- r n (JW Kodak Time lawk Eye $1.75 irownio Cameras, No. G20 ...$3.00 irownie Cameras, No. GIG $3.75 est Pocket Kodak $5.00 16 Kodak, Doublet lens $16.00 30 Jiffy Kodak $8.00 l .1 11 V 11 Wlf ..I.1 . . . . ........... - L 1 U ,-.! - T ) AW"" v'" 'v.." ... yii ss ... i i. c o con nn 10 JOUiin jt.vy.ww 90 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 t .id Knd.iwoDO for above $45.00 ".tt Kodak 1G m.m, with carrying case 2.5 lens $75.00 t,..u n Kodiiscone for above $76.00 . n'fis ..f ir.i.i i. t:i.. a t...vitinir - r i' s i .n r i in n. iiin i .-la-aviitu Ormes Ltd. "2iir. Pioneer Druqgiats The Knall Store rbones: II Mt Queen Charlotte Island The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Dally By PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED IM BARGAIN FARES to EASTERN CANADA Tickets on Sale Dally, June I to June 30 Inclusive return Limit ti J"M Return Fare from Frlnce Rupert , U Toronto .... - . Ottawa - ff; Montreal - -- Quebec Halifax , Tl... ,d U A I CHiUre. J mjt eed full fMrlltmUrtrtm a1 Ap CANADIAN NATIONAL Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver s- . TS8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:39 PJ1 Via Ocean rail and WeypolnU. arriving Vancouver Thursday afternoon, TS-S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AJ.L ....... Stewart and and nm -Uy AlVe Arm Anvot, sittings to'Tort Simpson. ltlver jxinuriVav. Prince Rupert BuncUy, 8 pin. w rUher Information regarding all sailings and. tickets av !..., ,.un.i Third It.UD. '""' ' nmi'B Rlirini IUI.il.il ...... . We are Bulger's. cold, You can rent a Car at Walker' as low as )1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Miss Yvonne Terrien of Watts' Qrocery staff left at the end of the week for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. H. F. Wearmouth and son. Jack, left at the end of the week for Vancouver where they will spend a vacation visiting with friends, Jack Garrett of the Government Agent's staff here returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide on Saturday from TAegraph Creek where he has been for the past few weeks on official business. Mr and Mrs. T. N. LePage have moved residence from Fifth Ave nue East at Hays Cove Circle to the house on Fourth Avenue East which has Just been vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davie. Mrs. Ernest Blue, who has been visllng here and In Juneau, sailed; passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways, returned to we city at the end of the week from a trip to Hatelton. Smithers and Burns Lake on official business. W. J. Garrett, manager of Atlln Inn. the well known Nortnern British Columbia summer resort and members of his staff were I passengers aboard the Princess North Saturday going north for the season. For being the keeper of a dis orderly house. Ruth Dollar was fined $50, with option or tnirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McCymont In city poice court at the end of the week. She paid the fine. Word recieved from Terrace at the end of the wee toia 01 an Imprevement in the condition of John McRae. formerly of this city. who has been In Ill-health for some time and who took a weak turn a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McRae will be returning to the city from Terrace on tomor row night's train. 31. Announcements St. Peter's June 9. picnic, Grassey Bay Presbyterian Tea, June 20. Anglican tea, Mrs. Rorle's June Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion, B. E. S. picnic, June 24, Dlgby Island. MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is how available on the ground floor, rental rate, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 840 or Red 412, COFFEE IS A DELIGHT If made by the Sllex method recently Installed at the Commodore Cafe No metal taste, no stale flavor. Fresh Coffee all the time Insured. Oood at any time of day or night. Perfectly harmless. Always refreshing and PAGE THREE ' THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES still buying aid Summer dresses and shorts Li large variety of materials. Demers. 129) Cut flowers, marriage bouquets, pot plants, wreaths and sprays. GLENNIES. Ex-Governor George A. Parks ol Alaska was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah on Saturday returning to Juneau after a trip to Seattle. We pay a premium for gold coins and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. (tf) Miss Phyllis Mooney It. ating room supervisor Prince Rupert General N., oper-of the Hospital, left at the end of the weeK tor a month's holiday trip to Vancouver. Conductor T. M. spencer came In on Saturday night's train from his run between Emitters and Prince George to spend the week-! end at his home here. He will' return to the interior on this afternoon's train. last night by the Catala on fceri Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Borland return to her home In Hyder. ac- and family, who arrived last week companled children. by her two young Louis Schultz, well known pio neer merchant of Atlln, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah on Saturday returning north, after a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Peter Lakie, district freight and from Nanaimo, moved at the end of the week Into the residence on Graham Avenue, Westview, of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lawrence, who are leaving the city. Mr. Justice C. D. Maeaulay territorial Judge of the Yukon and Mrs. Maeaulay were passengers aboard the Princess Norah on Saturday returning to Dawson to take up residence for the sum mer after having spent the winter In the south. Capt. Hill Barrington of the Barrlngton Transportation Co. and Mrs. Barrington were passengers aboard the Princess Norah on Sat urday bound from Seattle to WrangelL Capt. Barrington Is a well known Stlklne River boat skipper. The case of D. J. McDonald, charged under the Game Act with dealing In furs without a license. was disposed of on Saturday in city police court when a fine of $50 was imposed. McDonald pleaded guilty through his counsel X. O. Fulton. -Build B.C. Payrolls" Why Have So Many Women Written? We look the letters over with grateful wonder and In each case find that Pacific Milk has impressed the user for some special reason. You can no doubt Imagine the impression It makes upon us to read, as we so often do. that Pacific Milk has re stored an ailing baby to health when nothing else would. Pacific Milk "1M B.C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD The Children's Guest Home Sixth & Marine Drive West Vancouver, B.C. Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At AH Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 SHOES For Holidays June 34 -Smart Sport Footwear for Family up from We have a wonderful assortment of Sport Shoes to outfit the entire family COMPARE OUR PRICES FOR SALE GILLNETTING Boat for saie. Cheap for cash. Apply Seal Cove Post Office. HntisFHOLD Furniture for saie. Apply MacphalL 1609 Eighth Av enue East. FOR SALE 15 h.p. union ueisei with Shaft propeller, all com- nlete Price $950.00 cash, terms can be arranged. Harold Simon tpn Rnx ESI. tf BOAT with cabin, zo ieei long equipped with 4 h.p. Easthope en?lne. practically new. Hun 4 years old. All newly painted, In excellent condition. Can te seen by appointment. Phone 376 or Blue 449, after 6 pjn. FOR SALE Absolutely Desi casn offer takes this boat, can be transferred to Skeena River for $25, 31 ft cabin cruiser. 7 ft. 6 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian medium duty engine. Boat and engine in fine condition. Or will sell boat or engine separate. This boat is at Kalum Lake near Terrace. Call or write owner. E. Dix, Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT i FURNISHED Apartment for Rent for summer, central location, Box 208, Dally News or Phone ninp (537. ' 132 LASM ACT Nollee of Inlenllon to apply to Leue Mnd In Prlnoe Rupert Land Recording Dfctrict of Prince Rupert, DC, and situate In Qlswdreet B.vy located at the N.W. end ot Stephens Island. Range 5. Take notice that jonn i.a m ntinert. nc eecunation rwi Packer, Intends to appiy lor a . the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the 3. W. corner ot a small Island about 8 ohsins S. E. of Avery Island thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 8 chains: thence NI. 8 chains more or less to high water mark on the NJS. nit nf the island: thence S. E. direc tion 8 chains more or lews following high wtfe mark to point of commence ment. Dated AprU 18. JOHN CLAUSEN, 1934. 'THE BON" After the style of my former "THE BIG FURNITURE STORE" Receiving used furniture for sale or for storace F.W.Hart' Third Ave. WE ACCEPT Cm' SCRIP Women's White Shoes For the Holiday Smart Ties, Straps and Pumps S2.95 .. iin fmm Misses' andChildren's Snappy White T-Strap C- 4Q Sandals, Ties and T-Straps in Smart Tennis Footwear all colors in women's, misses' and children's, up from Women's, Misses' and Children's Leather Sandals In Eik, Brown and Patent, hard wearing leather soles Q1 9Q CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Bireh. Jackpine. Cedar. tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8HOPPE PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller,,, Phone Red 802. -OOVFKNMFAT LlQl'OR ACT NOTICE OF .IrTLICATION FOR A CI.I B LICENCE NOTICE la hereby given on the plratlon of this advertisement the undersigned Praser Social Club intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a eiuo licence in respect 01 iraiu situate on the east side of Klncway Hvder. B.C. UDon lands described as Lot 40, Block 8. Plan 1351, Subdivision of District Lot 4044. cassiar uismci, Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province ot British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said eluta to keen on the nremlses a erason- able quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises In accordance akth the provisions of the "Oovernmeot Liquor Act" and the re gulations promulgated tnereunaer. DATTD at Hyder, British Columbia, this 2(nh day of Uay. 1834. FRASER SOCIAL CLUB. By A. A. Franer. 4w Secretary and Manager LAND ACT Notice of Intentlea te apply lo Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. &C and sit uate tn Qlawdzeet Bay iocaxea at tne N.W. end of Stephens island. Range a rvnt District. Take notice that John Clausen ot Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupatloa Fish Packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the follow lnc described lands: Commencing ac a pout planted at the S. W. corner of a small Island about 8 chains S. E. or Avery isiana thence NJS. thence westerly, southerly and saAterly, following high watermark to point of ccanmencement, ana con' tain tag 1 acres more or less; ana in' eluding the entire ares, of the said ls land. JOHN CLAUSEN. Dated April 18. 1934. IN PROntTH IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Or MICHAEL T. OKELLT, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that b order of His Honor W.E. Fisher, the 14th day of May. AD. 1034. I wu sooolnted Administra tor of the estate of Michael T. O Kelly, who died on the 39th day ot December, A D. 1933. and all parties hav ing claim against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 31st day ot June. AX. 1934, and all parties indebted w tne esiaie are required to pay he amount of their In debtedness to me rorcnwun. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B O. Dated ta lttb day ol May. AX. 1914. 69c Men's, Women's, Children's Leather Scuffers, Panco soles, cool and comfortable, just the thing for holiday wear " 04 OQ up from TRANSFERS Headquarters for runners Our prices 35 less than anywhere in the city. We save you money. SEE OUR WINDOWS CUT RATE SHOE STORE L.M ACT Notice it InlrntliMi to apply to Purchase I .anil In Prince Rupert lnd Recording Durtrtrt of Range four Coast District, and situate about five miles Irom U mouth of the Kbutze River on the Eatt fork. Take notice that I, Fmterlck Shell T," ot Vancouver. E.C.. occupation mine , operator. Intends to apply for pennls- mission to purcnase tne rouowing Described lands: Commencing at a post planted one toot dbaunce from tne- wltnest post oc the West aide of Lot 173, taene westerly 60 cnams; tbenee Southerly M charm: tbenee Easterry wj enaans; thence Northerly 20 chains and con--talnlng 100 acres, more or less. Dated 10th day of Uay. 1934. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CER TIFICATE OF LMPHOVEMENTS Oold Cliff So. 3 Fractional Mineral Claim. field Cliff No. Mineral Claim. Margaret Mineral Culm. Cliff Fractional Mineral Claim. Situate in the Portland Canal Mining . Division. Where located on the west side ox Bear River about three miles tram Stewart. B.C. Lawful Owner Will lam Dann. Number of the holder's free miner's certincate TT720-D. TAKE NOTICE that WlUlsm Dann. Free Miners Certificate No. 7TT20-D Intends, at the end ot sixty days from tne date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a certificate of Improve ments tor the purpose ot obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claims. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that aotlon. under 3ectlon 83 of the "Mln era! Act" must be commenced: before the issuance of such certificate of Improvements. DATED this 33rd day ot March. 1934. fn A WILLIAM DANN. MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS , NOTICE River Pmottonal Mineral Claim, situate In the. Atlln Mining Division of Cassiar DistiV1 ' ' Located on left bank ot the Tulae-quah River. ' TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Fraser aetlnz as Aselt tor Taku Mines Corn- acting as Ment for Taku Mines Company Limited. Free Miner Certificate No. 73- 408d, rntend. 60 daya from date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate ox improvements iot io purpose of obtaining a Crown Qrant of the anove claim. And further take notice that action. under section 85. must be commenced before the lwuance of such CertUloate of Improvements. D&wxl this zvw aay oi Apru, H. McN. Fraser. Airent. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach Fishing:. Bathing. Badminton. Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting in the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan Riven For fun particulars apply MRS. DUNN Massett, B.C. COAL! COAL! Our Famoua Ed son, Alberta tad BulkJey Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valky. W alM Mil Timothy Hay, WhesA Oata and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rbones III -t t "WW I' iit r. t ! It 11 i si t: ii t: !l ii 8 it ii !! u u ii u it :i 21 i: u ;i il ii it ti a ... i1 BBBBSBBBBBSSBaBSSSBaaSBBBBS