w,nf (1 iv March 28, 1934 THE DAILY NEWS No Beer or Wine Gordon Highlanders Go Into Action With Machine Guns Classified Ads j In Restaurants . 9mmmmmml'l',''mitmmmummifm,m . '"V , mr ;-aj iw'' ill I iiii j - ! FOR SALE tar, SALE- 18-foot open gas, boat. . GARDEN, 8oll 2.5Q a load. Cam-i t .oixl condition, 4 rj.p,. englry. 1 iron's Transfer. Phone 177. tf p one lied 403. HALt 1. 0 ft. row bat. Jtfd; ; p ft row boat. ?IC: 1, 10. ft. .jW boat. 535; Fj03 34X40 wh n ., i.c 10x32 one year old;' Parky 01 v.ork boat 38 ' ft. 27 JIJ. li ; .ivy outy .Atlas: 38 ft cruiser V t 8. Try", pile driver lead iv 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2 ir.rh 4u(llna. pulleys and u.i i!ii v 5 H.F Btaty go enxto. F . oank.s-Moref. Uar gains fot f ., :. M. M. Stephen, w & FOK RENT iioi -.r.c rent Hart VCTVON Apartments hoiisekeep ,om... nr-wly renovated 141 2ni ArciMic Phone Red 421 . 'I 1,1 ' ! I) KNT Tlirwioom noma ha -nwnt 31i 7U:"Ave ,! . ulo... Phone Red 317 " HAIIUIRESSER I'fJtMANKNT WAVINtll atrr Curl: 1-atni Stylet NKLflON-S UKAUTY 8H0PPI; 1A INTERS PAiSTINO and Papf rhanRln? M i Phone Red 802. . . .1 - n inri:ii;Misi 1 ' 1 IWnana. 1uluM4h bl. T iu.ti llilil IjifW, jiii1 Tdlouuatj !.i I . Hi. 11. tlliirrnl Italm. i .. A'lin JJmuta DfrirU. ; . . w lt Ilnk of TuUiy f . r K j;ult(T ihi II. Vt.N fYver, 1 tor Tkku UIivm Can- i i u J O. KlrUum, rrr Uin-: tj. No 7300 Dj Out (VI -j U fnmra So. 33413 A Krklum. frr Ulrr"i Or. Nr. 73410 XT. Mid OfOT "U Frr Miner OrUflrit Na. 1 i v ; :aa, itity dj Xrun -t I trrrcf to apply to tb UtaUVfl -r .cr lar crnuicat w improve-; --, t IV purpt of utrJtue '..-iou of u ftfarHe cityi. r .: wr uk no.- lint wjWi -jr .. ,1 ,if (jv MuirU Ar' nunrr-d brfar tlx tMUn(. 1 fi. aim oi ImprorrmenUi ti 20th dtr of Urbruart. IW4 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3 Zarelll, Pioprietor "A IIOMK A WAT FKOM HOME" Kate tl.N up 50 Rooms, Hot At Cold Wtier Prince Rupert, U.C . Phone 281 P.O. Bog 1M S. R.S. 1 une in 1 opics HIGH LIGHTS Tlt.SllAY 6 30- Parade of the Provinces IWN, CRCV ' 00. Seth Parker, KOMO. 8 '4 Hollj-wood .Lookinj " GiaSS, kjr. ; 8 oo- Uen Hernle's Orchestra, KOMO. 8 45 Police Chief Qttlnh'. ' KOO, KPO. WKUNi:SIIAY 'v 6:KOM0ll)ana Troubad0' J;00- -Com Cob Club, KOMO. J 00- Andre PosteloneU. KSL. TIUIRSUAY l G;00- Concert RccltaO CFCN, T CRcv ;30- Radio Tlieatre Oulld, tN, CRCV. 8 K0M08tandara Byinion 0:00- -Under the Stars, CFCN? nt Rrme mbrr-nf offer you modem, efficient and re-"able Radio Service Superior Radio . Service Rlue 380; 336 Jnd. Ave. J2"KlrOtt THE TOWER TRANSFERS FjOUND . . ,- FOUND Single Yale Junior key. Apply Ually News. otici; pWtn MrYAY. MTT.kHr.0 notice is iiiaitny otven uw u j-rii tiling clttnu aji&iuu it nuw oX IM14 MoVuy fonurrljF oX U City of Hydrf In U Territory cX Akalu. United BUIt W Aumtnt, wiw died ixl 38th Eej!ejnljf iv33. are rtqulrea ou or be. tot ISU Uiy 1034 to deliver or arud by PnW teller full parUoiUani of their eUitn duly Verrfled lo THE ROVAl TRUST COMPANY. AdmtnUlrauir wUKln ttrUUti Columbia of (he Eatuie of b Ud Da rid UeVty dereontf, M lui office IBM lYnder BUft. Vancouver. B.C AXD TAKE MYnne'Mui n n.. rwitlwiio dt tl, AdmlnrUr wiu i,rorTd v. distribute the uu ..f K'flkfKd. ux( the ixtkhi entitled lljTJ'f'ISL ?ff d T1' cU, rivren t vtrouvff nc mw nth df rf Ukttto 1834. 