LL to May 1634 Ask for OSE Erasers Rm s Ink Nestles STERILIZED EVAPORATED MILK a WORLD'S STANDARD OF QUALITY !0W IS--- Kodak Time I"-yc $1.75 iruwnie Cameras, No. G20 $3.00 h amp Cameras, No. filO $3.75 - Pocket Kodak '..I',.., S5.00 lh Milan, uouoicl lens , .(f $ltj.UU 3C Jiff. Kodak . . t $8.00 Jifr, Kodak $9.00 r Kodak G.8 lens $17.50 ! Kodak 0.15 lens $20.00 i! -it: 20 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 l - ' Z") Kodascopo for above $45.00 Kodak 10 nun. with carrying case Mis $75.00 !! T I) Kodawope for above $76.00 kvtlopinx &. Printing of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Lid. Zriin Pioneer DruQp tats Tbr Iteiall Start ! Hotehkiss Staples i Indexes l (Writing) Ma (Showeard) Ink Wells W Kef ills ose Leaf Ledgers femcr Block, thanes: II & 82 "NEWS FLASHES" t ,, r- .... M f IIrIa x Jii.m. II.Mh r.( ... i uriici.il muwm ui wuauu uuiuig re 5 ?rr ? ' frlr inr r in rit inH fthfitlrwf nil mnnrhlv ttt-int for the past thirty-four months. The output r e: ; tii was 70'. ahead Of 19J3. and export production for the period January 1st : 1934 was 48.8 In excess of the same period during E .., ales of Oeneral Motors products in Canada during the i. uarv 1st to April 10th. 1934 were 31.6 ahead of the in 1933. n file ureatlv exceed those of any similar period Bairs is excellent, and our management are doing every-. humanly Dosslble to meet the unprecedented de- R f General Motors products. Yours very truly, P. N. IlKltUY, Sales Promotion Manager. r.c utuvc is a letter lust received and we assure our custom s' t. ioim evervthlna Dosslble to procure cars to fill our KAIEN .MOTORS LTD. Phone 52 Chevrolet and Orneral Motors Dealers , COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Ledger Sheets Legal Seals Loose Leaf Hooks Lumber Crayons Manuscript Covers Marking Ink Mimeograph Paper Mucilage Notepaper Third St., Phone 234 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED I Mft ,''mn ' rttnc Ruprrt tor Vneouvr: n rm nd Wiipotmi. mtvln Vuwur ThmdT I CAlllllu u....... ....4.f itflilkIf I1IIT W Uj vl?8 Vancouver, Monday AW. , . Ni .nd .:n to Port 8lmion. All. Ami, Anyo. 8tfwrt k,lt' Point. iiv Frinc Huprrt 8uwly. 8 pm, "lff lnformnt(r,n ...... i.. 1t .altlnr nnd tickets at '....Mv.vii ic(a(uiii5 Nur paper dots not arrive, telephone the office Valhalla Benefit Bridge and Dane. Metropoie 11411, Friday, June 1, 8.15. Refrethments. tf Mrs. D. L. Melntomlney was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning to her home at Anyox after a trip to Vancouver to receive medical traet-ment. Jack Garrett of the local Government Agent's office siaff sailed on the Princess Norah this morn- lit. Rev. E. M. Bunoz O. M. I.. i Roman Catholic Church Bishop I for Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, will leave on this aft ernoon's train for a trip to Sral-thers. Prince Oeorgc and other Interior points on ecclesiastical duties. Dick Ivlnlch and C. Johnson, being held by the city police on charges of drunkenness and theft respectively, have been remanded. A Juvenile boy. who was being held for incorrigibility, was returned to his parents on the understanding (thai he would mend his ways land submit to their discipline. Hotel Arrivals Central M. Hestne. Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. T. Olsen. Saskatoon; H. W, Mason. Jasper. Prince Rupert A. Sutherland. C. Richards and F W. Hughes, Vanaaer; Violet L. Bird and Francis I. WllUle, Port Simpson; B. Pick ford. Edmonton; S. PhUip Hewitt. Montreal; C. Sawder, Salvus;; D. W. Webster, Victoria; James D. Slater and Mr. and Mrs. T. Wallace, sunnyslde Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McMillan, Claxton. Royal D. H. Burrows and J. M. -Sloan, Vancouver: O. Westover, Sunny-side; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Arnold, city; J. H. MeLeod, Nelson; A. L. Ford. Prince George; Roy Labo, C. N.R. Savoy J. Marls, North Pacific cannery; D. L. Jonea and C. 'J. Duncan, Haysport; W. Chapman, Terrace: N. L. Jones, Lewis Island. Announcements Anglican Tea May 15 at Mrs )rme'.v catholic Spring Sale May 18. May 17th, celebration, dance social, refreshments. Moose Hall. Presbyterian Tea May 17, home of Mrs, D. MeLeod, 410-Slxth Ave. West. Hudson's Bay Centenary Celebration. Port Simpson, May 24. Sports, ball games, track events, canoe race. Trophies. Entries received to May 21 by secretary. Moose Hall (ilNOIIAM NOVELTY DANCE TONIGHT Welle Orchestra. Adm., 23C First 12 ladles admitted free Dancing from 10 till 2 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY :Phone 657 THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THRfiX aw J..' LOCAL NEWS NOTES New 8hlpmtnt White Hats. $1.25 and $2.25. Demers. 