tttisM- Mwh 2g' 1934 kS Enjoy This Finer Quality ALAM - Hi 'f(l Avenue TEA "Fresh from the Garden! A COM 0 chrActcr It's sure to please you very wen. Beautiful EASTER FLOWERS For the Joyous Season We are letting In several shipments of Lillies and a treat variety at other clioire rut flowes and pot plants from the greenhouses or Vancouver and Victoria. There b no preent so (really appreciated as flowers, especially at lister. I-eave your order early because (lie demand Is expee led lo be large. Out or town orders receive special attention, D. GLENNIE M.OUIST ami si:i;ns.MA.v Phone 633 'H1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone G 18 UNION STKAMSHIPS LIMITKI) SN i!'rHr' IT" rrlnrf Ruiwt for Vsncvuver:- 0 i lVi;,1,?A,,:,lY TUK8IIAY, 1:30 P.M. ftern Wijpi.lnU, arrlvlim Vsneouver Thurwlst SArl'),t,,.KNA KVI:UY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT 'kir vtn:ouvcr, Monday AM. ' "ll'lKi to Port Rlmn .1,.. . al...rt NM KIVKP l i 1'"' 'Mlkl mui, vj i J w, w 1 i. " r'-her nirn7,??! ,tv rrlno Rupert BuntT. pm. i-him wardlng all sailings and ,tlrkf ts at i Tm. AUKNCYt Third Avenue. Phan IMts Tin! DASLT NaTfff- '-jwauai asanas. Mr- Ik i) Da)-.: on t trip tn v.m Wl'.tTC U. ill'' 'it' !, on (lie Pnii '' Or tn I'hnnc 9j3 HIV Granulated Suiiiii ! 10 lbs i Lowni'y's Unsweetened j Chocolate, per rake Cowan's Cocoa Larue I-lb. Ijlns, per tin lAshcroft dalsup -Large i bottles, per bottle .. tlMUrdtoatdKr-' I 2 lbs. i ! Malkiil s Best SPINACH Slap y . 21c Pearl White Soa G bars for 23q Cultiinet Soup Chip 2 lbs Rhubarb Fresh Stock 3 lbs. Oranges Small size 3 doz. Bananas Fresh stocTc 2 lbs for ' Local News Notes We buy anything In gold. Premium prices. Mai Heilbroner. J W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the Dominion Fl&herles, wlio has been In the city for the past week or no on official duties, will sal by the Prince Otorgc tomorrow night on his return to Van couvcr. Hey Kiddies Lookit' EASTER RABBITS CHICKS BASKKTS k(h;s CANDY It's really up to your fathers and mothers to play the role of Master and Mrs. Bunny, you know. Hut it miKht Ik: a ood'idea to remind them that Ormes Ltd. is headquarters for that supply of delicious and wholesome candies I'llKS hunuies, chicks! Special Easter Candies Faster Kkp and Bunnies 5C (u 25c Master IJasKets (assorted) 5C to 35c Assorted Chocolates (in hoxes) 50c, 90c, $2 Ormes Ltd. 3ae? Pioneer DruqrjijtJt Iteiall Mar Phone: II fc M to ui been i: 'lid f'lsr 't ' 'I Iiomr Uu- morn J'hone 353 ue Jong s Cash and Carry Thursday and Saturday SPKCIAI.S i Purity Rolled Outs Cliiiw ler pk. Hwuiixlown Cnko Flour - per pku Christie's Arrowroot Biscuit:.. yr pkc. 'HEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US Wo have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. 29c 31c 35c Malkin's Best JELI.Y IWDER All Flavors 0 pkes. 29c 75c!: it 19c 25c, 23cj 23cjj 21c 25c 55c 25c This store will lie open all day , TiujrY'ay ami cjosed Good Friday 1 ' "DEMERS" are clothes for Easter. telling smart The Crucifixion" Unltedthurch. Friday, 8 p.m. Collection t 75 lie at the Elks" dance Thursday night 9:30 to 2 o'clock. Everybody ' welcome. 