us mi 41 : fugs reus THE DAILY NEWS Monday, .r YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a teal personal service In the Optical Department of- Max Heilbroner The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 261 Friends, Prince Rupertites, Patrons Lend Us Your Ears! We are your friends Faithful and just to you No, this is not Mark Anthony speaking from the far beyond, but MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE You are well aware of the fact that it was WE who reduced the retail prices of groceries while wholesale prices remained unaltered. This alone proves that we strive to increase the purchasing power of our customer's dollar. In other words our slogan "Where Dollars Have More Cents" is, judging by our many patron's opinions, rightfully chosen, They say our everyday prices are bargain prices. By watching our advertisements you will convince yourself and you will be delighted at the end of the week with the amount you will have saved by dealing with us. Self Denial Campaign May 8th to May 26th TO AH) ALL BRANCHES OF S. A. WORK When called upon please give liberally THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TRAIL ItKITlXII COI.l. Mill A Manuftcturtri of ELEPHANT llrand CHEMICAL tF.KTILMF.R9 Producer ft R(lneri of, TADANAC Brand ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUrKKPIIOSPIIATE LEAD-ZINt, CADMIUM-ISISMUTII Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal $12.50 Minehead Lump Coal $12.50 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Daily News Want Ads Bring Results Memorial Service Of Moose Lodge Stewart and Hyder Members Pre sent at Rites Recently STEWART, May 14: The annual memorial service of the Portland Canal Lodge, No. 1218, Loyal Order of Moose, was held In the Pioneer Hall, Hyder, last Sunday evening This service which Is held alternately In Hyder and Stewart, was conducted by officials of the Moose in co-operation with Rev Father Wallace and Rev. Frank Bushfleld. Soloists were Miss Mau rccn Murphy, Richard Traversey and James Morrice. A duet was given by the Miss Catherine Jack and Helen Knlpple. St. Mark's Ju nlon choir, under the direction of A. Russwurm, was In attendance. Rev. Mr. Bushfield gave the ad dress, taking as his theme "What Is Life?" and pointing out that, In connection with memorial ser vices, it had been the custom for the Christian churches to teach people to prepare for ceath. where as the real need was to teach pco- jle to prepare for Life. Gardening In Prince Rupert There does not seem to be a street In Prince Rupert that has not been affected by the gardening bug. Everywhere one goes one sees improvements. Orounds are being dug up that never were dug before. Present gardens are being extended, rockeries built, plants set out. The change over previous years Is very marked. Sunday evening I made a brief visit to Seal Cove and was much Impressed with the Improvements fTMint rM 1 ll At-A fin I-Iim At.. evai(, vat unit. UIV Mjp Ul Wit hill overlooking the harbor Is one oi me cnoiccsi resiaenuai sites in the city and each home Is developing a garden. Most of the people there own their own homes and even those who do not are actively Improving their places. Seal Cove Is well In line with the work going on in other parts of the city. On the way out I was attracted by Henry Elliott's place, so I dropped In and gave It the once over. Mrs. Elliott, who seems to look after the floral end of the garden, has a very pretty rock garden with phlox and other alpines In bloom. That Is the feature that attracted me. Henry has a wonderful vegetable garden with pole beans already above the ground, potatoes up three Inches and broad beans well on the way. In his little greenhouse the toma toes look well. The whole place shows the effect of Industry well applied. The house Is named Llan- fabon after the Welsh village from which the proprietor came to Can ada. II. P. p. Novel Tea At ' United Church Exhibits of Chinese Handiwork'and Arts Shown at Function The Chinese knowledge tea at the united Church last Thursday af tcrnoon was a successful and novel affair. The posters deplctlne Chin esc life and the model village were prepared by the C. G. I. T. and the Mission Band during their course of study in the winter. Much of the success was due to the loans of brass and china by Max Heilbroner linens and silks by McLaren's Mu sic Store, a collection of foods by the Sunrise Orocery and books from the library. Manv other ar ticles showing fine workmanship were collected and exhibited by the members of the Woman's Mission ary Society, The street vendor had sweets for the children. A set of slides entitled "Forward China" was shown. A keen Interest was taken by all, not among the least being tne Chinese themselves. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & Oeneral furniture Repairs List your goods with m Phone-Black Ul GEO. J. DAWES 40 Brain Workers Tested This Remedy in Clinic at Their nervous energy depleted by over-study as examination time approached, a group of stur dents, who were definitely below normal in blood condition, formed the "test patients" for a leading Canadian hospital. The remedy prescribed for this five weeks test was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The purpose was to determine to what extent this world-known preparation would Increase the haemoglobin and red irnusclcs in me mooa ana so re- coi bul d blood-health and restore normal vieor and streneth The results were Indeed notable. The cartfully kept records showed that in every case where the patients' blood count had been below normal, the number of red corpuscles was Increased, and In 38 out of 40 cases, or D5 per cent, the students experienced Increases in haemoglobin also. In some Instances as much as 22 per cent. The physician In charge considered this showing as most impressive. The student-patient stated that they felt much more energetic, with a new sense of well-being. It Is the haemoglobin in your blood that carries vital, life-giving oxygen to every cell In your body. If you are always tired, exhausted, breathless on exertion, nervous, Irritable, lack appetite, most probably your blood count is below normal. Start taking this hospital-tested remedy and see how soon these symptoms will begin to disappear, and how much better you will begin to feel. You and your family are taking no chances, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are hospital-proven. At all druggists 50c. a package. Individual reports on these 40 patients, certified by the hospital pathologist, are on file. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Almost twenty-four hours late on account of having had heavy freights to discharge at cannery points along the coast. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Georgeson. arrived In port at 7 o'clocjfSaturday evening and sailed at 10 p.m. on her return south. The Cardena, which has been running late northbound a good deal recently, should makc better time henceforth as the steamer Venture Is being placed in service out of Vancouver on the logging camp run and will relieve her of the Smith's and Rivers Inlet calls. With a rather light list of passengers but considerable freight for points north of here, Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 0:45 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail at 1:30 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. On her regular ten-day schedule voyage to Alaska, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed two hours later for Skagway and other northern points whence she will return here on Friday afternoon southbound. The vessel had on board 115 passengers on arrival here. Two ldsembarked at this port while eight went north aboard her. The list for Skagway Included 85 members of Whit Pass and Yukon Route river boats headed by Captains Macdonald, Campbell, Mor rison and Coghlan. There were nlso a number of miners on board. P. J. O'Rourke. well known Stewart prospector and mining man. was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning to the Portland Canal camp after a trip to Vancoucr. SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metro band from 0:00 a.m. till noon. (10 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 p.m. (15 to 0 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-EUXTRIC PHONE) BLUE 320 Second Avenue & Third Street DROUGHT IS NOW ENDING uiifnrrail Hamate to Prairie Crops From Dust-Slorms Terrific Heat Was Most Severe Dry Spell Middle West lias Mad In Forty Years CHICAGO. May 14: Bringing relief after a six-week's drought which did millions of dollars da mage to the grain crops, there was widespread precipitation over the Middle West yesterday, varying from heavy rainfall to light show ers. storm ciouas were garnering last night and further rain was ex-1 pected during the ensuing twenty-: four hours, extending as far soutn as Kentucky and Tennessee. Illack Illlzxards WINNIPEG, May 14: CP- Whipplng up seed and topsoll from the Great Lakes to the Alberta foothills, "black blizzards" at the week-end left In their wake anxious farmers wmderlng whether It. would be necessary to re-seed soli-1 drifted wheat .lands nnd fearful of serious consequences unless early rain ends the protracted dry spell. During the height of the storm the sun's light was obliterated and cities and towns were covered with dust. Across the border In Minnesota and North Dakota the land continued to be seared by the blazing sun and swept by severe dust storms, making it necessary for airplanes to climb to an altitude of 15.000 feet in some Instances to reach clear air. Fanned by the dry winds, pral-l rlc fires were also reported to be doing considerable damage in ( Minnesota and elsewhere on the American prairies. Reports stated that the dust. carried by the high winds, had reached as far east as Pennsyl vania and New York and was ac tually boing swept out far over the Atlantic Ocean. Crop conditions In the central states arc crlfiral owing to the drought nnd heat. Crop U Shrinking WASHINGTON. DC. May 14 -Secretary of Agriculture Wallace declares that the crop of the United States has been shrinking at the rate of a million bushels a day as a result of the most severe drought the American prairies have experienced in forty years. Dust storms were raging at the weekend over an estimated seven million snuarc miles of farm lands. There has been millions of dollars crop damage. SELLS STEWART STAGE STEWART, May 14: rercy Dietrich, well known local stage man. who has been In poor health this winter, has sold Lis Premier stage business to Nell Oalbralth, A. Ur-quhart and 6. Renahan, as he Is not in sufficiently good health to operate the run himself The new firm Is opening offices on Fifth Street. When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, terrace, H.C. To Greet You We meet all trains, Freight St passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat H. A. S,i now in service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, on adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional, No. crowd too big. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Inland North Ifceach Fishing, IlatWng, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting in the Season, Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Masntl, IJ.C. R B u Monday & Tuesday Two Shows 7 & OilPAdmlsMpn 15, . Charlie Rubles Mary Roland W. C. Fields Alison Skipworth Gcorjje Burns Grade Allen Ill- "SIX OF A KIND' Six m- a.. (8:05 fie lO;ii) vuiiirujr lliamploni Krlll Records In Fun. You'll Nmr ttL l On Lauth Added Feature- "WHITE WOMAN" 1;0( M:1 With Charles Laufjhton, Carole Lombard A Hrautlful Woman ALONK Amonr OutratU IJoth Paramount Picture WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY "DAVID IIAUL'M" YOU ARE INVITED to join ... our .4 Rental Library He up-to-date and Know the latest loks. Treat yourself to many hours ol pleasure. " 75c FOR A MONTH Head all you want, no other chark'e or obligation.! Have You Read? "JOURNEY TO THE END OF NIGHT" Ce LAND OF PLENTY" C. x , "WATER FRONT' Bi , "WITHOUT ARMOR" ... H! - "ADVENTURF8 A WENCH" . ..,...... . Vt "RED EAOLE" -4. If "MANHATTAN LOVE BONO" -is N "FIVE 8ILVER DAUGHTERS" -..... 0 ;. 3 "MAONU8 MERRIMAN .... .-Ji... M'i:- "VALERIE HATHAWAY" Orc "VILLAOE TALE" V J WHISPERINO TONGUES" K k "SEARCH FOR AMERICA" L G; "DRAZILIAN ADVENTURE" ... F.m Recent additions to our ever procreating library (or jour tnjw. mrnt. Join now! 10"0'IB f MAT TO VSMcl SHIP YOUR HKAVKK AND MUSQI'ASII TOD You can be assured of quick returns and be 4 mar-J mzuiu- 5 prices. A trial will convince you. HUDSON'S HAY COMPANY Prince Rupert, U.C KEEP UP YOUR HOME It Pays to Paint and Repair! For brt paint value and for Miund adtlre consult GORDON'S HARDWARE USK IMI PAINT LHItltl!IMiirivi;iint!"ii rhonf J'1 MtBrldf SI Every Battery Guaranteed The Wilson Electrical Manufacturing Co, Mle makf rs of Si rR llatterles, guarantres KVI'.RV Suproz llaltery to ntalntln '' rated ability throuthout the entire I uarantre pfrM r,.iiiii t,t,i iu 1 III. I wniy ku" will render this guarantee void. JAMES MARTIN Massclt, It.C. P.O. Ilox 77, Prinrr KuperUCj WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS I fnvji It's sure h I REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals buiU J for all your rjgg 10 mcnts and at pnc suit all purees. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618