Visit Our Bargain Department A splendid group of broken lines and samples, styled for street wear and for other occasions. These are better grade shoes taken from our regular stock and priced To Clear at $1.95, $2.95, $3.45 A wonderful opportunity for those wearing the smaller sizes. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED , Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. .Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Maraging-EdltCT 98 Friday, July 27, 1934 SATISFACTORY OUTCOME The Austrian situation which caused much worry to the world seems to have improved very greatly and there is every likelihood that a strong government there may .bring order out of the political chaos of the past months which culminated in the assassination of Chancellor Dol- .f uss; Evidently the people of Austria are not yet ready for the full responsibilities of government as carried on in this, country and the change will be beneficial to thecountry; temporarily at least. It is curious that the crisis should have come just twenty years from the former crisis which precipitated the world war. A radio announcer the other night drew attention to and overturns in many countries of Europe and South America. ; Another interesting feature of the recent attempt to The Letter Box COMMENDS UNITY IDEA Editor, Daily News: In reply to a letter which appeared In your paper yesterday, signed "Citizen," we wish to commend the j idea offered in connection with the j entertainment of our visitors. It isj j essential that no overlapping takes place by the various organizations, j i We are .sure that the matter could I I be taken care of to the satisfaction I of every one. j ! We would like to point out that J the Junior Chamber .of .Commerce ' is not undertaking to entertain the ! visitors, because for on reason, Ithey have no money They are not! j looking for publicity either. They1 pledged themselves to support the fair hoard for the following .iea-; J sons: 1. The Fair Board is in debt to the , bank and other business houses. ; 2. Conditions are very favorable: for a carnival. ' 3. The fair idea should be kept alive. The Junior Chamber of Com-' .merce aim is to do the-best for the city at all times and will co-operate with any organization with that end in view. The wason we requested that other organizations refrain from any activity that may. detract from the success of the carnival was I because In the past certain organl-, zatlons held attractions which took : a number of customers from ihei fair as a result of which the, Fair' Board is financially embarrassed. The Fair Board brings talent to the city and it guarantees them money. Is it fair for other organizations to step in and take the cream? This Is the reason for our request and has nothing to do with the -entertainment of our naval visitors, las our friend, "Citizen,". assumed. Yours very truly, JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BURNABY C1RL LED PROVINCE (Continued from Page 1 ,T i 4 . WT Ji " r"r. ",U'V" Copper Clty-Edwln R. .Dobble, Oi .Jury. Among mem were ine rrencn revolution, me 367. American war 01 independence and nearly all the revolts, usk-james m. Henderson, 445. bring Austria under uerman,Nazi domination is the lllus-, tration that two can play the strong arm game. It was i in an article in this paper yes planned by means of the "Putsch" to force Austria into the j rdw dealing with tax collections NJ17 ranks AnnrW strnnrr fjiRpist. rrrnnn frnstmrrl tVioia u wa puonsr.ea purporting 10 move and brought it under another strong arm group. If; . .these had proved of something like equal strength there been would have been a terrible civil war. yuick action to counteract the ftazi move destroyed the pro-German attempt. POULTRY RAISERS Check ROUP (ftrwchUI flu) With, a Few Drops of M This advertisement GET A REAL REST And Change of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Birnic's Camp Lake Kalhljm ree, 385; Alice Flnter, 384; Mary West, 371; Helen CHsen. 368. - Queen Charlotte City John Car-mlchael, .378. Skidegate Richard E. Pailant. 444: Stewart William Cameron, -447; Shirley Young, 374; John Studdy, 360. LOCAL NEWS be percentages of "Paid" taxes In various cities. These should have unpaid" taxes. Steamship Princess Altee was in port yesterday afternoon south bound. She carried 167 tourists and others south, one of which left the essel at this port It was B. J. Thorne a round trip tourist. C. N.;R. Trains for the East Mondays, Tuesday's, Wednes days and Fridays 6 p.m From the East- Mondays and Saturdays 2:15 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:20 pjn. Epicures claim that Cocktails made with Silver I f)K?fflCj "" I Slipptf Gin r de ijKllutly lmooth. And, OK 25 0, I tfH Y GlM I it it foregone conclusion that 't?.i" "Collins" or 7377 l "Flu" with thlf fin 9in . b. art boX . l ttku&rf?'' I mote satisfactory, because thy arc better l.S'&& is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the liovernment of British Columbia'7 '' ' 1V3 It pays SAFETY PEED COMFORT SERVICE 1 t - 1 1 TURRET fine cur CIGARETTE TOBACCO KJlAKTTCLtt" at "VOCVt" CJiirtti Pimm Miss Dorothy Oosse came in on the boat .today and Is visiting with her sister. Mrs. Homer Alexander. Stores' staff Is returning today to Anyox from a two weelu' holiday in Victoria. Pieree Powell of the Oranby An interesting and instructive i Increased use of Railways Means Greater Prosperity for all. Duxiog 1933, tbe Canadian National Railway System, with its 23,730 miles of track aod 4,934 stations or depots (386 of which arc in the United States), carried 31,000.000 tons .of freight and 9,434,000 passengers. Of the freight, '3,000,000 loos coosistcd of grain. It paid 76,000 employees 493,000,000 in wages. These figures clearly demonstrate the important public service rendered by this system service which continues all the year round under all Conditions. In many cases. the CN.IL was the only agency available for its performance, and of course .much of the erice was of an indispensable nature. .fidelity of the serrice provided and its importance are sufficient reasons for .Canadians giving the C.N.R. all the patronage possible. There arc, however, other inducements, not the least of which is the fact that the welfare of railways is so lodissulubly bound up with the prosperity of the country that in using them the whole community is being helped to better times. The GN.R. ! is equipped to provide the maximum in comfort, safety and efficiency. 'You should .uie it for all transportation purposes. .The present season .of the year provides many tempting opportunities for .using CN.R. facilities. Rjtiluays froiiJe special summer arts and Mxtur lions. 'itu ihouLl inquire about them. CANADIAN NATIONAL If You Have Used Purniture TO SELL ,0et in touch. with D.Elio 3rd, Ave., opposite Moose Hall He buys and sells everything COAL! COAL! Our Famous Bdson. Alberta and HuJkJey Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. W .also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. I rhnc III HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Iicach t'MiUif, tlalMnx, lluilinlnliin, ririik', Ktvnlr Urlim, HIhm(. tiif In t.Ue oii. Knit a fully rurnUliril iirttup t nmigan Krr. For full portlculiri lr MllH. DUNN Mftiett, H.O. WiUiman, i addn -s w? - given xstcrday alter- , ijepavort li. v Nanulmo. noon at 'he luncheon of th R ' - Club by Dr Carter dlnc-u,r .if the PRICK 01 WHEAT local fisheries experimental station VANCOUVER July 27 -Wheat on the work of the biological station was quo led he today at 1V NEW ROYAL HOTEL i, Zarelll, PioprtetoT MA IIOMK AWAY FKOM HOME" Kates 11.00 ap 60 Rooms, Hot 8t Cold Was Prlncn Rupert, D O. Phone 281 P.O. Uox