m m m W Mm Daily Service Urns left in before Ln finished the same PJT. i eveloping and vERrXll i . y&f -ra Ormes Lid. TTftf. Pioneer Druggists XU ReaaU 8U Phones II & Wc Carry n Stock of Spruce and Cedar - UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED o. ..-i In Vnnrftliver l' .S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-8.8. CAHDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT HI movies gaac OF THE TRIP make the fun last SUP a Cine-Kodak Eight Into the pocket of your car and you're ready to capture the week-end's fun in movk-s you'll he proud to show. Expensive? Not a bit. Movies dl smige news-reel length coit less than 10c a scene to make, and it's all so simple. Jutt aim the camera and press the button. Stop here and sec this Cine-Kodak Eight. Saturda Specials hone PLmlfrff 62 IfciflflGuHyi' ill I" imw'I Phone 63 Fresh Killed Lamb Selected Veal HOILDIIUS TRIMMED J5C KIIP KOAST JC lib" ciiois 20c snoiiuirj; J5C U lb. lb. SMAST 70. BHCAST Wc 1 UC l. , lb. Ibv MINCED IIEEfI Jib. I1UISKKT 2 lb. .S"? lb. SrTDS JOC ?C ! I. SPUDS 35c Ml. M UDS 35c lor for ot HKKK ffTffT! HAHY HKKK ror koast 2c JfofilfiB fkesii pokk "! rruiiT TENDERLOIN 25c U 1 1 WWW FOWL ,CK1N iach 75c 3 Hw. 65c cach 60c When in Need of Lumber and Shingles IMione 618 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. W..wi. ..... . J. .... . - i.amrt and NaM M i uuuii to tort eimpooD. Alice Arm, - llm ln. Leave lUivce impart Sunday, B PJ. . p,,..u further Information regarding all sailings and tickets av- ntlNM HDPEKT AOENCVI Third Arno. rnqne P"" ' LOCAL NEWS . I 1 Mr. and Mrs. BUmford and family returned today on the Prince ' Rupert after holidaying in Victoria. we pay a premium on goid coins IS and riM nin ttli jViait uratV. es etc phone Black 314. ,B. C. Clothiers Limited. tf. YOUR -LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake op your.Liver Bile No Calomel needed Wswii yo SmI Una, dqrul, our cm Ux ftl rV: ItAl'a MT Mf Lica in t poun&f I 4au poautetfl liquid UWUto row Unxli. ttuMiu a4 Utimiiri Mag aluaat up (uui teramuUusc tsl Urajrt uia Mot Umn Ut mJu. ed. nfaunl Ur. UtaOta Ur ar riawL4 guia. er Jeubo, doa'l go lu aouaa. Vm m1 a kr MunitUai. CWWt LitU lim film m It bmL im. HU. fanijr mo-bU fcn. k iur Uim b immt kMum ftiliim 'Ji. ! U dtiMMi 41 H R H1U and family arrived home this morning. Mr. Hill Is in the employ of the C. N. R. at the dock. A conducted liarwkJk tour of 49 persons arrived on the Prince Ru pert this morn int. Tbey were m charge of O. C. Bailey. -m At a tea held at the borne of Mrs J Fred Ritchie. Fourth Avenue yesterday Afternoon, ln aid of the Catholic Church, the following were raffled and won: A large box of candy 6rated by mm h F Olasser won by mesws. Connelly and Royer with Ucket ,No 9 Tea cioth won DV Mrs. u jO. Stewart with Ucket So. 94. I NOTICE-" I I will not be responsible for any drbts inrurred by anyone other han myself. D. DISHER. PacUlc, B.C. Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concerts $25 00 Dances Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetlnes Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate. $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. timiuu u.i: x-nii There will be offered tor rale br ih. nrrire of tbe DMrle Porcoter at Prince Kpen. d. . (ITttil day of wxm on the entenh . . Mi T irru X. 17110 Ml uafed at Powrlrco Bay. Lyell Wnd. Q, CJ to cut 3.780 MBM of 8pruc. Oed ... lllork Prn4Vri anfOM UtiaDl to attend the Auction In person, may . ,. . i.f tnsur tn be otxtied tjr hour of Auowon aria wwro Two year wUl be allowed lor remo Paniculara of CbX PorewUrr. Mc-tucla. Dlatrlct Formter. PruK Kupert. I or Bwer J B. Boufct. ixt-puri.. - I 111 II II ! NATION TOURS I IBIWWl.-'"----" . . uiivl. Sen TfnUtca of Ua Aogl. ty but. with Hopoff r4 neiolk (rtf. tvuirrtataSariaaac 30W UwaTitp)aUaAaa 40w riiM. mihm il vou with WoW rortr. Oitojo, br I (Sm bua Bound (Hp horn Voaoouw. I liX5(looodfc 60 dar ftMWVottori. tlcktti. Inbmatwn ba. PACIFIC) IUS TEHMTNAl VONCOOVDl S. C OH USE TtQS COUTON Donnr. STflGtS. VftNCOUVTA a C PImm xnd in d.tallt ol yout ocotton W-Noma "'" i AJJim " Oiy or Town. THE DAILY WXWB PROTECTED BY . St T 4" Xroduttot- m m unndertUI THE CANADA STARCH 4 X. We are still buying old cold,' s jaladdrejjinqjj COMPANY LIMITED Hulier't. utt Jt J U You con rent a Car at WAlke'-1 A ias low u si a day plus 7c. a mile. ! tf J. T. Coyle, vice-president (Of the Carnation Milk Company, arrived jn tlM? city this morning. Want Ads for sale MODERN House, close balance easy. Hart. In. piano, cabinet radio, dining-room suite, carpet. Apply Mrs. OBrten. 308 Filth Ave. West. Pnone a 403. "I FOR SALE Crown Grant timber land. Location Lakelse Valley, near Terraee B.C. For information write to Marcb'.e B. Boyn-ton Box 187, Juneau Alaska. 