i.'i r PSBBWBBHHBHIIHHBBHHBHHBHiBBBSSBIHHHHBBHHBlBBBHiiBlBiBB Holiday - Week Prices At the B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. STILL THE SHOPPING CENTRE For Men's, Ladies' and Boys' Apparel Silk Tics Fine pattern Black Rubber Coats fif QC now UOK, now ODi)D Hand Made Silk In plain and striped 00 p Mens Assorted Overcoat Q-J 9 S( pattern, reg. 75c, now Q7U now QJL&oj Mui's Dress Sox Fine patterns OQr dluc Melton Overcoats 19 QC now now ylOtVO Aii Wool Men's Dress Sox QQf Mcn"s Fiue Drcss Suits CI ft Cft now Ot?l $14.50 to vlO)v Heavy Silk White Scarfs Reg. $1.75 QC Boys' Long Pants c-fl 9C now . vOl per pair J?J-.3D Man's Dress Gloves Lined 1 9C Boys' Blue Lumberjacks All wool Ci QQ now v' now pl.tf J Broadcloth Shirts In white, cream 00 Qws All Wool Tweixis Reg. $3.00 04 QQ and prsy. now ?xUU now ?AtftS Stanficld's Combinations Boys' Towers Slicker Coats $2 25 2.25, 82.45, $2.75 ''h-sminihn co7Q ", "" i5 7 Ooid F1c?cp Underwear -In all sizes, buy now! M n'H Fawn Trench Coats- Ql QQ Men's Felt and Leather Slippers- RC3 $7 50. now J from $15 to tJH.jJD Phono- Rlack 321 I! MA if 1 Bottled and ruaraatred br William Grant & Soni limited CkwAddieh and Ilalvrair-GlrDlivrt Diatilleriea, Dull-town & Claagow, Scotland. .. J-ft Kg - i n,.i:i., Service A w4. - f .' .. v iy u i nmra K.H..Y..1H mtrU. l BEST SATURDAY'S mm WMOBU nsniat: x caa 1 A'ZiSBB-H B I DIAMOND T SPECIALS! BEEF Rumn Hoast Beef. lb. 15c I Rib Roast Reef, lb. ..15c Extra Specials Legs Lamb, lb s Shoulder Lamb, lb. Loin Lamb, lb Sunnybrook Butter lb. Ayrshire Roll, lb. Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. . .22c 18c 20c 25c .25c .25c Pot Roast, lb 10c Brisket Beef, lb 71c Chickens, lb. Cambridge Sausage Eggs, large fresh j doz. Next Door to Frizzell's Market Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For S1 at Vendor or direct from "Mail Order Urpl." Liquor Control Board, MI Brattj Stroct, Vancouver, B.C. 3J7RrA?SPmnnin PROCURABU i TfcU advertisement Is not published or displayed by tha Liquor Control Board or the Government of British Columbia. ( .25c .15c 95c Boston Butts, lb 18c Pioneer Bufchcrs EL 1910 3iMti3 i mi m m: u.i m utm: iuza t mm mm: : n. m. m t n im.i m Make Our Store Your Headquarters For Winter 5 Sporting Goods J Skates-C.C.M. Tube Skates & Boots S Skis All Sizes Harness, Ski Wax and Ski Poles, Steering Sleighs and Sledges GORDONS HARDWARE McBride St t'hone 311 a Scottish Dance For Visitors Is Enjoyable Affair Honcrln? Mr. and Mrs. William Cowtc of Nemlscan. Alta.. and Mr. ;md Mrs. James R. Mitchell of West Vancouver, who arc visitors In the city. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mitchell were hosts Wednesday night in the i i Flk'' Home ata delightful Scotch dancing party. About one hundred I New Non-Fiction Books Added To Redman. Local Library The following new non-flctlon books are .nouvavaUable at the Prince Rupert Public Library- "South Africa," AgaMIamllton. "Satis Over Ice." Bartlett. "All About Fish." Berridge. "Old Glamors or New Austria." Clark. "Russia Today,'' Eddy. "The Life of Our Lord." Dickens. . "The World's Stage, Obcram-j mergau," Fuller. "Christina1 of Sweden," Goldsmith. " "The Romantic East," Grcenble 'Talcs of Lonely Trails." Grey. "The Races of Man," Haddon. "The World In Modern Science." Infeld. "Artists in Music of Today." Kaufmann. "Medicine; a Voyage, of DIscov ry." Lobel. : 'Prohibiting: Poverty." Martin. "Small Boat Building." Monk. "English Journey." Priestley. "The Romance of Research. "France From Sea to Sea." Rlggs. "Feeding the Family." Rose. , Too True to be Good," Bernard ' ' ' Shaw. a . , The Heritage i of' Freedom," Shotwell. "Men, Fish and Boats," Stanford.. The Glory That Was Greece," Stobart. 'The Arches of 'the Years," Suth erland. "Lessons In Practical Electricity," Swoope. "Forty Years of Scotland Yard." Wensley. "Christianity and Communltm." Wood. 'Let's Start Over Again." Young. 'A Fortune UrShare," Young. Youne People's Party Enjoyed Miss June Armour. Mis Tckla Fulton and Rupert and Oscar Fulton.l'.ntertaln persons were nresent and a hihtv k rnf amble pvenin m.. , ,ii Jun Anpour. Miss Tckla Music was by a Scottish orchertra U L10" fa5 P?n and consisting of James L. Lcc. John"1 on ent"toncd some eighty of Brerrncr. J. B. MacKay and James 1 1C'r, n a a ??h Watt. Delicious refreshments werclancl,,4; y Wj'"?111 tot to"q"et ha" Knox served at midnight and Mr. Cowie. ! ,?f Jthe one of the truefts of honor, enter- w-hh Bally; decorated for the tained acceoubly with exhibitions , ?CCjlS,0,n c,nrIstma' "mblems of th- Sword Dance and the High- . COlors" Danc,n ,n P"rer land Fling. ! from 9 Pm- untl1 1 