THE DAILY NEWS ————$$- $$ ——_____—_ WILL EXPLOIT THE OIL FIELDS Local Syndicate Form a Com- pany to Bore for Oil in Queen Charlottes. As a consequence of the reports of their expert, and the samples of oil-bearing shales and asphaltum brought from their property, an influential syndicate of local men have formed themselves company to bore for oil on Graham Island. The new company will be known as the Queen Charlotte Oil Company, with a capital of a million dollars. A strong provisional board with Dr. Kergin as president, Mr. Geo. Tite as vice president and Mr. William Vickers as secretary treas- urer was elected, and incorporation will be proceeded with. Boring for oil is being conducted on sections adjoining those held by the company. According the report of the company’s expert, the territory which has been desig- nated as oil territory by the Dominion geologists, is said to be more promising and to have strong- er indications than any he has seen in California. It is possible that none of the stock will be offered to the general mp initio a to Up to Date Grand Trunk The announcement that the Grand Trunk Railway company will use the telephone for train despatching over its entire system “BILLY” KNEW HIS MASTER Loyal Little Skye Terrier Which Alone Knows the Secret of the Old Crabman's' Death Rejoined His Owner Mr. Metz Last Night. “Billy”’ the sociable little Skye terrier which spent the long dreary vigil beside the body of the drown- ed crabman George Lichtenaur, across the harbor three weeks} ago, has found his own real master | at last. Billy was lent by J.) Metz to old George while Mr. | Metz went te Port Essington, | and Billy is the only living creature | who knows exactly how the poor old crabman met his death, Found by a News reporter, wet | “The News” ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertio —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL ee ee Se a eae i Classified Ads. LOOKING ———_—_— —————————— OVER— Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds | Policies Prepared While You Wait. | Mack Realty &-Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. and bedraggled, up to his neck in the chilly water which had} gradually driven him back from beside the corpse left uncovered | at first by the tide, Billy was | intensely grateful for the home he found temporarily in care of the “Daily News.” But last night} BOYS Two Five Dollar bills to be given away to bright boys. See Mr. Munroe at the News office. Billy encountered his own master | Mr. Metz just landing at the) G. T. P. boat slip, and the mutual | recognition was as pretty as a) picture. “Why, where have you been, ‘RUSH FOR LOTS IN TERRACE Continued from page 1. sr Reward by re 5t-180 | Phone 150 | Lost and Found The Insurance People | : | Lost— 3 is atta ca — i? te er sere ee ecident i late Glass Money to Loan pamcemsormsarmsrnealy Money to‘Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate ts of sale bought. P.O. Box 958 tf-181. For Rent i ee kn Do away with this. Newly furnished large outside rooms. Good tion, near business section. Everything homelike. Hot and cold water. bath and tele- . Call and see ao Phone 179. The | iby Rooms. 185-190 Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at Furnished rooms with bath. Special rates by the week. Talbot House. 166-tf Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred. — Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116 Nice Furnished Block; Third Ave. New five room house, cor. 4th Ave. and Bowser street. $25 a month. Phone § or P.O, box 862. §0-tf Mrs. Greenwood, Alder 178-tf To Rent—8 room house, hot and cold water, bath and every modern convenience. $30 a month. Cor. Young St. and 8th Ave. Apply P.O. box 699. Billy?” exclaimed Mr. Metz pat- ting the shaggy little doggie. Billy did his best to explain in}] the clearest of dog language. After a talk with his master, he remem- valleys, settlers are getting their condition, and in the near future the bridge and into profitable productive | across the Skeena at is very interesting, seys the Fort} mered his friends of the ‘‘Daily|Little Canyon, which means so} George Herald. It may be recalled} News’ and introduced them to}much to the districi, will be! that when the telephone first} Mr. Metz. Explanations followed|complete. With all these ad-| § came into use, a ‘suggestion Was| between the “Humans” Billy nod-|vantages Terrace is in fact two} made that it should be employed for this purpose, but objection was taken that there would be no record of orders thus given. The Wharf Trouble Mr. W. E. Dewig, secretary of the Longshoremen’s Union writes the News that the trouble at the |, wharf yesterday had nothing to ding assent, and wagging his tail as Harry Lauder says for parting came.” instant loyal little Billy hesitated }+ between friends and master. to the Then |i time the story. “The to punctuate with the politest of bow-wow bows |< “Daily News,” he trotted | j of joyfully beside Mr. Metz. Billy will now live with his master solid years ahead of every Then |the place, and the other | . | who is| nterior town. Mr. Little the owner of the townsite is net | For just an|anxious that nothing except the | ruth shall be said or written about | confidence of | he local investors in the prope rty | s shown by the number of Prince | Rupert people who have already | purchased lots. do with the Pacific Stevedoring | across at Digby Island. Here are a few of them: A. E. | Company, but with the OffiCers | i ————_ ! McMaster, Grand Trunk Pacific | of the steamer British Empire Passenger Agent, A. J. Morris} who had engaged non-union men. Pre-emptions & Purchases (firm of J. Piercy Morris & Co.); Arthur Cuthbert, Provincial As- | For row boats and launches|| Hecate to tatgee antNaw |lsenor; W. C. Mehan, General telephone 320 green. Davis’|] tors,’’ Box No. 989. Superintendent G. T. P. Railway; Boat House. | W. A. MecNicholl, Grand Trunk sae ree NE REAR ie meme | Pacific Company; Thomas N a ae —@ | Dunn; Leon Chester Mackin; Wal NOT SATURDAY, A All delegates throughout the consti (Signed ) Comox-Atlin Liberal Convention is fixed for at Nanaimo, B.C. present BUSINESS —Selection of a candidate to contest seat in Dominion Par liament for Comox-Atlin H. C. Brewster, M.L.A., Chairman c jt ICE! c or actually know what talk with someone who has visited | News of October 3, Terrace | beautiful |raced into ideal business and resi-|from India where the Mutiny was | > > }dential sections, {| ter Owens, Chief of Provincial | D y W t ee ee ae {| Police; J. H. McMullia, Provin-| 0 ou an { Why not eat luncheon and dinner j t | cial Government Agent; Arthur} Value fo at the |C. Little; Harry Rochesier; Chas. | r ; E h G ill |Munroe; F. A. Ellis; Messrs. | { xc ange rl j Stuart & Mobley, Wholesale Pro-| Your Money | The Price 35 cents——IS RIGHT {| vision Merchants; J. K. Gordon; c f os : { / | Messrs. McCaffery & Gibbons o—tnelaesimatmetmetmetaee ! and the cpeine ond er m / | George D. Tite; Robert Jennings eee / weil established standar j | Brovi ’ wincial Road Superintendent; ~~ - PROP. r= { LER SONI a 1 / William Manson, Mayor of Prince | e 4 Rupert; Mr. Holtby and Mrs. A.| er ° Lailey. Each and every one of these itizens has either visited Terrace, recommended to friend who townsite. been here by invest has They | some seen the they are doing. from his des- of a Ler- is to gain picture naturally ription, a mental townsite level, and easily UGUST 19TH | graded. Enough has, been said } about its situation to prove the value of the town’s prospecis por t is endeavor to be tuency will please | a e «ASK UNCLE JERRY 2 I Lams REAL He buys Lots |selling the |today at prices varying from $75 jto $350. T ESTATE He sells Buildings He has Houses to Rent List Your Properties with Jeremiah H. Kugler the Kit-| Valleys. | wealth of Lakelse he natural umkalum and |Messrs. McCaffery & Gibbons are | lots in Prince Rupegt Terms nd the balance ighteen mon-hs ai six per c he invesiment is a good o2e. A quarter cash ia six, Lwelve, or | nt. le Oe terms. Apply Box 999, P.O., Prince Rupert. 176-182 + + Insurance ; | Good money in Moving Pictures. posse ssi m | make jnews is principally | then raging. The despatches. are dated July |f 127 and August 10—an +. 1 of the changed news conditions. | The news which took nine weeks| Help Wanted Wanted—Good sized boy to help in kitchen and make himself generally useful. Apply James Hotel, 3rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. tf _ For Sale | Cooking Range and Kitchen Furniture. Apply Cor. 8th and Cotton Streets. 180-40 For Sale— Chicken Ranch. 