m M ; ''if?. mm it'' 1) , ' 4 'V ifiss Audrey Bell, on Ravioli, dumber 3 and Miss V Dalton White n Faithful fighting for the lead In the historic Newmarket Town Plate at Newmarket England The race was won by Miss 'Bell. BADMINTON ' ISPLAYED Prince Rupert Leading "A" League . And C. X. R. A. "B League Following wre scores jnade In the-"Prince Rupert Badminton League last t-vcniraz: "A" League No. 1 Rupert. 12; di he was paid $8500 N. R. A.. 9; SKeena.'5j No. 2 Rupert, I 0. -r : B" Iaple C. N. Tl. A, 9 --' j pert. 7; Skeena. 4. Leirue Stindinr Skeena Rupert Rif- League standings'to-'dale. 'are as iouows: toA" Leagtre No. 1 Rupert C. N. R. A. Skeena JLi No', Rupert ...r.i':..' C. N. 7L . "Bt League, .2-22 .18 .10 , v a 21 16 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Bee. C Grotto Vs. . if. r. a.; Warriors vs. High School; Annette vs. Orotto: Scv-thlans v. HioVi ' ' ' ' School . ft'pec.-i0-Grotto vs.'MooseuGJ'Qttot Vs; High School: Warriors vs. Le-' gion; Scythla'ns vs. Scouts. . 'JCX Dec. 1S Moose vs. C. N.R, A.; Legion vs. High School; High School Vs. Annette's: Bcoiils ftigh Stehool. . : New Furniture Spring "King of Rest" Bedstead . . sie.to Mattress, 54 rbs-.lropbltt:il RarKe.rn'ey-bxfora . 63tbi riSIM Electric Washing Machine Laundreyette Sf9.ao Brick Itned Heater $8.00 Klecl 'Reeds Accordion .. $9.fe D.ELIO Furniture Exchange - DIZZY DEAN SIGNS . -LTTOE SALARY OF SrSOO PER YEAR ST. LOUIS, Dec. 6: CP 4 Jerome "liirr" TVjiti star pitcher for the world cham- V jMoh St Louis Cardinals, yes- terday rigned a new contract lor $20,000 annually, -last year BADMINTON SCHEDULE Dec. 12-JC. N. R. A. vs. No. 1 Ru- beri: Skeena irs. No. 2 Rmxrt- Ko l.upeft vs. C.N. R. A.: No. 2 Rupert vs.-Skeena. . "Dec. 19 C. N. R. A. vs. No. 2 Ru- pert; 'Skeena vs. No. 1 Rupert; No. l jRupert vs. Skeena; No. 2 "Rupert vs. C. N. R. A. ' Dec. 2S C. N. R. A. vs. Skeena: Skeena vs. C. N. R. A No. l nnnrt IjsiNo 2 Rupc"ft; Jo.'2 Rupert v No. 1 Rupert. "Tl" League Dec. 12 c. N. R. A. vs. Rupert: Skeena irs. C. N. k A.; Rupert vs Skeena. SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE Dec. e-Swttts vs. C. N. R. A.; Canadian Legion vs. Grotto: Muske teers vs. Ramblers. ( . -Dec. Ii Musketeers vs. Swift i Ramblers vs. Orotto; C N. R. A. vs. ; Canadian Legion. I - SCHEDULE orwmsT December 7 I o n p i- nt in. Ldj'tftrt; Canaclian Legion Vs. Sons ;of Norway. 1 L, E. Moody and pE. MoOdy who fhsvc been on -a 'trio to Vancouver t'fh connection with mine litication vnved mthe city from the southi on the Prince Oeorge yesterday and proceeded by last evening's train on their return to Usk. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER InowcpalyouU is 4lto best advertisc- J")d tlwhodi. ment any firm can liave. That will mak ... . your hbm e do vjurl)es1t6 supply complete ou Wlt" lhe most stiit- T'as auic luiii iur jour requirements. Wltcn in doabt play trumnv. H6nga)li51 - 6S2 ; grge Dante L7.. D vr ror oovs rano is EnjoyaWeak- An enjoyable bridge (party ahdi dance was hew Tuesday night 4y the Parents' Association ot thrJ Prince Rupert Boys Banc In tlel Eaxles' Hall. There were eighteen -tables1 otl cards and the prize-winners Vefe-ladies' first. Mrs. Wiiliate Shemtan ijr-. second. Mrs. A. J. PhQlftfi; ; men's first, Louis "Richardsori: secdnd Mrs. -L. J. iiL -A. After ratds. re'freslinients yrt'rfl sen ea ana oanang rouowec with music by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orch estra. Richard Ijintr tn.'Ltfi tit ceremonies for the evening and the committee m charife .conilstetl Of t.lr. Lons. tr anil Vr t Bond. Mrs. W. "W. t?. O-Neih. -MbJ J. Judge. Mrs. .James Browni and Mrs. V. S. Houston. As th affair nrwnwi nnder the leadership of 'Bandmas- ler nuueri ureeniieia, piayed lei fCtiOTU OtllsW th hfiTl ?: . Something in excess of $32 wail I --H . . . . ireaiizea I or oxna lunfls. . Tonight's train due from "the "East at 10:15. was reported tfilf morning to oe on time. BILLIARD Empress. SCHEDULE December 6 Canadian 'Legion vs. i VUU M&.i Legion. December 13 Empress 4. grotto. December 1 Elks vs.' impress, December 20 Canadiif? ; Legton vs. uroiur. '.In 1 LOCAL flEWS - -I Father Oulllet left on last eve-' nmg's train for Prince George following a visit to the city. RaTOond Aur iol. C. N. R. wa tch -roan -at Kwinltsa. left on last evening's train ldr "Halifax Vhere he the steamer Westemland lora visit to his native home near Cannes, France. He expects to be away for two or three months.. Mrs. Auriol and family are already in the old Country. The Dally News can be "pur- 4 , chased at 4 Post Office News Btartd, S23 J Granville 8t Vancouver. fil Kar! AndeVion. (Prtnce' Oeorge. B.C. I R. W. RHey, Terrac. B.O. 1 Oerieral Store, Anyox, A 8mlthers Drug Store. Smith-, Try a Dally News Uva of the English royal Veddlng Bofhlhthe iriommg and in the t evening 'the "re?epitrin was clear, f - - - I "IT Mountain View Lodtfe df the ; fcefefeihX ts ifnramefne t social ere-1 ;forlhe benefit dt toe locaVpoor. Ad-rritssfcm Viil. be. cHirtea either In eiih 6Vin grocerlM, TefHlrfe rdd It TIrst tnhv last 'week It vas ioft arid slushy and rain quickly Totlottett up "Vlfh the! result itdt the grass'lawn were still green and there were still flow-j cdupTe 'ol weeks of beautiful jnildi weather preceded the snow. Mrs. Vred 'Nash has' returned In ', hr'TiHA fin til!e Arrr4i ahr-i spetidlirs fee stlhilrler at ausseit ' She wis accompanied by Mr. Nash who was away a C6npie of weeks. 'Wih 'Robinson Is In charjre-of the federal Voters' list enurheMtlon . which Is being tfheeked ub in the! Terrace library. 3- 'Couture paid a Ttslt to 'town n ; 'Jfew aays ago irora the gold diggings i at Douglas Creek. -He reports all Vtfiri at the creek. Rev. Fatlir sored a whist drive at the -Catholic i recto rr. It wak a nleaxant rninir : IP. Bpinkle. Vancouver. Rklph Par sons 'and R. 1L tJ. Bdhheycastle. WlnnTpeg: W. 'O. Crisp. Xitwanga. 'Savy "Frank iHugmunn, kumeleon Inlet; X. D'Stewart; Lewfc island; Mrs. P Murray, flyrf Point: M. H Mlswttt'; fiCAreriion.lvarfKirkerud arolji Palmer, dty. Central Mr. and" "Mr J. Baldbn, F. R. Windsor, . -Yager, Mrs. R. Hansen and A. DoTiey, city; "Mrs. M. D. llolland. Port "Esslngton; 'O. Maras. Anyox. Kflftt will embark December 14 oardftad 6. Mrs. H Plclceflng. "Buckley n ers. BO. J F. Smith. Terrace; Jenkins. L.' Rtws.l and .W iHahsen. cltv: G. 'Miirdock, oMverterback and.ted Anderson, queeji 'Charlotte Jilands: A. k. Strange, Jasper Park; Mr. J HarUiK WIlAnsenj O. Ander-jn and A. N. Malrry. city: T. M. Parks. Toronto; R, 6. Nallor. Ke-lowna; Carl Davtes. Seattle. -Louis E. Walters, "yancouver; btmnar Strombvg. Pltf'Oeorgei E. M? Clark, OuelphOrrl. - Fpr Christmas Local View Hnd -'Colored .Chrtstmav Cords and Photo-giaphlc Calendars, sunsets, Cdlored' views of Prince, Rupert Primed and Unearned, VfeWk '4t tf Sfranate Sea :wfiee Nw on Sale - L! . Wralhalls- ciaislfik sUikad. 1 - . tag rotm - IS Nm.T !l ... ...... I V Mf w i rv L, A w TERRACE SA Going Stronger Than Ev ;EttgJish SirI Wtfrs Historic Race ol heartej the Trbatieast 1rbm tSt-; .... . . ' I 111 t IHlt HllOULfl t TtiA. kh. tmA MM m. - I Children's Straps arid Oxford per pair Klisses Patent Straps-Sues u to 2 Muses Slsman s High Boots-Reg $3 25. iow Phonej Iltack 321 ENTERTAINS Delightful Program of Clnirth .Malic At Curat Night 1h St. Andrew's Cathedral A tieHghtfal program of church i murte was nresented last nteht a' a special guest erening of 'the 1A- dlea Musk felub In St. Andrcwif AngHcan Cathedral. The arrange- j ment of the program was 1n charge t of Mrs. "E. J Smith who -ako pre-! aided at the pipe organ for the ae-1 ccmpan Invents as wet! as contrl-, Duang tnree sokw to the prograra with that instrument The program, opening with the tinging of -O Canada" and clbs?-Ing with "God Save the Klnr" vai as follows: Ortan solo. "Largo" (Haiidel). Mrs. E J Smith. Vocal eolo. -One Sweethr Solemn Thoughl," Mrs, J. H. McLeud. voeai auei. -rake Up Thy Cross" Orant, Mrs. Robert Blance fand Miss -LHalllwen. Vocal solo. "Beside stia Waters' Hambteni. J A. Terrg. Organ solo To a WJld Rbse" . McDowell . Mrs E J. Smith. Ladles chorus. "O For the Wings of a Dove" ( Mendelssohn . Mrs. Krnest Anderson. Mrs. C "E. Cultfn, Miss HalUwell. Mrs. P C. Miner. Mrs. H. B. Rochester. Mrs. J. JJ Canon and Mrs Robert Blance Voeal olo -o Lord Correct iife. t Handel . Mrs Ernest Andewron. Vo-ai ouarteU "Crosiih trie Mrs R -D Johnston. J and s. J. Hunter. w m tfciurr iv w iw tome: nr ran iate you rtal mar SALE OPEN'S DAILY At 9 AM. E. Davcy Vocal solo. "Nearer Mr Odd tn Tree" teww Carev. J. ie. mvev Ovin solo. The llnimi A. Trl" Tiiowlte the reeltal Sirs, R. JL W-Intortv nresldent of the Ladi. MnW Hub hostess tn thm menibers of the club and those Vhrt y4 tnlrnn rvirt at )i I rCJIffsyde. Fourth AvwUe West FRESH MILK ANTD CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY I-lionc 657 COFFEE De Luxe Scned ht All Times orf 1 Day or Night Always fresh Using the Bllex methodDolnjc kway Wholly with metal taste, stale flavor Healthful and lntlgorattng. Commodore Cafe . Sl-25 S1.7S Misses' ana Children's Cla.jc Straps tnfl O.Vftrds on sale now Children's 'Rnbbtrs per pair . . . Mi&Aes Rubbers "per tahr Ladles lltwn Rubbers teg SltA; now .... Ladies Overshoes Brown and Bick -04 "Reg il'TS. now ' ladies' Pumps. Ties ik1 Oxfords-Reg. S&SQ. now ... ladies Vtei ICW Oxfords-E Widths IK'S 500. now Onwtng Cirls' Shoes Very solid low. a!! sizes 59 c 65 c 59c S1.35, S3.45 2,95 mm Blark and Brown 8ueo j. Very wmtrt now. pair Ladies' Brown and DUrc Pump and Oxfords Ladles Ptimp.vxlf. spik. , . now Ladies' Calf Oxford A! i snap Boys Solid Lather Boo'-v Hydro mtfkes Boys Solkt Lfttther Boou i to 5 . Men Solid Oxfords Reg $4.00. ttow Men's Fme Calf OxfOrds to rhoote from; From $3 n Menu Dress and Wik Boo from $3.M to Jlen's, Udirs' and Children s ad ikmts on, Mle nw Ladies Silk & Wool Stockxr AU ciior. re 75c. no '.Ve!drej.t Silk Crepe Stork::.. Reg $1 2'j now B, C. CLOTHIERS LTD Resulting in some additions to thetllff T TPTi0 hi f TO younger girls. Mr. and Mrs.Blssonette were be- ! irarru oyine iDss qi meir oany noy. Bernard, who died recently In the hospital at Prince Rupert. James Martin and Mrs. Edward Pongs. Tift daughter. 'haveTettrrned t5 Masseit after spending a few days here ith friends. Mrs. Pong is an accomplished nlantit and at a pafty'at&he home 'of Mr. and Mrs. She'rwood ihe deUghted the guests W(h selections from the classics. Mrs. Stanrev Alllls. with her little son, has-gone Jo 'Vancouver to at tend to family business. X rnrplyr. X'tli Inlet P. EHaggtns, jasper: A. Cevir. A. Dynesiu and M. Rubotina. dtv: A. pobaas, Usk; FU Sager. Vkrtdrla; N.- J. SUqln, A. SUndlow. N. Wes-terback and E. Matsbn, Atfi Inlet; II. D.'Oilpln. K.T. Jackson and T A. Kelley, Vancouver, Prince Rupert CBlgham. R,'C. llardle and D. Next Door to FrizzelTa r 16 oz. 51.73 25 oz. S16 HIRAM WALKER &. SONS UM UTABUSHCO Thh tdmtlint U not publuhed ortfiplr by t or by tb Owmment oC Brtttoh CoJumtM- 1 GOOD PIANO FOR Si Victor Electrola Radu Washing Machine Wardrobe and Bureau . ' it HYDEfRANSFER-PHONE