ajn- ,,l1tl, Char- J - , jlie Balagno's Orchestra furnlshlnr I splendid music. At midnight dellc- Mr. and Mrs, James L. Lee and lous refreshments were served with son, Forbes, sailed last, night on th.e lavish abundance. rancc Gcorjte for a holiday trip j Capt. W. P. Armour was a gcnla soum. They took their car with master of ceremonies. Mrs. Armour uicm ana wm motor from Vancou- and Mrs. W. O. Fulton were also in ver to California. attendance - i mi m i uxuimi u ii i it ant i i r ; jib i mi i i i i 3 " NEW YEAR'S CARDS We have a large stock for you to choose from. New Year and Thank You Cards. ? NEW YEAR FAVORS Balloons, Noisemakers, Serpentine," Etc. End the Old 2 - Year with a celebration 1935 DIARIES For the Office, the Homeland for Personal use. Pick - out the most suitable from our very representative b ii a imxm tm imum x smr stock. J Enjoy Some Good Books Treat yourself to a subscription to our Kintal ' a zmtm i: a sm i m i a im a t a trnxmi a j a v:a im s 5 "A THIS FILM . DIFFERENT Novel Dramatic Entertainment Offered ia "Java, lead" At Capitol Theatrr Entertainment itc -oil the, b'cattn track is promised in "Java ilrd," a drama-romance filmed itom Joseph llergeslicimcr's novel Ahlcli is being presented at the, lapitol Tlieatrc lien, this weck-.ipd, U Is a British picture and the jlory Is to bo! told In a ref resting new wny with sincerity of trcat-ncnt and nualntness of settings jihich add to 1U entertainment lualltles. "Java Head." tells a fascinating lory of old Bristol at the period of is shipping supremacy. The favor-te son of a merchant-captain sails ior China and, when nothing is heard from him, it is feared he lias een lost at sea. The placid family - reassured but shocked when the 'ravcler return, bringing with him i Chinese wife. The mutual renc-ions of the principals in the plot 'orm the basis of an intriguing tory On the whole. It Is said to be 7cry absorbing entertainment. , As the Chinese wife. Anna May Yonr Is afforded fruitful opportun-'ty for a new display of her artts--v. Her rival Is Elteabeth Allen who portrays the loveabl? Bristol irtrl " horn local folk had hoped to hail as the bride. John Loder lias the orinclpa! male role and he doea an xeellent bit of acting. Edmund Iwenn b the breezy. Impetuous nd choleric yet fatherly old "sea 'or" head of the Bristol family. The annual New Year party was ; leld yesterday at the Rotary Club, ' unchcon followed by a song and tory program in which George A'oodland. James Thompson and C. Evltt told a number qf humoroui torics and Leonard Crlpps. Bob lames and Sid Thomson contributed ihe musical numbers. There were a arge number of guests Including D. 0. Borland. C C Heaven. T N Xjp- '.ige. J. E. Morris. Frank Dlhh W n Vance. S. J. Jabour. W II Tobey and W. H. Wilson-Murray BETWEEN 1'hrUtmas and New Year we some times forjet someone who didn't i set any trrttinjk. Let us su(get these for holiday boxes ilESTCFALL PEAS- 1A per tin AUt itOYAL CITY CORN 2's 00 tall, 2 tins iOu 3LICLD PINEAPPLE orj 3 tins iiXLY IXJWDERS Cp Empress, per pkg. I 7 ALBERTA BUTTER 3 lbs. SLICED BACON per lb. B.C. EOOS Pullet ' Extras, 3 doz. LETTUCE California 3 for CELERY each 3 for SAVOY CADDAOE each SWEET POTATOES- 4 lbs HOLLY Fresh stock While they last, per lb. 70c 35c 73c 25c 10c 25c 10c '25c 40c i Candle, Nuts, FreMi Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box 575 Phone 18 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Pioprletor "A IIOMR A WAV FHOM HOME" Kates fl.to op 50 rtonms. Hot St Cold Wntet Prince Rupert, U.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 189 X1 p r a - PADS SIX rax daHjT hw Friday, December 2a. m ', ' 1 . . ' - iS!MBBB""Wl II. IIWT-WWW IWWWW - YOUlL REMEMBER 31TARS FROM PICTURES YOU'LL I II NEVER FORGET !j . itttX 'mc ' WHEN EAST A3KS MEETS WEST Cfwi ' U,t" New Year's Kve Midnight Frolic al 11:15 Fun Favor State and Screen Sh'iw Cali llrauint Admission 50c Tickets Now Selling Btata ?Bia itaca.ti: .ata;axaa:aiByBiB.B.iBtaB.:B b STAY VV LATE! JOIN THE LIVE ONES! Capitol Theatre New Year Eye la STAKTINC AT' 11:15 Fun Favors Special Stae and Screen Entertainment Rnni.H liiivu' KB1B..BB.B'B . .r.r.,F . Band in Attendance Tickets, 50c; Now selling at Theat r. tm rr a., v vmit n n Added Feature Big Cash Drawing S23.00 in Cash Prizes Given Away! B'B.ai-BayBliB:.:B;B';aiBCBaB:'BvB,B. L0 a,AyourhomQ r22flai Phone Us mm H A SATISFIED CUSTOMER ,In our co lyotill ( mftT win ii;&kp is the best ;dverliK-menl any firm can navc Wc do our best to supply you with the most suitable coal for your requirements, When in doubt play trumps. 651 - 652 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD.