r ft Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides , nupcrt Part cloudy, light riy wind; barometer, 3055; ,'urc. 42; era unooth. No 283. t , May Defer 'N WU.. Dee C: Two; mm Their Choifc state that a deal has been comnleted anthonlv ratification lir dnrrttinr Them I... U.. ..t ..,.1. ..1.1,.-,. ..r 1 u : : wlin Definitely. Com mlltce Decides .!, lcmbcr 0 Thr ! t . 'i-r of th League o: u : ji-o yesterday that thr it r the Saar would not tot b kmw definitely in thi ? bo rvW next month ti"r they wlhd to b -n-.iiy or France or oon ( !n )nl. iinoer man ' ' i t.cat uf of Nation j : uv another pebtrtrj , th. M tt l thai r of the Siar U Oeftnaj. r r -rr n mnrmtfclaa. many .1 -h lb'fdwltr-iirmt td Kewlv Annotated Judge Succumbs Vwlfrr Lcwi Me In .MhIImiii. Jut Two Wee a After hlng Named la Ik nth by the shareholders of both companies remains to be given i t: -fit.- ii : c . I i : r 01 inc rremier uum am ut'ion v amalgamation titMtiiva v vasv- a aiava j wt mining iaaiajE vu. v-w .i t f at t. T"v; ii. . r the mie ' B. B. C. Silver becomes effective. Directors of the Pre-Lr Co. in Vancouver and officials of the B. C. Silver. SIXTY-SIX EXECUTED "Helen of Terror" Continue In Soviet Republic follow Ins Kiroff Aavklnallon MOSCOW. Dee. : (CP While millions of llusilan desirous of pajrinV final mnecK were filing pat the bier f Sergei .Mlrono-tlrh Klrolf. secretary of the cen-Iral committee of the Communist party and one of the power behind the Soviet government, who was avuwlnaled on Saturday, a virtual "reign of terror- conlln-urd In the country. During (he dav lty-U person were exe- euted by firing squads after nil eon. . ' viction en charjen of "prcpaiinc terrorist plots atainsl high Soviet offiriah." The esecullons look .. Kx at,nir.iri ! nlirr after lummirr trials at ci Suprrm" Cturt bench.) Unlnrad and Moscow. L- i died here yesterday j A slate funeral was today ac- ;r ia corded Kiroff. Farmers of Interior Have Had Excellent Season Especially In Sale of Timothy Hay Seed TV farmers of the Bulkley and Nechaco Valleys have '1 one of the best seasons in history, according to several nt arrivals in Prince Rupert. While the outstanding tlm nlo nf tiinnthv seed 'iif:h has been Hold in a cash market and has brought the i towers pretty nearly $200,000, other crops have also done . Turnips Ml I.JLIS and H1IE1 ii potatoes imiira and. U1IU. in !' .. 'V . I ... . . I a . 1. 1 . ..nn nn f'jot M crops n .. I. have n .... L.i been ex- Ar. ' in quality and quantity. Jl11 r ps have been good and enough hay to carry over Ttv;jj 1 McMeeklil. who Is the for the shippers of the "port that the amount NEWSPAPER PEER DIES Itlddrll, PublMier of News ""'id, l'ascH Away in Itndon At Arc of SUty.NInc ALTONHEA'nl. " Knir.. Dec. ot proaucc nanaira vi twice as great as last. This includes nil kinds of farm produce Including dressed meats. In addition to what Jhowcver, state that they are unabk ! to confirm the reports. ! Under the proposed, new deal, a j new company would be formed and Premier would handle B. C. Sllve lores from :he mine through th Premier mill. i For years Premier .has held a 385 ' Interest In B. C Silver, which ad-I Joins It. and minmg men state that. I It the dcal,actually goes through. It will give a tremcrldous Impetus to the Portland Canal area. ! While officials, refuse to confirm ; the amalgamation report. It Is generally believed negotiations have reached a point where an agreement wlifbe signed at an early date. ! is handled by. the association many growers have shipped direct to local merchants and this Is said to be of greater volume and of better quality than In former seasons. j Mr. McMeekln says that much more meat could be handled If they had a small refrigerator plant for iiiiiino tin. meat on Its arrival here. , 'As It Is. the carcasses have to be; I irt immediately on arrival and this cannot always be done. A Rrcat I Jugo-Slavia f V Driving Out Hungarians . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1934 Jilgh 1:41 am. 10.4 ft. 13:15 psa. 23.0 ft. Loir 1:20 w B2 it. 20:10 pjn. 1.6 ft. rfUV.L FIVE CENT FREMHR-B.C SILVER MERGER IS NEAR BENNETT MAKES GOVERNMENT POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT Tremendous Impetus Will Be Given Portland Canal Mining It Important Deal Completed RULING ON SAAR MADE Only Ratification of Shareholders of Two Companies Is Needed to Effect Important Amalgamation Agreement Expected Soon VAVmiTVPT? Tin. (X- tf.V Pnfaiafnnf Mim-c Vioff many lambs have been hanaica. two ' shipments having been received '.within the past few days. They arc jot excellent quality and have been ' in great demand, i iriHftlv. the movement lnau- gUrntcd last year ior iwu Lara Hiddell. noted English ,rn, , narthcrn fanners and 1ti)!U)ci- iiuhiuiirf niitiin?" mul .,.,r hn been eminently suc- "nnUiroPm. who built hH name cessful. Prince Rupert is growing In favor n. a marKc o fortune from irom. a a London Lonnon Sunday ounony ' tndilv wsuntw.1. DnIWn ..- ..- xr. xr. , , h, h, urnr1,i urnr1,i Aucc Auce and and the the producers producers are are nr sieaa sieaa uy ij -vivuno w' Ul '""""V ,.i.-iH,,nnt Romeof the " yesterday at the ago of 8 xty- incrcasm ni - lots. Hie yean. shipments have been In carload BELGRADE, Dec G: ("CP i The trovernment of Jugo-Slavia, it was nnnnnnred tndav. has decided to expel all of 4 JUUU rtungarians now living in Jugo-Slavia. The decree follows the recent official pronouncement that Hungary was responsible for the assassination in Marseilles of King Alexander of Jugo-Slavia. Lord Ashirf has trcn granted a divorce from Lady Ashley, former Sylvia Hawkes. actress. In a London court. Douglas Fairbanks. fe.,t,r.4 nf Mnrv pirktnrd. was named co-respondent and was or dered to pay costs of faction. Sir Meniman presided. Costs are is- i. i - J .a. IA AAA - Stevens Offers to Lead Crusade To Clear Up Abuses in Economic j Life of Canada; ' Outlines Plans i MONTREAL, Dec 6: (CP) The people of Canada yes-erday stood challenged by Hon. H. H. Stevens, former minister of trade and commerce, to "come with me in a drive for practical action" to clear up abuses and maladjustments in the country's economic life. Not as one seeking leadership of a party but as one determined to arouse thoroughly Canadian public REVENUE IS AHEAD I OTTAWA, Dec. : tCPt Cana , dlan customs and excise- revenue for the first eight months of the j present fiscal year showed a net i increase or $22,000,000 as compared jwlth a similar period a year ago. Jim Skinner, Prince Rupert Man, Missing in Graham Island Woods; Search is Unavailing MASSETT, Dec. 6: (Special to Daily News)-Finding no trace of Jim Skinner, well known Prince Rupert' man, who was lost in the woods at 3:30 Sunday afternoon last while hunting on Graham Island, a search party, led by Provincial Constable Thomas D. Brunton of Massett and T. Penny, also of Prince Rupert, returned to Massett yesterday aboard the packer Option. Respite a close search for two. days, not a single trace was found. Skinner went into the woods near the old Langara Island village in Parry Pass, leaving Penny in charge of the boat, About an hour later Penny heard two shots and, after five minutes, heard two more. Skinner failed to return and, after hunting for him all day, Penny wired from A. J. Peve's cabin to Mas-sett for hell). A party of ten arrived the next morning tjut their search was unavailing. opinion so that every government in the country would be forced to Im prove farming conditions and work for prosperity, the, former minister laid down a program of concrete ' I proposals chief among which was . establishment of a permanent Customs a,ul J LxciSetollet.oS i-,'the For, CQm. Canada This ear Up S2S.000,- w,m admmistra. 000 OVCr 1933 . ,4ft,4 rirtwKIo Tn. VI Ul iiiVitu wsafca. , vestigatlon Act and enforcement of Criminal Code provisions against false advertising which he characterized as "one of the most perni cious influences In modern busi ness." In the case of short-weighting, Mr. Stevens said he would placard a store as follows: "This store closed for three days for short-weighting the public." Trunk Murder In Los Angeles about three days. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec. 6 W- la i yi I titirimtf ot Lommission j I To Be o Heeded; Ready to Make Pact With States I (Important Statement From Prime Minister at Brockville , Last Night in Regard to Two Questions Of ! Much Public Interest BROCKVILLE, Ont., Dec. 6: (CP) An important i statement as to government policy in connection withiwd matters of outstanding public interest today was macjo' here last night by Premier R. B. Bennett. The Prime Minister gave assurance that the Dominion government would take such action as it was competent to take in regard to mim -. TTTTT ""3 1U1U.U5 vil lilt uia- uuj"' NOT MUCH HOPE NOW I Worst Is Feared For Capt. Charles L'lm and Companions On Pacific Flight ' HONOLLLU, Dec. Hope for the safety Charles T. P. L'lm, 6: (CPJ of Captain Australian trans-Pacific flier, and his two companions, George Littlejohn and Jack Skil.ing. unreported since they made a forced landing in the Pacific Ocean some five hundred miles west of Hawaii on Tuesday afternoon while on a flight from Oakland to Honolulu, was practiially abandoned today .after an Intensive and continuous search by aircraft and ships carried on during the past 48 hours had failed to reveal any trace whatever of men or machine. The search is being continued but about the only hope now is 'tUat they may have been picked up by a Japanese sampan which would not be able to report the fact until it reached port or got In touch with a radio-equipped vessel. Pilot. of a dozen United States Navy seaplanes plotted courses covering over two hundred thousand square miles of adjacent waters without locating any trace of the fliers. price spreads commission and wouM willingly tonclude a trade agreement with the United States "on fair and just terms." BIG STORM IN ALASKA T) Gales,' Heavy Kains;' Thuiirter and Lightning Accompany Kecord-Breaking Warm Spell , CORDOVA, Alaska, Dec. 6 : t CP jA torrential storm brought damage I estimated at $100,000 here yesterday j as vagarlesr of weather gave south-lem and Interior Alaska more re- LUiU'Ui Clftail & mo-Hit. nvuwivi weU as heavy rain. Sweeping In from the Oulf of Alaska, a 55-mlle gale raced for j several hours here and at Seward. An unprecedented thunder and lightning storm swept over Cook Inlet Tuesday night. Mussolini Makes Tax Payment To British Treasury ! LONDON, Dec. 6: It was revealed by the British Exchequer yesterday that an Income tax payment of $1200 had been made to the British government by Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy on Interests In this country. Salvation Army Makes Its r Annual Appeal to Citizens able for the purpose, To Aid in Giving Xnias Cheer The Salvation Armv is once more making its annual ap ' peal to the citizens of Prince Rupert for money and goods- .... . . 1 i 1.. - -i i 1.1 1 r , to enable tnem to uring Lnrinmas cneer 10 muse, tess iux- unidentified Body Found Yesterday unate than others who would otherwise be unable to en-. Afternoon in California city !j0y themselves at the festive season. Particularly is the investigation J rmy seeking to bring joy to the little ones who will be ux- IpecUng Santa Claus to come to;J . ins AKnPi.Fs. Dpp. 8: Late ves-1 them as well as to their more. terday afternoon Los Angeles police wealthy schoolmates and friends, were Informed that an unidentified, prince Rupert people have sub-body had been found crammed into Scribed nobly h the past and. a trunk. The gruespme discovery , doubtless, they win do so again this was later confirmed and Invcstlga- 'year. The need is there and the work tlon is proceeding. The body Is be- juone by the Army will be restricted llcvrd to have been In the trunk oniy Dy the amount of money avail- 1 - Acknowledgement will be made of all subscriptions through this (CP) paper and money may be left at the Wheat was quoted at 81c on the Dally News or at the Salvation Army local exchange yesterday and drop- headquarters or given to any officer ped to 80iic today. ,rf the army, Battle Fleet to Visit Bay Region Major Portion of Uncle Sam's Navy Steaming From San Diego to San Francisco SAN DIEOO, Dec. 6: A nmjor portion ot the United States Navy battle fleet was last night on Us way from here to San Francisco. A visit of a eouule of weeks will 1m made by the fleet to the'hay region.