ill i Friday. December 28, 1034. THE DAILY NBW8 PAGE FTVn "T.'U,..-1 want Ad Alleged Conspirator; In Montreal iSX.PETER'S T XMAS 4 I.artt -fiun'day tithoiA in 'City As FRlvBlt ipioundex' and oj 'toy Wth Annual KntertnUiiiunt sale on llejeg ir.. Cow Bay. &0PerMcis 'Present slower ad female. ir ;iir tiiW. puoivciBlue 3?. FITCH ' tor ylc IJ perfect Breed r&-. for JiQ.00. to porfeet Wfjfl&. for alue x wttcrjaj ptwrjc K&ije. iPrhic Jltfjwrt, imvMto for jmt. la. .ilQUt3WKUINO litems--WJ Jco und Avepue ffroae jtoU 4jtl- tf WOPKKff Jlouw to rent. 4 rooms, tMtliroom. bysciutut and Jar attic CUuc AO town PhonevQreen 548 or write Box 102. Hf "." ".-11 ""I KXCHANGE OU SELL WAKKY ISLAND 59 acres Lot 3102 flange ft, Coast District stil or exchange lor yancQinrcr property Win. II Allnm 822 Wen 03rd Ave Vancouver. B.C. I PERSONAL UP TO SIM EACH I'AJD 'FOR CA NADIAN COIK8 We buy all dati previous to, I WW fiend 25c. for r.omplrle 1035 Cola flulde and .Catalogue showing prices c pay for CsyiAdlan American, and foreign Cdlre. tokens. stamps, currency, etc Hub Coin Shop. 113 N. Forsythe. Sarjila. Out 5 PAINTERS PATNTXWP ana 'PaperfcsmgloB AtoUer, Phcne Eed 802. ik Tiir vi'vm. covkt or unman oounrntA ,m Tir si AntH or thk admikj?i TllATION ACT Two of the,rnany NovaScotianscttarged in the alleged rum ring conspiracy .are shown arriving in Montreal with their lawyers. Left to right. U A Ryan and L A Forsythe. K.C. counsel lor tfce ac-ousd men, polln Chlfiholm and Thomas Young. The Jour Bronfman brothers have already app? ored In court and released on bail set at over $400,000. J-.") .J.LU.,. .1. I . . ... ... .. 1 . . -.- - t- TheMarkets Retail prices current here are as follows: ESS BJJ.Fresh Extras. .OradcA Large, cartoned, doz .38 Local, new r laid,. doz. .45 ' Grade B, large, doz. 21 Grade C. doz. - 22 t. Apples Mcintosh.. fancy wrapped. iV - - & Box .: 2-50 tYellow Hewlons, fancy.wTappcd iimm r Dcnnvr tw4 oomim Dellclousjtf-ncy wrapped, 3 lbs,. 15.i fl.s without rrI unrtt. Ait pt-, JT, 7 - thw tboU4 to th Mid Bhts m Hulk. tab. .. Irrrirf rvUTtl V pT t Kutt ,rt ; ' f, board mif br 8prm, rr Bananas, lb. thT oofuon of urn wwid. ! Pomegranates, ;Htin th it UouadMT Emwror O rapes, lb, U934P. Qvimi Clirto W6(U Ind Irinct ' .. . i.'.a t-rr "Thtrr Your tU aled fr Guide to Torres The Dally News welcomes xos4pondnce -on Jive topics qMbe .dayflr wiy oher pb-jec;.of public Interest but let- te.t must be bnei ana. io v .i 'point. Th Jong'Wlnded cor-;jroepondent hts jio place In j inodern joumallsm. , r ? Every letter pitat M !gfil by U writer, not necessarily . pr publication but.M a matter of good faith and courtly. A)l unsigned documents, ko M the waste paper basket. Utters of a caustic .characW must hat .the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written n .one ilde of thu paper only. Correspondents musf voyi rpej;oilUl8 ftnd,tbelQUMC should, rw such at would to allowed In the ordinary rukf of debate. 1 ... sotiMAM a, watt, winter 'Bananas.. 5 Jbs. JL Otfltiil Admlnvftrttor. V u. IWf RtttMt. B.C. BOX - w ...... mti thi 3Tth dr NMnnf iwi. , (Fruits : ,Cranbcrrle$ - sroiov ?.Air. mtns, dot 25c to .Timfcrr ai;m (Japanese p,ranges,ibox - lliittr4lA - 11 IX! i Anoi. i nor JiJ;UaKA d; Oranges. doz30c w .Jnvnvrr. iu. 'u tt ofrlee tf ih Grapefruit. Cal sach. 5c to ... cach jsrr- Butter Fancy cartoncc. lb No 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. lard Pure, lb .Vegetables Potatoes, No. 1 Terrace. 12 lbs. Sack Sacfc Pumpkin, lb '. Onions, B. O, 7 lbs. Oarlic. Imported, per lb Cabbage, local, per. lb Cauliflower, large, B.C.. 15c to Tomatoes, hothoyse. Jb Basket ZVt lba. & Parsley, buncp Box . 2.75 carrots. 10 lbs. SplUenbsrtfsjicy -wrapped Turnips, upriver, ip " lbs. Ibi . ... - 15 Beets, bulk. 8 lbs. Box i. .. :2.5eeicry.uc.. nend . -42.7,5iwheat. Alberta 35 'liai M0 0 .40, .90 1.75 ,80 .10 .15 15 5c to . 0 Bran Middlings 25LShorts Swift? "TILLIF. THE TOILER Oft to t mitim t wr nour oi ucwto M iNUd our " rutrtiw pwUoir mT tx' tuutfld fmnt the Chlrt Wrtrr. Vlrtryi. n.O,-W OltrVt rvjrmfT. Frlnot Rupf rt. B.C. . ' w..ty X ' ' i ii i OMt. TRAINS. . ! Ftr the Kast- i (Mondays, .Wednesdays and ,Frtr, .days fV,im.Hie ! ' ! ' fiiosdnp, Thursflays and aitur-: tfryn 10:15 pjn. I t !Bi -A..- --., .-I , OaU Sfjue 0.t Chops Crushed OaU Barley Laying Mash Oyster Shell .Mr.tU Turkey, lb. ......... Fowl. No. 1. lb nonstliii! Chlckeji. lb :iam, MIeed. first jsrade ... "lam. plcnlr. first rade, lb. .. .... a; ,80 i m .25 165 Ashcrott, JO lbs; 25 Sac Southern BC 15 lbs. 200 fib 1,40 e05 (25 J35 04 (25 20 (9a - m ....-.5' ... (25 10-to W WT5ff 1MK.liMfi "r.DM. Mi..t iuilir 4 lb. 'S5 Grewi PenDerslmuorted. lb. v i30 WATT viukck. LyM. imww'. '.(' it. . . .'. Take . scniCK thai by omtt titt oi iu iiqx ..ui..i,...r. ira -pinaai. jj.u.. j ids. L'ur" tSUih'IS Jonatbons, fah;y..bulk. i lbs. 25 Hubbard Squash, lb. ovr mi a? tii tr of Notbrf m. I Box . v l.65 Lerks. bunch m ijiwitfl Miniiwriw m w cj- firlmM.Qoldcn. bulk, fancv . Eck Plant Z7ZrS:: $,S.C.i-' - - Bnum SprauU. lb. lui w wquu-Nj 10 turni ttmia 10 nnr 1.05 Lettuce. Cal, haad 8c to The parish hall of St. Petr Anglican Church. Seal Core, -was crowded to the doors lastnht with an attendance of 25(1' persons hen the annual Christmas 'Tree entertainment of the Sunday School of that church took place. Although St. Peter's fa Jhe smallest church,' in the city, it, however, coasts trie largest Sunday. School in Prln,ce Rupert. An excellent program was presented by the children after which Sania Claus arrived on the scene to distribute gifts and sweets for all, j W. B. Skinner, soiperlntendent of jthe Sunday School, condoled tie i opening proceedings a(ter which Canon W. F. Ryshbrook took lit ..... ..'ilf. - 1)80 ......... 2j0t ....... 113G 2j3l JL. Z10 . 