PAOE TWO Hullo Introducing The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone 357 Exclusive Agents for Northern B.C THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert, Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PTJLLEN Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Life Memberships Are Presented At Auxiliary Session At the sessions of the Diocesan Women's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church here this week presentation was made of two life memberships one to Mrs. W. V. Tattersal by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, and the other to Mrs. George Rorie by the branch of St. Andrew's Cathedral. The service of admission was conducted by Mrs. J. B. Gibson, the president of the Diocesan Woman's Auxiliary, and the badges were pinned upon the recipients by the honorary president, Mrs. G. A. Rix. Word3 of welcome and appreciation were italrt hv Mrs ,. V ur CfnM rt t j a. wi. kjMMJip- VUii;cjlb ana Mrs. McCoskrie, the respective !arooreaI wauty are Mr. and Mrs. presidents. 'R. L. Mcintosh who have deve- Durlng the sessions of the DIo- loped a lovely landscape garden cesan Auxiliary the delegates were'at their country home at Kalum: entertained by Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury, ' some r the most beautiful effects Mrs. 3. A. Hlnton, Mrs. P, M. Ray-'are achleved by an artful dlstrlbu, ner and Mrs. J. B. Gibson. tlon ol local forest treS- such as Inspector Binnln romp wa a passenser aboard thp Prtnrp Norah passing through here on Saturday enroute to Dawson where he I Is to be stationed. Inspector Bin-! The following have been mng was at the head of a detach-' ment of of fleers . assigned for duty in the Yukon Including Corp. Kingston and Const'oble Dunlop of iiazelton and Corp. Fielder of Vanderhoof. who had arrived here from the Interior by train Friday nigr.i, ana corp. Harvey and Con stables Mascall. Bett of Vancouver who were going Refuge Bay: F. B. Collins Jap In-through from the south. Corp. ' let; O. S, Mayer, Port Clements' R Kingston was accompanied by his 1 G. McKenzle. Queen Charlotte wife and Corp. Harvey by his wife City, and George Letts Oona and family. Rlver. Crowning of MAY QUEEN Monday, 8 Everybody Welcome Folks! Mickey Mouse SHOES FOR CHILDREN These shoes feature Clayton E. Hulbut's Ventro-Arch Construction with .NEW and EXCLUSIVE features that PROMOTE HEALTH & C03IFORT. This popular priced line is selling fast. See these at Monday, June 4, 1934 SUGAR MAPLES FOR TERRACE Another Importation By George Little- Mcintosh Place Pretty TERRACE, June 4: George utile has Imported to this district a consignment of young suear maple trees. One thousand of these are being set on the hillside overlooking the Skeena bridge and the rest are being dlstrlbuteu among the local citizens. Those people who know Terrace will have admired the beautiful avenue of ornamental trees which were planted by the same public spirited citizen about twenty vears ago along Lakelse Avenue. Other Terracites - with "in. an Mil eye Cjrc to Mi ,ine Diue spruce, which, when it has plenty of room, will throw out limbs or branches that are In ; the crowded forest h.nt ap. Dointed nmvinrhi .wh. mlssloners for Prince Rupert elec toral district: Robert Blance. W Love, C. V. Evitt. C. H. Orme. John Preece. G. P. Tinker, P. K. Cam- eron and William SulIlyan,"Prince Rupert: Dr. J. C. S. Dunn, Massett; t. R. Wilson, Invernes.?; J. R, c. and Dance EXHiniTION HALL Elks' Flag Day June 4 PJNL Admission, 25c 'SPORT GROTTO IS VICTORIOUS; Win Loose flame Over C. X. K. A. ' To Consolidate Softball j Supremacy j THE DAILY NEW3 Monday, June 4, lMj Orotto consolidated Its position! In regularly scheduled Junior. M,. TJrjyf'Q Rnnlv of supremacy In the City Softball 'Footbalf League game played Frl-(" Hull 