tfM1, Mtnteer 28, 1831. THE DAILY WTWB PAOB TERES Stop That Cold ! We Offer Two of Our Own Preparations Ormes Horehound and Honey With White Pine, Wild Cherry and Eucalyptus (Mentholated) An ideal cough remedy for the children Price, 50 cents Ormes Special Cough Mixture Tiiis mixture has become .very popular during the last year and we . fully recommend It to you for Coughs, ColUs and Hronchial Affections. Price, 50 cents The sudden chaise in the weather is causing many colds. STOP THEM NOW! Ormes Ltd. TJie Piontcr Druqtyists Ihr Retail Slow fbones: II & t? Saturd Specials GE6.SE DUCKS Fresh Killed No. OAn Fresh Killed OC0 1 Gee lb. T-r u V Ducks, lb: Local Fresh Killed ,.i Joungrowl 25C Roasting OQn lb. . "" for boiling, Chickens, lb. 11 KEF LAMH Hump Koast, lb. . . .15c Legs, lb. 22c Pot Roast, lb 10c Shoulder, lb 15c Brisket, 8 lbs 25c Stew, 3 lbs. 25c llakeasy, 2 lb: 25c Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. 25c Veal Rumps, lb. 15c Pork Rutts, lb 20c Young Reef Liver lb. 15c Delico Bacon, pkg. 18c COLD WEATHKK NEEDS Blankets-from, per pair Mattresses, all felt. A good mattress assures warmth HYDE Phone -580 -Phone Birch Wood Jackpinc Cedar Kindling $5.00 $7.50 MACKENZIE FURNITURE'S I'MONK 775 RAW FURS For Highest Market Prices and Quick Returns Ship or Bring Your Furs to HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY liir Purchasing Agency Prince Itupert, ttC TRANSFER Pembina, Jasper Egg & Lump Coal Furniture Moving I " .1 1 I I 1 1 LULAL INfcWb lWlfcb Be warm and comfortable by Tld- You can rent a car at Walker'e ing in 32 Taxi It costs the same, as low as $150 a day, plus 7c. a I'reslI' I 'I ou ruler's es a- board Unome, Hunt's Float. . ,(t') Sons of Norway "Xmas Tree and Phest Co!ds w At Rub Rub well well over over throat and chest OVtPtjMIUION JAffS USED YEARLY tl mile. cance Friday. Dec 28 at 8:30 p.m. Adm. 50c. For the children 2 to 4 In the afternoon. The Sons of Norway Lodge Is holding its annual Christmas tree for children this afternoon In the Moose Hall. Tonight there will 'be a -lance for the adults. I : : I Mrs Dave Ov.-er.s wishes to i thank all those who voted for her -son. Anirew Owens, enabling him to win one or the prizes in inc I I Ormes Prize Contest. ! Mrs Louis Rlptteln of Montreal, following a brief visit here with her I father, William Ooldbloom, sailed i ast night by the Prince George on iher return to Vancouver. , James McOloahan of Terrace ar i rived in the city on last ntght'i train from the interior for a brief 1 visit to town. He will return to Terrace this afternoon. Norman Moorehouse returned to the city on last night's train after spending Christmas at Terrace. Mrs Moorehouse is remaining for a while longer at Terrace wRh her oarents. Miss Margaret Kenney. daughter of Mr. and Mr. E. T. Kenney of Terrace, arrived in the city from 'he interior on last evening's train to pay a tslt here as the guest o'f Mis Mary Helen Orme, Graham Avenue, Weatflew. Miss Jean Fraser. who teaches whool at, Vappouver, has arrlVRd in the city from the routh to spt nd the Christmas ana New Year vacation with her mother, Mrs J. D. Fraser, Brooksbank Apartments. Inder S'nh. Hindu, charaed with upplvina liquor to Indians, appear ed before Masistrate MrClymont in city police court Monday and was remanded until this afternoon. John Mlckelius. charged with conniving to supply, is also appearing in police f-ourt this afternoon. Woo! Underwear For Ladies And Children These cold days demand warm underwear. We have a complete line at prices you want to pay WALLACE'S COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Nij;ht Always fresh-Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe MlsjncyOuyan n$. sailed last night-H Uhe Prince Qeorge for Vancouver. I , MP VMit d Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Woodland sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Joe Scott sailed last night on the Prince George for a two weeks' holi day trip! tq Vancouver and Seattle House known as Hyde Transfer for sale or rent. 171 Third Avenue East, modern six rooms and bathroom, warehouse beneath, furnace, heated. Also one piano for sale. In first class shape, household good i oil-top desk, sedan, car, snap for cash. Phone 176, tf George Orosvenor entered the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital a few days ago for surgical treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McRae left or Monday evening s train for Terrace to spend Christmas with Mr and Mrs. John McRae and returned home last night. Percy Gladstone of Vanarsdol arrived In the city from the interior last-week and "left to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday leason at Skldegate. Nelson Allen of the teaching staff of King Edward High School left for his home in Vancouver where he will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Vernon Crockett, principal of the Smlthers High School, passed through the city a few days ago on his way to Vancouver where he will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Having been taken suddenly 111, Joe Brown was removed to the hos pital in the ambulance Christmas morning to undergo treatment. He Is progressing favorably, according to latest reports. Announcement Sons of Norway Xmas Tree, December 28, Moose Hall. Oddfellows' Scotch Dance. December 31. Hogmanay Moose Hall Moose Legion New Year's Eve DANCE Everybody welcome LARGE STOCK - of -Linoleum & Conolcum Numerous Patterns to Choose From. A Complete Full Line. Prices will more than meet the prices quoted in eastern cata-Wiics Customers will be well advised to make an earl; and Inspect what we ve. You make a dollar when you sell! Why not make another dollar when you buy? Wc wish all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year D.ELI0 BSSS l'hone Green 121 Box No. 9G Still Buying Old Gold I '.i I HAVE A JAR OF Vu,AMEMTH0UTUMi - VSr- IN MY PACK, Wentholaium The Hcauno Crcam MADt W CANADA C k KtlHiHB51 IlISKB EiS.aiH Mail Schedule For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fn days - 4:30 pm From the Cast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays : 10:15 pjn. For Vancouver Mondays Urain) 4:30 pm. Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays train) .... 4:30 pjn Thursdays 9:30 pm Friday 11 pm. December 20 - 4 pm. From Vancouver- Sunday .. 1L"4 pm. Tuesday (train) 10:15 pm. Wednesday 10 am. Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m. Friday 4 pm. Saturday (train) 10:15 pm. December 16 and 30 '. am. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 7 pm. r Wednesday 3 pm. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday 11:30 a m Thursday 8 pm. For Naa River and Fort Simpson-Sunday 7 pm From Naas River and Fort Simpson Tuesday 11:30 am For Queen Charlotte Islands December 7 and 21 9 pm From Queen Charlotte Islands December 5 and 19 am. For Alaska-December 16 and 30 a.m. A Daily News Want-Ad. will net what you want. LOOK OUT FOR THESE SYMPTOMS OF CONSTIPATION Get Belief with Kellogg's All-Bran Headaches, loss of appetite and energy sallow complexions, and sleeplessness are often warning signs of common constipation. Unless checked, constipation may impair health. Today, you can usually get rid of common constipation by 'eating a delicious cereal. Laboratory tests show that Kellogg's All-Bran provides "bulk" and vitamin B to aid regularity. All-Bran is also a good source of blood-building iron. The "bulk" in All-Bran is much like that in leafy vegetables. Inside the body, it forms a soft mass. Gently, it clears the Intestines of w astes. How much better than taking patent medicines. Two tablespoonfuls daily will overcome moit types of constipation. Chronic cases, with every meal.. If seriously ill, see your doctor. All-Bran is not a "cure-all." Eojoy All-Bran as a cereal, or use in rooking. Appetizing recipes on the red-and-green package. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. e n im i im im lu lu im mm t Be Well Dressed in Holiday Season Anyone who wishes to be well flrcsscd Jfor the. holiday season including New Year can do so f orrery little money at MONTREAL IMPORTERS We,i artj. clearing our stock of beautiful sample Dresses, varied colors, styles and materials. You will want one of these lovely frocks for the holiday season. Come early and get first choice, values to $22.50. To clear from $2.49 10 $4.95 mw We are also clearing our Ladies' Coats at less than wholesale prices. These are nchly furred and luxuriously lined, a fine variety of cloth and colors to choose from, reg. to $35.00 QQ QC To clear from yOVU-, Men's fine Melton Cloth Overcoats, nicely tailored and. lined, reg. $25.00 - 1195 Men's finely tailored Sample Suits including the well known "Art Craft" make, values to -fl AQC $32.50 ; To clear from' V 51 1) Extra Special '-Monarch Knit" Silk and Wool Hose, in a fine assortment of colors 9 .f To clear, per pair mO e Accept Keiief Orders ' W 9 TBTITMT m,m "ITS B, T Bl until Jan. 5 Fcra-and-a-quarUr Round Trip tickals to Important points In Eastern Canada. Stopovers. Return limit Three Months. Also Low Fares to seaboard whan part , of ovarstas bcolc-'inas. Return limit. Ffve Months. For particulars ak your nearest Ticket Agent Canadian National TRAPPERS AND DEALERS Send all your foods to Goldbloom if you want a square deal. We do our business differently. You set your money at once. If you are not satisfied with the price send the money back and we return your eoods. We are interested in all furs to fill big orders. GOLDBLOOM'S CANADIAN PACIFIC c -riUNCESS NORA1P for Ketchikau, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway. Dec, 16th. 30th. Jan. 13th. 27th. FOR VANCOUVER direct, Dec. 20th, Jan. 3rd. 17th. 31st. SS. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, every Friday 10 PJJ. Winter rtOUNP Excursion Fares to Vancouver 32 00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1934 to Feb. 28th. 1935. Final return limit March 31st. 1935. For tickets and reservations W. I. COATES, General Agent, Trince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamrs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday ' T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. . Arriving Vancouver Monday ajn. WetklT mUIiiei to Port 8lmpo. . Alic Ann, Anjoi. Stewart and Ht River Mint. Leave Prince Rupen Sunday. 8 pjn, Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets av- SPECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARES TO VANCOUVER Return limit March 31st COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 $32.00 PRINCE Kt PF.RT AOENCVJ Third Avenar. Phoo SSS m For Christmas Local View Hand - Colored Christmas Cards and. Photo gtaphlc Calendars, Sunsets, Colored Views of Prince, Rupert Framed and Unframed. Views of the Strange Sea Monster Now on Sale Wrathalls " TP" 6 "lit