re venue of the C N R for the first ix months of thU year increased n m om over the similar period "f last year. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm. M. Alyansh Clear, calm. G6. Anyox -Foggy. calm. 58. Btewart Clear, calm. 58. Huelton Clear, calm. 70. Smllhers Cleas, calm, hot Bums Lake Clear, calm. warm. TEMPERATURE 111(111 WHANOELL, July 27: The tern pnaturc here reached the unusual height yesterday of 92 degree in the shade. Baseball Scores National League Cincinnati 12, Boston 5. Pittsburg 3-3. PhlK'tlclphli 0-5. St Louis 7-3. New Yolk 2-0. Chicago 3, Brooklyn 0, American lra(iic New York 3, St. Louis 1. Washington 0, Chicago 0. Boston 11, Detroit 2. HALIBUT SAM. American 10,000 pounds. Excel, 18,000, 5,5c and 4c, Cold Storage. Canadian 41,500 pounds. Murguike, 7,500, 5c. Atlln. VIENNA, July 27: The situation in some sections of Austria approached anarchy today, the country being LONDON. July 27 The well known Derby winning race horse. Windsor Lad. was told yetrday Tor half a mUlton dollars. This Is mid to be the highest price ever paid for a horse In England. The iwner. Agha Khan, made the stimulation In the sale that the horse could not be removed from England. RESULT OF ELECTION! TIDAL WAVE ON Conservative Retain English Seat; Rut I-nt Huge Number of Haiclton Marie L. Jansc. Prince Rupert i Borden Street). Alma H. Dybhavn. 529; Ethel Cousins. 493: Mary H. Orme, 483: Al bert N. O'Neill, 477; Lorraine M. ja-bour, 451. Booth School-Helr.n P. Valentin M: Alan J. Kcrgln, 499; Beryl M. Birch. 490; Ocraldlne M. Cade.', 495; Ocorgo J. Brown, 475: Gertrude L. Oarllck. 410; Alice F. Gomez. 360; Oeorglna Umb, 3C0. Oceanic CanneryNancy a. na-katanl, 399. Annunciation - Margaret E. Smith, 449; Emllc Blaln, 415; Tcr-rence M. Fortune, 363. Terrace Freda Hall, 533; John Drslardlns. 470: Amy Little. 470; Oorrion Little. 463; Elsie Hipp, 422; Kalen, 15.000, 5.7c and 5c. Atlln. en. 417; Kenneth Atree. J. It. fc,000 5c and 4,7 c. f"-'ZZW. Mi t-Alcve, 10.000 5c and 4 5c Cold f",,,' r btorugc. I CouMiiuwl on Pug Twx dollars, LIBERAL racked with warfare and battles for guerilla pitched thei(lcU, deieRaUon but the whole po- possession of towns and railway lines, border skirmishes and hunger riots. The chief trouble was in Styria but the government claims the disorders have been crushed there with heavy casualties Inflicted on indsor Lad Is Sold For Half A Million Dollars the NazU. Bitter fighting Is continuing in Cortnthla. The unofficial death list Is placed at four hundred with thousands Injured. I The appointment of Vice-Chan-' minister to Austria was made by Chancellor Hitler, not because he liked von Papen but It was felt by . him that the appointment might have a' rrsUstirlrig Influence In Austria. The vice-chancellor is a staunch Catholic and that fact had some Influence in the choice. The funeral took place today of Chanc&Iar;pcdluss;,the body being borne through the . crowded but silent streets to St. Stephens' Cathedral... i TEXAS COAST Voles Over 19J1 , Hurricane Brought Destruction LONDON. July 27: -The Conser vntlvo retained Rushcllffe. Not tlnghamshtre. In the by-clectlon today when R. Asheton defeated the Labor and Liberal candidates but the Conservative vote was a thousand leas than the combined opposition, in contrast to the absolute majority of 22.000 In the general election In 1931. Burnaby Girl Led Province In Hiirh School Entrance and Helen Valentine Prince Rupert's Highest VICTORIA, July 27:-Hetty Morton of Hurnaby led the whole province in the High School Entrance examinations with the exceptionally high mark of 55b out , o( a possib e Pi(W) Ifnlmi V inn of Hooth School led the l'rince uu- Part of State But Rains Beneficial to July 27: A terrible hurricane swept up from the Oulf of Mexico through part of Texas carrying death and destruction. At the same time a huge tidal wave swept the Oulf shore causing floods In the low lying towns and villages and strew ing the coast with wreckage. While the rain which accompan led the hurricane has benefitted part of the country the destruction will mean the loss of millions of ELECTED PRINCE ALBERT. July 27:-D. A. Hall, Liberal, was elected yesterday as the first member of the new con- tY. Pnllnu-inir is the nass list: istltucncy of Athabasca In Saskat- 'MU E. Thomas. 442. chewan Time is Short For getting the most benefit from the price of . $1.50 for - - the Daily News From Now Until Christmas Manv have alrcdy subscribed. Every day sees a number taklna advantage of the special offer. The best time to do It Is now! p ulatlon of the Islands had quit work in order to turn out and Join in the celebraUon. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mm High 2:53 mm. 22.1 it. prince Rupert Clear, calm, barometer, 15:35 pjn. 2U ft. 3050; temperature, 70; Low 9:22 a-m. 1.0 ft. sea smooth. 