PAOE sfcr tRiiiBii.'iniB a an Exclusive to This Store The Famous Wedgewood & Company Limited Dinnerware REGAL SHOP SYou are cordially Invited to call In and-look over our "Christmas stock which Is now s complete, We still have a very good selection of cards r ommunity and 1847 Rogers Flatware Big Discounts in 26-Piecc Sets and Up IJridge tamps, Floor Lamps and Table Lamps at reduced prices The largest selection of Useful and Ornamental Grits mote of this nerve-nourishing food tlua J tula of fresh yeast. Experiments show that when thil v:unin is added to the dia antx-lites improve nerves relax Quaker Oats, in fact, a dish of. Irritibilir, JisapKa:.CcustiDitioe delicious Quale; Cts ive you is tuticued. Make this turo weeks test iutt i ome nj rre jour Umiljr Quikrr Oit reguUilr--ai)d get ibt bcocnts of the jcist' vitimin in" i niuir natural, appetizing wi j. And ftmtmtf. Q"iAc Oirj jrnlvo irradiated uitb Sunshine Viua.'o 'U". r FREE! Tht New Authority on Fctdins Children Send coupon for (rrc op ul ibis arm buvllr lerdmf children, taint diUurrrie 1 1 iw it .ntt ditfnfd i limplt inmv Wotr toTht Qatlu O.H Aidmt. I KB i 111 ' TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - 1 Radian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. f PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. . WANTED 100 Permanent Waves at $3.00 Nelson's Beauty Shop Phone 855 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office in the north Do Not Fail to Visit Our Famous Basement Store MANY UN ADVERTISED SPECIALS MAX HEIIBRONER - Diamond Specialist Fidgety? Irritable? Probably your food lacks this ncrvc-nuurishing element that Quaker Oats now gives you. EXWKrs mjt iJut modern fjooo . diets lack a vital elemcr.t which vonrisla nerves. This element, offen called die "yeisr vitamin" is found tho in Capitol Theatre Has New Screen i Lenses Also Changed and Pictures j .Win be Larger Henceforth I Manager Dave Borland of the Capitol Theatre announces the Installation of a new picture screen of the very latest type which will ensure a much clearer and brizhter picture . than' heretofore. The new screen, goes Into use for the first time tonight. In conjunction with the screen new lenses for the projection machines have abo been purchased which will give the effect of further Improvement Inasmuch as the size I of Uic picture will be larger The size of the picture projected will be increased pne foot all around which will be a decided improvement over the former "postage stamp" size of picture. Daily News Want-Ads. al-J ways bring quick results. STOP & THINK Christmas will soon be here. .Make OUr Store VOIir ihnnnln. h.-,A. Quarters. We have what vou are lobking.for and the prices are rijht. BLUE RIBBON COFFEE I s, per lb cSAIlt DA1ES Fresh 2 lbs SMYRNA FIGS Fresh 5 lbs I.B.C. SODA BISCUITS Family size, per tke. SWEET MIXED BISCUITS per lb. ner nk . i. 39c BLUE RIBBON BAKING Q4 m POWiJtR. 5-lb. tin .... 7XtXe7 PI1TED DATES Fresh 3 lbs. .. .: 35c 15c 35c 19c 27c GRANULATED 8UOAR Q4 4 1 Limit 20 lbs.: 20 lbs. Vl I ROBIN HOOD OATS China t)0 -. - " uniir-iuui J I g- per Dkz. flul I RESII NUTS JUST ARUIVKII ! WALNUTS, BRAZILS. ALMONDS. FILBERTS IQo per lb. Xe7l, MIXED NUTS No Peanuts 3 Jbs. PEANUTS Fresh & Crisp CALIFORNIA WALNUTS large, soft shell. 2 lbs. I Read, Buy and Save THS St&XLT HflffB Thursday, December I an ALL-BRAN RELIEVED HIS CONSTIPATION , Delicious Cereal Brought iftyr ' I Health to Mr. Bartholomew We- troote from his Toluntary let-, ter: "I had considerable trouble with bit stomach. Digestion was out of the question. I cot medicin which g-T me only temporary Then I Uiougbt of taking AlX-Btxtr. I started esting a cereal dishful two or three times a day. "It has been over a year now w'nee I ate that first dish of bran, but from that day to this I haie had the pleasure of enjoying the proper functioning of the digestive organ. Thanks to Atx-Bux. I still eat it regularly and like it better all the time." Lester Bartholomew (address furnished upon request). Constipation Is usually due to lack of -bulk" to exercise the intestines, and vitamin B to promotV elimination. All-Biak supplies both, aa well as iron for the blood. The "bulk" in Aix-Bkak is much like that of leafy vrrtables. Certainly this food is more natural than taking harmful patent medicines. Two Ublespoonf uls daily will usually overcome most type of constipation. With each meal in chronic cases. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Get the red-and -green package at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London. Ontario. CHURCH AT KITKATLA line New Edifice At Village Down The Coast Is In Course 'of Construction Rev. M H. Lawrence, missionary tn charge at KltkaUa for the An glican Church, is a visitor in the city for a oav or so. The nattTt of Kltkatte-has fine new church in course -of erection whkh. when -omplcted. will It Is estimated. coet upwards of Jl 5.000. There will be a pipe organ, dlesci heating and electric lighting,, .It will possibly bs next fall b-fojc It Is completed. The formal opening and dediea. tion will be a great occasion for which plans arc already being made. -- 4-- Phone 933 phone 3 De Jong's Cash and Carry Best Quality Best Value In These Week-end Grocery Specials Finest Creamery Butter-3 lbs : Boiled Cider For mince meat, per pint Quality PrunesMedium size, 2 lbs Malkln's Beit Peas it Carrots, per tin McCormick's Scotch Oatcakes, per pkg,. Scott's Eggs No. 1 A large per doz. Our Special Blend Tea- -per lb. Australian Pastry Flour per 10-lb. sack MUSSALLEM'SiTrT" ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have P. O, Bu 575 Snap Cleaning Powdcr- ' per tin : . I . n M uic uuoy eoap More CenU" 3 cakes Phone 18 SunI,ht Laundry oap ! per carton 72c 22c 25c 14c 22c 31c 39c 38c Malkln's Best PORK tl BEANS 3 tins 25c Mince Meat, Bulk 2 lbs. 9.Ro mm I W OUCjAylmcr Ooldcn Bantam tyr I Corn, per Un uDCjUbbya Baur Kraut-, . per 2'2-jb. tin t)aC;Okanagan Onions No. 7 lbs 13c 15c 25c 4c 13c 23c 18c TINY GIRL CAPTIVATES Little Shirley Temple Appearing With Gary Cooper and Carole Lombard in "Now and Forever" In "Now and Forever." width Is the feature offering for the last three days of this week at the Cap!- toi Theatre, captivating little Shirley Temple removes any possible doubt as to her charm and natural acting ability. She la team-,ed on this occasion with two popular stars In the persona of Gary Cooper and Carol Lombard. Cooper Is excellent at the sophisticated, pleasure and thrill-seeking father of shtrtey who determine to give the litUe girl Into adoption for $75,000. Carole Lombard, his companion, however, refuses to agree to this pro)osal and leaves him For Paris. Finally. Cooper finds that he cannot let the child go so he raises money by selling a fake gold mine to Sir Guy Standing and takes the child to Paris. There he promises to settle clown and go straight and his struggles against temptation to this end make the basis 0f an lntereat-ing story. .,A Sir Ouy Standing and Charlotte Granville, whoae debut it Is 6n the screen, contribute splendid supporting performances. Surprise Party j Metropole Hall (Mr. and .Mrs. L. Kantensen and .Mr. -i t. . . ... .'irs. jacn iraoon Honored At Kvcnl Last. Nijht In Iwnor of Mr. and Mrs. L Kar- stensen. who were recently married. iiu mi. una airs, jacc ivarson. whose ninth wedding anniversary tt was. a delightful surprise party was held last night In the Metro-oolc Hall. Dancing ( wns enjoyed with music by Julius Welles Or--hestra and the prescjitaUon was made to Mr. and Mrs. Karstensen it a handsome floor Jamn. Osrar Larsen made an appropriate vpeech. RefreshmenU were served. Kitimaat Indians Fined For Taking Fur Out of Time The provincial police boat P. M. 8 returned yesterday from a pa--ol trip to Kitimaat. Qame Warden l Martin was on board and at kitimaat there were five cases In hich David Shaw. Mike Shaw. 'Unify Shaw. Charles Shaw and Vlllie Walker, all Indians, were oarged with trapping during the WHEN SUE SMILES AT YOU EVEN TIIF sr SEEMS imiGHTEK! The Sweetheart of the Arc . . . And She'll he Your ,rs Too When You Sec... Today UNTIL SATURDAY NIG hV 11 N: LOOK . . . AM) " rv. jrH the tiikki: of A $ WCII OTIILIt! Y fw. i heart thief, the wVif woman whose, heart IrJj ft'cifcfW he luid stoltn and the I hraru j Aiinr.D yW Thc Spectacle Maker" 'A Tfchn!'ci(-r Klvi ty Pop The Sailor In "A Dream Walking" NLWS Showing M I J I I 1 I 1 IVi. H .Snt. close season, fines of $25. with op- After a brief vUt here to ron!-Uon of Utitty days' tmprtsonment. vrittt offk-lal of the Hulwn s n.. Jn '"l5 T.."Vch. by .Co.-s fur durtineut from W. . iuiiic c. inu-Kii w.i-. iik iinca were " . paid. niieg. w. O. Crijik, manager of ih HCUwanga post omhc company. U r . lau eyjjnj-g ifn on nls r . , .. ... . . , turn to the lo.ter.or. He haa am ,x A Daily News u ant-Ad. ved from Kitwanja yesten.j will get what you want. morning TOYLAND At McRae Bros. Scores of new and wonderful toys. Toy land stwstions for everv boy and every girl at every ajje. Prices arc lower than ever. The range and quality is bigger and belter. Select Your Gifts Now! We will be glad to hold them for yuu. Come Inl Early shoppers always get the best values. Aeroplanes, balls, boats, blocks, books, blackboards, cars, chemical sets, DOLLS, dMics, drums, dump trucks, fluff toys, wood toys, f.tecl toy. lanterns, laundry nets, MLC-CANO, mleTtrcop, mouth organs, Noah's Ark, piano, telephones, lops, TRAINS, tcxilsie toys, soldiers, sweepers, xyiopnones and hundreds more. Come and ceflhrm all H We have a large stock of decorations for home and store. Tree decorations, candles, wreaths, icicles, streamers, tinsel, bells, etc Prices plainly marked for your convenience. ni'i'i't'i'iniiii NEW MECCANO Prices for 1131 10c. 70c, SOc, $1.15, $1,50, saoo, S5.00, $8.25 and up DOLL SPECIAL 2G-Inch Dressed Dull very good looking, hently dressed A quality doll. Made in Canada. Extra Special Price Only $1.25 eMoMvs.JM V t mmmmmmmmmammmmmmMWmmwwwwmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmMW