WASHINGTON. DC Dec. 20; Ja nr A, Muffait. prominent cxe cu Jvc 0'. J) ' Standard OU Co. tint,' be n nam i federal housing ad-BuniUrator by I'retdlt-. J-iuikUu D, Roovvrlt and has a1iedy started upon lib duties Today s Stocks (C-. iin. j a tt Mui ki x, Vancouver Alexandria. Uyvlrw. .01. v t Nlrkrle. JB. u M ivmjuiI, 33. .rudt.m. 2M. w.ilorno. 12.S5. : It. Cons.. .00'.. 1 It X Oold, t8. artboo. 1.40. xntonia. 39. unwell, .16. 'it-orcu niter, .oo. lolconda. JO. uaclcr Creek, .Otlj. 1 - range. .20. U rcules. .01 Lnto. .17. Hldlan. .12 Morning Star. .03 tt. w.itlonnl silver, .04. ii,br Fire. .004. ;'rntl Oreille, .45. :,ortr Idaho. .08. 'rrmlcr. I .SO. (ward. .03. Icno. 1.20. Silver Crest. .01 ialmon Oold. .09. Taylor Bridge. 58. Wayside. .084- Whitewater. 04ft. Wavcrly Tangier. .00IV inltetl Empire. .07. Toronto :cnlrni Patricia, 1.10. ' 'hlbouRamnti. .09. . ' AH Mil 'AM UV1U, 3ranada, .10. ntcr. Nickel. 23.25. 4.4niHKii. 2.50. , foraiida. 32.50. ihrrrltt, .40. iLsco. 2.52. M'Mlllun. 53. v. Ventures. .04. ' .. ; Uke Maron, M' 1 Trek Hughes! 3.03. Sudbury nasltv L30, . ''tolumarlo. AQt v Smelter Oold ,.10. r'un. Malarllc, .57. Utile Long Lac. 7.20, Astoria Itouyn, .02a,i. Sladacona, .15. Maple Leaf. .07. plckle Crow, 1.02.. 'onu Lac Lngodn, .10, Man. & Easlcr'n, .13. f puty Conn.. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cas- MONTGOMERY. W. Va., Dec 28. well of Vancouver were also in the' CP" Thirteen coal miners were INCREASE... iw 1? a Tin S I 111 JLiT.iiVj I ranre Want to be AWe to Increave j ConiDarative Naval Strtneth I 1'AItIS. Dec. JB:TS French gov- e-iiment has refused las tar as t formally denounce the Wash-Utgton Naval Treaty but It has cx- preed UMlf fe-"tnR opiwd to rnl ot the treaty on iia prescn hisis followtnt 1U expiry in 1933. WELLINGTON. N.Z.. Dec. 28:-4hc Duke of Gloucester, third son of King Oeorge, who Is making a ... -1 ...ill goodwill tour Of New Aeamuu. w Ing durtn the heat wave which is njw on In this country ( 4 . Tlie ' number of vessels which is expected to call here within ! the course of the next month or so to load full cargoes of grain from the Alberta Wheat ' Pool local elevator ior uic 1 United Kingdom or Continent. ; injured yesieraay. in an explosion ot the boiler of a locomotive draw ! iig a train ioadvu ilh tbvpe hun-.drrd i2enrbutt tV:ulfrKJiC(; ! 'owii as far dl lant as 100 yards. DESCENDENT OF ROYALTY roi bears of Itritish Ixrd Privy Seaf Were Klnn of Sweden STOCKHOLM. Dec. 28: Capt Anthony Eden. Lord Privy Seal of England, who has been a prominent 1 France will k hlher ra-ilf j intcrnaUonal affairs of titan the Hi now allowed it as com pared with 5-S-3 for Great Britain, tnlted SUtet and Japan France s !rtlk the same a that allowed itnU'. Kings Son Hurts Foot; Cannot Walk for Several Days btc, is a descendent cf Swedish royalty. It has been revealed here. V family tree has been sent to him thowlng how he descended from ; the Norse kings of not so many, snturles ago. J IS NAMED CHAIRMAN onl MacMUIan to Head Itritish Koral Commission Investigating Arms Manufacturers LONDON, Dec. 28: Lord mlllan. who was chairman of the VICTOR.14, B.C. Today's Weather tomorrows Tides mmln High 7:01 aon. 18.3 ft. Prince Hupert - Cloudy, light ' 19:37 pm. 15:3 ft northwest wind: barometer. 4-y, Low 0:23 ajn. 7.9 ft temperature, 23; sea smooth 13:25p.m. 8.8 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL JJRITISH COLUMJJIA'S NEWSPAPER V XXIV . No, 300, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1934 pRice: five cents CONDITIONS IN WINNIPEG, Dec 28: Manitoba will be the first province in Canada to make an experiment with state health insurance. The municipality of Woodnorth, with a population of 2,000 persons, has been selected for a two-year trial. The government will provide I Manitoba to be First Province In Canada to Make experiment; Woodnorth Chosen 1 three doctors, three nurses and a hospital and the people of Wood- j north will be asked to accept a - tux on property to cover free me- j dical and hospital service, single I persons to pay a poll tax. I If the experiment at Wood- ' north proves successful, the ser- , vice will be extended. i WEATHER REPORT situation ft couple of years ago as a ture id; smooth. result of which the Central Bank of TrtpIe island- Cloudy, moderate Canada was organized, has been nCrtherly wind; sea smooth. appointed chairman 01 tne royat commission which will investigate KAIN VESSEL IS DUE ;,hc nfUvMes of British munitions, Vfttli'miVAf WJlPaf Y aHLOUVer VI fltdl iiEiti: new yea it's eve , mflnufftcturcr5. Rcartlon-Smlth Llc n J.iT ,1 freighter Dradbutn. first of a . fCMUClll LiCUl Ull Entertains Best Behaved Children Sunday evening to meet the Rut. Bradbtim at Triple Island and pilot her Into port. The vessel ( POUND IN MONTKIUL A . 