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 368. tf For Sale—Owner will sell four good lots Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 27, Section 5, Taylor street, size 41 x 25 x 100, at $700 each, on reasonable ss es rs a rs es OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co, =n j Business Chances -— ? Wanted—A | party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, | Watertown. Wis. 137-wi FOR RENT Store Building on Second Avenue and Seventh Street. Low Rent. Jeremiah H. —” Ltd. SOMPESEESERESES 2 NEWSPAPEX TREASURE ' Copy of Illustrated London News of 1857 Found at the| Wharf. Mr. W. ics men’s Union has in his . Montgomery of the os an intere sting news- paper, which he found while clean- | ing out the freight sheds at the} wharf a couple of weeks ago. It| To is a copy of the Ilustrated London | Third Avenue 1857. | Its news and advertising columns | interesting reading. war despatches | Bogs toe indication | to reach London, there in about nine minutes. literary the poets even being invoked, is in | contrast to the business like news | would now get The | standard of today. There is a noticeable absence ot) Canadian news. INVESTMENTS JEREMIAH UH. KUGL The ® flavor of the despatches, | ¥ From $2.50 to $25.00 A pen for every hand. The New Safety is the last word in Fountain Pen efficiency. McRAE BROS., LTD. Everything for the Office. FOR SALE Steam Tug ‘‘Nagasaki.” Length 50 ft., beam 9 ft., draft 4 ft. |6 in., 8 H.P. engine. Boiler used three seasons, now in use as Cannery tender. | May be seen at Port Nelson Cannery, | Naas river. For further particulars |apply to W. Lord, Port Nelson, or H | Bell-Irving & Co., Vancouver, B.C. 184- 1s9 ee ose esocseeco es: seeaeeareaees: 0 000 000000 000 00% + Apply oa H. Kugler, Lid SESSESSESSES ESSER SEES ESE Ss PROPROPRe zope eee shotheseesteiteses c2 ae eraearnae ee SEEDER : GROUND Floor Space for Rent in the Hart building, corner of Second Ave. and Sixth Stre« The Best Business Corner in Prince Auper! eeeereoe The Balance of Stock of C who are relinquishing business, B, Schreiber to be AUCTION at Centre Street, Prince Rupert Sold Without Reserve by PUBLIC Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Rubber Goods, Under wear, Fixtures and Fittings, Travelling Bags, etc, Schreiber’s Store SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, at 2 and 8 pm .Grand Hotel. Workingman's Home 3eds, clean White Sheets 25¢ Rooms 50c BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor Spring ee et rome] New Goods for Do Vier Shoes ? Need Repairing If so ) S them to our NEW STAND Third Avenue, between 7th and 8th St. We have moved from the Hart Block : g John Kadakas Bet. 7th and 8th Sts. POLICE WATCHES All Varied in time in Police Court the other oT. If you carry a : Reliable Standard Watch You would always have the Correct Time ; : : Only reliable watches are kept in stock by the G.T.P. Official Watch Inspector. eeeeee R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. PHONE 8&2 ER He sells Contracts Haze He builds Homes Kis Kitselas Lands Special Bargains in Francois Lake Lands Lakelse lton District Lands piox Valley Lands Bulkley Valley Lands Porcher Island Lands Kitsumkalum Lands, Sand, Gravel and Marble Deposits He buys Leases Lands He sells Houses © O80 090 089 020 o00 o00 cee See os: your Toilet Table Pett tedatataitndaiii wry wrvrvv—rryrv"s Puta of the leading druggists it us some pre toilet Some wholesale have just ser new perfumes, parations and necessities Wecarry only the best Patent Medicines and our Prescription De partment is a specialty C. H. Orme ‘“THE PIONEER DRUGGIST”’ Second Ave. Phone No. 82 POPOV OSC SOS OS OSC TC rt ror DOAN PONEHIIIIIN OI a + i ‘ / i i { i ! | ! ! i i i4 4 4 Peer en el OUR GROCERIES are Fresh and First-Class Goods only. | Give us your next order for a “—~e tia, | } | DB! Phone 228 Black ESTATE He has Farms For Sale Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. eee sesso see ssc ese sse cee cee coe ese ese sce s bth Ave., Bast of McBride | $50 | Lots Mussallem & Company ==>" Good Fresh Groceries at City Prices. | For Fire, | | t Lots in For epnennerer es! 2 DIDIER: ESE seeereecres pas eee easter serene eueeee we REAL He loans Money He rents Stores SENSE CE RUp* a (ASK UNCLE JERRY osetia Prince asl + free mam G. R. NADEN COMPANY Rupert, BC glance balance 35), Bai} th. Niet ash am Now lots in Fort Mussallem & Cor Company JOHN pyBHANN