3 Wt IVndrr Strrrt, Vanurw, B C lvlkMra for Th R-.yl Tfiuit Oomptny COWiKVMIAT IKt nK APT Ire Hf tppllrjllan far IWr Mrenre OTICE 1 nereby glren tht on the A Uj of April nett th underrtpied -rd to apply to Uk Uquor Control -rd for a Mnenre In renpect of pre-Iwrv. blD part of the bulldln known the lUyKport Hotel at lUrnport, Brt-' Mt Oolumbla. ttpntt the Hndj deacrtbed " LoU 63 and 4. Block II, TownMte of JUritport. Prince Rupert Land Recto-ration riwtrlct., in the rroTlnce cf BrUUb OutunhU. for the aale of beer by the etana or by open bouie for con-umpUon on the pmntsea r by closed UUe for oonaumpuon 4ncwlxre: DATED thU 10th day of March. 1934 MARIE ANN DUPCIS Appttcao The Fish which made "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "TILLIE THE TOILER" . viAi-e I. 2 1 MAC H ;evr. , M -HAT AAS MACS FOt OWE C?p TH THtt VJWAtlHIBT Amis r-sA 5n P,iiicaiA(i Such Legislation Will Not Be Con sidered at Present Session, Pattullo Announces VANCOUVER, March 28: (CP) Sale of beer and light wines with meals In restaurants and hotels I will not be considered by the Legls-. 'lature during the present session, It ils Indicated In a telegram from (Premier T. D. Pattullo to the Res- Vancouver. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point-Clear, light southeast wind; barometer. 29,72; temperature, 45; light chop. Triple Wand - Clear, strong northwest wind; big chou. ' Lanjara Island Clear, fresh hortherly wind; slight chop. Terrace -Cloudy, north wind. 30. . Mvansh Clear, calm, 30. Anyox -Clear, calm, 34. ' NOTirr, or Arn.irtTiov roit r:a-unr.iTn tr imikoii:mi:t OoM niff No. 3 r rational Mineral Oalra. Hold lllff No. C Mineral rialm. Marrtfet Mineral Claim. Cliff rraitUiiul Mineral TUIiu. Situate tn the Portland Canal Uinlu Dlrttloo. Where located on the tut aide Bear Hlver aooirt three m'hh- tt Laaful Owoer- Wttliam ttinn. Number of lh. holdefa free InlnerV rrfVij.- -TTHO-D. TAKE NOlirT that WUIIam Diqu Tie Hlwi O rtM'aate No. 7TJ2U-I) (I nd at 1 he end of alxty. daya tr r 1 ante hereof to afUy ts Me Mlnltr eeorder for a certuioaie ox Imprav. lenU for the purpaue of obUlntn? "roa-n Gram of ihe tfcwe clatow 'AND FVRTHMt. TAKE tSOTICK U 3n. under Sacllon 84 ol ih- -M!-al At" OUM4 h aonunerred b- e iwmatir of MWh certificate of im ovitnentn. ilTEn tiiu 23rd dar M.rrh l3 ' WIMJAM DANN Princp Rupert Famous Q, UACJ OH. pEAM.' -)ivrr- - 1r It UOvg IT!T ffilf r 1 . .i-i k.,4 tm .'. . ' ' Ml t. H ,tt, wm. j ytCiT.' ' '::-n , ...;. SMITH Ladles, from hell," an appellation acquired by Seottlsh-kllted the fcuMi battalion, Oordon Highlanders, bringing ui their TheMarkets Retail prices currerl here are as follows: Vegetables New Potatoes, Imported, lb. .15 Potatoes, Ashcroft, 9 lbs .25 Sack 2.5C Potatoes, Uprlver, 10 lbs. 2i Sack. $2.10 to - 2.40 Carrots, Cal., bunch U. C. Bulk. 8 lbs. ... Sweet Potatoes, lb. Spinach, Imported, 2 lbs. Vsparagus. Cal, lb. 2Q Onions, 8 lbs. .25 Leeks, hunch J .05 Garlic, imported, per lb. -31 Cabbage, B.C lb. r 06 Cal. Head Lettuce. 