"-jmt " 1 ' " LAV NOT-HING Prince of Wales Sends Greetings WAS GREAT UNKNOWN J EXPLORER WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS rCpt. J.;E. Uernier. Now Dead, Did Much .Vork yfir Canada Jjq North Jfack&ndJfrll HEALTH SHOES Yon Itnow by teetQg inside ryot Slin h quality r-AT. la The system Ait m'i you sisht-lu'e of correct fining. DAILY EDITION the shoes on the child's loot of the shoes. Spljd quality thtous'nout flexible comfortable and limit in ity(. OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED Where Service and Quality Excels THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 157 .Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily ews, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mail to all parts of British .Columbia, the "British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year r'J - By mall to all other countries, per year - '. ADERTISING RATES -Local readers, per Insertion, per line ; Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .: ,-Transient display advertising, per inch, per inserUon Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations $5:00 .10 Friday, December 28, 1934. " DICTATORSHIPS BREED A)TSr The frdiible in Russia in which one of 'the "lea'dine states- prayer In -conformance vitb annual tradition, we preewnr herewith a picture f -Prince of Wales tistmas card The pictures subject is Jueen Ekz&teth giving .ateuc- to !akespe;Ce '.1 .i L!J V . XMASHEE NORWEGIAN ueinujisirave.nis political laientS II neVlsneS. mere IS no sunbeams: solo. -When I Was a need for drastic action and such action is always futile. Baby." peien pjiford; playlet. The Under a democracy we mav not alwavs irpf thP hent vp- Escaped Lunatic - by members of 'MlltS in frovernment but vp train npnnfp ?n cplf.rPcrrQinr thc Home Leasue: dialogue. XMAS mm . .... ... 'Tli re Hundred Persons Present at Splendid Entertain-veut ) JleU At JVwlnfsday Moose Salvation .Anay 'Citadel JJa , mJTZ nV -nArTiU 7 attendance at the Moose Hall Wed-charge and Rev.-C.D. Carke. pas- ..t m. t. tor of First United Church acting r T Z T 7. "nual Ts, Christ- .J. 3D0 as chairman, a splei Cbrist 'a. !-. nih thrp the affair being one of great enjoy- meat for ail present. Following a J3 , for the affair. r ing a large turn-out 4, . .02 aL ..nU( there the f 4 11S V VS,SV 1.40 Sas-s nrocontArl Cnnfn Tloits mtt m his appearance amid singing and rrrr: rr r;r r: r ndn untu the early candy from the Christmas Tree. 1 The evening's program Included -opening song, Bible reading and Introduction of the chair men of the Country lost his life reminds US that dictator- man and his remarks: a number by chairman! ships always tend to breed plots. They tend to encourage pnary classes; acuon to show their opposition in underhand .criminal by the Sunday school crdrcn; L, At piano solo by Miss Rosle Smith: re- rr.. j? a i .t manner. There is no other way of getting control of the .rit3Uon, -Hanging uP the christ-policy of the countiy except by killing those in control, mas stocking." jay. Betty wide; dia-In a democracy no such drastic action is necessary. All Jogue. -.Mother Decide.- i? tire 'that a person or group of persons has to do in order to characters: dialogue. "Chasitg ciarke. iinrl tPh thMn rn'tl n VUr SnLL i fol os found Out." by eight boys; ceedings consisted of Mrs. II. Erik n0;7;Turu Ti sl J " "u piano sold, "Star of the East," Rosie sen. Mrs. F. gkaland Mrs O Klldal affairs. When we Watch the which the various manner m Smith; recitation, "Sunbeams In Mrs It JrxmP!?urn -systems work out in Europe, it makes us better than ever Action," by Ruby suden. and dia- c Lindth. 'm u.iv,s.' satisfied with our own system. It is cumbersome and anv- ,osue- "In a Judean Household." by Mrs Nels Luth, H Oreeostrand li ! thing but economical but it can be modified and improved. . clara and Mary PJerce oi-dbramen. s jonrensen. peter ! Tf,tl 1 A1 , . , . . .. . -, umii seerai ouier ounjries aemonsu'ate that they nave something. better and show its workings over a period of years, we shall scarcely wish to imitate it. -SHOULD BE STANDARDIZED A f riendof this paper makes a suggestion which we.pass i on ib'r what it is worth. He savs that in visiting arnund; mat visitors may not he taking .chances as they do now. roBsipiy under ;tjieee difficult -circumstances it mav niw: tu up uuiniiur. Miliar cniet cocktail Start the New Year R Use Buikley Valley Coal and Heep your fuel dollar in this district Your dealer will supply .you HOTTER CLEANER LASTS LONGER rrom inc vvaieriront ambflLhisJfriends at Christmas he found that the cock- cran wdiiscroft. Pat sims,' iailsheh;ank were much too varied. Some of them wereadd? Ralme; a,ld w- oroswenor.; and maiiy mixed them with -various fimit winch jcev. juices ; Reserve, sailed last night n the he lounH neither pleasant to the taste or beneficial to the! Prince Oeorge for Esquimau where : neaun. ne suggests that a general formula he followed so they wl J01" either the skeena or snnprvisnr in nr. I Vancouver to make a training cruise 1 i ;iu-.uic--,w.c?i,inue5. incy expec to; . be awav about five month 1 - . - . ... s . - I riai th.it fiinh rmvi w . .;..t t , . . . I w uvss s.uiiuuim:ui5 as uui" Jnenu may De protected. .Armour jSalvage Co.'s powtr tug ! the alternative wdiud.be '.to form a new organization to be salvage princess. -capt. Reg crten.i,.-known as .the Uniform Ckcktail Society that would under- "turned to;port. last njght from the ; jiiKe to rtjring.ayout f eiprms m this direction. ;noiul a" naT8 oeuverea a We strongly 8USpect our friend of having extreme ' dical tendencies ih introducing such a leftist movement !? Measuring eighty feet In leu jth artd weighing twelve tons, the "jr-cass of what 'Is believed .to nave ' been the largest .whale In the world has been washed ashore on the i Turkish coast of the Medltcrcinean, ' according to press dispatches. CP. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, ,Oapt. James-Flood, is due in pou at , 4 o'clock this afternoon from she , south ,und '.will sail at lO pm.,on'Saer return to (Vancouver .and tway- polnjts. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Xlcorgeson, Is due Jn pott at 7:20 this evening from Vancouver and waypolnts and will sail at 12 midnight on her return south, Try a Dally News classified ad, "rr Vaneotivei- Tuesday-Catala. .1-.3C Thurs s. p. Oeorge 10:30 V, pjn. n, LEVIS. Que.. Dec. 28: CP Cap- .i.u Jejh , Eizear Bemler, eele- ...icd&tcnch-Oanadian Arctic, explorer. ho dkd here on Wednesday i uiglu. would have been eighty) truce vcirs of age on New Year's j .y. Capt. Btmier lor years conducted Arctic exploratory work, (or the i anadlan government, reaching ...ay i mote points aeldouvlf ever visited by white men. One of the .inbltlons cf his life was to visit the .-th.Pa!e hut he neyer achieved .'v.s drsire. UucJu of the work of claiming -itvlic .regions (or Canada , fell to Captain BerrUcr. The Captaiu In his capacity as explorer for the-depart-uent of Interior. Ottawa, made 12 , t ips to tjae Arctic Islands, during which he-pUnted the Canadian (lag t ' m Hiany ot them. The Captain, in the course of CO years as a seafaring man. covered nearly 500,000 toilet n his trips and during this time at matter of 107 ships. In between his trips to the Arctic Captain Ber-nler.dld much to familiarize people of Canada with its frozen north by .csture -tours. The Captain In most it the Journeys north used the Canadian government steamship Arctic In 1924 the first experiments with short wave radio equipment i were made on Captain Bernlert There were about 300 persons in 'ship. Remarks of welcome, Inge YalleiT? Peter Llen3 SHecttons by male bonis of Var-den Siners under direction of Peter Lreh. t-nnstmas Message' Rev. c. D. bring about a change Of policy is to pemiade the people wacos- D we sjunoeams; pan j. Christmas Caro bv Varden Sing- of the .countiy that it is right and in their best interests hJLTTZ '"r ... , . ,nd they will vote for it -Even-one has an onoortunitv to JZt ZJH murtlty sln chrktm" Music for danclnr was fjumlshed by Mrs. J. -S. slack's Orchestra. The committee "What What the success of Lien and In.e Valten lesponsihle for the evening's pro- Captain Bemler was particularly yroud of the fact that on one of his northern cruises a cross was planted under his supervision on a mountain top on Melville Island. This Is the farthest north spot In liie world Jr Droeraro wb m h,H had Prpsram. 