&ff A . MEN Do Your Dogs Bark at Night? tj If so ... . you are needing y- property nuca snoes . . 1 "HARTT" SHOES Will jjiv jrou cotnfoK you should have . . . and couKl They f it . . . and the fact they are made by "Ham" is your guarantee of Quality . . . moderately priced too. Every pair oHl leather, made to our otii rigid retirements, FULL COMBINATION LASTS TO SUIT KYKRY FOOT The Family Shoe Store TSvtri Arr km UMtra THE DAILY NEWS. riUNtX KITEKV RRITtSH COLUMBIA s.r. ictus SCRSCXtmOX RATES Cfty irvr y ail t csr XTiity prrsM joi 3& &nart tr5t?s. c sssti p tee . . imsa. utrfi. jt Ststtua Atrmi: xi CfcrsiU'brat TtSefA Xtw-Vr t A3 Jirs t Cn&ttMim BGNKFTT BY NEIGHBOR'S LOSS its its SANTA'S GREETING TO . KITEUrS MQX4TEK Th Wtewtas mss$f ,tim ihe IMie iMimrci i !he Cutty Ns oftfc twdjr -Cre W -Pttfte Rpt; "Sstty to br yew prowJ sacb ftcp eft yww eitalM- ixm fcsa chret wp! Chmtm 4- it easte$ tl It ti eJua frosa twites fMfd. wili brevj a cs rar xtA a itt$jrr borsfs tw4 Uu; jvhj 3 V ftr ifce horse Urf to U srieausa mho kt Use Use dttffrrnoe berec n hw -H-$xkcss C5t5m d bUMttf shut. Cbfttw" SANTA CtACS. REPORT ON FARM PLAN CM fUM Gt OJTfcUK t AW smU1 tra fat If testes! tottee Jot tt jrcvitex-Jil $?ttrscM. A frtfifcn. C X R wde&ititfcR if? t rter Gs? lTie tfcsre ftrSiJj Jaw ar: 3ia :te is iat ttivr tg SiCHbK iT3S )d tbM IfaP iwlL M ass es j u 0&Ma eviSeMiy bfe1tur ike ar oc tfce r eiv k a krw sewea f tfee Vakei Smiles ubit ir" St avc ie-4 laffted ffo4.Tra ToMhe TKt aesti a s i aesN T -vit b?e Wthv ii 0ere ibetjadr frE 4 fee i daa n i. rimii tkat rove asMaK rf law 4t z&or SHir QYN LOGS DIRECT CSJtTlr'SiSS iWtteUMatW i w a.v v. v. . , . , &rttA tifce IMeatt mi Frife Ipt Mde ikix mr s bp r ?wi twjy. kt Nhwr sax utn "r'g n is aw M1?c3 TWww Asskmmk 53e n fe saweafts aan4 f aatiaeV ai fotm; a3iTy a OtjV tth mhv; wai ftta eJUKs rf k. WHAT FKUmXXM MStJX TYiaij;TIom saysc 'ealr :j4tsa ldb-ale ke 3s ywjfe yawa la yra Ite awwavr? at al iats$ mtaei ax 5 mMm4 ttm&ftMa anat 25flW YHwinJU;awy snap io&& eK uku '&tkr M Mm W Mr. Asuimr Sau cidaiB iW -ti Hr a a I'aaVi s. iuil aa awnl wafcfrrtiias i SModna la Aa w Y-siuy ; In Umm. ldUr teSec iJiiir uijt ti Ki3iL strii aSs 3&ow. rsrmjfts? T5y wft Tywifej , Venose sasj3nmh 3l Wht xvoj w ssp "WHa wit at, vtm tint: s&tijtL aVaar atrvai( a;-:-:' TbeyBecoae Yog at jwarif u tikat ice 3ag?r jtn are bi- Oar 4t7&ii TNtm tifitt snow tvxs& ntf. , Greater Freedom from COLDS v4rs alBTlY I J i aaTLl asasaia rat ycer StsSt ax Y5da Rxa for Sttttt Ctni ci Ccii. la esna-sfre disittl ttso, tii Pla hxi hefyei ks irdxr ymdj tbe fcr JtcrjeiFt tsi drtm c4 crAis! 1x3 deoab c tlx Fits cacx ia IKiTKATLA sat 1 a H u xnaMMf ah vst mtt 5 sme sa i 9 m .acrcn& mutena. nuaui X&i 3ttvaaC ftnrrftfit SR; 'nun an iter uuiuutuaaent T c A, -'jaawaBtff Js ahr "OlRpr a m& !h5 irttac zifti ifjumuijj ijC ca tBntRS. tm 3tea3v' irtttn grratfual tt Urt Sate:. "to ate a4 5?iifcBs tc ahi" jii"- Annette, Week-End Specia : if G Friday & Saturday, December 7 & 8 BEDROOM SLIPPERS m m All sires with Cuban he!s J moc&ssfa kecj, feather trim- l rned. fur trimmed, plain j leathers k til $kade$s fallkss i die. Special 3 I i per pair, $1.09 I DANSETTESIn heavy flat crepes, .tins, etc. Special Rayon Pantee Sets & Rayoa , Gown; Special ALL FELT HATS To dear FABRIC GLOVES-Iii al new 5hade: Special ELASTIC GIRDLES-Siw SV YORK, vet si Annette Ladies' Wear C ttt ameer nt I THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LE5 Feoerai Block, Third Areiiue KM- Poond Steriini: and Canadian Dollar t The BsV I i ! rarr'Tx:x,Tr:-: 1 as aw mm MM imHtih mu-, a g at sue ; It Juit a T!il mnmi Ottawa Tn iz rv. , I iMaaSv caMa . ..T Tf B U.:rtT'' : Qrn toLwe, Soaa m fla. "r-fi" Tmosan sw- . nt .1 zsmw ni m- . .1111 I TO ' &!mclm-9mfm - - - rrff ; Srfe; JST Van's Rabrv S W J , I iKawtfaa'wT m smb. ax ammi. ...... A i r l I r law Mitir t caataBi Bn J, i RaafaV. ; waeiwiOK. f ai aaat mm aaa-imi f TzZIZ7iZZJ I aVfaOsB 2 for 15c I ? rctkc at t W f 111 1 IferSc ! I amnii.it: TaryaaaiJaBtwWwafcj Hg aswi w I aa - lca Mt f 'fl -rr- rrl I p-arL ? Toy Deuarl a L a v?-t Ti i imiMi iim r I ate xi tarTt r I -r , . J LvZ!ljrlv94 fBni Sr af aa . eJBy ' e r ! i ire Meat aadi Tim a a a- - jc I tuaa naarak tAttt X-'- LB' 1 aiK " i lw 11 I I i WK"fCiii"Miimniin. atsgr Aii'tin;i gra'gtwmwTiwt'trTin jwiniiK l.li'wiit! R O Y A 3 A 3rs,i3Bat:. C A K A & A i CHECK Y TUKEv'G I PkxieBhe