187 FOUND FOUND In front of Post Office Masonic lapel Emblem. Owner have same by applying to Citv Police and paying for u;is ad vertisement. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S lYansfer. Phone 177 Birch, Jackplne. Cedar. ti HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! rituter Curl: Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8H0PPE PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng MoUer, Phone Red 802. UM ACT Notlre ol Inlenthm to apply to urrhfe iJind nnrt I And Recordist niatrlct of Rn(te four Ooaat DUtrltt, od attuate aoout me uutrm mouih of the Klmtre River on the Kt fork. ... . . . n rr ivcunatlon mtr.e VI , mtvv.. iv .. ' operator. Intend to ppiy ior pi mUMkin to purchase the following de p:iuru in.,-. n,mtwwr n at a con djsum-m mk foot distance from the wltneA post on I the Weat aide of tot ITS, thence VVert-trly 60 chains: thence Southerly ) n 1 aA Vi at I ri tnence taaieriy wv IChSMlf. thence Northerly 20 ehfUna and con- FREDERICK K. 31UEU.T DuUl lh day of May, 13. j NOTHi: t vn DmmniY ACT Ke: Certificate of Title No. ! Lot ICKM. Mild conuun hi im mare or Im. It 1433, aald to con- tln 318 acre, more or lean. iua iv 1434 Mid to contain u acrns niorr . iu. in b, n.n.. A. Cuvt Dlatrlct. M.irirorAn wnnr lena of the ahore Certificate of Title iaaued In the name of Ernes llellfach snd Alonio McDonald ha been fUed U thU attic, notice i. i.ki- ttn that I aliall. at the ex piration ol one monui iru ... .. n . n. ntl In w rrtifi(-t. unleaa In the meanUme valid objecUon be made to me In wrltlnf. .A. DATED at the uina fj viu !--. Prince Rupert. B.C., ttUa S3rd day of juiy, ' A.u. iwjt. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy RKUtrsr of Tltle MINERAL ACT fCKTIt ICATE or lMI'KOVEMENTS NOTICE . Rlvrt TncUortel JlloerU Claim, alt-iiiatc In the AUln Utnlng DlTUlon of Located oo left book of tb TulM- 1 quAh Rlrr. $200 1 TAKE NOTICE UaU H. McS. ltM i acUng m AcDt f or Taku Illncs Compan j FURNITURE for sale at 616 6th load. tnnd. eo dr from ireof. , Avenue near Fulton. " Snmoat of imwowoxnu for tt FOR SALE Garage building 0x40. me above auim. on Third Avenue West. Tow re-; , "m-. moved. Apply Mitchell & Currie. Urfore the l-wuaace ol such OertlcU Dated VOX u QT in Apru. ion. H. McN. rrvwr. Aeta TDIHEU MALE X-I7I09 Trxrr will be offered for rale by Pub-yp Auction At the office of tte Distnet Ftxeaur t Prlooe JRiapert. B. C. t Auguat. 1934. the Uoenoe X-17IDO 'alt-,j t vm! 1 ..latuf O C. J tn rut 2.. 077 UBM of Spruce. Cedar and Hero- ilccx. rroTioea aaywie iuuok w v ..w. . K - Aii-Un iwraii m.T auh mi. - aaaloH LnilM1 tt K nThPV-d at toe Dour oa aiktuou ajau vravcv cw vu bid. Two years wlU be allowed for removal of ttua Umber Parilr-.iliira nf C!.Jef Forester Vic toria, District rbrenter Prince Rupert, or Rang" J. B. Scott Lockeport. Q.CX St SHOCK ABSORBERS Wliea your car hits a hump, a rut or a stone, it's the tires that must take the first shock. To absorb and lessen these jolts every Gutta Percha Tire has seven built-in "Shock absorbers" pad9 of live gum rubber which take the punishment, saving the fabric, giving easier riding and greatly lengthening the life of the tire at no extra cost.to you. GUTTA PEROIA & RUBBER, LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: Toronto, Canada Biaache Iron Cout to Coaat Gutta PerckTires For Sale By 5. E. Parker Ltd. - Phone 83 Ford Dealers Third Ave. East Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made or. the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Forced to Unload! As wc are greatly overstocked in Ladies White Kid, Calf and Canvas Shoes in Pumps, Ties and Oxfords in Leather and Rubber Soles, we are offering to the public of Prince Rupert the greatest reduction of prices on these shoes to clear them. MAN Y LECKIES' MAKE IN THIS LOT READ ON Ladies' Shoes Ladles' Black and White Canvas 1-Strap Slippers, leather soles. Regular $250 Sl.49 v To clear Ladles' White Kid Pumps and Straps and Ties, latest styles. to co or; as dear Ladies' Scheko Sandals ln White, and Drown, Cuban heel, Regular S2.45 To clear la tm i " i5 rB 'm St Compare Our BUY IW I Runnings Men's Shoes Shoes I Prices Child's Sizes, 4 to iwi Misses,' 1 lto 2 . . Youth's, 11 to 13 HiYvs.' 1 tn . . . Ladies,' .3 to 8... J Men's, 6 to 11 . . . " Men's Black and White Sports U Otfords, Reg. $5.p0 To clear S2.95 u Men's Fawn and Brown Dress . .69c 5 Oxfords-Re8- 00 V S2.95 ii89css To dear ..85c 2- . . 95c " Men's Black Oxfords, latest toss, ..79c3..qo jj295 . . 99c v ,r cicar - We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE m 5 i e H ti 3 5 3 v3 "a 14 f1 If .i i. Sk -t v If"