice that action, under section SS. miut h Mnmmnut before the Issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. uatea this 30th day of Aprtl. 1S34. H. McN, Fraser, Agent. -OOVEKVMEXT LlQl'OR ACT- NOTICE Of APPLICATION IOK A fXl U NOTICE la hmhi rhm i th. - Di ratlOn Of this Ulvertlanint K .in. derslgaed Fraeer Social Club' Intends to .Tin v tr tKa T .In n,ntM,l n . a ciub Jloeace'ln reapect of prmls ui uk; q sue oi his war llyder. B.tX upon Jands deecrtbsd ss Lot 4; Block B, Plao mi. Subdivision Of District Ls acua .Cua.i nimMt Prlnoe Rupert Land RegUtxatioir Dj- ui we nvruioe ox orilisn ouiunt bla. to entttle each member of the said ClUb tO keen on th DMiiIVi minn. able quantity of liquor for personal ..nlu.y.uuu uu me pmnuies in sc-rordance with the provisions of the "OovernnMot Liquor Act" and the regulation promulgated thereunder. DATED at Hyder. British Columbia, this 38th dsy of May, 1034. ntASEH SOCIAL CLUB, Itr A. A IWw 4v SacrtptMT and U.imm. LAND ACT Notlrs of Intentlou to apply to Leae Land In Prini nitrMrt Tun- DUtriOt of Prtn Hurwt Br n .it. uate In Qlswdsret Bay located at the n.n. coo ot nvrpomt wmrg tMiura a. Const District. Take nutfe that Jnhn ra.u-n nf Prlnoe Rupert B.C , occupation Pish Packer, Intends to apply for a tents of unr imiuwing aeacruiea raresnort: Ocnuuenclikg at a post planted at the B. W mrtir nf a m.M l.f.nrf about S rfhAlna B. nf Aenr tal.nrf thence S.W.I. Chain; tbeocs Westerly cuauw; uiencs res;, s enains more or less to high water mark on the NT. point ol tike- island; thence B. E. dirsc. tlon 6 chain more or lest 'following high water mark to pwtnt tf toasrnence. ntent. john rr.snfttM Dated AprU 10. 1834. Ladies' Shoes We have just received 41 shipment of Ladies White Kid Pumps and Ties with- high Cuban heels, CO snappy styles v tJ Tt O Ladies' White Canvas Ties and Strap, Cuban heels latest styles Q4 7 up from ... We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE I "ll LAMI ACT II Notto of Intention to apply to Ptirrh Land In Prtnc Rupert Land BeeortUn District af Range four Coast District, and situate about five mlln from t!ie mouth of the Khutae ritct on the Ea,t fork. Take notice that t Frederick Bhrty. . d.u.. occapauon nut operator. Intend to apply lor permls-mission to pure haw the foUowlng de-CTitmd larxte: , Commencing- at a post planted one (loot distance from the wttnew port oc ! the Went KM. nf lr IT) i 1 , . - - KUCUIT west- 7 erly , SO chains; thence Southerly 20 chains; thence Easterly 00 chains-thence Northerly 30 chains and containing 100 acrrv more or less. FREDERICK K. SHELLY. Dated t j 10th day of lay. 1934, lAn ACT I Notlre nf lntlnn . . Lrsi Land In Prtnce Kupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. B.C. and situate in Qlsa-dxeet By located at the Tw end ol Stephens Island. Ranee 6. Coast District. , Take noUce that John Clsuaen of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Fish Packer, intends to apply for a lease of the follortng described lands - Commencing at a post planted at the 8. W comer of a small Island about 8 chains S. E. of Arery Islsnd thence NJC.. thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark 1o paint of commencement, and eon-talnlnir 1 uym mnn r.- . n .v eluding the entire area of the said U- . JOHN CLAUSEN. Dated a AnrU IS. IBM New Discovery In Antennas A Greater signal to noise level is now possible with the 1934 aerial. This antenna is specially designed for the new short wave receivers and will work on all waves. Estimates given on your par- 0 ticular requirements. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue & Third Street When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Gireet You We meet all trains. Freight & Eassenger' service anywhere, akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (K. A. 8.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. 13.80; $U0 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVER SUNDAY