2.75 lie? charge, presiding over the prpjgram ,00 11 1 ... .... which included a song by five boys Bob Taylor. George MeAJee. Norman Sicvert, Archie McLeqd apd Jim Taylor; Scotch dance by, Helen McDonald and Jean Smith; recita tions i7 . Hector? Macdonald, Ole Skog, 'Alice iBarbe and Dprothy Peadjy;. illustrated Japanese .action songs, by .Japanese children ;',a'Ctlpn Eong by Junior Club girls; costume songs by .Mrs. W. B. .SklnnerTs and Miss Dorothy Rushbrook's classes; dancing in costume by .Japanese girls; minstrel songs by pur ; boys including Bob. Taylor and .Jimmy Taylor; songs by Jean M;cAfeeand Dorothy Smith, and dlalosue by the fllble Class. (25 (2 .20 5oy Scouts And Girl Guides Did Good Xmas Work The seventh, annual toy. repair hpp .couductqc; by the Boy.. Scouts nd Girt puides vfinlshed up, its Christmas work" this week with dls-f pflbullop $f jcyn 100 ioys,. dolls, oojes. eu. atr,opg .a local utiles with 85 jcbUdreri. Hie (folfi . were rrnalretf ' Jind : ;lrfswy .ir plrl .Gvldg?, ,The .actl7ftes were uiidcr Jhe ilrcctlon of Scoutruasler P. jC.fMll-'er. Thanks are ,dU9 especially to .hose'rs of Toe JU .wia helped ,ih repairing the toys, etc., Q. Ji S. Grocery, Eire vChlef lonlson for coUectlng and receiving the artlcies, Ormes Limited, the jpumagemeu of the Caplto.l Theatre, kurulok'i transfer,. ao to ajl. those ,wh,o- do-,i.ted the tos. tc. and yelped the Scouts do their annual ood turn. : Bacon, side, sllcbd, best grade fork-shouldpr. lb. Pork, loin, lb. Potk, leg, lb. 3ork. dry alt, lb. ........ .. Veal, loin;, lb. .43: Celebrate Century-Old Holidays with Famed Old .Brands . .. . Times and living conditions have riiaterially changed, since . the days in which the Tule Lo rnarked the beginning of the Christmas and New Year's Holidays. This joyous season is, however, still the most important pfjeach year. The -following famous brands are suggested as important-. .adjuncts to your holiday festivities. SANDY MACDONALD rl Special LiqHeur9tiAyjp BCI Ancient OLD PARK Scotch Whisky YICKERS Finest Londan Sir Robert BURNJr:: London ury ui SEAGRAM'S $3?' Rye Whisky - Christmas Eve Dance Moose .18 Among the many Christmas Eve charge .25 functions In the city was a dance If ril 1 T7 11 Balloons and noYellles-afided to the merriment whicn kept', up "from 10 pjn. untu z:3U a.m..TIr u.,iorgan was' chairman of Uie pimmlttee in T . 0 the Moose Hall, about two hundred Try. a Daljy Keirs fjlasslfjed ad, 20 persons being in attendance at the Daily News WaiywAds atW?. Clothes Do Make a Difference ft . . ; . ' 'kr- rv'rwu , ,vi niltt AAiMv, 1 I v l .oh. -ruxe tjMI ISSJST .13oz.$l5 -: !25;o:.'$Z?5 16 o2? f 25oz.3i5 A' . .4' Thls adurtii-ement is. not published at displayed by ti Lfauortontrol Board or by the Government- of 4JrJUsb -Clurnfcla VS. affair .wrach was aost jenjoyable. KfpBtt Excellent muJcvw,uned by Carl SmilhS Orchestra, nyid jJames ; Taylor was master . .of "iwmonles. HILTS Wf L HI WAHJ I vwWt -tli- hid. OFCXjliF 1 Kjcrr-M vjaV tuxt i er-,: "tHEUE . 'I J 1 ' M-n ne-iT.kKT !ChV "El ' 5L' --x rSV Y OP THC AiUM4 .: " r AASll COMIC Com CT I COSTUME 66 TO Mr v A Test of Dress V ; v . , J, , t A-twif ifrs $iT tP. irT6 --t. iA It Lttuj J - - - -r- 1 ' : ., , r,...,. , .; . -1 -- By Westovjer I' 1