1 J Ka nlrnnrtv 4 - - IS uiincrsiuuu w uv ..vmv , K ; lined and rcany to swu iuauiiB grain soon after arrival. l VANCOUVER. Deu. 28: CP Wheat was quoted at 78?sc on the local exchange yesterday, advancing to 7814c today. GOLD PRICE IT MONTREAL, Dec. 23: CP PARIS. Dec. 28: (CP President, price of gold in London yesterday Is reported due at Triple Island 0nd Madame Albert Lebrun person- j was up 3c at $3i49 per ounce. The on Monday next to pick up ncr 1 ally entertained tne two nunnrcajunnanian ana wasiungion price pllpt. ,Capt. C W. Wearmoulh ; best-behaved school children In j wits $34.71. it lenvlnn Vancouver tonight France at the dfflclal residence. 1 - . j. ., n, naiflln nnd will be here Pnrh child received a Christmas' Mr. and Mrs. O Hills and family ! of Premier arrived In the city this week from the north to spend the Christmas an dNewr Year holiday snason here visiting with relatives. MONTREAL,. Dec. 28: The Brl- Mr. mils is tne son of Mrs. w. T. ttsh pound sterling closed at $4.01 , .Tattersal and Mrs. Hills Is the. on the local exchaugc. market yes- naugnicr 01 Mr. una Airs, ueorge u. terday. . Casey. 1 Day's ARE CHAOTIC SITUATION IN RUSSIA IS TENSE AS TERRORISTS ARE TRIED Communist Bandits On March; Missionaries Escape With Hardship Authorities Endeavoring to Check Onslaught or Brigand Annies -Two Babies Born as Church Envoys Hesitate After Evacuating Cliangtcn COASTWISE SHIPBURNS Steamer Ontario Beached by Coast-guard in Boston Harbor Members of Crew Injured BOSTON. Dec. 28: After having been virtually destroyed by flames, the coastwise steamer Ontario was beached In Boston Harbor by coast, guard vessels which took her in tow. No lives were lost althou:U eAAwil mftiKArt r t tit it fftAt ari CHANUSA. Hunan Dec 2S: A Province, (CT) group bumed before they could be re .. . . . . r 1 1 ...ii n 1 01 iugiuvi' missionaries wnicn arrived ncre irom me uan- moved from the blazing ship diMiiitsicd regions today revealed chaotic conditions as a result of the activities of brigand armies. Chinese authori-tt I'luleavui uiK to stop the communist march, ordered all missionaries to move to safety when gunfire opened on lt city of ihanglen. So hurriedly Oil Man Named Administrator Of U. S. Housing! erc the missionaries moved, it was neee&mry to slop at a small village KILLED IN . EXPLOSION where two baWe were bom one a; Thirteen Coal Miner Lose Uves ?lrl to Mrs. Nellie LoomU Orahara of; West Virginia When Loco- Carbondale Penn . and the other a motive Blown Up Mi. W N. Wagner of Water- J Soviet Ruler At Kiroff Funeral M I Ku ir..: 1 pre idenr. of u tJSSJl a id Joseph S' inn 2. dictator, marching in Vv fun ra pi - .jn of S M Kirov, assassinated chictuiin ot the Leningrad SovieL NEW TYPE N-BUILDING Circular Apartment House About to lie Erected in Liverpool LIVERPOOL. Dec. 28: -Construction of a brand new type of apartment building in the British Isles Is starting here. Designed somewhat along old Grecian lines. It will be ' circular and ten stories In height, being built of reinforced concrete. The actual height will be 110 feet. New York Stock Shares Utilities Drive Forces Most Alt Issues Down Two Thousand Soldiers On Guard In Leningrad While Court In Session Leonid Nicolaieff Shouts Defiance Before Military , Tribunal Declares He Freed Country of Low Down . Scoundrel and Others Will Finish Work LONDON, Dec 23: (CP) Reports reaching the Daily Express today said that two thousand soldiers were guarding the military cdlu t in Leningrad where fourteen alleged terrorists were on trial for their lives. The men. including Leonid Nicolaieff, are accused of the assassination of Sergei Kiroff, lieutenant and confidante of Dictator Jo- Kseph Stalin. They were shaskleo at Another Border j Dispute Before I Nations League! down My ! GENEVA, Dec. 28: Persia has' iarreed to meet the council V-in sviewju .settling- the Persiav It iq border dispute. Iraq this week la.d a formal protest before the leigue at the dver-runnmg of the Persians Into Iraq. GOVERN HEALERS Sr- " 45 and bondSl WAKfcHUUotb 'ound Sterling and Canadian Dollar New York Exchaiitft NEW YORK. Dec. 28: The Bri-' GOVERNMENT MAY .The ASSIST RAILWAYS OTTAWA, Dec. 28: CP A plan by which the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways would be assisted In financing an equipment order Of upwards of $30,000,000 Is OVERFLOWN No Market For Chinese Silk Owing To Increased Use of Kayon And Cotton Ush pound sterling cloasd at $1.94,a SHANGHAI, Dec. 23: Silk ware-' Inviorters of silk Is responsible for the situation. f London Demand Forces Price Of Silver Up NEW YORK, Dec. 28: CP Bar ..ie anfces and wrists when herded Into the courtroom. Nicolaieff is.re- rorted to have shouted defiance at the court when the trial opened, as-rtins: "I freed Russia from a. low scoundreL Others will finish work." SGASE IS Chiropractic Regulations for British Columbia Announced Advertising Forbidden T VICTORIA. Dec. 23: (CP) I Rf ii ' .'hiropractors In British Columbia lTiar I IS iiCUVc 'll not be allowed to advertise un- Ider regulations of the provincial! 1 chiropractic board which was Over Million fd yesterday. Registration fees of $250. exa- Martn Insull Acquitted on Embezzlement Charges Deportation May be Sought i CHICAGO, Dec. 28: Martin In-' sull may escape trial on further , charges of embezzlement In connec- tlsn with the collapse of the utill- . Vis enterprises of himself and his cider brother, Samuel, but it Is U'tely that the authorlUe3 will take steps to have him deported as an L.idesirable alien. Martin Insull ns acquitted by ajury after twelve hours" deliberation on charges of eabezzllng $340,000. Similar charges Involving $104,000 still stand against him but It Is expected these will be dipped now. I ruination fees of $300 and annual' The federal government Is also : -j membership fees of $75 are the considering the dropping of fur- t NEW YORK. Dec. 23 : -Stock levies set. - ther charges against Samuel Insull trading was fairly active on the Examinations under a special 1 f cllowlne his acoulttal at his first New York Exchange although a examining board are to be held on ' trial recently. TrraM rtm,v. .,h Tcrrace-uouaj. norm wtna, Uquldatlon drlve against utilities the second Fridays of April and Oc-; ' . ' , j caused an offish tendency in most tobcr each year. Unsuccessful can-1 2. . . iW es- The day's transactions dldates will have their fees return I Haielton Clear, calm. 20 below 1 Smlthers Part Mac- p,,m cloudy, calm. . . .11. (..ummI : iiurns lake uuu, caun, zu dcjow. lmwc.l0-l; Td which made a, Dcad Point-Part cloudy. hivinffinjureu iuiWk r . ,h Canadian banking totalled 1,050,000 shares with closing ed. averages as follows: industrials,. 100.35, off .34; rails, 35.30, off .27; , j Joseph Burns Back in Pen All But Two of Ten Fugitives Whom Dillinger Led Now Are Accounted For MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana. Dec. 28: Joseph Burns, eighth of the ten prisoners who were released by the late John Dllllngcr from the Indiana State Penitentiary here on the local foreign exchange mar- houses here are becoming over- some months ago. Is back In the ket yesterday and ,tl QinajUan loided witrCsllk for which there is institution to resume serving of a dollar at $1.00 9-16. 'l ' ' '" no market. The Increased use of atural life sentence. All but two rayon and cotton in foreign coun- n the ten fugitives have either been tries wmcn nave always been neavy recaptured or are dead. Kingf ish Fears Assassination l.ouslana Senator on Ills Way From Baton Rouge to Washington Has Rig Bodyguard WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 s Sur- known to be under cbnsldera- fter closed at 5378c on the local rounded by a bodyguard owing to, Hon by the Dominion govern- ratal market yesterday, up 38c threats of assassination which arc ment and a 'decision Is cxpec- ttm Monday. Today's price was 54c! said to have been made- against ted momentarily. strength n London attributed to J him lately. Senator Huey Long ar- . ; . hwtvy sj)eculatlve buying there rived here from Baton Rouge to ,. forcing thQ.market up. attend the1 session; of .Congress.