KNOX HOTEL IMitll NMV MAVUIKMIAT 61 rMm ll Hut nnl Coltl IVitrr, Micrarr llath KXOXI.IAT IHMMI HOOM Vull Hill llkr IhrkiiiK. IUtr: 15r. & tl. American or Europctn I'Un Ml I. (H.MOI It I'roprlrK GLORIA SWANSO.V flUCAOO. May 14 Visiting MAX SCIIMIXINO AND PAULINO UZCIinilN IN ItOXINO DRAW SUNDAY J MADRID, Spain, May 14: Max 8chmellnR, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, battled to n draw with Paulino Uzcudun in a, ten round box- T Inn limit D....J... V STRIKE IS AUTHORIZED Vancouver l,nnchoremen Willing To Co Out If Thought AdvUable to one to authorize a committee to call a strike If it Is considered advisable to co-operate with the Vwo cents today to 34.ou per ounce t IIAIl SILVER NEW YORK, May 14: (CP)-Dar Mlver was quoted at 44ic per ounce on the local metal market today. The Meeker Block, Third Ave., h. horn rented by rrank Hart who Is planning to (ro Into bust. ncss there In the near future in the storage and commission line, v VANCOUVER, May 14: Hon. John Hart, minister of finance, and Hon. Gordon Sloan, attorney general, arrived here this morning from Ottawa but, beyond the declaration that they themselves were well satisfied with the results of the trip, they had no public announcement to make. Mr. Hart remains here until Tuesday and may possibly issue a statement at Victoria Tuesday night. Premier T. D. Pattullo is still in the east on financial business of the province. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 73.500 pounds, 7.3c and 5c to8.1c and 5c. Canadian 99,300 pounds, 5c and 43c to 6c and 5c. American McKlnley. 40,000. Cold Storage. 7.3c and 5c. Spray. 28,000, left for Seattle. Wave, 6300, Atlln, 7.0c and 53. Condor, 13,000, Cold .Storage. 8c and Sc Avona 14,000. Booth, 8.1c and Sc viwpnriwij u- Thl Canadian local Longshoremen's Union, byi Cape Bcale. 15,000. and Joe Ba-secret ballot Saturday voted two ker, 8,000, Cold Storage. 5.6c and Donations . For Books J. S. Anderson, Miss Mary Coma-dlna, W. J. Fldlcr. Peter Lakle. Mrs. P. Lakle, Miss M. Lakle, D. Kennedy. P. M. Ray. Wm. Jones. Ellen Moore, 8. J. Mellor. N. Dagllsh, Miss J. B. Colllson, J. A. Swanson, Miss Eliza beth Currle. Miss Amy Armstrong, Miss A. Molodowlck, L, Amadlo, C. 0. Mills. Prince Rupert Teachers' Association. Total to date, $744.40. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, tempera-tare 50. Alynash Clear, calm, 44. Anyox Clear, calm, 52. llazelton Clear, calm, 64. 8mlthers Clear, calm, warm. tnurns Lake Clear, calm, warm Tomorrow's Tides High 1:48 ajn. 21.4 ft. 14:45 pjn. 18.6 ft. Low 8:37 am. 22 It. 20:33 p.m. 8.0 It. X NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V- XXIV . No. 112. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 14, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS P ROOSEVELT MAY SEEK MORE POWER MUCH OF ANCIENT CITY OF TIBERIAS WRECKED BY FLOOD FniltiYP nf National n x . r .Hart-Sloan Recovery A ct Causes : Satisfied : President to Think: 3 TriP : Breach Between Manufacturing Interests and Organized Labor in United States Becoming More Widespread-Collective Bargaining Still Demanded WASHINGTON, D.C., May 14: With the National Recovery Act showing many signs of failure and the industrial progress of the past few months commencing to1 fail off on account of widespread strikes either in progress or impending and for other causes, it was stated in authoritative quarters here las,t night that President Franklin - Roosevelt was considering the Seeks Divorce Issuing of an executive order to control prices ot manufactured products and margins of profit. The American Federation of Labor and o'her labor organisations continue to rlaim thai, under the N. R. A., labor is being exploited by the manufacturing Interests. Labor Is. apparently. Intending to contlnrc ad .n-ant tn Its stand for collective bargaining. President Roosevelt left the Caps. -. Saturday night for a week-end cruise' o"rtfti the Potomac "Klver. stating that he was taking this opportunity to give undisturbed reflexion to perplexing problems which were facing the country- f ill ago over the end of the week .'striking longshoremen In Pacific . . Mm It M- 1 t 1 S OS (route tn Hollywood. Oloria Exanson. well known screen ae-trvs. is reported to have intl-rrated that she would file suit for cuorce against Michael Farmer, t ir latest of her series of hus- t ids. ms. within witnin ten ten days. days, Her iter name name Coast Dorts of the United States It U not expected strike action will 1 be taken for some time. If at all. The committee, which was given power to call a strike. Is at present 'negotiating between the Vancouver tf tTnrlrr( A ten 4.5c Prosperity A.. 20.000, Atlln, 5.6c and 43c. Gibson, 13,000, Booth. 