5 was v"mi customary ncrc uiwr e-xuis sucn a monu- ..k..uw. w.wwiu menu, is S3 a tanamarx tor a e rca l carols after which the floor was distance, and It is solidly planted, for the base rests In an accumulation vof stones six Xeet deeo. Every hours of the morning. During the I one of these stones had to be oar-evening refreshment, were served. I tied. up the mountain side In a sack. The program was s Xollows: I ?ne at -time. The arduous labor ix-- (.vessel jnany days, but they were a uroud and happy lot when the 'Piano duet Mips BJojrg Luth and ! cross was finally rabed with lmpos bmt un in. - . . . uig icmiiuiuH ana consecrated oy r Freneb-Canadlan missionary to ihc.Esklmos. The navigator war jtrn at L'-''et. Que., on January 1. 1852. and vas the ion of a sen captain. Tho--ns Bernler. He got his first com-nand of a vessel at the- age of 17 nd made many trips ;n charge of a rhoorjer when still a ypyth He ttabllshed a record for the round I m. - a m sl rs a w i I , 1 f 'T l .1 -ip in a salting ship from Canada i England whir)! stood for many tears. Temporarily retiring from lbr sea Captain Bemler accepted governorship of Quebec Jail for four jrarr. but could not resist the lure of the ocean and resigned this vjfttlon. He was a xnembcr of the Royal Colonial Canadian Institute London, and the Quebec OeoeranKif1! 6.oclety.fJle sva twice mirtred. both 1 iOf his .wives predeceasing him. as 'Aid his only son. When on 5 - ----- was raa mm thaoln resided In Levis across " nm .lQC "ver ;rom Qbc vhere he" wa d0J-ter for some year. - Ffid fDittimbi . ; 1 " 1 1 . fm: .i . j - I Tc C0LMAMt MUSTARD ttlSVC tUHtr j fuU SUth I rt tsth CtW CV. i Q.CM - t OJt - 0 t.Vtwic II.S.-F. Ctt I lilt S4ftt lit (Liri w ir ttp it suit 1,;' kditJf lr tin jini iff a - rr r.U COLMAN'S m r -a arrr MuitJrJ" , SKATES Frldayss. Prjnclaide'lO.pxn. A .D 1 ,1 n orS'tS' 5 Sharpened While f 'ZSrj Jail at Yuletide I You fait , Friday- -at. Prln. Adelaide 4 ,pm. j as Muocna , -pm Dec. 16 and 2Htr.. Norah a.m. We Aged, blended and bottled isi Scotland. Popular the "World over, became it is ALWAYS reliable Osand and Harold Slmonen Given Tlielr Treedom nn Christman Eve I'or Anyox.and Stewart 5 8unday-ss. Catala 8 p.m., -Axel.Osand and Harold Slmonscn 2 Wednesday--as. P, Oeorge 4 pm. this city, recently sentenced tot rom nnynx and -Stewart unny aay- imprisonment each for Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a jn. ' violation .of ihe flame Act in con- 1 Thursday m Pr. Oeorge 8 p.m. nectlon .with ihe shooting of cWr 1 i mrr no rort oimpisn- I "i uiu unanoiie islands Sunday--ss. Catala 8 pm ere released from city Jail, whsre From Naas River it Port Simpson . 1 they wcjc scrying the time, on Taesday-. Catala . .11:30 a m. ' Christmas (Eve. several days having For Queen Charlotte Islands been lopped off their time on corn-Dec. 7 and 21 -ss. P. John 10 pm 1 passionate grounds by the provln- rrom Queen Charlotteilslands clal government by order-In-coun-Dec. 5 and 10 ss. P. John 4 p.m. ell, The two men under normal clr- for Ocean Falls .cumitances would have hn . Thurs-fis. P. .Oeorge 10;30 p.m. leased on -January 1, s aJfl-4Vl Whisky We have the equipinent to do a good Job Tube Skate and" Root Outfits- Hockey Sticks Kaien Hardware S Phone 3 This idvtriiKmnl m not publttlxd displayed by the Liqucr Control Bond or by list Cavtianijst of British Coluotbu FRESH MILK AM) CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 637 I I i -f ni i i V (3 jLeave uour COLD in a Mustard Bath Duo't let rouitbt and colds et worse! Stop tbem traits!? by ta-iaz Z &st '! -siraainc A wsirr nod 1 tablatpocat. fut ol Oilman's Mustard? Lie there sad relax." Your si to tiodle. Thto famp out, dry yourself thoroughly. $tt straight mjg bed sod ivJltbtfitmt Wonderful stuff - Colmsn't Mutt, a, the jcoovl old-fashioned t adr - Or, if more conTenient, tsVe foot bath In t nail of jitr si hot st youcan hesr, ith a table spoonful of Colmn s added. Wr$p n $tlj mf vrm tad soak your feet for 1 1 mioutcs and Veep wan afterwards! Mustard platters oa lb cbM or achinir ptttx j f Uk ftitf. Yon can't beat these old-tiroe "prtscriptioos. ' CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations hcanl on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, vill indicate that your radio needs .adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC tQSMHffi Mrrji:.f i Relieved . 1 Oft n In lK)t wratbrr and oooaaloo-y at othr-r tim. KUUM'' turniK.urandari.1, "Whr I nos ny al(ti of skk atomarh, Mrs. J. AlplinmHwTlronn, Itif-P.B.I., ".I always. Rlv Own TsWft." Thry qu'ftly " Uilnjs right, am vrrv iw ami )uit aa. All enrumon au-mt-nl.of thildtMHxl lfllii!ln t'1 ln are iromptly rrll Ilahy a Own Tal)(. 3 I11' aa at drug storfs. Or Willismi'