l u" 4t il ..!t$ , fjtslx SCOTCIT WHISKY (Imported) Grand OJjPjrr 1 J. IT. D. PriraJ Stock' ij. .Sarxfv MwiWiM Sttvart's 'QearS rif fit BajV" WLitrley'i "Uous of. LooVV uivi-utui imported ) 2,-, lirannsy'a Three jSlar .1 $!F.OO HOLLAND GIN flrnporfd) VJfe SchnjJT?, . ...... 'iV'--., CHAMPAGNE XFrmch) G. H. Mtrram ai CoY Em. Dry - - $3.75 u. i. .Mumro Ui i Cfinton Rougr . . 4.25 . (Socicte Virttfote.Dc Clunr.nr Stttceurar) - Ui aaveritseinotit is not $433 4.60 4; 00 3.3S 3.65 4.00 $2.5 CHAMPAGNE (Canadian) Catena Champagne, Larg Bottle . ... . . 51.90 SPARKLING BURGUNDY" Calona Sriartlint Buritiu.Jr, Ltrgt Bottl JX.7S Vermouth Calona, French and itaCanBoittlr : Calona Clear Calona Red Sringer Logan SfirtjfCT'a Grape CANADIAN 'WINES CM., . , .!, Cl $2.35 $1.45 . 2.85 1.45 . 2.6S 1.43 $3.75 ', B.nla $2.00 2.25 o-ai. 2&-oi. 7Se sot 75c 50e 75c 50e 85 r 60c This advertisement ts n..t piH.H'.fift! ir di plavvri !v tbc Li-mo-Control Boafd or by he ,vrri.iMent i" Brh.ft Columbia. ITS NAME GUARANTEES ITS lfVoz. $1.75 25 ot $2.65 BnjMtyr A-WLctt alalaial KrK ar.r Jr rr J g ft v y!!----i --Kf--l HIRAM WALKER &. SONS LIMITED ... . v m? r'tl ,, tA. esr pushed W4 j.C0)u$no yt displnyea oy the Liquor C'liiuoi fjiiirtj ur oji the C-overhuient nf BrltUh jColnrnbla. iaEi?iriJCT::a::B:;n.:jii:.if:.a BELANGER IS WINNER iV?0,S;IVb,l8hea' a'P'yed by the MH5f;PVo1Wr by the Govenwiient of LONDON, pec. 23: Char tie Bel- anger of Winnipeg. Canadian light heavyweight boxing champion, won by a technical knockout over Al Eirch of England in the fifth round ; of - a Sfhwtiitftrt tTtol'.o m.,n here last night . Americans 5 Winnipeg Hockey Team Wins Match Monarch Defeated Berlin Squad By Scott? of 7 to Nil Last Nisht BERLIN, Dec. 28:r-TIe touring Winnipeg Monarch ice hockev team from Canada defeated a Ber lin team seven to nil In a game here last night Billiard Averages W. Stuart E!ks George Howe (G .... C. P. Balagno (Elks)' E. Cameron Emp O. 3 3 3 i R. McLeod Emp 2 J. Bulger (Elks) ...2' George Cripps fCL ...2 ' A. Harvev CLi l H. Menzie Elks l iL E. Young Emp 3 Bert Morgan (OJ .. LT. Kerrigan G , 3 - A. Donald (Emp W. Macey (Empt l J. E. Morris Elks "... 1 fW. Williscroft EIks) jM M. Lamb CL 3 G. A. Woodland CLr ... 2 W. Huison G tE. Batt 'G 2 ,S. D. Macdpnald G) 2 L. Raabe Emp i P. Pritchard Emp) 3 D. Brown G 3 !K Stacey Emp) l G. P Tinker CY 3 C L. Youngman CL 3 A. Beale (CLi i James Andrews Elks) 2 Da tij lu.L. 1 . ! . i . . .1 . : " ' 1 " " ia i aippaHO Miai juat WaJt jnt habtta ar reJr your Iri-U-mbtmt&,,tvtmV-. IttaWtauaaraur Uminatn-a nrmat ara'a-J f.ioJiir. fully Uy ttail tl-l "! f" tUouak lUy uf aaroaaa Ttiifq ami nawa'-tia. iba HHIHHIIBIHiHHHHiilfliHIHH PAGE TOTO tee dail ffiw t -liicte iiSt Of siii;Ki TKi m ' M w i v ass a: iKfno irs Si kifiwl are otfiaiibfc" at 6orrTairnt Liquor 4 PORT NEWS f"5'' "" ' mimi Vmk ,M, -. " - - ' ww- rwaru, en Ea:ty be. jr&cpuwr, E." Hockey Scores Boston 0. Montreal 1. j Toronto 4. New York Ajntrleftns 3 overtime i. ;? vt.t ....J Detroit 2. St. Loub 5. lirJrattd Englishman By Technical Knock-Out Hockey Standings Fine Skating Is Being Enjoyed Alabama Favored To Win Football rf-Kt i Hyp Otlds Aralnt Stan. ford in Annual RrHe rtnwl Game Sest Week PASADENA. CSal.. Dec. 28: Elulit to five odds are belne ouoted on . . " . . . , Aiaoama to wtn the annual N"ew International Division 1v.k n, fh,ii , '.v n f pat ' J ? 31 ! Alabama team is now on it vay 7 i, I II JU la I 3 7 29 3i 13 2 10 33 45 12 !St. Louis 4 2 13 23 33 10 j American Division Chicaso JO I 5 33 23 21 Boston 9, 0 8 41 37" 18 Detroit 7 2. 9 51 39 18 Rangers 6 0 10 41 57 10 Rupert Badminton Club Has Cinched First Half Honors Rupert No l team having,cinched "A" Division honors and Canadian National Recreation Association having won "B" Division, further scheduled fixtures in the first half of the Prince Rupert Badminton ineai conamont Draw Crowds To Association's inter-club competition Various lee Sheets have been cancelled. Second half play win start soon alter the New Yer" With the cold snap continuing. excellent skating is now being en- " Joyed by many lovers of this pjw- Hip; Four Wins ' til av. M.r a as.weu ?n Over Annette's ?so M.? In Udit Howls OO ... .. . . no 9.4i"tr wuuwiuii uj wun me pros- mg rwir aeieaied Annette s by a 750 250 1 - -u"""u'8- ic pona vn urr crwe oi job to 377 weancsaay nlsht 500 250 ' C" R hotel excavatiGn 0n Second in the Ladies' Bowling League at 500 250'AVnUC 19 ihC haU"t 0f numertms the Elks' Home. 500 so!511' - ' The ro!lo,rtn ames are sche- Armour fialvaae Co.'s duled foi 250 250 power tonight: Big Pour vs. 250 250 11 Pachena maci' trip to the Lucky Strikes Annette' r. cn- 739 726 7J7 71 238 235 676 676 450 225 445 442 219 355 646 214 602 579 136 312 2l J 7 WU1 "nai Recreation Assocla- 242' 239, 239 i 238" 235 225 225 225 225 223 221 219 218 213 214 201 193 186 1 156 Simple Rules Prevent WEARINESS Du fuu lao tUt tkert iaVdmpb. twl r w lU; w the tucWuMl o( wd itIU r3 to rd tkoM ltt U wiimi kn b-rty nd brun ma lii((ik and lietryT Ttxro'u. AdJ it knnfrv, pu l.f Ua' you are m mruiirVaJy aSarirx' Irea ia-mpiMUioiijU,a UmIj itaTM, Eat londcrauly gep auRiivnUy. Gti UU A lnli air. nmiae mmii r frttMa. Daa't Mry. And make tort of . (AipWUljiuinUi 1 .- takiif a ;tiilal. ,, (ileaaaut'tsuiic a 'I Aml.