5.6c and 4.5c Clipper. 16,000. Atlln tor Bute- dale delivery, 6c and 5c. Velma C 14,000, Pacific. 5.5c and 43cT Cape Spear, 0.000, Pacific, 5.8c and 4.5c i... District waterironv wujkc nywyra being now linked with that of 'elation and the Shipping Federa- Toodle. 10,500. Cold Storage. 5.7c Hirbert Marshall, well known BiiUsh Rcteen star. Miss Swnnson, hlle here, visited her old home near Wrlglcy Field. Senate Expected Hon of British Columbia on the' and 43c question of wages and working 1 conditions. The vote was 602 to 223. I (Situation Unchanged) I SAN FRANSISCO. May 14: While shipping In San Franslsco. (Los Angeles and other Pacific !Coast ports of the United States TV11 .continues to be almost paralyzed Ti 0 ADDrOVe Dili as the longshoremen's strike re- 1 mains unsettled, there was no WAsnmnToisTnc In the situation over the miv 14 H. -change WASHINGTON. D.C.. May kcnd plans for the instltu-: Senate At the end of the we j "ration proceedings are. lif ted a number of amendments ,, being m.AP made. t the stock regulation bill which Is .however, "pecica to be adopted cany inii 'ffk. possibly today. Tlie measure hi already been ratified by th House of Iteprescntatlvcs. CANADIAN COM) I'HICE MONTllEAL. May H: (CP1 Tlie nrlre of cold In Canada was down r " . I J. It., 1,800, Booth. 5c and 4.5c. Margallce, 8,000, Atlln, 5.8c and 43c. Jungle Survivor and Bushmen Friends A picture from the album of New?3n C Marshail showing the American engineer with two nat ves of t- e wild Choco tlstrlct of Colombia. It was Indians of mis ype thai rescued Marshall wnen he was lost inhe Jungle for tnree weeks following aeroplane . crash, that kIUed. hU four cempanlpns. . - High Honors Are Won By Well Known Local Students of City Hob Matheson Ieads Mining Engineering Class at University of K.C. Don Finn Secures His Ph. I). Julia Walters Dest Nurse at Vancouver General From three varied lines of educational endeavor today come reports of well known Prince Rupert folk winning high honors. In each case the students concerned will receive hearty congratulations for their accomplishments. Pass lists oi the University of British Columbia which have just been received show that Bob Matheson, son of City Treasurer and Mrs. D. J. Ma- theson, led his class in fourth year mining engineering examinations. Bob Is a graduate of King Edward High School here. Another interesting educational accomplishment to be announced! imiav i that of D. B. Finn, former' WHERE DID I MONEY GO? director of the Prince Rupert Fish- Seattle Authorities at Loss to Know erles Experimental Station, secur- What Port Official Did With ! ing his Doctor of Philosophy degree 5121.000 from Cambridge University In Eng- j land. Dr. Finn landed from England I SEATTLE. May 14: Investigate yesterday at Halifax where he will j lng authorities are at a loss to ac-take charge of the Biological Board; count for what happened to the of Canada's experimental station, $121,000 of Port of Seattle funds having been transferred there from ( with which Matt Oormley. port Prince Rupert recently. j auditor, who committed suicide From Vancouver It Is learned last week. Is believed to have ab- that Miss Julia Walters, second sconded. Oormley lived irugauy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael . dressed plainly and. as far as can be Walters, has graduated as a nurse learned, had no expensive habits, from the Vancouver General Hos- j Nor was he addicted to speculation, pltal and, in so doing, won Uv , It is believed In some quarters that coveted R. E. McKechnle medal fr.r general prdflclency. Miss Walters' parents, pioneer, residents of Prince Rupert, moved recently, to Ocean Falls, She received all her school education in Prince Rupert. Insulls to Be Arraigned This Week in Chicago CHICAGO, May 14: Samuel sr. and his brother. Martin will be arraigned here on Wednesday on charges of grand lar- cenry and embezzlement, upon which they have been indicted, as a result of the collapse of