! YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from UEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Thc v!Jrcer MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Meat Safes, from $2.50 Ice Boxes $6.50 Grass Kugs, 3 feet by 6 feet, each $1.25 TLEASE NOTE SIZE AM) TKICE Fhone 775 327 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. ! ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. I Printers and Stationers Erasers Ledger Sheets Higgin's Ink Legal Seals Hotchkiss Staples Loose Leaf Books Indexes Lumber Crayons 1 Inks (Writing) Manuscript Covers Inks (Show-card) Marking Ink - Ink Wells Mimeograph Paper Lead Refills Mucilage j Loose Leaf Ledgers Notepaper Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 GARDEN HOSE High Grade Corrugated Hose, made in ft Canada, 50 feet, complete with couplings v v Nozzles, G5 cents each Just Phone 101 THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. 253 Third Avenue Phone: 101 When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone 618 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar The AUCTIONEER Picking Crating Wrapping 6 'general 'Furniture Hepaln Lilt your goodi with mc rbone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs ' Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer ;& TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight ti service anywhere, Eassenger akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, '.one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY " ' " SUNDAY For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rayi Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prlcei W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 549 Exchange Block "TILLIE THE TOILER" LIBRARY MEETING Terms of Lease on Second Avenue Building Votes of Thanks Passed Under the terms of thc lease by which the old government agent's office building on Second Avenue has been taken over for a period of five years for use in housing the public library, there will be a nominal annual payment of $1 per year. The city will be responsible for all repairs and maintenance of the building. Before the building can be occupied by the library, It will be necessary to put on a new roof and make extensive furnace repairs. Tenders for this work are now being called and it Is expected the move will be made during thc summer vacation season. The library board, at Ha meeting at the end of the week, authorized the purchase of new books with funds raised by the recent campaign as well as the making of repairs to present volumes. The board passed votes of thanks to be extended to members of the book campaign as well as to organizations which had assisted In the campaign. The library's monthly report showed that 4602 books had been j loaned during May. Eighty-seven incw books had been catalogued during thc month Including thirteen acquired In the drive. Present at the meeting were Frank Dlbb, chairman. City Commissioner W. J. Alder. Mrs. O. H. Arnold, William Crulckshank, R.; L. McLennan, R. E. Moore and Thomas B. Black, secretary. Three Boys Are Arrested After Store is Robbed As a result of Broughton and McNeil's general store at Telkwa having been broken Into three times between May 19 and 25. $1.30 in cash as well as goods, such as oranges, chocolates, cigarettes, etc. being taken, three boys of 13, 14 and 11 years of age. two being Indians, have been apprehended by thc provincial police and will come up in Juvenile court at Smlthers. divisional headquarters of the "provincial police here have been advised. Oscar Landry, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs, returned to the city at the end of the week from a trip to Hazel-ton on official business. Strawberry SPECIAL 2 Boxes Strawberries Pint Whipping Cream 35c Whipping Cream, 35c a pint Table Cream, 25c a pint Dominion Dairy Phone 636 WHftrMil. Urn THE DAILY NEWS. WHIFFLETS From thc Waterfront Fate of Katalla Still Uncertain George to .Make Ketchikan Trip Charles on Pontoons. As time passes anxiety continues to be felt as to the fate of the well known Seattle halibut boat Katalla which Is now three weeks overdue and fears are entertained that she may have been lost possibly oft thc north of Vancouver Island. Laden with a catch of fish, the vessel had left the northern banks for her home port but has mysteriously dropped out of sight. Capt. Michael Nelson, owner and skipper, was on board with a crew of five. Fisheries patrol and other vessels have been keeping a watch out for the missing vessel but, so far. there has been no clue as to what. If anything, may have happened. To get In on some of the Alaska business which Is offering In view of the tie-up of American vessels owing to the longshoremen's strike on the Pacific Coast. C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden. on her voyage north of here this week, will make a special call at Ketchikan. The vessel will feave here as usual on Wednesday afternoon but. before making her calls at Anyox and Stewart, will put In at Ketchikan, returning here Friday morning southbound Instead of Thursday night It Is understood the vessel will have a considerable number of passengers from Seattle on board for Ketchikan enroute to various Southeast ern Alaska points. Thc m. Prince George Is scheduled to arrive here at 6 o'clock Friday morning from the north and sail at 8:30 am. for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River. With two C. P. R. steamers in. the government wharf was a busy place Saturday morning. First came thc Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, bound for Skagway. with a capacity crowd of 190 passengers on board. Two disembarked from thc vessel here while four went north