75 Don't miss the Special Easter Pagcnt called "The Challenge of the Cross", which will ,be held in S. A. Cathedral Thursday March 29, 8 pjn. . ' ; A. E, Vcrncr arrived (n Uie city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver" and will proceed by train Uiis afternoon' to the Stewart district where he has min ing lntcresu Skccna River Monday evening, Hotel Arrivals Quottrlcla. A. Campbell and A. L. Stewart, Vancouver; W. E. Goldfinch, city. J Paulls, Ccdarvalc. Savoy A. C. Christiansen. New Westminster; C. N. Cliapnuni. Ooua River. Irinre Rupert ' Mr and Mrs. A. Currle and family. Claxton: D. Sabbath, Mon- real. Frank Taaffe and R. Nelson, Vancouver. Mrs. J. Webster, Klem-tu; Thomas Anderson, Tucks in-Irt; J. M. Siegfried. Terrace; W Lalng. VlcUrU; A. U. Knight. W II. MacBetli. Vancouver; A. P. HUb IJablne Lake; Rev. Arthur Banicr i i Toronto; E. C. Nevlson, Vancouver jonn Anderson, Anyox; WXalug, ' Victoria; R. w. Sinclair, Inverness . Mrs V. J. Connenr. Sunnvslde Mrs. Hagciv Copper City. I Announcements Elks' dance Thursday, March 29. United Easter Sale April .4. Fur coats and jackets at summertime prices. Pappas Furs, if. New scarves an' neckwear for Easjer, an' house dresses an' ev coining at Ttie Dollar Store. 73 F. H. Mlddlemlss. Post Office In spector, Is paying one of Ills periodical visits here on official diUlfti, havlnj arrived on the ss. Prince George rthls morning from For driving, to the common danger, II. J. Dickens was fined $25, with option of thirty days lmprLs onment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday. The fine was paid. , Miss Helen ami, who has been Mrs. M A. Dupuls was a brief ?lvlnS treatment at Tranqullle business visitor to town at the first sanitarium for the past three of the week, having arrived from returned home from the Ilaysport on Saturday night's train b on 1,16 Prince George tnty ...., . mnmlnrf Rhn line n' a a i t - tuAn n riiu iLiuruuig iAj ncr numc on inc - "w wv'-" i'avnyujr rl m . . ' r4 rrrA ' I ft mirmnl kAMHl. .-J I- being welcomed back by her many mends. 'A few shingles were burned thi morning at 10:30 when the roof Koyal ' iof George Novak's residence at 573 Mrs. A. A. Frazer. ilydcr. B.C.; SlxUi Avenue East caught fire as Vern U. Cumming, Calgary; Roy a, result of sparks falling from the Labo. C.N.U.;-H. Hanscn,"kclty; Lee 'chimney. Damage will amount to Dolan, Juneau; J. K. FlJoT C. A.. rew dollars. Mrs. Archie Martin, formerly of Anyox but now resident In the Oold Coast of Africa and at present paying a- visit to the coast, and her mother Mrs xtrnnnvaii I air passengers . aboard the Prince Oeorgc tooay bound for Anyox wuere Uiev will vklt wlUi friends. Mr. Margin wa- fomi-rly In the temce of the Granby Co. at Anyox. CnEtatnCKxsjDKXKrai KTaUKS wt 2 1 THRIFT IWfnMCVCAUCDC JlUUitLI JnrLIVO CHILLIWACK POTATOES ,Sk 81.40 70c flAklNO POWDER Nabob 12-oz. lini. uer tin Presbyterian Easter Sale April 12: i I LIBBY'S CORNED ' BEEF, 2 tins C. N. R. A. Anniversary Bill. Ad.i...i. rll 13 A. Y. P. A. Tea, April 14. United Carnival April ZQ, . Spinsters' Spree ler. April 27. Ridley Home Bazaar. May 3. Moose Hall TONIGHT Prince lUipcrt Lodge 1051 Loyal Order of Moose will meet at 8 p.m. ' r WAUOB TOMATOES Cathedral Hall, St. Peter's Church Sale April 19. Cambral Chap- Ideal Clearifers OPEN In New Premises Cor. McHride & Fifth CLEANING, REPAIRING, DYEING, ETC pcr tin . CUT WAX BEANS Royal City, No."2 Uns, uer tin lalUhis . per tin I RICE KIUSPIES-. per pkg. HONEY GRAHAMS Red Arrow,' Cello, 1-lb. pkg. i SOUP C & B. Fine Quality 20c PORK & BEANS Holly n queen Mary bridge 4tid dahce, .No. 2 squat tins, ner tin APr11 2- .'RoM.lw irinnifi.:Mir..o jr. ' vvsmi wtwvn. jb Blackwc.ll'S OH per 7-vz. tin . - I ..,-- . wuiuntai bllUCUU nail, V. in prU5. . i la,Sc 't,c All 7Uc 23c 9c 14c ASPARAGUS, TIPS Natural, No 20c 10c 21c EGOS Bulklcy Valley OOp Fresh, doz AoK, LARD Pure 2 lbs. PEACHES Lynn Valley per tin SLICED PINEAPPLE - No. 1 tall tins (jach ORANGE MARMALADE Empress, per 4-lb. tin SEEDLESS RAISINS California!!, 2 lbs. r It PEARL WHITE 25c 17c Australian 15c 47c 25c 3c Tomato 4 rp Vegetable 1 nn 2' tins XOK' 2 tins PASTRY FLOUR Austra- OCp )ian, 7-lb. sacks, per sack BRUNSWICK SARDINES Q 2 tins v Thrift Cash & Carry fhone nn "CARRY Zfll Third Avt AND SAVE" Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Attention MUTUAL 1 1 FE Phone 10 Quality Service I OF CANADA The RESULT of Mr 7 E-w . , . - ceived a cheque lot a wise investment! month when his t 30-Year Endowment Policy for $1,000, which he took omx in 1?04, at age 26, matured. 'I The . amount o' the Mutuil Life cheque showed that he received $170.6) In Mum for tiery $ 100.00 in prmiums paid to the company, besides being insured for $1,000, payable to his dependents at any time during the entire 30 years should he have died. Mr. W. . . paid Premiums, pmble in 30 yein . . i S9M.S0 Leu dividends earned by his policy 111.57 A total of ...... $S0.9J. The Company returned in Cash The fuHtmount of the policy . . . The finil dividend in Cash t (in addition to shore dividends) . , Atoulof $1,000100 110.11 $1,110.11 Mr. W. . . received $459.89 more than , he paid to the Company ... Wise Investment ! The Mutual Life of Canada has no shareholders. The compunjr js owned by the policyholders and since its incorporation in 1869 all earnings from every source have been paid or allotted to policy holders. Consider the 64 year record of this "the first MUTUAL Canadian Company and present your insurance problems to one of our representatives. If you prefer, our Home Office wilt be pleased to look after your rctjuest for booklets or for definite information regarding a policy for yourself. Take This Step to Independence! Mail ihis Coupon Hit MUTUAL UU I Awaraoce '. CompMr . I OF CANADA I' Waterloo, Oalafio ! ., Please lend me Tour book "MUTUAL ACHIEVEMENTS" and Particulars ol an Endowment policy forme. Att a J. J. T. Collar!, Representative Prince Rupert, B.C. I, Thursday and Saturday Easter Diamond T; Specials Extra Specials Roasting Chickens lb 20c Local Fresh Eggs, 1 doz !)."c Sunnybrook Butter 3 lbs $1.00 Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, lb. 25c Haddie Fillets, lb. ..20c Fresh Killed Veal Leg Roast Veal, lb. . .22c Loin Roast Veal, lb. 20c Shld. Roast Veal, lb. 1 Ic Rump Rst. Veal, lb. 17c Breast Veal, lb 12c Veal Chops, lb 22c No.. 1 Steer Beef Pot Roast Beef, lb. 121c Brisket Beef, lb 7c Rp. Roast Beef, lb. .20c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. 13c Round Steak, 2 lbs. .5c Cambridge Sausage lb 121c Pioneer Butchers . Kst.1910 ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Scratch Pads Sealing Wax Seceotine Second Sheets Serpentine Shelf Payor Shipping Tags Show Card Board Show Card Colors Sponge Bowls Sponges Stamp Pads Stamp Pad Ink Staplers and Staples Stick Files String Tags Thumb Taeks ' Time Books Tissue Paper Twines Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 " r " t: ' "JTi -f Daily NmWai&Ads Bring Results sa ? i 1 4 . 'M Ml ii 0 .'