their, utilities ' v- enterprises. he may have been the victim of some sort of blackmail. LONDON IS UNW0RRIED Little Concern Felt Over United States Edict on War Debts LONDON, May 14: CP Thej United States has notified Great j Britain that "token payments" on; war debt Instalments due In, June; would be regarded as evidence, of , default. Notification to tills effect was given by Secretary of IJtate Cordell Hull to the British ambas-' sador at Washington at the end of 'the week. Little concern Iivfelt in I official quarters over the edict?.' Twenty People Drowned In Sea of Galilee Port By Torrential Rain Wall of Water Sweeps Down Street, Carrying Entire Thoroughfares Ahead of it in Some Sections of Biblical Metropolis JERUSALEM, Palestine, May 14: (CP) A torrential ainfall today sent a wall of water sweeping down the streets of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, drowning at least :wenty persons and wrecking much of the ancient city. En-ire streets were being washed away in some sections by he flood waters. Today's Stocks . PRINCESS ICourvtsT S. O JohcUn Co.) Vancouver Alexandria, .04. Bayvlew. .01 . B. C. Nickel, 1.13. Big Missouri, 29 ' Bralorne, 12.50.., . -Bridge-River Ctm-SJ."1-- - -B. R. X.. 1.06. Butte I. X. L., 20. Cariboo Quartz, 2.18. Dunwell, 25. Dentonla, .87. Georgia River. .02 U-Golconda, 20. Indian, .03 (ask). Mlnto, .55. Meridian, .16. Morning Star, 59. Native Son, .04. National Silver. .04. Noble Five, .10. Pend Oreille. .83. Porter Idaho, .09. Premier. 121. Reeves McDonald, .15. Rewarad, .08. Reno. .84. Silver Crest, .03 U. Salmon Gold, .18, Taylor Bridge. .80. Wayside. .38. Whitewater. .05. Waverly Tangier, .01i. United Empire, .16. Toronto Central Patricia, .63. Chlbougamau, .10 Vi Lee Gold, .15. Granada, .62. Inter. Nickel, 26.00. Macass, 2.49. Noranda, 39.00. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.01. SIsco. 2.13. Thompson Cadillac. .43. Ventures. .84. Lake Maron, .08. Teck Hughes, 5.95. Sudbury Basin, ,1.70. Columario. .31. Smelter Gold, 2C. Can. Malartic. .63. Little Long Lac, 4.20. Bagamac. .16. South Tiblemont, .10. Manle Leaf. .50. Pickle Crow. .69. Lone Lac Lasoon. 25. Manitoba & Eastern, .20. Itoosctelt Hopeful Of Agreement On White Metal REFLOATS Local Salvace Boat Freed From Grenville Channel Reef i As a result of her. stranding late last wk near the entrance of Union Passage In Grenville Channel, the Armour Salvage Co.'s power tag Salvage Princess lost her false k;el and her keel is also believed damaged although the vessel is making no water and her hull is not damaged, it is thought. With her own engine and winch power on a couple of blocks and the assistance of the power tugs Pa-chena and Jedwav. the Salvaze t Princess was refloated at midnight ISaturday from the reef where she stranded on the high tide Thurs-day night. She then proceeded into i Union Pass to pick up a tow ot logs for delivery to the Georgetown box factory at Big Bay north of here. She is expected to return here this jevenlng from Georgetown. The Pachena and the Jedway re-, turned to port Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. FIGHTING OF CRIME Both President ant! Chief Justice of United States Appeal foi Public Assistance WASHINGTON D.C.. May 14 Stirred by the apparently increase ing cirme wave throughout the country, both President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes appealed at the end of the week to law-abiding citizens and organizations to lend their ale. in combatting crime. President Roosevelt urged the American Bar Association to exert its Influence with a view to naming the criminal code so amended to meet the increasingly serious situation. "A robust civil sentiment and sense ot Justice" on the pan ot the public would go far towards deter-ting crime. Chief Justice Hughe cieclared. Meantime Attorney Gen eral Cummlngs has Intimated that he will ask Congress for a further &0mi tight lawlessness. WASHINGTON, D.C, May 14: I Following a conference at the end Production of Cariboo of the week with the sllverltes,! Gold During April President Roosevelt merely com-' mented that his views were un-, VANCOUVER, May 14: (CP) changed. He seemed optimistic. Production of the Cariboo Gold however, over prospects for an early Quartz mine for April was 897 ourt- sUver stabilization agreement. ces of gold valued at $31,000.