21:45 pjn. 3.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER J Vol. XXIV. No. 174. t r rvrni' r t TTrr Trri T n I'nmAV tttt v ot nin BERLIN. July 27: Chancellor Hitler announced last evening that he had decided to send Vice-Chancellor von Papen to Vienna to in- hls arrival here yesterday. It was vestlgate the conditions under the first time a -president of the United States had visited the Islands and every effort was made to show appreciation. The president was met by Gover nor Joseph Polndexter and an of which Chancellor Dolfuss was assassinated with a view to dispelling the charges made that Germany was Implicated. The vice-chancellor is to be minister to Austria. SILVER PRICE NEW YCRK. July was quoted here today ounce. Cold Storage Plant at Claxton Destroyed by Fire This Morning Kilt Riff l anrtPrV I nPrP IS Intact stated this momlng that they were & j .making a leisurely night goto ifrom port to port as far north as Vi j. A Iat.H t.i Tclanric TVitr riV Following a series of wild rumors received in the city iect was to study nyins conditions this morning a wireless messaged ram Tom W.allacerpupern th north and. particularly-in ntem ent for this district of the a. C. backers, states that uSKa- v cameo m the cold storage plant at Claxton has been burned td the pround but that the cannery is intact. It is presumed too that the dwellings have been saved. Mr. Wallace was at Sunnysldei- .... ... when word of the fire reached him and he at once left by launch to take part In the preventaUve work. The cold storage plant, built of wood, was in use at the time and contained considerable salmon. It was used by Edmunds & Walker for handling their fish as well as by the B. C. Packers. Saving the cannery was a great thing as It Is working to capacity handling the big run of fish on the Skeena River Just now. Steamer Cardena, which happened to be In the river at the ame time stood by to lend aid. She used her hoie with good effect nc Is given the credit of havln; saved the cannery. The fire started I it 10:45. Ten lines of hose were! used. Ihe employees of the can- nery worked hard to prevent the! spread of the conflagration, DEFENDING METROPOLIS Nearly 100 Airplanes Actively Engaged in Manoeuvres Around London LONDON, July 27: (CP) Con cerned largely with problems of home defence, with London Itself supposed to be the main centre of attack, nearly 400 army airplanes ate engaged In mimic air war In the annual exercises of the Royal i Air Force. I Organization of ground defence' Is receiving special attention. Large j numbers of searchlights and sound locating Instruments are employed, i and the network of observers to trwl east, south and southeast of the metropolis nre being thoroughly tested. As In previous years, the exercises nre restricted to the hours between the early evening and early morning. Much of the flying Is being done In darkness, FIRK NEAR PASADENA PASADENA. Julv 27: A forest fire swept part of the Anneles National Forest near here last evening destroying much timber and Injuring the watershed. Today's Stocks (Courtti.j 8 O. Jo!coo Oo.) Toronto Central Patricia, .85. Chibouyamau, .10 d. Lee Gold, .09 Vj. Oranada, 36. Inter. Nickel, 23.40. Macassa, 2.45. Noranda, 38.00. Sherrltt Gordon, .70. , Sisco, 2.40. Thompson Cadillac .47. Ventures, 79. ' Lake Maron, .09. Teck Hughes, 6.25. Sudbury Basin. 1.40. Columarlo, .21. Smelter Gold. Jl. Can. Malartlc, .64. Little Long Lac 6.20. Astoria Rouyn, .11. Maple Leaf, .34. Pickle Crow, 1.38. Long Lac Lagoon, .26. Manitoba & Eastern. .31. Vancouver Alexandria, .04. Bayvlew, .OHj. B. C. Nickel, .68. Big Missouri, .33. Bralorne, 1535. Bridge River Con.. .14. B. R. X.. 1.02. Butte I. X. L.. .13 (ask). Cariboo Quartz, 1.25. Dunwell, .14. Georgia River, .01. ' Golconda, .35. Hercules, .04s,4. Indian, .03 (ask). ' Mlnto, .19. Meridian. .11. v Morning Star. .13. Native Son. .OUi. National Sliver. .03. Noble Five. . 0634. . Pend Oreille. .57. Porter Idaho. .081-.. Premier, 152. " ;' s Reeves McDonald, .13. Reward, .05. Reno, .89. Silver Crest. .02. Salmon Gold. .12. Taylor Bridge, .41. Wayside. .07. Wnverly Taiuler, .01 United Empire. .14. Dentonla, .45V. aaauion 10 me otiicers. an ossi-tant pilot and radio expert. While in the air their radio Instruments were operated by the airplane en glne and as soon as they landed a tittle motor was set up so that they were asaln all set for radio broadcasting and receiving. The planes will be back in Princ Rupert August 21 and will spend four days in the port. They will be in Vancouver August 25, if all goes well. Notified by the Dally News yesterday a great many people were watching for the planes and they arrived within a few minutes after the hour stated. Nine came up the harbor and the other three a few minutes later from the direction of Metlakatla. They? landed at Seal Cove. At once PRICE: FIVE CENTS AMRCHtWWEWWfMATODAY RUPERT RECEIVES IMPROMPTU VISIT FROM US. AIRPLANES Austria Still In State of Anarchy As Result of Nazi Rebellion But Rebels Crushed in State 0 Styria LOCAL GIRL WINS MEDAL Mitt Helen Philip Valentine of Roolh School to be Itrrlplent Of lllfh Honors VICTORIA. July 27. -Ml Helen Philip Valentine of Prince Rupert iron the Governor Oenerals bronie rm-cUl In dial rtct ten for having received the highest mark In the district in the rceent high school en trance examination. W ValtnUne Is the daughter of U? snd Mrs. E N Valentine of 615 rmi Avenue East, her father being an nglneer at the local dry dock. Railway Revenue Greatly Increased MONTREAL. July Th n1 Hitler Fighting Still (Joins on in Corinthia Hunger Riots And Border Skirmishes Add to Troubles of Country Von I'apen Appointed as Reassuring Gesture RECEPTION WAS HEARTY All Hawaiian Islanders Quit Work To Celebrate Arrival of President Roosevelt . HONOLULU. July 27: It was a truly tremendous reception that President Roosevelt was given on YONPAPEN APPOINTED Vice-Chaneellor Sent to Vienna to Investigate Murder of Dolfuss Twelve American Planes Arrived Last Evening to Spend Night in Rupert Fog in Grenville Channel Influenced the Flyers to Remain In This Port Instead of Proceeding to Ketchikan Twelve large planes carrying Rear Admiral A. V. Johnson and in direct command of Lieut. Commander J. M. Shoemaker landed here last evening just after seven o'clock. They were bound for Ketchikan but a thick bank "t 'J"" was encountered in Grenville Channel, evidently a 4 ,c. an aijQut twenty miles in extent, and three advance planes tner Flteht Commander Shoe- 'maker immediately wirelessed the J other planes to turn Into Prince ; Rupert and land. His three plane .then turned back and met the others in Prince Rupert harbor. Flteht Commander Shoemaker rather deep for sood anchorage and the tides strong and they were a little crowded In Seal Cove. Officers this mcmlng stated they had no Intention of leaving until the weather was clear. Their first report from Ketchikan was that conditions were undesir able. In all there are In the party 62 people. The complete list of officers follows:, ,. ., . r Rear,AflmiraIArW;'Johnsonr- Squadron Commander . M. Shoemaker. Lieut. Commander Henderson. Lieut. J. Perry. Lieut Com. J. J. White. Lieut. Com. H. T. Stanley. Lieut C. J. Cotsworth. Lieut. Com. R. Irvine. Lieut. O. N. Perkins. Lieut. G. L. Huff. Lieut. B. Studley. Lieut. W. T. Rassieur. Lieut. J. E. Baker. , Lieut. C. H. Duerfeldt. Lieut F. O. Bridget Lieut. J. E. Detyehs. Warrant Officer Alexander. Warrant Officer E. E. Reber. Water Supply Of London Restricted they got In touch with the Armour! . Salvage Company and arranged! LONDON. July 27: Owing to the for the launch June to stand by i drought the water supply of the city the planes all night In case of is being restricted. Irrigation is need and a watch was set of two practically prohibited and housemen on each plane. The Flight holders are allowed to use only five Commander said the water was Inches of water In their baths. I. Canada at War Twenty Years Ago (Written for the Canadian Press by Captain W. W. Murray, M.C.) (Copyrisht, 1931) The Great War began 20 years i factory, the two countries should ago tomorrow with Austria-Hungary's Declaration of War on Serbia. Five days previously the Dual Monarchy had delivered to the Serbian government an ultimatum submit the matter to the Interna-lonal tribunal at The Hague. On July 26 Austria-Hungary began the mobilization of the army, with troop movements towards the couched In provocative language) Serbian frontier. (and demands of iihumlllat-i The complexities of the Inter-.ln character on Us Balkan neigh-; national situation In the last week OCT oi juiy im were Darning, inio a With the murder of the Austrian ! (Continued on Page Four) Ihelr apparent, the Archduke Franz I Ferdinand, at Serajevo on June 23. as a pretext. Austria had requested from Serbia a public expression oi I regret, the removal of a number of , .. high ranking officers In the Ser-j f 'btan army, and a virtual occupation by Austrian "representatives" of Serbia with a view to suppressing! activities In that country, subver- NEW DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS Patrlrk Philip Resigned Position to Take Up Private Work Dixon Appointed (slve of the territorial Integrity of VICTORIA, July 27: Tatrie'. the Monarchy. Philip, deputy minister of. public SerbU expressed willingness to works, has resigned, according to concede all points except the last, announcement by the minister, to Her reoly. delivered on June 25, take up private work. Arthur Dixon her position and suggested! of Cranbrook succeeds to the posl-that If this response was uusatls- j Hon.