lllL- ?9 Ideal for School, Holiday or Play. . . . Brown Elk Uppers with double wear Non-Rip Leather Soles. Made over roomy fitting lasts. Get yours while the size range is complete. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. MCINCE HUPERT - BRITISU COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue II. r. PULLEN - Managing-Editor Monday, itlay 14y1934- SATISFACTORY OUTCOME Frank Grigware of Jasper will not be taken to the United States to answer for a crime said to have been committed 24 years ago. That is one time where official action has been correct. If Grigware was a criminal twenty years ago, which is denied, he has since lived a decent life. That should be sufficient to satisfy anyone. He will now have a 'feeling of security which he could not have had before publicity was given to his identity. He will also retain his i! ili il. : e a f ii mumuiig as a citizen 01 uie province ui .ruueim iui uie support he received from the public indicates that his position was appreciated. EVERYONE TALKS MINING Nearly everybody is talking mining today. No matter where you go in British Columbia you hear the same story. People are becoming mine conscious, something which CLOSE RACE t)N DIAMOND Pirates, Cubs and Cards Waging Merry Rattle For supremacy Cubs who. in point of games won, actually should be on top. Week-end Big League scores: SATURDAY SCORES American League Detroit .4, Philadelphia 3. Chicago 3, New York 4. Cleveland 7. Boston 2. St. Louis 6-2, Washington 5-1 (17 innings, first game). National League Philadelphia 6. Pittsburg 11. ' Brooklyn 0, Chicago 5. , Boston 8, Cincinnati 2. - New"5 York 6, St. Louis 4. SUNDAY SCORES National League Brooklyn 7, St. Louis 12. ! Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati 4. fBostorf. Pittsburg 9. ! New. York 3, Chicago 7. American League Detroit 4, Washington 7. St. Louis 3. Philadelphia 9. Chicago 2, Boston 14. Cleveland 0. New York 8. Baseball Standings t . : . . . , - ......i,.. T New York 17 01 gom anti saver are me cniei controlling ieaiures in me 'Washington 12 matter 01 prosperity, mere nas 10 De a corresponding re-(Cleveland 11 action on the part of the people before the industry really comes into its own. WHY DAMN VANCOUVER? Vancouver is often criticized by people in the outlying sections of the province. It is said that she hogs everything. When the loggers or miners quit their jobs they go to Vancouver to spend their money. Vancouver is the magnet which sooner or later draws everyone. The reverse of this is that Vancouver is the supply centre for money for development in any part of the province. If a person has a company to float he goes off to Vancouver to try to get cash. Sometimes he gets it, if he has a sound nronosition and sometimes he frets it even if Sons of Norway Whist Drive Is Held on Friday A very enjoyable whist drive was held last Friday night by the Sons of Norway In the Oddfellows' Hall. The prize winners were: ladles' first, Mrs. P. Llland; second, Mrs. P. Wickdahl; men's first, Nels Stor-vlk; second, Knut Slatta. After cards refreshments were served following which community singing was enjoyed. There was a vocal solo by 11. Sorensen and Ole Skog, who was master of ceremonies, told stories. Hans Knutsen presided at th door. National League W. L. Pittsburg 15 7 Chicago 17 8 St. Louis 15 9 New York 14 10 Boston 12 11 Brooklyn 8 15 Philadelphia 7 15 Cincinnati 5 18 American League Philadelphia 12 Detroit 11 Boston 11 St. Louis 9 Chicago 5 0 12 9 11 11 12 12 15 Pet. 632 .680 .025 .583 .522 .348 .318 .217 .739 .500 .550 .522 .500 .478 .438 .250 l wt ,.nti iii. ! CHICAGO. Mav 14: (CP) fit. Saturday replaying Ottawa. TILLIE THE TOILER" HIGH HAS EASY WIN Booth Weakened in Latter Stasn Of Junior Football Game hit the bar and Irvine shot past. Krause saved from Veitch and Mc Meekin. High was now definitely on top. After Krause had saved twice he mlsfielded a return and Veitch scored. Booth attacked nicely and Blake and Ericksen were very lueky to scramble the ball away. Veitch and McMeekin beat a tiring defence to add two more goals. Again Booth made a finely combined attack but Jack Ritchie was brought down and the free kick cleared. Cameron went through but Husoy shot past. Orimble added a fifth to end the scoring. , High was best served by Veitch.1 Ritchie. Yamanaka, McMeekin and Irvine and Booth by Krause, Rice, Eastman. McKay. Holkestad, Carlyle. i Ritchie and eameron. High Blake; Ericksen. Bob Ritchie; Wick. Veitch, Yamanaka; Lear. Grimble, Houston. McMeekin. Irvine. Booth Krause: Rice, Eastman; Clausen, McKay, Brown; Husoy. Cameron, J. Ritchie, Carlyle. Holkestad. Referee. J. Carroll. The league standing: High Borden Booth Pierce, McEvoy. W. D. L. 2 1 0 1 1 0 .0 0 3 A. p.: 2 5; 2 3 7 0L out Vancouver so let us use her all we can to our mutual the IZT1 National Hockev Leaoue 1" on KJJ.'S' F. t":x ' advantage. ST. LOUIS FRANCHISE United States City WIH Replace Ottawa in National Hockey League SOCCER ON THIS WEEK The executive of the Prince Ru-1 pert Football Association, at a meeting yesterday with Jack Preece, vice-president, in the chair, decided to run off the Oilhuly Cup series of games first this year, starting on' Thursday of this week with Regl- j ment meeting Merchants. J. Ansiow was appointed referee for the open ing game. 1 The following players have so far duly registered for their respective teams: Canadian Legion E. Webster, Tony Bussanlch, W. O. Blake. J. S. Oreer, Darrow Gomez, Roy Fong, A. E. Smith, J. K. Murray. Charlie Baptle. Regiment Philip II. Edgcumbe, Geo. Hill Jr., Oscar Wingham. Merchants Geo. Howe. Henry uikKctis, g. mi.ri.ay. niueit iviuneiia, i Moe, James Carroll, Jack SOFTBALL I SCHEDULE ' First Half f 1931 Seam (letting Under Way Tonight The first naif of the 1934 ncliedule of the Prince Rupert Softball Association gets under way tonight. Th" fixture list is announced as follows: May 14-OjN.R.A. vs. Elks. May lft Orotto vs. Navy. May 18 Moose vs. Junior Elks. . May 21 Elks vs. Grotto. May 23 Navy vs. Moose. May 25-Juntor Elks vs. C.N.R.A. May 28 Elks vs. Moow. May 30 Navy vs. Junior Elks. . June 1 Orotto vs. C.N.R.A. 1 June 4 Elks vs. Junior Elks. i June 6 C.N.R.A. vs. Navy. June 8 Orotto vs. Moose. June 11 Elks vs. Navy. June 13 Orotto vs. Junior Elks. June 15 C.NJLA. vs. Moose. June 18 Elks vs. C.N.R.A. June 20 Navy vs. Orotto. June 22 Junior Elks vs. Moose. June 25 Orotto vs. Elks. June 27 Moose vs. Navy. June 29 C.N.R.A. vs. Junior Elks July 2 Moose vs. Elks. July .4 Junior Elks vs. Navy. July 6 C.N.R.A. vs. Orotto. July 9 Junior Elks vs. Elks. July 11-Navy vs. C.N.R.A. July 13 Moose vys. Orotto. July 10 Navy vs. Elks. July 18 Junior Elks vs. Orotto. July 20 Moose vs. C.N.RA. y$ -'--fwr - V At Monday, May if 1&34 rrro THE DAILY NEWS (K'ttllilUliBttBt'lHA::!! HSJHti. ;:,. El lB"iB.JB.tlBiBi(,iil.t B:l Mtm BIBB M1BJ ftlflJl B .KsUfl J BuB.I Kt EU I M , CHILDREN'S & MISSES' NON-RIP I f i SANDALS SPORT NEWS s jP I hb.sb.iueb Hi m mm mmtmmmmmmmm mtx ummmmtKammtMtMxmxmmvmxMtmtmt.mim.'M COOLER THAN RUNNING SHOES SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year , ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Contract rates on application. , , . , t Aaverusing ana wircuiauon lcicpuuuc DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 98 $5.00 .10 3.0C 9.00 .25 .02 1.40 In National League J After holding their own for most WASHINGTON, D.C., May 14: of the game and frequently out-t CP 1 Washington Senators lost playing their opponents. Booth both ends of a double-header to St. Memorial School weakened and was opener going 17 innings to a six to finally defeated by the decisive Louis Browns on Saturday, the score Of five goals to nil In the relive verdict, and, although some- gular Junior Football League flx-what retrieving themselves by con- ture with King Edward High School quering the Detroit Tigers in the on Saturday afternoon. first game of a new series yester- McMeekin shot well for Krause to day. are now tied with the Detroit- bring off a good -save. Holkestad j ers for fourth place. Philadelphia made a fine run ,and later, with! Athletics are in third place, having Carlyle, also combined but Husoy j won over St. Louis Browns yester- was forced to shoot behind. Booth ; day after losing to the Tigers In aras playing a nice forward game' close game Saturday. , but found Veitch a stumbling! The .New York Giants, winning block. McMeekin, Houston and Ir- j from the Cardinals on Saturday vine combined well and Eastman' and losing to the Chicago Cubs did well to clear. McMeekin later1 yesterday, are still in fourth place, beat Krause with a powerful drive. I in the National League. The Pitts- Cameron was brought down and a burg Pirates, as a result of week- moment later was again dangerous, end play, are in first place, with a The second half found the teams mathematical lead over the Chicago struggling on even terms. McMeekin l aW u ir 11 fi X WINNER IN PREAKNESS Cavalcade I-oses by Head to Stable-mate. Illfh Quest, in Stakes BALTIMORE Ma 14 'CP' Morning, Noon or Night START III ilay Kith m f .crisp Kellogg' Corn Flakes. Delicious vrltli cream or tnllk, and fruit. Rich In energy quickly tligrtletl the kiuil of breakfast that makes you feel fit. Enjoy Kellopg's for lunch. So nourishing and easy to prepare! So rrunoiuiedll Fine fur the children's upper, too, or a lute ctriilug simrL. They encourage restful sleep. Mude hy Kellogg in Ixtudun, Ontario. FOR QUALITY High Queat. ,Mrs. Dudte CORN FLAKES carrying the silk of Sloane on Saturday won the tttJOOO Preakiwa Stakes beating Its stablemat Cavalcade , Kentucky Derby winner by a bead iDlscdvwy wu third and Agrarian was fourth. Daily News Want -Ads satisfy TEMPERED RUBBER In the caietcrff 20.000 m.p.t of cHvW-sYXd safety became it's the toughest, longttt'wuriai tresd rubber known! Only Dominion Tires have TEMPERED RUBBER built into tread and side walls. That's why motorists know that Dominions give 20,000 miles and more of service with plenty of sntUskld left for additional months and miles of safe driving. Reduce -your tire colts nurd your safety by specifying DOMINION ROYALS. DOMINION TIRES ARE SAFER TIRES DOMINION TIRES Borrowed Clothes Tor Sale Hy S. E. PARKER LTD." Ford Dealers I'hoiif 83 Third Ave. East miles per fire GUARANTIED one year against tire injuries caused by blow-outs, cuts, bruises, rim cuts, under inflation and many other road hazards. CM74 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME A WAV FROM HOME Rates ll.Ofl np 60 Rooms, Hot tt Cold WsUt Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1 -By Westover