aboard her from this port. Then came the Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. Oray. from a special voyage to Ketchikan with 142 on board in cluding seven who disembarked here, four taking passage from here for the south aboard the vessel. The Norah sailed for the north at noon while the Adelaide got away for the south at 2 p.m. C. N. S. S. Prince Charlc. which Is undergoing a general overhaul at the local dry dock, Is now on the pontoons, having been taken out oi thc water last Prlday. How long the vessel will be up depends upon the amount of hull work It Is decided to do on her following the arrival of Inspectors from Vancouver thU Wednesday. It is understood, although no official announcement has been made, that the Prince Charles, which has been tied up here for thc past couple of years, will go Into commission for at least a time this season. What run she will go on appears at this time to be uncertain although It Is believed quite likely that she may relieve the Prince John In the Queen Charlotte Islands service. I Having been delayed a few houis :by heavy freights for points along the coast. Union steamer Catala. i Capt A. E. Dickson, arrived fn port j 10:30 last evening from the south land sailed a couple of hours later for Anyox, Stewart and other noi-thern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail at 1:30 p.m. for Vancouver and , waypolnts. Advertise m the Dally News. GREAT FILM PRESENTED "The House of Rothschild" With George Arliss at Ills Best Here One of thc most Important and talkcd-of screen productions of thc year. "The House of Rothschild," featuring the great British actor, George Arliss, Is being presented at i the Capitol Theatre here the first of this week In a special three-day I engagement opening tonight. It Is said to be the finest performance Arliss has contributed to thc screen not excepting thc memorable "Disraeli." Considered purely as motion picture entertainment. It Is a lavish and colorful drama of Napoleonic days, made more engrossing since the play Is keyed to reality, concerning Itself with the story of the famous Jewish bankers who rose to great heights of power and distinction deplte racial prejudice and persecution. Arliss plays a double role as the eider and younger Rothschild Romance Is charmingly provided by Loretta Young at Nathan Rothschild's daughter and Robert Young as the Duke of Wellington s aide Other strong members of the cast Include C. Aubrey Smith, as the blustering and cursing Duke of Wellington: Boris Karloff as Lc-drantz. and Helen Westley as mother of half thc loans In Europe " District headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised if the fining by Stlpedlarv Magistrate Wheeler of Bella Coo la In the sums of $5 and $10 of five Bella Coola Indians for drunken ness on May 21. Mrs. Minnie An- arews. for supplying, was fined $60. LOOK For MLTSSALLEM'S Ad. Daily. It will pay you! 3 pkgs. PEARL WHITE SOAP- 4 for PALMOLIVE SOAP 5 for FELS NAPTHA SOAP S for SOLVENE For your washing machine, tier pkg BLUE RIBBON TEA Mac Turns a Trick MACMt PIQUE! ze J j 3fl2he you UKB II ffi v&& w"' I wUli MAI Whi brf SAy, you cam ao, eu r i'lu haveI THAT HAT-I NEEb IT TO t0 SOME I -Triici n Kf II -l'a per lb. . ... . ROYAL CITY BEETS 2's per tin MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE delicious per 1-lb. tin .... HAN8LICK For cleaning highly recommended, try two. 2 tins B. it K. PASTRY FLOUR 10-lb. sack But 25c 15c 24c 36c 7c V.C. AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or crushed, fancy ACn quality, 2's, 2 tins iul 47c 19c Real 47c hands. 49c 43c EARLY ROSE FLOUR Q1 CQ No. 1 patent. 49-lb. sackV-l-Ut7 Out of town orders receive prompt and rarrful attention MUSSALLEM'S j Economy Store 'Where Dollar Hate More Cents" 317-319 Third Avenue West j P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 MOST 6YTBA-r CPOiHA. t IF wan .im:i Tonight Tues. & Wed. I DAI S'lOWlXQ Acclaimed by Millions Everywhere ... A firi i . In a Distinctive Picture That no One Should MisJ, GEORGE ARLISS I.V "The House of Rothschild" HE IIKOKK THE SWORD OF NAPOLEON WITH A STROKE OF HIS PEN! That a father's dying wish ... a mother's truM four broths loyalty . . . mlfht be fulfilled! LORETTA YOUNG ROBERT V01 NG VI.NCK.Vr LOPEZ AMI HIS ORCHESTRA "GOOFY .MOVIES 'TUNE CRAZY 'House of Rothschild" starts 7:.TJ and 9: 15 Panic Prevention Is as necessary and as vital to every Car Owner ! ' t who depends upon a storage battery to provide ..n u; x t con.tant source of electricity SUl'KOX AUTOMOBILE IW Ti:KI-S will positively prevent panic with thnr a u ; r capabilities. Let us glv you a demon!!rH,.-.i JAMES MARTIN .MaMftt, ll.C. P.O. IWu 77, Trlnce Rurrt, BC feKIB1B'TBV'VlBtsr!BtsUBV,'BSBSSrpr!BtriB!!B'BJl:l'l I I I BETTER VALUES! j When you buy at our store you are auurrd of bettrr titan ii gj quality mrrrhandlte We spccialitc in Itulldrrs' and Household Hardware. Roil u llouv Paint, Vaniithes and Murnro s GORDON'S HARDWARE & m I'SUBrBrB Bf Bi ItBBTBrBrBI BrSLirBCB ' I Hi THE CONSOLIDATED .M IN INK & SMK1J1XG COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TK WIs-IIKITI'll (Oi l Mlllt Mtnufuctumi of ELEPHANT lira iid (IIIIMHVkl. IIKUI.II.H Pro4ucr lUflotr of TADANAC Brand ri riTHoi.VTic NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Za relit. Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 op 50 Rooms, Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, D.C. Phone Ml P.O. Box 198 1.J- ft AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONM TRIPLE BlirtHPHOSPHAII LEAD-ZIM CADMIUM-BISMUTH The Westholme Rooms Cloe lo Vtpot And Harbor View Stole ir.j Double Rooms by Da) Wf" or Mmiih Located at 611 Second Ate. Prlnre Uuprrt -By Westover