-ri Lii'rf Kah .,Bi or f aV .mi: i".. ,wC't '" f.Awlra Urar fIf ata l!p .Satura bi auataiif temptu rliM.mativa. aad tLat yav a tratfal aoiw t. ami aWaln yrl ia viauroua Laaltk. PnrtrirkVar r lttrf thaa rara. Braja atw ".. i'"nai Aadrwa Rfii for lU.Ita Ji Aa4f iar fait .ri a your .Irotx -t. la bna. lie aad tc Nmi l.r. .. i. 74. M. I. . l . h uhwi vat, ia., Karoaw. i . ; - 1 a pany oi ixaiers ion AUey Cats ys Mussallern's. 61 mam iaa mfaMiagU frwnte the ihrte eta-triala ef ikt Mrfact tack- tail . . . Moth-rfrr -fwltat . . aa4 ik. coal U Cttla. a matter kav Baay ;h arta Try iltit it . . . MsML7r dit oocrraiL r 4 aorta Muaaat I J . a... UaU I t arta I raavab Mttaaa V XO tamik Craak4la r 1 y hl ct"-' co-urrrro J Tl IP On m i T r i r- riti'K '" COCKTAIL This lulvertisemthi li not puansneo or awojayea by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government fit British Columbia ii J The Minerals of British Columbia ru11!?, Pr,ovln offers excellent opportunities for useful and fW nSlfnV' BrUWl Columbia has F produced over " 3152.000,000. wofth of minerals. nie gros value of mineral production for the six months ended June 30th UT34. exclusive of the gold premium, Is estimated at $18,067.0911)0 an increase of 50.5', over the estteated vSe of vmiossmmmdln,c slx-monih r,od ot 1! Gold producUori shdwed' a decided increase: a total return in Canadian funds to the gold-producers of British Columbia ?rin. the(frt six months foi- 1934 being approximately $3028 . 124.00, v. 'Increase ott2 wer the return In Canadian funds received during the. first half ot 1933. ' . RLCENT PUBLICATIONK Or TIIH DEPARTSIENT OF MINKS, the yeanrdl933e,i0rt f the llohouraWe the MIn'ter of Mines for ' Summary and Review of the Mineral Industry of British Columbia for the six months ended June 30th 1934 Bulletin, 'British Columbia the Mineral Industry- fcontain-lnc a short hisry.of nfinhig, a synopsis of the Mining Lawstflmf B other dau of. Value' to prospectors) Placer Mining ill British Columbia. , Won-tn.ctnlH( Mineral Investigations; "Barite," "A,btos" 'Glassware,' Clay;' "Magnesltc " and 'llydro-magneslte9" ' A . . . t"'0Ttn enquiries tqi WtIfVICTORIA.B.O'ii V HOLIDAY SPmS NEW LOW PRICES tjoj th fm old Jtpen'itUt qutfay "Woilitmti Brtndt lor Connoiu umri", a rire, thct ra matny caiirj show sttrscihr reduction! WHY C12V Saver Fin (Sew HJj Site saw 4 Flu Sarv . 9 In Mtrtlrto Lk1o Dry .Ntiatlrlcx LiJni Drr Silver Slippee LaatJon Dry - Siiif Siippaar ( , Dry Ofd Dutch (Genrrsrpc) Otd Duuit (Gaaara'aypf) RYE WHISKY UJJ. TKocootWrra! UDL TnorougKbrvtl LLD.L. Sfxrfial Sperist U.DX. Speml Jotley Op jrxlcy Op .'115 25. m 2.50 .-. '1-15 '275 , 1 1 . 25-o. '2.50 ..25-tn. MB 40-o WHISKY Putt WtfittnJ Whitky, BtenJcJ ni ftttti m StotUnJ MfDorvald'f Nightcap McDorutlcTs Nigfifap . McDonald's Niglttcap HiCKlard Sairrdy HlghUrul Sandy John Dunbar Gold" LaUl McK.y f1 Jfi -ox. -H- .2o-os. r5" .40-01. 26-r. 4 5 4.50 in tin w2ts-o. " "The. Chofro pfiConnoiMeur" T This advertisement is not published or displayed rt Control Hosrd or by the Government o Brililt Ms. The Fsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED -BLACK COD Prepared Dally Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Hi PIILNCE RUPEHT, B.C. " j .. ;-. Daily Neihs Want Ads Bring