PA3E rous YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Thc p;?lc26Jrvclcr Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Extra Specials , Local Fresh Eggs 3 doz;. $1.00 Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, lb. 25c t Shld Jlojistiliamb lb. 12 c Loin lloas Lamb, lb. 20c j, No. 1 Steer Beef ; Rump Roast Beef lb. 17 jc I Rib Roast Beef, lb. 17c I. P,ol .Roast Beef, lb. . .10c Brisket Beef, lb 7Jc Phone Phone jj? Quality Service N0W 0PEN I Van's Bakery Palm Coffee J"""' """" c'" 1 Shop Qu4a,?oyrB2r5ecads Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile At AH Grocs Call and, fee us labelled on Hottom Across from the Power Co., , For 'Your Protection 1 Third Avenue I Phone 190 The Rsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new management Hates $2.50 per day fapecial prices by the week Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars write to II W. ItlLEY, TERRACE, B.C. When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight St service anywhere, Eassenger akclse Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. S.) now in service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, ,,25l!l,u, M3,00 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PANTIES EVERY SUNDAY Lamb Chops, lb 22c Breast Lamb, lb 8c Shld. Roast Veal, lb. .10c Breast Veal, lb 8c Pure Lard, 3 lbs 35c Est. 1910 Pioneer Butchers COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex methodDoing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe New Discovery In Antennas A Greater signal to noise level is now possible with the 1931 aerial. This antenna is specially de signed for the new short wave receivers and will work on all wavts. Estimates given on your particular requirements. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue & Third Street "ALL-BRAN WILL ALWAYS BE A PART OF MY DIET" Delicious Cereal Corrected His Constipation If you suffer from constipation, read this fine letter: "I have been troubled for years with constipation. During this time, I have tried almost every known remedy. Then some one recommended eating Kellogg'a All-Bran, and the proper results followed immediately. "Since eating; Kellogg's All-' Bran each morning, there has been a general improvement in my health without the ill effects that I formerly experienced when taking laxatives. Hereafter, Kellogg's All-Bran will always be a part of my diet." Mr. E. G. Himes (address furnished upon request). Research shows Kellogg'a All-Bran provides "bulk" to exercise the intestines, and vitamin B to aid elimination. All-Bran also supplies iron for the blood. The "bulk- in All-Bran Is much like that in leafy vegetables. Isnt this "cereal way" safer than risking patent medicines T Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient to relieve ordinary constipation. With each meal, in serious cases. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Be sure to ask for Kellogg's All-Bran. It contains much more needed "milk" than part-bran products. In the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Grand Opening OF'WonderBar" Capitol Tonight Tonight's the night of the grand opening of the First National mammoth musical and dramatic spectacle. "Wonder Bar," to be hown in this city at the Capitol Theatre.' The picture Is based on the in ternationally famous play that was the sensation of Europe a few years ago when It played before king and commoner in Continenla. capitals. Again it was a sensation .on the American stage with Aldolsjip in the stellar role. '' -r There are three hundred beautiful chorus girls picked from 0.000 applicants who dance and slng clad in diaphanous gowns for th'e'glgan-tic spectacles created, and staged by "Busby Berkeley. the"viizard of rousi ,eosempieBerKeie2i who alsp'staged the numbers -for "42nd. Street." "Footlight Parade" and 'JGold Diggers of 1933," is said to havt surpassed even the gigantic spectacles In these pictures by the cance of his new conceptions. The limitations of the stage have been overcome on the screen which permits a production of great magnitude. Captain Barney Johnson, formerly skipper of thc steamer Prince Rupert and now engaged in the tugboat business In Vancouver, arrived in the city this morning on business. He will be returning on the same boat. S ELVIG'S PECIALS Sugar 62c 10 lbs Nabob Coffee 42c per lb Pineapple Sliced 25c 2 tins Nabob Greengage Plums 15c per tin Salt Plain or Iodized 11c per carton Victoria Cross Tea 42c per lb Milk All brands $1.15 per doz. tins Brisket of Beef per lb 6c j Corned Beef 5c1 per lb Pot Roast of Beef 25c 3 lbs Hamberger Steak 25c 3 lbs Round Steak 35c 2 lbs Sirloin Steak 45c' 2 lbs. Phunc 765 303 3rd. Ave.1 TEE OAZLT RKWB M7 July CANADA AT WAR 20 YEAItS AGO ("Continued from pane one) veritable maelstrom which had had its Immediate source in ihe Sera-Jevo murders were drawn Germany, France, Russia, Oreat Britain and. within a few days, Belgium. Europe became afflicted with a delirium of war fever. Feverishly pleading to all concerned that they halt their preparations for war, Sir Edward Orey, British foreign secretary, sought in vain to effect a conference of the prospective combatants. Counsels of peace went unheeded. The smouldering hatreds and Jealousies which, had been but indifferently concealed for generations past flared out. Thc match cast Into the European powder magazine a month previously had done IU work. The volcano outburst which had its culmination on August 4 could not be controlled. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Rev. W. R. Welch. Terrace; Miss E. Weloh. R.N.. H. S. R. 8tewart Calgary; F. M. Dockertll, Telkwa; Mr. am) Mrs. D. S. Bates- Vancouver, B.C.; D. W. Webster. Victoria Dr. D. N. Leary and family. An-yox; Sergt. F. J. Culverhouse Ha-zelton; R ear-Admiral A. W. Johnson and seventeen officers of thr U. S. Flying Squadron. Central B. Brown, A. Ryan, H. Atkinsor. city. Knox T. Anderson. Vancouver; D. W Stewerlck. city; O. Winther. Ju neau; Frank McDonald, city W. R. Lindsay, assistant general manager of the Oranby Consolidated, arrived on the steamer Prince Rupert today bound for An- yox. Miss Eileen Patmore has received the appointment to the receiving class of the Anyox Public School She had been teaching for several years past at Terrace. HOW TO KEEP COOL 'Taian'en'frveKing glasiioT pleasant,-'biting Ahdreits "Liver Silt when you borin to feel tbe beat At once you will feel cooler and youH stay cooler. Andrews not only quenches thirst, but coot your blortd. Taken occasionally :tay twice each week Andrews wiD keep you fit by purifyinr your system and insuring regular and compute elimination. At all druggists. In tins, J 5c and 60c. New, .lane bottle. 75 Sole Arenti: J"" A, -Wiitinn iCVc I.itL Tnmnin. jaJ Food Specials Everything For the Table, We Have it. PICNIC VARIETY Aylmer Chicken Boneless hairs, per tin Potted Meats Assorted 25c 3 tins for Pork & Beans 2's 25c 3 tins for Sardines Selected quality 10c per tin S.weet Mixed Biscuits-Fresh 49c Stock, 2 lbs Alberta Fresh Eggs 45c 2 dozen Bacon Machine sliced 33c per lb. Hothouse Tomatoc 25c 2 lbs Cucumbers 25c 4 for Fresh Orccn Beans 25c 3 lbs. Fresh Green Peas 15c 2 lbs New Apples 25c 4 lbs Bananas 25c 2 lbs. Lettuce 5c per head Olive Oil-Gallon tin $2.35 Pearj 35c & 45c pcr dozen . MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollar Have More tVnU" V.V.UoxblS Phunelg 317-310 Third Avenue West At Last! The Picture nf Manv Wonderi; FlincrR HrTL-.H. Drama, Girls, Song and Blazing Spectacle Upon the Screen 1HIY TOAST THI OS. SUFIIMI ICAIDO COITIZ TONIGHT AN SATURDAY Never So Manv Kay Ft unci.', m burning romance XnR!.rri""- ,se,lfUons son in Im ouiii to Heaven or. n , ?h; atlmbr ' nrw wonde- ; rf ac dannng and 1 Oc Itrtl r (f M-. Unn, quirk., iure, j-JY ehp. Ak joor Dru( . (lit, Grotrf or Central PAY Slure. MORF e vtiuon n.Y PAtJ 1V1V-XXI. to ttAMlLTOIX. vjiri FRESH 'MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Hionc G37 The CommodoVe Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge partlir. both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards free of charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner LAWN FENCE 35 Inches. To Clear -3 per foot J.11 Scroll Top Gates flQ fff Special OO.'iD i PAINT SPECIAL Commander Home Taint Ter gallons P n only Handy Cans 17c each . Brown Shingle $G.50 Slain, 4-gal. cans Kaien Hardware Phono 3 j . WOtlD IN OIAMA SONO ANO SINSATION Ot THI CINTURT WONDER OOlOtlt Oil IIO Al JOIION It AT " CAPITOL LJ Matinee Saturday, 2:30 Amusing Features In One Amusement Enterprise! and Intrigue at the sintering ringside of Wonder Bar r - p "DonJ ?uv Oopdniglrt" and Why Do I Dream Thnse Dn-ara t Mule in dynamic tolack-lace' Dei Rio and Cone - , Klbbee Herbert D'Orsav Donnelly in Lie a " of iauglu. ' 1 i. r cometJv SUMMER For i'aner I'latee. doz WaxPaner Paper Napkins, pkg. of Summer Toys band,PaIJg......,,.t , Walor Balls .' baiUiV.. 2ik' O i Glider .:..,,;, v....... ft i , , Summer Reading New Rookg in Our Rental Library "Ujvers; UHcle OnT i L.rV. Ci,v "Ybars ireMl.oflrr,, A ,Nr i ., "Chinese Orange And many others. Good reading for a month, a Rring Your Films to Us For Expert Finishinj: Film .K6daUw THE For a Real Vacation Visit Tlcll And Enjoy Fishing - Tennis - Bathing All the Comforts of Home Meals to Tempt Your Appetite Special Catering to Children Milk to Drink Whenever You Wish I Make a Foursome at Tennis and Take Advantage of bpecial Kates I or Wrlle or Wire ' MADAME RAJAUT, Sail mi Prince Charles for Tort Clements fi FLOOR COVERINGS j We are now carrying a good variety of linoleum 1 floor coverings ami Congoleum Hugs. Drop in . . ? ar tUst k..ii.k.... .1 1.a g Liu- jmufuiB iuiu ici h ing your lloui. o- in mjMi lAUOHtU IN WAINII TNI ONI AND ONIV BAR FRANCIS DICK fOWIU FEATURE AT 7 30 & 9 0 SUNDRIES Picnics t(v 5c, l'CV 75 13$ , 15c c " ': 33c 3 Mystery ' ()m-i r j a -SlnJiertirorlTtnliii Ihlli DUNES Parties of Four or More For Reservations Tlcll. (U-1 us give you a pru:e on i' CORDON'S HARDWARE SS& I