3 AXUpiJ League on Friday evening by de- da n,8ht Instead of on Saturday V fJJ P Je feating the cellar-dwelling Cana-'af,crnoon owlnK to the High School I 10 OlS ITICnUS dlan National Recreation Associa- j f,rst year P,cr!c taking place on the f tlon by a score of 7 to 5 Play Slsph "-eer at BUth- uiiu iiinr wrir uujj iuui nits 111 mc whole game. Most of the runs re- suited 'from weak infieldlng. Out- fielders on both sides made some fine catches by the ditch. Scoop Bury, for the Grotto, was the star of the game, one of his feats being the conversion of what would hav ordinarily been a sure hit Into a fine one-handed catch. Of the four hits of the eame. fdd- ly enough, it was the losers who made three off Yager. Grotto hur-; ler. Pitcher, for the C. N. R. A..;as I0lI0WS- yielding but one blngle to the to- j bacconlsts. Eleven errors werej"10" 5 1 1 23 8 11 chalked up against the C. N. R. A. and twelve against the Grotto. Ya- ger struck out one batter and al-l lowed three walks. Pitcher fanned five Groyto batsmen and walktd five. Comadina and Lamble were um pires with line-ups as follows: Grotto Rodgers 2b.. Ratchford rf.. Bury 3b., George Howe ss.. Hill cf.. Stalker If.. Gunrich c. Yager p.. Antonelll lb. C. N. R. A. Mcintosh If.. Cam eron cf.. Horton 3b.. Bill Tobey lb.. L. Astort 2b.. Styles 3b.. Pitcher p., Coverdale rf., Geddes ss. The league standing to date Is as follows: W, L. Pc,. Orotto .r- 3 0 1.000 Junior Elks 2 1 .667 Elks 2 1 .567 Moose 1 2 .333 R. C. N. V. R. 1 2 .333 C. N. R. A. .0 3 .000 CAVALCADE WINSAGAIN Winner of Kentucky Derby Also Takes $23,000 American Derby At Chicago CHICAOO. June 4: (CP) Caval cade, who won the Kentucky Derby this year, added to his laurels on Saturday by capturing the $25,000 American Derby here. Discovery was second and Singing Wood third. Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League St. Louis 13, Pittsburg 4. Philadelphia 4, New York 5. Brooklyn 6, Boston 6. Chicago 1. Cincinnati 3. American League Boston 1. Washington, 2. New York 9. Philadelphia 8, Detroit 12, Chicago 0. Cleveland 2, St. Louis 3. SUNDAY SCORES National League Philadelphia 0, New York 2, Brooklyn 5, Boston 1. Chicago 7. Cincinnati 1. St. Louis 2, Pittsburg 4. American League New York 5, Philadelphia 3. Detroit 11. Chicago 2, Cleveland 8, St. Louis 12. Boston 7. Washington 1. Kenneth McQualg, who for a number of years was a member of the staff of P. Burns Co, Ltd. here, Was In the city aboard the Princess Norah Saturday bound from Vancouver to Dawson where he has accepted an appointment with the Northern Commercial Co. Af ter leaving here Mr. McQualg was for some time with the butcher department of the Pacific Mills general store at Ocean Falls but for the past couple of years has been In Vancouver. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 'HIGH LOSES FIRST GAME;: Booth Memorial School Scores Only Goal in Exciting Junior ; Football Match b" coring the only goal of the ' match u on? 0' the most ex-f c,un and Keenly contested Junior At the birthday party held last L'3" games which has been Friday night In honor of F. W. Hart sta6l In many a day. There was noiand J. W. McKlnley, Mr Hart spoke coring un within half a minute - 01 Iuu ume Vi"en Jack Ritchie was; "Sponsible for the sole counter, w. v. u. uweiu was reieree and. handled the game with satisfaction 16 n- Tne la8ue standing to date Is w- u- r- A-p- txx)in ' ' aoracn 1 1 7 18 ' Football 'Phone Rriflcyo FnmvaJi "When an occasion like this arisfj UHUHC JLilllUYCUIhe eounti his friend and find Successful Affair Held Friday Night With Twenty Tables at Sis Homes A successful and enjoyable telephone bridge party was held Friday night by the Prince Rupert Football Association with tables at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preece. Mr. and Mrs. JackCampbell. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frew. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan. There were twenty tables in all and prize winners were: ladles' first. Mrs. Oscar Landry: consolation. Mrs. Jock McOrelsh; men's first. William Barton: consolation. Jock Campbell. After cards, delicious refreshments were served at each home. Jack Scarlett Won Barkerville Races Stewart Boy Gives flood Perfor mance At Cariboo Race Meet Jack Scarlett, born at Stewart and former dudII at Stewart Schools, carried off three firsts at the Cariboo schools race meet at Barkerville on Victoria Day the 100 yards, the broad Jump and the high Jump for boys thirteen to fifteen. Scarlett, who Is Jiut, thirteen, showed form and promise and will participate in school racel meets at the coast next year, Valhalla Whist Drive and Dance Three Hundred Persons Present at Benefit Affair Held Last Friday Night In aid of one of the members, a very successful whist drive and dance was held by Lodge Valhalla on Friday night in the Metrorole unii, about three hundred persons being In attendance. Prize-winners at cards were: ladles, first, Mrs. s. Johnson; consolation, Mrs. Husoy; men's first. A. Ivarson; consolation. D. McKay. After cards, refreshments were served and dancing followed with music by Charlie Balagnos Orchestra. uscar Larserr was master of ceremonies and, during the evening rresiaent K. Hallberg made a brief speech. O. A. Johnson presided at me aoor. The social committee of the lodge, headed by Mrs. O. A. jonnson, was In charge of the af fair. TP.ItltACi: TENNIS TOURNEY iejuiace, June 4: A tennis tournament Is in progress and is attracting quite large attendances lo me courts. MAKOAIlirr SCKIVKX AND BARON VON CKAMM WIN 1 FKENCI1 TENNIS CKOWNS PARIS, June 4: CP Mar- ' garet Scrlven of England on Saturday beat Helen Jacobs. United States champion, In the French women's tennis fl- nal while lUron Oottfrled Ton Cramin of Oermany defeated Jack Crawford or Australia ior the meji's title. 44 Eve nine as follows "My friends, you overwhelm me with your congratulations and good wishes. One goes along from day to dav not dreamin that he holds such a place In th hearts of his friends until an occasion like this arises. A birthday Is J man's new year day the day on which he takes stock of the things that he has accomplished during the5 year Just closed, when he Inventories his assets and counts his liabilities, when he realizes his mistakes ana makes new plans and resolutions for the future I them good. It is his own fault If he Hinds them otherwise. Friends are the greatest assets a man can have and tonight I realize I am rich. I value your Interest and kind regard beyond price. Your Investment In friendship may never bring you re turn in a material way but it will never bring you loss. It gives me pleasure to wish you the same success and happiness that you have Joined Jn wishing me. "Here's to the hand of friendship. "Success twice tried and true. "That smiles In the hour of triumph "And laughs at Its Joy with you, "Yet stands In the night of sorrow "Close by when the shadows fall "And never turns the picture "Of an old friend to the wall." It was Mr Hart's seventy-ninth birthday which he observed by opening up a new business here. Mrs. Munro arrived In the city on the Catala last night from Vancouver to pay a visit with ner son-in-law and daughter. Mr. ami Mrs. 0. W. Lalciler. A Little Pump Controls Your Life Stream The world's most wonderful pump Is the human heart. It pumps blood faster than a strong man can pump water from a well and this despite the fact that blood Is seven times as sticky as water and, In consequence, Is ever so much harder to pump. This marvellous piece of human machinery keeps your blood stream In constant motion. It pumps the red blood corpuscles-loaded with vital Oxygen from the lungs to your millions of body cells. After unloading the Oxygen, the red corpuscles load up with the gas poison forever being generated in the human system. The heart pumps this poison to the lungs, to be breathed out of the system. If your heart were to stop pumping, you would die In a few seconds for lack of oxygen. Now, In order to do their work effectively, your red blood corpuscles must be rich In what Is known as haemoglobin a substance having the power to absorb the oxygen and the poisonous gas. When your" haemoglobin Is below normal, your blood stream Is weak, and you feel "tlred-out," run-down and nervously-exhausted, Restore the haemoglobin to normal, and you are once more strong, energetic and vigorous, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do that very thing. This is not Just a claim: it is an established fact, recently proven at a hospital where 40 people, treated with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, each recor. ded splendid blood Improvement and, with It, renewed health and vlfcor. You will be benefitted In the same way. Try a month's treatment. 50 cents a package at your Drugiflst's. 'Individual reports on these 40 patients, certified by the hospital pathologist, art on file. AFTERNOON FOR a light, crUp lunch, eauiy to prepare ami extra dellcloua try Kellox' Grn Flair, Tliey'r rich b ncrdcy. Ami mi cany to illurwt! They help you feel rcirehel and fit for thr rent f the day. Only Krllofcg's liuve tliut marvelous llavor ami crisp-ne. They're kept ovenfrrh liy tlie wut-jtf Inntr WAXTITE luig. Mmle hy Krllof!( In IhkIoii, Ontario. FOR FLAVOR Hotel Arrivals Royal Victor Downing. Vancouver: Daniel Ooodwln. Athabasca; Kay La bo, C.NJI ; George WMtevrf. Runnytlde; E. K. Wrtaht, Surf Inlet. Prince Rupert D. Crltchley. Inrernea: Vivian j. Graham and Mrs. J. M. Oraham, Smlthers; A. J. Arland, Anyox: F. Ma rrs. Vancouver: J. B. Shaw. Victoria. Savoy Mrs. K. E. Hogan. Tyee; A. D Stewart. Lewb Island. Central J. E. O'Brien and D. II. DUtier. CN R.: J. Funnell Decker Lake. Knot D. Molver. Dig by Island: J. Mae-LeanJ. O. Lord ana II. Mowatt Prince Rupert Adrt-rtU in Uie Dully Newi Writing Pad Special Take advantage of this special offer. Everyone likes good writing paper. Huy now and save money! KLIKTON KID KIN I. SI I Extra large size 40c pad with 2 package! envelope, regular 15c pkg. 50C ?c value for - - SAILlNd HOME Ruled bond paper. letter size with 1 paciige envelopes (white or blue lined ) 35c value for Slazenger "Victory" Tennis Balls A regulation ball meeting all requirements of the average tennli player. BLAZENOLR'S Price 40c g 'or 1,00 Ue SLAEMI ERi and you'll play a better game. Come In and re the new 1931 rackets VALENTIN'S DAIRY DO YOU KNOW You can whip our table cream? Keep cream cold and add small amount of sugar while whipping. "For Real Economy" 15c half pint Our Cream Prices Are: Whipping Cream 25c Mi pint Table Cream 15c Mj pint Phone 657 Energy lor CORN & FLAKES tel LOCAL NEWS O. W. Lald-ler. local manager ot the W. 11. Malkln Co Ltd . ulted last nttht on the Catala to matt the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on business. The fire department had tvo 'colls In quick socceaslon at 11: IS and 12:30 midnight last nlgni w MrClymoflt Park. Alarm had been 0UMd by a clearing fire C. N. R. Trains for the IUt Mondays, Wednesdays and FYI days 3:30 pxa rrora the Eait Tuesdays, Thursdays ind Bitot days 10:00 pro. mm v w SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these statioim on your present set W8XK Pittsburg. WJXAL Iloundsbrook, NL VEODIt Wlnnlper. W2XAF Schenectady, N.Y. Enquire at the SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC for this Information Second Avenue ft Third 8rt