8c to 12 iCaJ Head Lettuce. t8c, to Cauliflower, Is California, - . Beets, bulk, 6 lbs. 5 'Parsley, bunch . i :jrt jTurnips. 8 lbs. Parsnips uprlver washed, 0 lbs. 25 Celery. Cal., head, 20c and 25 Winesaps, fancy wrapped 3 lbs. .25 Apples Baldwin 4 lbs Box 225, Rome Beauty. fanfybulk,31bs. 25 Box .. .t .. 2.70 Delicious "C" wrapped, 3 lbs. .25 Box 2.90 , Fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. 25 Box u ... 3.15 Yellow Newtons "C" grade, 3 lbs 25 Box . . i. 3.00, Fancy box ... "... 3.T5 Bor 7 - ' 3 - 15, Fruns -' Cal Navel Oranges, doz. 20c to .75 Lemons. Cal.. doz. 25c to 35 Grapefruit. CaL 5c to .10 Macs Mew:DooclALU r LEAt CjO our. AJtYV UK I'M ORE'SSIM Ki $ . i NTFN t-tt A 9 MIL Her Manner Matches Her Clothes -A 6 Ml Florida Grapefruit, -ech. 12 to .13 Rhubarb, hothouse, lb. .0; Bananas, lb. .. J3 Flour Flour. 49's, Na 1 hard wheat IM Second Patent - 1.-Q Pastry Flour, 10 lbs, 45c to . v0 Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. Honey . Kxtracted Honey, per Jar 20c U 2L Comb Honey Sufar , - White. 10Q lbs. L':' 7.75 Yellow, 100 lbs. 7?.1 x Lard Pure, lb. 17c to 20 Uuttrr . Fancy, cartoned, lb. ... J0j warriors in the world war. charge forward. A machine-gun battery 'of weapons during recent manoeuvre a;t' Carfchill, Salldry plains. Prunes, 30-40, tb. ... Prunes. 40-50, lb Prunes. 60-70, lb. .... :j Raisins. Australian seedless, lb. Raisins, Cal.. seedless, lb. Currants, lb. . Apricot3, lb. 20c to JApples, dried 14c. to t SPECIAL 1.05; i No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs , Meats FowL No. 1. lb . Roasting Chicken, lb 2a j Ham. sliced, first ?rade .40', l5tHam, picnic, -first grade, lb. 20: Bacon.slde. sliced; bosfgra'cl .4d! Pork, shoulder, lb .18 Pork, loin. lb. 30 Poik, leg. lb. 25 Pork, dry salt, lb 20 Veal, loin, lb 25 veal, shoulder, lb .! Beef, pot roast, lb. .14 25iBf - boiling, lb .10' Beef, roast prime rib, lb. 20, teet. steak, lb. 20c to 25 'Lamb, shoulder, lb. 18! (Lamb, leg, lb. Lamb Chops. 25c to Hsh Smoked Kippers, lb 15c: and Salmon, fresh, lb. Halibut, fresh, lb Smoked Halibut, lb. . Dried fruits White Figs. It I Black Cookinn Figs, lb Dates, bulk. lb.. . .8c Lemon and t. range Peel Citron peel - Mistake ; 2 j 20 j 20 25! ' 20 .15.! .12! 10) to .is: 2S . .32 mux CLUBBING Pictorial Review and the National Home Monthly at a very low rate. By sendine in your, subscription now, elthef new or renewal, you receive: J5i si4.-r.fti, relrl, I4e to .v......,.' CnerMM ' . narla solids, new, lb.r.22c & .14 mtarlo, mature, lb. J. - .15 itllton. lb .15 Edam, lb . .. ... 22 Roquefort, lb. .17 lor?onzla, lb. OFFER .$3.00 . 1,00 l-W .$7.00 " - T r (i)elivercd in the City) The Daily News, one year Pictorial Review, one year National Home .Monthly, one year-Total value...- All Three for $5.50 (Ry Mail to Points Outside Prince Rupert) The Daily News, onc year ...... .$3.00 Pictorial Review one year t,U0 National Home Monthly, qne year . U00 Total value $5,00 AH Three for $3.50 The Daily flews, Phone 98 t A By Wstovei4. 15 i5 . tf". r r mil U'P1 V