112 We are still buying old cold, Bulger's. tfj Mm. L. atbley, who arrived nerv reiwiitly from Stewart, Jailed thl morning on the Prlncens Norar. for a trip to Juneau. William Ooldbloom sailed lasij night on the Catala to make thei Women's Canadian Club- Mrs rounc trip to Anyox and Stewart W. O. Wilson of Victoria on "Ham-on business. 'bles Around Rome' at the City Hall Wednesday, May 16 at 3:45 pjn. Admission 25c. 113 O. E..Oulick, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., sailed last evening on the Catala to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. J. C. Hunt of Port Essington leave on this evemng's train for lug for a trip to Telegraph Greek a trip to Bums Lake where a bro- on official business. He will be;ther resides and where he has away for the next month or so. farming Interests. Mrs. P. C. Miller sailed on the Miss Helen Sim sailed Saturday Princess Norah this morning for a night on the Cardena ;or vancou-trip to Stlklne where she will pay ver whence she wffi proceed to a visit with her son, Duncan Mil-1 Kamloops where It Is her lnten-ler who is acting as Canadian j tlon to take up future residence. Customs officer there tor the sea son. The case of James Flewln of Port Essington, charged with assault, was further ajoumed for eight days on coming up before Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson in provincial police court on Saturday. William Vance has ben spend ng a week here visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Vance, Fourth Avenue East, and will sail Wednesday afternoon by the Prince George on his return to Anyox where, he is In the service of the Oranby Co. Slight damage was oone this morning at 10:30 to the roor of a small cottage to the rear of the Prince Rupert Hotel toy sparks fly- ing from the chimney and Igniting shingles. The fire department was called and soon put the fire out There was no Insurance. Possibly some $50 damage, cov ered by insurance, was done by fire of uncertain origin which broke out at 2:35 this morning tn a small vaoant house at 737 Taylor street owned by E. Pettenuzo. Tne fire department was called and soon had the flames extinguished. H. M. EUtngsen, who arrived here recently from Ketchikan with a lew to locating at this port In connection with salmon mild cur ing operations of a company which he represents, returned to Ketchikan on the Princess Norah this morning. He may be back here Thomas Wallace, who will again be In charge of B.C. Packers canning operations on the Skeena River this summer, arrived In the .1... 1 r . 1. DominionDairy GRADE A MILK Now Open on 2nd St. Our Prices Are: Whipped Cream 9(lp per half pint AU1 Whipped Cream Qfilo DC per pint Milk- -t Of per quart Milk- 1n 1 per pint Butter 27C per pound - Prices for Strictly Cash TPhone - 63G Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting Service Prices reasonable. All branches Including children's work. Phone: Blue 837 I . , I SHjBBjBBfiBjBBBBBB New Spring Styles THE VERY LATEST IN WOMEN'S SMART SHOES WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR Many women buy all their shoes from us. They return again and again because they get real values. Smart Attractive Pumps, Ties and Dress Oxfords in fine black, brown and grey Suede from $2.95 Running Shoes We have just received hundreds of pairs of Men's, Boys,' Women's, Misses' and Children's 69C up from Our Prices Lowest The fire department had a call at 9:45 this morning to a chimney fire in a building on Second Av enue owned by Sam Jabour and! V ' J Jilll i If occupied by Mrs. John James. No!TWO show CAsea and one counter. damage was done covzn ti Latta, Phone 234. ' 112 -Build B.C. Payrolls- ABig Step Forward I I tMP0KTf last evenlne. accomuanled bv Mrs. The vacuum seal so Improved Pa Wallace. Today they proceed from here to Sunnyslde to take up resi dence. clHc Milk that the demand quickened as soon as the new packing appeared and has grown ever since. People found a finer flavor which tells clearly that Patlflc, though excellent then, Is now even a finer milk. Pacific Milk "109 .C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra. Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL DiC. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green Stl Exehaitf Blck COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta tod Uulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bullley Valley. We also tell Timothy Hay, Wheat OaU and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rhonw ll NEW trolling boat 8Vi feet, x 31 feet. For particulars phone Red 720. tf FOR SALE 4-room house, fully modem, with garage. Graham Avenue. Easy payments. Apply Collart ti McCdffery Ltd. 112 FOR SALE Very late Model T. Ford Truck, excellent condition, good tires, cab, Atwater Kent ignition, $150.00. -E. DIX, Terrace, B.C. tf FOR SALE; Rent or Lease. Kltsum-J galum Lake Lodge with Dance I Pavillion, and Annex. Lots of Fruit and Berries. The price 'is right. :E.jDIX, Terrace, B.C. tf FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 ft. 7 ft.. 6 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine (medium duty); boat and engine like newr; a Snap at $450. E. DIX, Terrace. B.C. tf FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. FOR RENT Furnished cabin, partly modern, suitable for couple. For sale enamel regrigerator. Apply before 7 pm.. D. E. Mur phy, 241 Fifth Ave. West. tf PAINTERS PAINTING and Paptrlhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. LAND ACT Notice of Inlrntlnn to ippty to l.rai IjiikI In Prince Rupert Land Rcordln District of Prince Rupert, B.C.. and tit- uate In Qlnwdzwt Bit; located at tn N.W. end or Stepheiu island, Range 9. OMSt uisinct Take rotloe that John Clausen ot Prince Rucert. B.C.. oecusattun run Packer, Intend to npply for lee ot tne Mlvwum Mrribed lorMhore: Cotnenelng at a pwrt planted at the 8. W. corner of a amall latand about 8 olialns S. E. of Arery Island Uienc B.W.I. Chain: thence Weaterlf t ehAlnt; thence NJC. chains more or lem o high water mark on the Ifx. point ot the Island: thence 8. E. direction enaltu mot or leu fclowln nun waiter mark to point or oommenc ment. I6kx CLArJICN. I Dated AprU II. Uii. Leckies Fine .Dress Shoes, style and comfort, Men's Smart Stylish Oxfords QO QC up from yV9 ARCH MASTER SHOES Dr. Heath's Orthopedia Health Shoes in fine Kid, Special Built-in Arches Mens Romep Slippers, finest quality, black and brown Kid and Calf, reg. $3.50 CM Off up from tjJJ.t7tl Why Pay More ? City Script and Relief Orders are accepted by us CUT RATE SHOE STORE Miss Hilda Wilson-Murray returned to the city on Saturday night's train from Terrace where $he spent a few days as the guest 3f Mrs. Nigel Sherwood. Classified Ads FOR SALE WANTED WANTED Men, women and school children to sell Fair Board Membership tickets. 20 commission. Particulars Phone 234. 112 Aircraft Engineering YOUTH to learn Aircraft Engineering. Small fee. Canadian t Aviation Corporation, 555 Howe sd Vancouver, B. C. 116 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177; Birch, Jackplne. Cedar. tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVINO! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY BHQPPE LANn ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to Leae Lam , In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. B.C, and situate in Qlawdzeet Bay loc&ted at the N.W. end of Stephen Island. Range 5, Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Flah Packer. Intends to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: commencing at a pent planted at the S. W. corner of a small island about 8 chains S. E. of Arery Island thence N., thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark to pmnt of commencement, and containing 2 acres more or less, and Including the entir area ot the aald Dated Acrtl IS. 1934. JOHN CLAUSEN. NOTICE OT AMT.ICATION FOR CER TIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Gold Cliff No. 3 Fractional Mineral Claim. flold Cliff No. 6 Mineral Claim. Margirrt Mineral Claim. , Cliff Fractional Mineral Claim. Sttutts in the Portland Canal Minim Division. Where located on the west aid - of Bear River about three bUles from Stewart, B.C. Lawful Owner William Dann. Number of the holder's free mintri certificate--7TJ20-D. TAKE NOTICE that WllUam Dann. Free Miner's Certificate No. TT720-D in-trodV at the end of auty days froaa toe date hereof, to apply to the Uinlng Recorder for a certincate ot lmprovi-meets for the purpose of obtaining Crown Oraht of the above- claims. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action, under Section (3 of the "Um eral Act" must be commenced befota the issuance ot suoh oeruf Icate of ' Improvements. ' i DATED tbU SJrfl ay of Mwc,, 1M4. 3 St rr ii n- S a .... is:.:: J